After either receiving or instantiating a Request object instance, the Dispatcher passes that instance to the Router, which produces the parameters necessary to dispatch the request (unless no route matches, in which case an exception is thrown). Using these parameters, the Dispatcher loads and instantiates the correct Controller object, and passes it the Request object instance. The Controller returns a Response object to the Dispatcher, where the headers and content are rendered and sent to the browser.
See also: lithium\net\http\Router
See also: lithium\action\Request
See also: lithium\action\Response
See also: lithium\action\Controller
Inheritance: extends lithium\core\StaticObject
Example #1
 protected static function _call($callable, $request, $params)
     if (is_callable($callable->params['controller'])) {
         return parent::_call($callable->params['controller'], $request, $params);
     static::$dispatched[] = $callable;
Example #2
  * Builds a composite AMF response based on the response bodies inside the 
  * original AMF request.
  * @return Zend_Amf_Response_Http
 public function processResponseBodies()
     $responseBodies = $this->request->getAmfBodies();
     foreach ($responseBodies as $body) {
         //Extract params from request body
         $return = $this->extractUriAndParams($body);
         //Create fake request object
         $liRequest = new Request(array('data' => $return['params']));
         //Assign URL to request based on details
         if (isset($return['source'])) {
             $liRequest->url = '/' . $return['source'] . '/' . $return['method'];
         } elseif (isset($return['targetURI'])) {
             $liRequest->url = '/' . $return['targetURI'];
         //Assign request params
         $liRequest->params += $return['params'];
         //Dispatch the request normally, and get the controller data
         $controllerResponse = Dispatcher::run($liRequest);
         //Add on the response data (or error) to the current response
         if (isset($controllerResponse->body['error'])) {
             $netStatusEvent = new StdClass();
             $netStatusEvent->_explicitType = 'flex.messaging.messages.ErrorMessage';
             $netStatusEvent->faultString = $controllerResponse->body['error'];
             $newBody = new \Zend_Amf_Value_MessageBody($body->getResponseURI() . \Zend_AMF_Constants::STATUS_METHOD, null, $netStatusEvent);
         } else {
             $newBody = new \Zend_Amf_Value_MessageBody($body->getResponseURI() . \Zend_AMF_Constants::STATUS_METHOD, null, $controllerResponse->body);
     return $this->response;
Example #3
if (!class_exists('li3_access\\security\\Access')) {
Dispatcher::applyFilter('_callable', function ($self, $params, $chain) {
    // Run other filters first. This allows this one to not exactly be overwritten or excluded...But it does allow for a different login action to be used...
    // TODO: Perhaps allow this to be skipped...
    $next = $chain->next($self, $params, $chain);
    $request = $params['request'];
    $action = $request->action;
    $user = Auth::check('li3b_user');
    // Protect all admin methods except for login and logout.
    if ($request->admin === true && $action != 'login' && $action != 'logout') {
        $action_access = Access::check('default', $user, $request, array('rules' => array('allowManagers')));
        if (!empty($action_access)) {
            FlashMessage::write($action_access['message'], 'default');
            if ($user) {
                header('Location: ' . Router::match($action_access['redirect']));
            } else {
                header('Location: ' . Router::match(array('library' => 'li3b_users', 'controller' => 'users', 'action' => 'login')));
            // None shall pass.
    // Sets the current user in each request for convenience.
    $params['request']->user = $user;
    return $next;
    // return $chain->next($self, $params, $chain);
Access::config(array('default' => array('adapter' => 'Rules', 'filters' => array())));
// Set some basic rules to be used from anywhere
// Allow access for users with a role of "administrator" or "content_editor"
 * Lithium: the most rad php framework
 * @copyright     Copyright 2010, Union of RAD (
 * @license The BSD License
 * This file creates a default cache configuration using the most optimized adapter available, and
 * uses it to provide default caching for high-overhead operations.
use lithium\storage\Cache;
use lithium\core\Libraries;
use lithium\action\Dispatcher;
use lithium\storage\cache\adapter\Apc;
 * If APC is not available and the cache directory is not writeable, bail out.
if (!($apcEnabled = Apc::enabled() && !is_writable(LITHIUM_APP_PATH . '/resources/tmp/cache'))) {
Cache::config(array('default' => array('adapter' => '\\lithium\\storage\\cache\\adapter\\' . ($apcEnabled ? 'Apc' : 'File'))));
Dispatcher::applyFilter('run', function ($self, $params, $chain) {
    if ($cache = Cache::read('default', 'core.libraries')) {
        $cache = (array) unserialize($cache) + Libraries::cache();
    $result = $chain->next($self, $params, $chain);
    if ($cache != Libraries::cache()) {
        Cache::write('default', 'core.libraries', serialize(Libraries::cache()), '+1 day');
    return $result;
Example #5
use lithium\action\Dispatcher;
 * This filter intercepts the `run()` method of the `Dispatcher`, and first passes the `'request'`
 * parameter (an instance of the `Request` object) to the `Environment` class to detect which
 * environment the application is running in. Then, loads all application routes in all plugins,
 * loading the default application routes last.
 * Change this code if plugin routes must be loaded in a specific order (i.e. not the same order as
 * the plugins are added in your bootstrap configuration), or if application routes must be loaded
 * first (in which case the default catch-all routes should be removed).
 * If `Dispatcher::run()` is called multiple times in the course of a single request, change the
 * `include`s to `include_once`.
 * @see lithium\action\Request
 * @see lithium\core\Environment
 * @see lithium\net\http\Router
Dispatcher::applyFilter('run', function ($self, $params, $chain) {
    foreach (array_reverse(Libraries::get()) as $name => $config) {
        if ($name === 'lithium') {
        $file = "{$config['path']}/config/routes.php";
        file_exists($file) ? call_user_func(function () use($file) {
            include $file;
        }) : null;
    return $chain->next($self, $params, $chain);
Example #6
        if ($name === 'lithium') {
        $file = "{$config['path']}/config/routes.php";
        file_exists($file) ? include $file : null;
    return $chain->next($self, $params, $chain);
Dispatcher::applyFilter('_callable', function ($self, $params, $chain) {
    $ctrl = $chain->next($self, $params, $chain);
    $request = isset($params['request']) ? $params['request'] : null;
    $action = $params['params']['action'];
    if ($request->args) {
        $arguments = array();
        foreach ($request->args as $value) {
            $param = explode(":", $value);
            $arguments[$param[0]] = isset($param[1]) ? $param[1] : null;
        $request->args = $arguments;
    if (Auth::check('default') || preg_match('|test.*|', $request->url)) {
        return $ctrl;
    if (isset($ctrl->publicActions) && in_array($action, $ctrl->publicActions)) {
        return $ctrl;
    return function () use($request) {
        Session::write('message', 'You need to login to access that page.');
        return new Response(compact('request') + array('location' => 'Sessions::add'));
Example #7

use lithium\action\Dispatcher;
use lithium\template\View;
use lithium\core\Libraries;
use lithium\net\http\Router;
Dispatcher::applyFilter('_callable', function ($self, $params, $chain) {
    $result = $chain->next($self, $params, $chain);
    return $result;
Dispatcher::applyFilter('_call', function ($self, $params, $chain) {
    $result = $chain->next($self, $params, $chain);
    return $result;
Dispatcher::applyFilter('run', function ($self, $params, $chain) {
    $result = $chain->next($self, $params, $chain);
    $li3_show = Libraries::get('li3_show');
    $View = new View(array('paths' => array('template' => $li3_show['path'] . '/views/index.html.php', 'layout' => '{:library}/views/layouts/{:layout}.{:type}.php')));
    $Show_SQL_View = $View->render('all', array($GLOBALS['Show_SQL']));
    if (!isset($result->body[0])) {
        $result = $Show_SQL_View . $result;
    } else {
        $result->body[0] = $Show_SQL_View . $result->body[0];
    return $result;
Example #8
Dispatcher::applyFilter('run', function ($self, $params, $chain) {
    if (substr($params['request']->url, 0, 17) == '/li3_perf/profile') {
        return $chain->next($self, $params, $chain);
    Data::append('timers', array('li3_perf_start_dispatch' => microtime(true)));
    $result = $chain->next($self, $params, $chain);
    // Mark the end of li3_perf.
    // Note: The time it takes to render the toolbar will not be included.
    Data::append('timers', array('li3_perf_end' => microtime(true)));
    // Render the toolbar (unless it's an asset from the li3_perf library)
    // Why? See li3_perf\extensions\util\Asset
    $content_type = isset($result->headers['Content-Type']) ? $result->headers['Content-Type'] : '';
    $content_type = explode(';', $content_type, 2);
    $content_type = array_shift($content_type);
    if (!isset($params['request']->params['asset_type']) && (!$content_type || $content_type == 'text/html')) {
        $skip = false;
        $li3_perf = Libraries::get('li3_perf');
        if (isset($li3_perf['skip'])) {
            $controller = isset($params['request']->params['controller']) ? $params['request']->params['controller'] : null;
            $action = isset($params['request']->params['action']) ? $params['request']->params['action'] : null;
            $library = isset($params['request']->params['library']) ? $params['request']->params['library'] : null;
            // Check to see if the toolbar should be shown for this library
            if (isset($li3_perf['skip']['library'])) {
                if (in_array($library, $li3_perf['skip']['library'])) {
                    $skip = true;
            // Check to see if the toolbar should be shown for this controller
            if (isset($li3_perf['skip']['controller'])) {
                if (in_array($controller, $li3_perf['skip']['controller'])) {
                    $skip = true;
            // Check to see if the toolbar should be shown for this action
            if (isset($li3_perf['skip']['action'])) {
                if (in_array($action, $li3_perf['skip']['action'])) {
                    $skip = true;
        if ($skip || !isset($result->body[0])) {
            return $result;
        $timers = Data::get('timers') + array('li3_perf_start' => 0, 'li3_perf_end' => 0, 'li3_perf_start_dispatch' => 0, 'li3_perf_has_route' => 0, 'li3_perf_start_call' => 0, 'li3_perf_end_call' => 0, '_filter_for_variables' => 0, '_filter_for_queries' => 0);
        $View = new View(array('paths' => array('template' => '{:library}/views/elements/{:template}.{:type}.php', 'layout' => '{:library}/views/layouts/{:layout}.{:type}.php')));
        $toolbar = $View->render('all', array('timers' => $timers += array('dispatch_cycle' => $timers['li3_perf_end'] - $timers['li3_perf_start_dispatch'], 'routing' => $timers['li3_perf_has_route'] - $timers['li3_perf_start_dispatch'], 'call' => isset($timers['li3_perf_end_call']) && isset($timers['li3_perf_start_call']) ? $timers['li3_perf_end_call'] - $timers['li3_perf_start_call'] : 0, 'complete_load_with_li3_perf' => microtime(true) - $timers['li3_perf_start'], 'complete_load' => $timers['li3_perf_end'] - $timers['li3_perf_start'] - $timers['_filter_for_variables'] - $timers['_filter_for_queries']), 'vars' => array('request' => $params['request']->params, 'view' => Data::get('view_vars')), 'queries' => Data::get('queries')), array('library' => 'li3_perf', 'template' => 'toolbar', 'layout' => 'default'));
        if (preg_match('/<!--\\s*LI3_PERF_TOOLBAR\\s*-->/si', $result->body[0], $match)) {
            $result->body[0] = str_replace($match[0], $toolbar, $result->body[0]);
        } else {
            $result->body[0] = $toolbar . $result->body[0];
    return $result;
Example #9
    if (is_array($params['request']->params) && array_key_exists('controller', $params['request']->params) && array_key_exists('action', $params['request']->params)) {
        StaticClockwork::getInstance()->getRequest()->controller = join('::', [$params['request']->params['controller'], $params['request']->params['action']]);
    // Requests should have special headers
    if (!stripos($params['request']->url, '__clockwork') && $result instanceof Controller) {
        $result->response->headers('X-Clockwork-Id', StaticClockwork::getInstance()->getRequest()->id, true);
        $result->response->headers('X-Clockwork-Version', Clockwork::VERSION, true);
    return $result;
Dispatcher::applyFilter('_call', function ($self, $params, $chain) {
    StaticClockwork::getInstance()->getTimeline()->startEvent('li3_clockwork_end_call', 'The controller action has been called and now a response will be returned.');
    $result = $chain->next($self, $params, $chain);
    // At this point the controller action has been called and now a response will be returned.
    // $result here contains the response and we've been setting timers all along the way...
    // The next time we'll be working with the same response is under the next filter below on
    // run() AFTER $result = $chain->next() is called... That's the end of the dispatch cycle.
    // The $result = part below is actually before this filter and the filter on _callable() above.
    return $result;
Dispatcher::applyFilter('run', function ($self, $params, $chain) {
    if (stripos($params['request']->url, '__clockwork')) {
        return $chain->next($self, $params, $chain);
    $result = $chain->next($self, $params, $chain);
    return $result;
Dispatcher::applyFilter('_callable', function($self, $params, $chain) {
    var_dump(MINERVA_APP_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'libraries' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'common');
     * So the problem with redirects and building requests is that since the "app" folder was changed to "minerva"
     * the "_base" property is not set properly. In the Request class there's a method called base() that sets it.
     * It basically does a string replace on "app/webroot" ... But we have "minerva/webroot" So we can change the
     * /minerva/webroot/index.php file and pass in an empty base key of "" to fix the issue.
     * I would rather set it here in the filter since that's where all the major changes are taking place.
     * I'd like to limit changes to a specific area to avoid complexity...But _base is protected as well as base().
     * So we can't set it here. It can only be set by instantiation.
     * Alternatively we can write a new class (extending Request) and use that instead...
     * TODO: Look into that and in general a sub dispatcher that might avoid several issues and clean up this code.
     * For now the index.php file has been changed, but that may cause problems elsewhere. Not sure yet.
     * Now all the redirects don't show a URL of it will be the expected
     * Both work though.
    // Don't apply this for test cases
    if($params['request']->params['controller'] == '\lithium\test\Controller') {
        return $chain->next($self, $params, $chain);	
    // Get the library if provided from the route params
    // (Note: Pages, Users, and Blocks are the only models considered, if any additional are created, the following array must change)
    // TODO: ...which is why... consider going back to a standard field name, it makes for less if thens....but it could create more problems for several reasons when it comes to 3rd party addons...the if thens here guarantee things to a good degree
    // this array is defined here and also in MinervaController.php
    // todo: or maybe just put elsewhere; better maintainability.. can't go back to a standard field name once distributed. this is a very critical thing
    $library_fields = array('page_type', 'user_type', 'block_type');
    foreach($library_fields as $field) {
        if(in_array($field, array_keys($params['request']->params))) {
            $library = (isset($params['request']->params[$field])) ? $params['request']->params[$field]:null;
    // The admin flag from routes helps give control over the templates to use
    $admin = ((isset($params['request']->params['admin'])) && ($params['request']->params['admin'] == 1 || $params['request']->params['admin'] === true || $params['request']->params['admin'] == 'true')) ? true:false;
    // The layout key from the routes give us even more control, it's the final authority on where to check, but things do cascade down
    $layout = (isset($params['request']->params['layout'])) ? $params['request']->params['layout']:false;
    // Also a template key from the routes again for more control and flexibility
    $template = (isset($params['request']->params['template'])) ? $params['request']->params['template']:false;
    $params['options']['render']['paths']['layout'] = array(
    $params['options']['render']['paths']['template'] = array(
	MINERVA_APP_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'libraries' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'common' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'views' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '{:controller}' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '{:template}.{:type}.php',
	MINERVA_APP_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'libraries' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'common' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'views' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '_missing' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'missing_template.{:type}.php'
     * First by default we're going to see if this is even a controller that has a bridge model.
     * $library in this case is NOT the route's "library" key, if provided, it's the library name for when
     * bridging either a page, user, or a block. We want to use templates from that library's views folder.
     * This is not for admin view templates. This is for ex. /minerva/libraries/blog/views/pages/read.html.php
    if((!empty($library)) && (empty($admin))) {
	// Look at a common if the bridge library doesn't have the templates
	array_unshift($params['options']['render']['paths']['layout'], MINERVA_APP_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'libraries' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'common' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'views' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'layouts' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '{:layout}.{:type}.php');
	array_unshift($params['options']['render']['paths']['template'], MINERVA_APP_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'libraries' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'common' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'views' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '{:controller}' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '{:template}.{:type}.php');
	// These will be on top of the array so it'll look first for something like: minerva/libraries/blog/views/...
	array_unshift($params['options']['render']['paths']['layout'], MINERVA_APP_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'libraries' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $library . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'views' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'layouts' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '{:layout}.{:type}.php');
	array_unshift($params['options']['render']['paths']['template'], MINERVA_APP_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'libraries' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $library . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'views' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '{:controller}' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '{:template}.{:type}.php');
     * If the route passed a "library" key then we're going to render from it's views folder.
     * This is likely for a 3rd party library that is stand alone, it doesn't hook into pages, users, blocks, etc.
     * This is so other applications can be dropped in more easily without template confusion or conflict.
    if(isset($params['request']->params['library'])) {
	array_unshift($params['options']['render']['paths']['layout'], MINERVA_APP_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'libraries' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $params['request']->params['library'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'views' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'layouts' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '{:layout}.{:type}.php');
	array_unshift($params['options']['render']['paths']['template'], MINERVA_APP_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'libraries' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $params['request']->params['library'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'views' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '{:controller}' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '{:template}.{:type}.php');
     * If "admin" is set in the route then we will allow 3rd party templates in the common/views/_admin folder,
     * but default back to core. So if an alternative admin interface is desired, then templates need to be
     * created in common/views/_admin/...
     * NOTE: Admin templates are a specific setting from the routes, they are never defaulted to
    if($admin === true) {
	// Core (doubles as admin)
	array_unshift($params['options']['render']['paths']['layout'], MINERVA_APP_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'views' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'layouts' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '{:layout}.{:type}.php');
	array_unshift($params['options']['render']['paths']['template'], MINERVA_APP_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'views' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '{:controller}' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '{:template}.{:type}.php');
	// Common (for when the default admin interface is desired to be changed)
	array_unshift($params['options']['render']['paths']['layout'], MINERVA_APP_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'libraries' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'common' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'views' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '_admin' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'layouts' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '{:layout}.{:type}.php');
	array_unshift($params['options']['render']['paths']['template'], MINERVA_APP_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'libraries' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'common' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'views' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '_admin' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '{:controller}' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '{:template}.{:type}.php');
	// 3rd party libraries can also put in an _admin folder under its views folder they will override templates in common if present. They get priority. (easy portability)
	if(!empty($library)) {
	    array_unshift($params['options']['render']['paths']['layout'], MINERVA_APP_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'libraries' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $library . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'views' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '_admin' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'layouts' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '{:layout}.{:type}.php');
	    array_unshift($params['options']['render']['paths']['template'], MINERVA_APP_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'libraries' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $library . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'views' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '_admin' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '{:controller}' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '{:template}.{:type}.php');
     * Special situation; "blocks" and "pages" and "menus" have "static" templates that don't require a datasource.
     * This is only the case for the "view" action on these controllers. First look in the common library and then
     * it's _admin location (admin blocks) and then default back to core. This is so when calling a block or menu
     * or static page, you don't have to specify it's an admin one because the router won't come into play for
     * menus and blocks.
    if(($params['request']->params['action'] == 'view') && ($params['request']->params['controller'] == 'blocks' || $params['request']->params['controller'] == 'pages' || $params['request']->params['controller'] == 'menus')) {
	// redefine the layout and template arrays, so add back the missing template templates
	$params['options']['render']['paths']['layout'] = array(
	    MINERVA_APP_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'libraries' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'common' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'views' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '_missing' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'missing_layout.{:type}.php'
	$params['options']['render']['paths']['template'] = array(
	    MINERVA_APP_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'libraries' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'common' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'views' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '{:controller}' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'static' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '{:template}.{:type}.php',
	    MINERVA_APP_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'libraries' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'common' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'views' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '_missing' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'missing_template.{:type}.php'
	// Hey, static views can be for just the admin interface as well and those will take priority.
	if($admin === true) {
	    // before looking at the defaults set above for static views, look for layouts in "minerva/libraries/common/views/layouts" and then core "minerva/views/layouts"
	    array_unshift($params['options']['render']['paths']['layout'], MINERVA_APP_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'views' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'layouts' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '{:layout}.{:type}.php');
	    array_unshift($params['options']['render']['paths']['layout'], MINERVA_APP_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'libraries' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'common' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'views' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '_admin' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'layouts' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '{:layout}.{:type}.php');
	    // but before that, look in "minerva/libraries/common/views/layouts/static" and "minerva/views/layouts/static" ... we want to give a "static" template priority
	    array_unshift($params['options']['render']['paths']['layout'], MINERVA_APP_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'views' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'layouts' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'static' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '{:layout}.{:type}.php');
	    array_unshift($params['options']['render']['paths']['layout'], MINERVA_APP_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'libraries' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'common' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'views' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '_admin' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'layouts' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'static' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '{:layout}.{:type}.php');
	    // however, templates always come from a "static" folder unlike layouts
	    array_unshift($params['options']['render']['paths']['template'], MINERVA_APP_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'views' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '{:controller}' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'static' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '{:template}.{:type}.php');
	    array_unshift($params['options']['render']['paths']['template'], MINERVA_APP_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'libraries' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'common' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'views' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '_admin' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '{:controller}' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'static' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '{:template}.{:type}.php');
     * Was the "layout" or "template" key set in the route? Then we're saying to change up the layout path.
     * This allows other libraries to share the layout template from say the "common" library right from the route.
     * Or more importantly, libraries that are for page, user, or block types to share layout templates since they
     * can't touch those controllers. NOTE: This supercedes everything (even static). It is a manual setting
     * in the route that is optional, but we want to obey it.
    if(!empty($layout)) {
	// Layouts can be borrowed from other libraries, defined like: library.layout_template
	$layout_pieces = explode('.', $layout);
	$layout_library = false;
	if(count($layout_pieces) > 1) {
	    $layout_library = $layout_pieces[0];
	    $layout = $layout_pieces[1];
	array_unshift($params['options']['render']['paths']['layout'], MINERVA_APP_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'libraries' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $layout_library . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'views' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'layouts' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $layout . '.{:type}.php');
    if(!empty($template)) {
	// Templates can be borrowed from other libraries, defined like: library.template
	$template_pieces = explode('.', $template);
	$template_library = false;
	if(count($template_pieces) > 1) {
	    $template_library = $template_pieces[0];
	    $template = $template_pieces[1];
	array_unshift($params['options']['render']['paths']['template'], MINERVA_APP_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'libraries' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $template_library . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'views' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '{:controller}' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $template . '.{:type}.php');
    // var_dump($params['options']['render']['paths']); // <--- this is a great thing to uncomment and browse the site for reference
    return $chain->next($self, $params, $chain);	
Example #11
 * This filter is a convenience method which allows you to automatically route requests for static
 * assets stored within active plugins. For example, given a JavaScript file `bar.js` inside the
 * `li3_foo` plugin installed in an application, requests to `http://app/path/li3_foo/js/bar.js`
 * will be routed to `/path/to/app/libraries/plugins/li3_foo/webroot/js/bar.js` on the filesystem.
 * In production, it is recommended that you disable this filter in favor of symlinking each
 * plugin's `webroot` directory into your main application's `webroot` directory, or adding routing
 * rules in your web server's configuration.
use \lithium\action\Dispatcher;
use \lithium\core\Libraries;
use \lithium\net\http\Media;

Dispatcher::applyFilter('_callable', function($self, $params, $chain) {
	list($plugin, $asset) = explode('/', $params['request']->url, 2) + array("", "");
	if ($asset && $library = Libraries::get($plugin)) {
		$asset = "{$library['path']}/webroot/{$asset}";

		if (file_exists($asset)) {
			return function () use ($asset) {
				$info = pathinfo($asset);
				$type = Media::type($info['extension']);
				header("Content-type: {$type['content']}");
				return file_get_contents($asset);
	return $chain->next($self, $params, $chain);

Example #12

 * Initialize code index.
use lithium\core\Libraries;
use lithium\action\Dispatcher;
use lithium\console\Dispatcher as ConsoleDispatcher;
use li3_docs\extensions\docs\Code;
$filter = function ($self, $params, $chain) {
    $indexPath = Libraries::get(true, 'path') . '/resources/docs.index.json';
    if (file_exists($indexPath) && is_readable($indexPath)) {
        Code::index((array) json_decode(file_get_contents($indexPath), true));
    $result = $chain->next($self, $params, $chain);
    if (($index = Code::index()) && is_array($index) && is_writable(dirname($indexPath))) {
        file_put_contents($indexPath, json_encode($index));
    return $result;
Dispatcher::applyFilter('run', $filter);
ConsoleDispatcher::applyFilter('run', $filter);
 * Setup default options:
 * - `'index'` _array|void_: Allows to restrict indexing to provided set of libraries.
 *   By default all libraries registered in the application are indexed.
 * - `'categories'` _array|void_: Allows manually provide a set of category names. By
 *    default categories are extracted from all indexed libraries.
Libraries::add('li3_docs', array('bootstrap' => false) + Libraries::get('li3_docs') + array('url' => '/docs', 'index' => null, 'categories' => null));
Example #13
require dirname(__DIR__) . '/libraries/lessphp/';
 * TODO: Make sure, that subfolders are possible (currently not)
Dispatcher::applyFilter('run', function ($self, $params, $chain) {
    if (strstr($params['request']->url, '.css')) {
        // look for a matching less file
        $basename = basename($params['request']->url);
        $css_file = "less/{$basename}";
        $less_file = "less/{$basename}.less";
        if (file_exists($less_file)) {
            header('Content-Type: text/css');
            // if there's an up-to-date css file, serve it
            if (file_exists($css_file) && filemtime($css_file) >= filemtime($less_file)) {
                return file_get_contents($css_file);
            try {
                $less = new lessc($less_file);
                $output = array('/**', ' * generated ' . date('r'), ' * by li3_less/lessphp', ' * ', ' * @link', ' * @link', ' */');
                $output = join(PHP_EOL, $output) . PHP_EOL . $less->parse();
            } catch (Exception $e) {
                header('Content-Type: text/css', true, 500);
                $output = "/* less compiler exception: {$e->getMessage()} */";
            file_put_contents("less/{$basename}", $output);
            return $output;
    return $chain->next($self, $params, $chain);
Example #14

require 'bootstrap.php';
use lithium\net\http\Router;
use lithium\action\Dispatcher;
use lithium\action\Response;
Router::connect('/', array(), function ($request) {
    $body = '<h1>Welcome to Sinatrium</h1>';
    return new Response(compact('body'));
Router::connect('/hello/{:name}', array('name' => false), function ($request) {
    $name = ucwords($request->name) ?: 'World';
    $body = "<h1>Hello {$name}!</h1>";
    return new Response(compact('body'));
echo Dispatcher::run(new lithium\action\Request());
Example #15

 * radium: lithium application framework
 * @copyright     Copyright 2013, brü GmbH (
 * @license The BSD License
define('RADIUM_PATH', dirname(__DIR__));
require __DIR__ . '/bootstrap/media.php';
require __DIR__ . '/bootstrap/validators.php';
use radium\extensions\storage\FlashMessage;
use lithium\action\Dispatcher;
Dispatcher::applyFilter('_callable', function ($self, $params, $chain) {
    return FlashMessage::bindTo($chain->next($self, $params, $chain));
// use radium\models\BaseModel;
// if (!BaseModel::finder('random')) {
// 	BaseModel::finder('random', function($self, $params, $chain){
// 		$amount = $self::find('count', $params['options']);
// 		$offset = rand(0, $amount-1);
// 		$params['options']['offset'] = $offset;
// 		return $self::find('first', $params['options']);
// 	});
// }
Example #16
 * $posts = Post::find('all');
 * return $posts->to('json');
 * }}}
use lithium\util\Collection;
 * This filter is a convenience method which allows you to automatically route requests for static
 * assets stored within active plugins. For example, given a JavaScript file `bar.js` inside the
 * `li3_foo` plugin installed in an application, requests to `http://app/path/li3_foo/js/bar.js`
 * will be routed to `/path/to/app/libraries/plugins/li3_foo/webroot/js/bar.js` on the filesystem.
 * In production, it is recommended that you disable this filter in favor of symlinking each
 * plugin's `webroot` directory into your main application's `webroot` directory, or adding routing
 * rules in your web server's configuration.
use lithium\action\Dispatcher;
use lithium\action\Response;
use lithium\net\http\Media;
Dispatcher::applyFilter('_callable', function ($self, $params, $chain) {
    list($library, $asset) = explode('/', $params['request']->url, 2) + array("", "");
    if ($asset && ($path = Media::webroot($library)) && file_exists($file = "{$path}/{$asset}")) {
        return function () use($file) {
            $info = pathinfo($file);
            $media = Media::type($info['extension']);
            $content = (array) $media['content'];
            return new Response(array('headers' => array('Content-type' => reset($content)), 'body' => file_get_contents($file)));
    return $chain->next($self, $params, $chain);
Media::type('js', array('application/javascript', 'text/javascript'), array('view' => 'lithium\\template\\View', 'paths' => array('template' => '{:library}/views/{:controller}/{:template}.{:type}.php', 'layout' => '{:library}/views/layouts/{:layout}.{:type}.php', 'element' => array('{:library}/views/elements/{:template}.{:type}.php', '{:library}/views/elements/{:template}.html.php'))));
Example #17
 * Here we check, if there is a library called `li3_less`
 * If that is the case, we can directly work with the
 * less files, that is much more flexible. To get this
 * up and running, you need to add li3_less as a library
 * and load it _before_ the li3_bootstrap library like this:
 *     Libraries::add('li3_less');
 *     Libraries::add('li3_bootstrap');
if (is_null($config = Libraries::get('li3_less'))) {
    // what a pity - it is not.
Dispatcher::applyFilter('run', function ($self, $params, $chain) {
    if (!strstr($params['request']->url, '.css')) {
        return $chain->next($self, $params, $chain);
    // look for a matching less file
    $basename = basename($params['request']->url);
    $less_path = LI3_BOOTSTRAP_PATH . '/webroot/less';
    $less_file = str_replace('.css', '.less', "{$less_path}/{$basename}");
    if (!file_exists($less_file)) {
        return $chain->next($self, $params, $chain);
    // found, so we parse this file
    $output = Less::file($less_file, array('cache' => true));
    return new Response(array('body' => $output, 'headers' => array('Content-type' => 'text/css')));
Example #18
use lithium\action\Dispatcher;
use lithium\action\Request;
use lithium\core\Environment;
 * This filter fakes the `Request` object to the correct base so that everything
 * works as expected without .htaccess rewrite rules.
if (PHP_SAPI == 'cli-server') {
    Dispatcher::applyFilter('run', function ($self, $params, $chain) {
        $params['request'] = new Request(array('base' => ''));
        Environment::is(function ($request) {
            $isLocal = in_array($request->env('SERVER_NAME'), array('localhost'));
            switch (true) {
                case isset($request->env):
                    return $request->env;
                case $isLocal:
                    return 'development';
                case $request->command == 'test':
                    return 'test';
                case preg_match('/^test\\//', $request->url) && $isLocal:
                    return 'test';
                case preg_match('/^test/', $request->env('HTTP_HOST')):
                    return 'test';
                    return 'production';
        return $chain->next($self, $params, $chain);
Example #19
 public function testPluginControllerLookupFail()
     Dispatcher::config(array('classes' => array('router' => __CLASS__)));
     $this->expectException("/Controller `some_invalid_plugin.Controller` not found/");
     Dispatcher::run(new Request(array('url' => '/plugin')));

 * Lithium: the most rad php framework
 * @copyright     Copyright 2010, Union of RAD (
 * @license The BSD License
use lithium\core\Libraries;
use lithium\action\Dispatcher;
use lithium\test\Controller;
Dispatcher::applyFilter('run', function ($self, $params, $chain) {
    list($isTest, $args) = explode('/', $params['request']->url, 2) + array("", "");
    $request = $params['request'];
    if ($isTest === "test") {
        $controller = new Controller();
        $args = str_replace('/', '\\', $args);
        return $controller($request, compact('args'));
    return $chain->next($self, $params, $chain);
Example #21
 * Intercepts dispatching processes in order to set the effective locale by using
 * the locale of the request or if that is not available retrieving a locale preferred
 * by the client.
 * @see lithium\g11n\Message
 * @see lithium\core\Environment
$setLocale = function ($self, $params, $chain) {
    if (!$params['request']->locale()) {
    Environment::set(true, array('locale' => $params['request']->locale()));
    return $chain->next($self, $params, $chain);
ActionDispatcher::applyFilter('_callable', $setLocale);
ConsoleDispatcher::applyFilter('_callable', $setLocale);
 * Resources
 * Globalization (g11n) catalog configuration.  The catalog allows for obtaining and
 * writing globalized data. Each configuration can be adjusted through the following settings:
 *   - `'adapter'` _string_: The name of a supported adapter. The builtin adapters are `Memory` (a
 *     simple adapter good for runtime data and testing), `Php`, `Gettext`, `Cldr` (for
 *     interfacing with Unicode's common locale data repository) and `Code` (used mainly for
 *     extracting message templates from source code).
 *   - `'path'` All adapters with the exception of the `Memory` adapter require a directory
 *     which holds the data.
Example #22

use lithium\action\Dispatcher;
use lithium\net\http\Media;
Dispatcher::applyFilter('_callable', function ($self, $params, $chain) {
    Media::type('default', null, array('theme' => 'default', 'view' => 'li3_themes\\template\\View', 'paths' => array('layout' => '{:library}/webroot/themes/{:theme}/views/layouts/{:layout}.{:type}.php', 'template' => '{:library}/webroot/themes/{:theme}/views/{:controller}/{:template}.{:type}.php', 'element' => '{:library}/webroot/themes/{:theme}/views/elements/{:template}.{:type}.php'), 'webroot' => '{:library}/webroot/themes/{:theme}'));
    Media::assets('img', array('paths' => array('{:base}/themes/{:theme}/img/{:path}' => array('base', 'theme', 'path')), 'theme' => 'default'));
    Media::assets('js', array('paths' => array('{:base}/themes/{:theme}/js/{:path}' => array('base', 'theme', 'path')), 'theme' => 'default'));
    Media::assets('css', array('paths' => array('{:base}/themes/{:theme}/css/{:path}' => array('base', 'theme', 'path')), 'theme' => 'default'));
    return $chain->next($self, $params, $chain);
Example #23
Dispatcher::applyFilter('_callable', function ($self, $params, $chain) {
    if (isset($params['params']['library'])) {
        // Instead of using LITHIUM_APP_PATH,for future compatibility.
        $defaultAppConfig = Libraries::get(true);
        $appPath = $defaultAppConfig['path'];
        $libConfig = Libraries::get($params['params']['library']);
         * Note the path ordering for how templates override others.
         * First, your overrides and then the default render paths for a library.
         * Second to last, it tries to grab what it can from the main application.
         * Last (worst case) it tries to use what's in Lithium Bootstrap.
         * The last scenario is rare, if using a "default" layout, for example,
         * it likely exists in the main application already. If a library is
         * specifcially designed for Lithium Bootstrap and wishes to use
         * templates within li3b_core before looking in the main application,
         * they should be added with the proper configuration settings.
        $paths['layout'] = array($appPath . '/views/_libraries/' . $params['params']['library'] . '/layouts/{:layout}.{:type}.php', '{:library}/views/layouts/{:layout}.{:type}.php', $appPath . '/views/layouts/{:layout}.{:type}.php', $appPath . '/libraries/li3b_core/views/layouts/{:layout}.{:type}.php');
        $paths['template'] = array($appPath . '/views/_libraries/' . $params['params']['library'] . '/{:controller}/{:template}.{:type}.php', '{:library}/views/{:controller}/{:template}.{:type}.php', $appPath . '/views/{:controller}/{:template}.{:type}.php', $appPath . '/libraries/li3b_core/views/{:controller}/{:layout}.{:type}.php');
         * Condition #4 here. This will prefer Lithium Bootstrap's core layouts.
         * Libraries added with this configuration option were designed specifically
         * for use with Lithium Bootstrap and wish to use it's default design.
         * Of course, there is still template fallback support in case the user
         * has changed up their copy of Lithium Bootstrap...But the library is
         * now putting the priority on the Lithium Bootstrap layouts, unless
         * overridden by templates in the _libraries directory of the main app.
         * There is currently no need to do the same with templates since the
         * li3b_core library has so few view templates...And they don't even make
         * sense to share for any other purpose whereas layouts are definitely
         * something another action can take advantage of.
        if (isset($libConfig['useBootstrapLayout']) && (bool) $libConfig['useBootstrapLayout'] === true) {
            $paths['layout'] = array($appPath . '/views/_libraries/' . $params['params']['library'] . '/layouts/{:layout}.{:type}.php', $appPath . '/libraries/li3b_core/views/layouts/{:layout}.{:type}.php', '{:library}/views/layouts/{:layout}.{:type}.php', $appPath . '/views/layouts/{:layout}.{:type}.php');
         * ELEMENTS
         * This will allow the main application to still render it's elements
         * even though the View() class may be dealing with one of this library's
         * controllers, which would normally suggest the element comes from the library
         * Again, note the ordering here for how things override others.
         * 1. Your overrides are considered first.
         * 2. Elements that may come with the library are used when a library key is used.
         * 3. The main application is checked for the element templates (this functions as normal out of the box Lithium).
         * 4. Lithium Bootstrap elements. Last ditch effort to find the element.
         *    Note: When you wish to use an element from Lithium Bootstrap, you should
         *    pass a library key to be certain it is used. Otherwise, if you have an
         *    element in your main application by the same name as one from Lithium
         *    Bootstrap, you could be using that instead when you did not intend to.
         *    All of the elements rendered from li3b_core pass a library key and
         *    your plugins, wishing to use core li3b elements, should do the same.
        $paths['element'] = array($appPath . '/views/_libraries/' . $params['params']['library'] . '/elements/{:template}.{:type}.php', '{:library}/views/elements/{:template}.{:type}.php', $appPath . '/views/elements/{:template}.{:type}.php', $appPath . '/libraries/li3b_core/views/elements/{:template}.{:type}.php');
        $params['options']['render']['paths'] = $paths;
     * Allow the main application to use Lithium Bootstrap's admin layout template and elements.
     * This helps to speed up development without the need to always create libraries for everything.
    if (isset($params['params']['admin']) && $params['params']['admin'] === true && !isset($params['params']['library'])) {
        $defaultAppConfig = Libraries::get(true);
        $appPath = $defaultAppConfig['path'];
        $paths['layout'] = array($appPath . '/views/layouts/{:layout}.{:type}.php', $appPath . '/libraries/li3b_core/views/layouts/{:layout}.{:type}.php');
        $paths['template'] = array($appPath . '/views/{:controller}/{:template}.{:type}.php', $appPath . '/libraries/li3b_core/views/{:controller}/{:template}.{:type}.php');
        // Allow admin elements to be overridden for the main app looking to use the admin templates.
        // There is the top nav element as well as the footer...But if they aren't being overwritten,
        // simply use the templates that exist in li3b_core.
        $paths['element'] = array($appPath . '/views/elements/{:template}.{:type}.php', $appPath . '/libraries/li3b_core/views/elements/{:template}.{:type}.php');
        $params['options']['render']['paths'] = $paths;
    return $chain->next($self, $params, $chain);
Example #24

use li3_flash_message\extensions\storage\FlashMessage;
use lithium\action\Dispatcher;
Dispatcher::applyFilter('_callable', function ($self, $params, $chain) {
    $object = $chain->next($self, $params, $chain);
    if (is_a($object, 'lithium\\action\\Controller')) {
        return FlashMessage::bindTo($object);
    return $object;
Example #25
Dispatcher::applyFilter('run', function ($self, $params, $chain) {
    $cacheKey = 'core.libraries';
    if ($cached = Cache::read('default', $cacheKey)) {
        $cached = (array) $cached + Libraries::cache();
    $result = $chain->next($self, $params, $chain);
    if ($cached != ($data = Libraries::cache())) {
        Cache::write('default', $cacheKey, $data, '+1 day');
    return $result;
Dispatcher::applyFilter('run', function ($self, $params, $chain) {
    foreach (Connections::get() as $name) {
        if (!($connection = Connections::get($name)) instanceof Database) {
        $connection->applyFilter('describe', function ($self, $params, $chain) use($name) {
            if ($params['fields']) {
                return $chain->next($self, $params, $chain);
            $cacheKey = "data.connections.{$name}.sources.{$params['entity']}.schema";
            return Cache::read('default', $cacheKey, array('write' => function () use($self, $params, $chain) {
                return array('+1 day' => $chain->next($self, $params, $chain));
    return $chain->next($self, $params, $chain);
Example #26
 * see the `Router` and `Route` classes.
 * @see lithium\net\http\Router
 * @see lithium\net\http\Route
use lithium\net\http\Router;
use lithium\core\Environment;
use lithium\action\Dispatcher;
// Set the evironment
if ($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] == '' || $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] == 'li3bootstrap.local' || $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] == 'localhost') {
 * Dispatcher rules to rewrite admin actions.
Dispatcher::config(array('rules' => array('admin' => array('action' => 'admin_{:action}'))));
 * "/admin" is the prefix for all Lithium Bootstrap admin routes.
 * Any "plugin" or library written for use with Lithium Bootstrap can utilize these routes
 * without needing to write any additional routes in most cases as this handles the basic CRUD.
 * It also handles pagination.
 * Admin pages can be added to the main app's "/views/_libraries/li3b_core/pages" directory
 * and are accessible viw /admin/page/{:args}
 * NOTE: li3b_core has no controller other than the pages controller. Other libraries and the
 * main application are where controllers belong. li3b_core is just the skeleton and assumes
 * no functionality. Static pages are as far as it goes.
Router::connect("/admin", array('admin' => true, 'controller' => 'pages', 'action' => 'view', 'args' => array()), array('persist' => array('controller', 'admin')));
Router::connect("/admin/page/{:args}", array('admin' => true, 'controller' => 'pages', 'action' => 'view', 'args' => array()), array('persist' => array('controller', 'admin')));
Example #27
 * removed post-install, and the cache should be configured with the adapter you plan to use.
$cachePath = Libraries::get(true, 'resources') . '/tmp/cache';
if (!($apcEnabled = Apc::enabled()) && !is_writable($cachePath)) {
 * This configures the default cache, based on whether ot not APC user caching is enabled. If it is
 * not, file caching will be used. Most of this code is for getting you up and running only, and
 * should be replaced with a hard-coded configuration, based on the cache(s) you plan to use.
$default = array('adapter' => 'File', 'strategies' => array('Serializer'));
if ($apcEnabled) {
    $default = array('adapter' => 'Apc');
 * Caches paths for auto-loaded and service-located classes.
Dispatcher::applyFilter('run', function ($self, $params, $chain) {
    $key = md5(LITHIUM_APP_PATH) . '.core.libraries';
    if ($cache = Cache::read('default', $key)) {
        $cache = (array) $cache + Libraries::cache();
    $result = $chain->next($self, $params, $chain);
    if ($cache != Libraries::cache()) {
        Cache::write('default', $key, Libraries::cache(), '+1 day');
    return $result;
Example #28
use lithium\core\Libraries;
use lithium\action\Dispatcher;
use li3_varnish\extensions\util\Varnish;
use lithium\net\http\Media;
use lithium\net\http\Router;
// filter to set varnish headers
Dispatcher::applyFilter('_call', function ($self, $params, $chain) {
    $response = $chain->next($self, $params, $chain);
    $cacheKey = $params['request']->params['controller'] . 'Controller::' . $params['request']->params['action'];
    if (isset($response->varnish) && !empty($response->varnish)) {
        $cache = Varnish::cache($cacheKey, true);
        if (is_array($response->varnish)) {
            $cache += $response->varnish;
    } else {
        $cache = Varnish::cache($cacheKey);
    if (!empty($cache)) {
        $varnishHeaders = Varnish::headers($cache);
        foreach ($varnishHeaders as $key => $val) {
            $response->headers($key, $val);
    return $response;
// filter to set esi includes around partials
Media::applyFilter('view', function ($self, $params, $chain) {
    $view = $chain->next($self, $params, $chain);
    $view->applyFilter('_step', function ($self, $params, $chain) {
        $content = $chain->next($self, $params, $chain);
        if (isset($params['options']['esi']) && $params['options']['esi'] == true) {
Example #29
 * Integration with `Validator`. You can load locale dependent rules into the `Validator`
 * by specifying them manually or retrieving them with the `Catalog` class.
foreach (array('phone', 'postalCode', 'ssn') as $name) {
    Validator::add($name, Catalog::read(true, "validation.{$name}", 'en_US'));
 * Intercepts dispatching processes in order to set the effective locale by using
 * the locale of the request or if that is not available retrieving a locale preferred
 * by the client.
ActionDispatcher::applyFilter('_callable', function ($self, $params, $chain) {
    $request = $params['request'];
    $controller = $chain->next($self, $params, $chain);
    if (!$request->locale) {
        $request->params['locale'] = Locale::preferred($request);
    Environment::set(Environment::get(), array('locale' => $request->locale));
    return $controller;
ConsoleDispatcher::applyFilter('_callable', function ($self, $params, $chain) {
    $request = $params['request'];
    $command = $chain->next($self, $params, $chain);
    if (!$request->locale) {
        $request->params['locale'] = Locale::preferred($request);
    Environment::set(Environment::get(), array('locale' => $request->locale));
    return $command;
Example #30
 * If you specify `'appName'` when you add `li3_backend` it will be used as value of
 * `LITHIUM_APP_NAME` define.
$LITHIUM_APP_NAME = Libraries::get('li3_backend', 'appName');
 * Convert `action` to `backend_action` for routes with `backend` prefix.
 * Eg. {{{
 *  /backend/home/index
 *   `array('controller' => 'home', 'action' => 'backend_index')`
 * }}}
Dispatcher::applyFilter('run', function ($self, $params, $chain) {
    $self::config(array('rules' => array('backend' => array('action' => 'backend_{:action}'))));
    return $chain->next($self, $params, $chain);
 * Run `backend_bootstrap` if someone access to backend
Dispatcher::applyFilter('_callable', function ($self, $params, $chain) {
    if (isset($params['request']->params['backend']) && $params['request']->params['backend']) {
        foreach (Libraries::get(null, 'path') as $path) {
            if (file_exists($bootstrap = $path . '/config/backend_bootstrap.php')) {
                include_once $bootstrap;
    return $chain->next($self, $params, $chain);