function run() { while (true) { $task = $this->nextTask(); if ($task) { \ManiaLive\Utilities\Logger::debug('Executing Command #' . $task['commandId'] . '...', true, array('Process #' . $this->parentId . '.' . $this->threadId)); $startTime = microtime(true); $result = $task['task']->run(); $timeTaken = (microtime(true) - $startTime) * 1000; $this->database->execute('UPDATE ThreadingCommands SET result=%s, timeTaken=%f WHERE commandId=%d AND parentId=%d', $this->database->quote(base64_encode(serialize($result))), $timeTaken, $task['commandId'], $this->parentId); \ManiaLive\Utilities\Logger::debug('Command #' . $task['commandId'] . ' done in ' . round($timeTaken, 3) . ' ms!', true, array('Process #' . $this->parentId . '.' . $this->threadId)); } else { sleep(1); } if (!$this->isParentRunning()) { exit; } } }
protected function updateMaps() { $config = Config::getInstance(); //Clear old maps $currentMaps = $this->connection->getMapList(-1, 0); foreach ($currentMaps as $maps) { $this->connection->removeMap($maps->fileName, true); } $this->connection->executeMulticall(); //Add new maps $newMapsDirectory = $this->getLatestMapDirectory(); $newMaps = scandir($newMapsDirectory); foreach ($newMaps as $map) { if (!in_array($map, array(".", ".."))) { $this->connection->addMap($newMapsDirectory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $map, true); } } $this->connection->executeMulticall(); \ManiaLive\Utilities\Logger::debug(sprintf('Maps updated: %s', implode(', ', $newMaps))); }
public static function printDebug($string) { if (Config::getInstance()->debug) { Logger::debug($string); } }
private function callCommand($login, $text, $commandName, $parameters = array(), $polymorphicCommand = false) { $command = $this->registeredCommands[strtolower($commandName)][$polymorphicCommand ? -1 : count($parameters)]; if (!count($command->authorizedLogin) || in_array($login, $command->authorizedLogin)) { if ($command->log) { Logger::info('[ChatCommand from ' . $login . '] ' . $text); } if ($command->addLoginAsFirstParameter) { array_unshift($parameters, $login); } call_user_func_array($command->callback, $parameters); } else { $this->connection->chatSendServerMessage('$f00You are not authorized to use this command!', $login, true); } }
/** * Writes error message into the standard log file and also * prints it to the console window. * @param \Exception $e */ public static function displayAndLogError(\Exception $e) { $log = PHP_EOL . ' Occured on ' . date("d.m.Y") . ' at ' . date("H:i:s") . ' at process with ID #' . getmypid() . PHP_EOL . ' ---------------------------------' . PHP_EOL; Console::println(''); foreach (self::computeMessage($e) as $line) { $log .= $line . PHP_EOL; Console::println(wordwrap('ERROR: ' . $e->getMessage(), 73, PHP_EOL . ' ')); } Console::println(''); Logger::error($log); // write into global error log if config says so if (\ManiaLive\Config\Config::getInstance()->globalErrorLog) { error_log($log, 3, APP_ROOT . 'logs' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'GlobalErrorLog.txt'); } }
private function restartThread($threadId) { if (!$this->enabled || !isset($this->threads[$threadId])) { return; } $commandDiscarded = false; if (empty($this->pendings[$threadId])) { Logger::debug('Thread #' . $threadId . ' died...', true, array('Process #' . getmypid())); Dispatcher::dispatch(new Event(Event::ON_THREAD_DIES, $threadId)); } else { Logger::debug('Thread #' . $threadId . ' timed out...', true, array('Process #' . getmypid())); Dispatcher::dispatch(new Event(Event::ON_THREAD_TIMES_OUT, $threadId)); // If we already tried this command too many times, we discard it... $command = reset($this->pendings[$threadId]); $lastCommandId = $command->getId(); if (++$this->tries[$lastCommandId] > Config::getInstance()->maxTries) { $this->database->execute('DELETE FROM ThreadingCommands WHERE commandId=%d AND parentId=%d', $lastCommandId, getmypid()); unset($this->pendings[$threadId][$lastCommandId]); unset($this->tries[$lastCommandId]); Logger::debug('Command #' . $lastCommandId . ' has been discarded after ' . Config::getInstance()->maxTries . ' unsuccessful tries...', true, array('Process #' . getmypid())); $commandDiscarded = true; } } // Respawning the thread $threadHandle = $this->threads[$threadId]; proc_terminate($threadHandle); proc_close($threadHandle); ++$this->deadThreadsCount; $this->threads[$threadId] = $this->spawnThread($threadId); $this->lastTick[$threadId] = $this->tick; Dispatcher::dispatch(new Event(Event::ON_THREAD_RESTART, $threadId)); Logger::debug('Thread #' . $threadId . ' restarted!', true, array('Process #' . getmypid())); if ($commandDiscarded) { $command->fail(); } }
protected function changeState($state) { if ($this->intervals[$state]) { if ($this->state != static::PLAYER_LEFT || $this->state != $state) { $this->nextTick = new \DateTime($this->intervals[$state]); } $this->enableTickerEvent(); } else { $this->disableTickerEvent(); } if ($this->state != self::SLEEPING || $this->tick - $this->lastRegisterTick > 12) { $this->matchMakingService->registerMatchServer($this->storage->serverLogin, $this->lobby->login, $this->state, $this->scriptName, $this->titleIdString, $this->storage->currentMap->name); $this->lastRegisterTick = $this->tick; } if ($this->state != $state) { \ManiaLive\Utilities\Logger::debug(sprintf('State: %d', $state)); } $this->state = $state; }
/** * Write message into the plugin's logfile. * Prefix with Plugin's name. * @param string $text * @deprecated since version 2.7 */ protected final function writeLog($text) { Logger::debug($text, true, array($this->author . '_' . $this->name)); }
/** * @param $login */ private function updateKarma($login) { $player = $this->storage->getPlayerObject($login); $playerInfo = Services\PlayerInfo::Get($login); if ($player && $playerInfo) { $penalty = $this->matchMakingService->getPlayerPenalty($login, $this->storage->serverLogin, $this->scriptName, $this->titleIdString); if ($penalty > 0) { if (array_key_exists($login, $this->blockedPlayers)) { if (time() - $this->blockedPlayers[$login] >= $penalty) { $this->matchMakingService->decreasePlayerPenalty($login, time() - $this->blockedPlayers[$login], $this->storage->serverLogin, $this->scriptName, $this->titleIdString); } } else { $this->blockedPlayers[$login] = time(); $this->connection->chatSendServerMessageToLanguage($this->dictionary->getChat(array(array('textId' => 'playerSuspended', 'params' => array(self::PREFIX, $player->nickName))))); } $this->setPlayerNotReady($login); $this->resetShortKey($login); $this->updatePlayerList = true; $this->gui->updateWaitingScreenLabel($this->gui->getBadKarmaText($penalty), $login); $this->gui->disableReadyButton($login); } else { unset($this->blockedPlayers[$login]); $this->setPlayerNotReady($login); $this->gui->updateWaitingScreenLabel(null, $login); $this->gui->disableReadyButton($login, false); } } else { if (array_key_exists($login, $this->blockedPlayers)) { unset($this->blockedPlayers[$login]); } \ManiaLive\Utilities\Logger::debug(sprintf('UpdateKarma for not connected player %s', $login)); } }
/** * Write message into the plugin's logfile. * Prefix with Plugin's name. * @param string $text * @deprecated since version 2.7 */ protected final function writeLog($text) { Logger::debug($text, true, array($this->id)); }
/** * @param bool $ready */ function setReady($ready = true) { if (!$this->isAway()) { $this->readySince = $ready ? new \DateTime() : null; $this->notReadySince = $ready ? null : new \DateTime(); } else { \ManiaLive\Utilities\Logger::debug(sprintf('Setting %s ready but is away', $this->login)); } }
function onConstruct() { $this->addFilter(new \ManiaLib\Application\Filters\UserAgentCheck()); $this->addFilter(new \ManiaLib\WebServices\ManiaConnectFilter()); \ManiaLive\Utilities\Logger::getLog('Runtime')->disableLog(); }