  * Assert that rma is correct display for guest on frontend (Orders and Returns):
  * - status on rma history page
  * - details and items on rma view page
  * @param Rma $rma
  * @param SalesGuestView $salesGuestView
  * @param RmaGuestReturn $rmaGuestReturn
  * @param RmaGuestView $rmaGuestView
  * @return void
 public function processAssert(Rma $rma, SalesGuestView $salesGuestView, RmaGuestReturn $rmaGuestReturn, RmaGuestView $rmaGuestView)
     $this->rmaGuestReturn = $rmaGuestReturn;
     $this->rmaGuestView = $rmaGuestView;
     $this->order = $rma->getDataFieldConfig('order_id')['source']->getOrder();
     $this->customer = $this->order->getDataFieldConfig('customer_id')['source']->getCustomer();
     $this->objectManager->create('Mage\\Sales\\Test\\TestStep\\OpenSalesOrderOnFrontendForGuestStep', ['order' => $this->order])->run();
  * Click on "Print Order" button.
  * @return void
 public function run()
     $this->salesGuestView->getActionsToolbar()->clickLink('Print Order');
  * Open RMA on frontend for Guest.
  * @return void
 public function run()