Example #1
  * Returns the frontend filter widget information for the filter setting.
  * The returning array will hold the following keys:
  * * class      - The CSS classes for the widget.
  * * label      - The label text for the widget.
  * * formfield  - The parsed default widget object for this filter setting.
  * * raw        - The widget information that was used for rendering "formfield" as raw array (this means
  *                prior calling prepareForWidget()).
  * * urlparam   - The URL parameter used for this widget.
  * * options    - The filter options available to be used in selects etc. see prepareFrontendFilterOptions
  *                for details on the contained array.
  * * autosubmit - True if the frontend filter shall perform auto form submitting, false otherwise.
  * * urlvalue   - The current value selected in the filtersetting. Will use "urlvalue" from $arrWidget with
  *                fallback to the value of the url param in the filter url.
  * @param array                 $arrWidget                The widget information to use for generating.
  * @param array                 $arrFilterUrl             The filter url parameters to use.
  * @param array                 $arrJumpTo                The jumpTo page to use for URL generating - if empty, the
  *                                                        current frontend page will get used.
  * @param FrontendFilterOptions $objFrontendFilterOptions The options to use.
  * @return array
  * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.Superglobals)
  * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.CamelCaseVariableName)
 protected function prepareFrontendFilterWidget($arrWidget, $arrFilterUrl, $arrJumpTo, FrontendFilterOptions $objFrontendFilterOptions)
     $strClass = $GLOBALS['TL_FFL'][$arrWidget['inputType']];
     // No widget? no output! that's it.
     if (!$strClass) {
         return array();
     // Determine current value.
     $arrWidget['value'] = isset($arrFilterUrl[$arrWidget['eval']['urlparam']]) ? $arrFilterUrl[$arrWidget['eval']['urlparam']] : null;
     $dispatcher = $this->getEventDispatcher();
     $event = new GetAttributesFromDcaEvent($arrWidget, $arrWidget['eval']['urlparam']);
     $dispatcher->dispatch(ContaoEvents::WIDGET_GET_ATTRIBUTES_FROM_DCA, $event);
     if ($objFrontendFilterOptions->isAutoSubmit() && TL_MODE == 'FE') {
         $GLOBALS['TL_JAVASCRIPT']['metamodels'] = 'system/modules/metamodels/assets/js/metamodels.js';
     /** @var \Widget $objWidget */
     $objWidget = new $strClass($event->getResult());
     $this->validateWidget($objWidget, $arrWidget['value']);
     $strField = $objWidget->generateWithError();
     return array('class' => sprintf('mm_%s %s%s%s', $arrWidget['inputType'], $arrWidget['eval']['urlparam'], $arrWidget['value'] !== null ? ' used' : ' unused', $objFrontendFilterOptions->isAutoSubmit() ? ' submitonchange' : ''), 'label' => $objWidget->generateLabel(), 'formfield' => $strField, 'raw' => $arrWidget, 'urlparam' => $arrWidget['eval']['urlparam'], 'options' => $this->prepareFrontendFilterOptions($arrWidget, $arrFilterUrl, $arrJumpTo, $objFrontendFilterOptions->isAutoSubmit()), 'count' => isset($arrWidget['count']) ? $arrWidget['count'] : null, 'showCount' => $objFrontendFilterOptions->isShowCountValues(), 'autosubmit' => $objFrontendFilterOptions->isAutoSubmit(), 'urlvalue' => array_key_exists('urlvalue', $arrWidget) ? $arrWidget['urlvalue'] : $arrWidget['value'], 'errors' => $objWidget->hasErrors() ? $objWidget->getErrors() : array());
Example #2
  * Parse a single filter widget.
  * @param array                 $widget        The widget configuration.
  * @param FrontendFilterOptions $filterOptions The filter options to apply.
  * @return array
 protected function renderWidget($widget, $filterOptions)
     $filter = $widget;
     $templateName = $filter['raw']['eval']['template'];
     $template = new \FrontendTemplate($templateName ? $templateName : 'mm_filteritem_default');
     $template->submit = $filterOptions->isAutoSubmit();
     $filter['value'] = $template->parse();
     return $filter;