Example #1
  * @covers \Magento\Framework\Escaper::escapeJsQuote
 public function testEscapeJsQuote()
     $data = ["Don't do that.", 'lost_key' => "Can't do that."];
     $expected = ["Don\\'t do that.", "Can\\'t do that."];
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $this->_escaper->escapeJsQuote($data));
     $this->assertEquals($expected[0], $this->_escaper->escapeJsQuote($data[0]));
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function getSectionData()
     $customerId = $this->currentCustomer->getCustomerId();
     if ($this->paypalData->shouldAskToCreateBillingAgreement($this->config, $customerId)) {
         return ['askToCreate' => true, 'confirmUrl' => $this->escaper->escapeUrl($this->urlBuilder->getUrl($this->startAction, [\Magento\Paypal\Model\Express\Checkout::PAYMENT_INFO_TRANSPORT_BILLING_AGREEMENT => 1])), 'confirmMessage' => $this->escaper->escapeJsQuote(__('Would you like to sign a billing agreement to streamline further purchases with PayPal?'))];
     return [];
Example #3
 public function getEditFormField()
     $lines = [];
     $tab = $this->getPadding();
     $eol = $this->getEol();
     $lines[] = '$fieldset->addField(';
     $lines[] = $tab . '\'' . $this->getAttribute()->getCode() . '\',';
     $lines[] = $tab . '\'' . $this->getEditFormType() . '\',';
     $lines[] = $tab . '[';
     $lines[] = $tab . $tab . '\'name\'  => \'' . $this->getAttribute()->getCode() . '\',';
     $lines[] = $tab . $tab . '\'label\' => __(\'' . $this->getAttribute()->getLabel() . '\'),';
     $lines[] = $tab . $tab . '\'title\' => __(\'' . $this->getAttribute()->getLabel() . '\'),';
     if ($this->getAttribute()->getRequired()) {
         $lines[] = $tab . $tab . '\'required\' => true,';
     if ($note = $this->getAttribute()->getNote()) {
         $lines[] = $tab . $tab . '\'note\' => __(\'' . $this->escaper->escapeJsQuote($note) . '\'),';
     foreach ($this->getAdditionalEditFormOptions() as $option) {
         $lines[] = $tab . $tab . $option;
     $lines[] = $tab . ']';
     $lines[] = ');';
     return $tab . $tab . implode($eol . $tab . $tab, $lines) . $eol;
  * Escape quotes in java scripts
  * @param string|array $data
  * @param string $quote
  * @return string|array
 public function escapeJsQuote($data, $quote = '\'')
     return $this->_escaper->escapeJsQuote($data, $quote);