/** * Updates a cronjob handler. * * @since 6.0.00 */ function updateCronjobs($id = '') { $app = \Liten\Liten::getInstance(); $cronDir = cronDir() . 'cron/'; if (file_put_contents($cronDir . 'cronjobs.dat.php', '<' . '?php /*' . base64_encode(serialize($_SESSION['cronjobs'])) . '*/')) { $app->flash('success_message', _t('Database saved.')); // create 'backup' file_put_contents($cronDir . 'cronjobs.backup-' . date('Y-m-d') . '.php', '<' . '?php /*' . base64_encode(serialize($_SESSION['cronjobs'])) . '*/'); } else { $app->flash('error_message', _t('Database not saved, could not create database file on server, please check write rights of this script.')); } // remove old cronjob backup files $files = glob($cronDir . 'cronjobs.backup*.php'); if (is_array($files)) { foreach ($files as $file) { if (is_file($file) && time() - filemtime($file) >= 2 * 24 * 60 * 60) { // 2 days unlink($file); } } } if ($id != '' && is_numeric($id)) { redirect(get_base_url() . 'cron/view' . '/' . $id); } else { redirect($app->req->server['HTTP_REFERER']); } exit; }
/** * Searches for plain email addresses in given $string and * encodes them (by default) with the help of eae_encode_str(). * * Regular expression is based on based on John Gruber's Markdown. * http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/ * * @param string $string * Text with email addresses to encode * @return string $string Given text with encoded email addresses */ function eae_encode_emails($string) { $app = \Liten\Liten::getInstance(); // abort if $string doesn't contain a @-sign if ($app->hook->apply_filter('eae_at_sign_check', true)) { if (strpos($string, '@') === false) { return $string; } } // override encoding function with the 'eae_method' filter $method = $app->hook->apply_filter('eae_method', 'eae_encode_str'); // override regex pattern with the 'eae_regexp' filter $regexp = $app->hook->apply_filter('eae_regexp', '{ (?:mailto:)? (?: [-!#$%&*+/=?^_`.{|}~\\w\\x80-\\xFF]+ | ".*?" ) \\@ (?: [-a-z0-9\\x80-\\xFF]+(\\.[-a-z0-9\\x80-\\xFF]+)*\\.[a-z]+ | \\[[\\d.a-fA-F:]+\\] ) }xi'); return preg_replace_callback($regexp, create_function('$matches', 'return ' . $method . '($matches[0]);'), $string); }
/** * Sets up object cache global scope and assigns it based on * the type of caching system used. * * @since 6.2.0 */ function _etsis_cache_init() { $app = \Liten\Liten::getInstance(); $driver = $app->hook->apply_filter('etsis_cache_driver', 'file'); $cache = new \app\src\Core\Cache\etsis_Object_Cache($driver); return $cache; }
/** * Desktop Push Notification * * Notifications that can be pushed at a delayed time. * * @since 6.2.11 * @param string $title Give title of notification. * @param string $message Message that should be displayed. */ function etsis_push_notify($title, $message) { $app = \Liten\Liten::getInstance(); // Create a Notifier $notifier = NotifierFactory::create(); // Create your notification $notification = (new Notification())->setTitle($title)->setBody($message)->setIcon(BASE_PATH . 'static/assets/imgages/icon-success.png'); // Send it return $app->hook->apply_filter('push_notify', $notifier->send($notification)); }
public function __construct($personID = '') { $this->_app = \Liten\Liten::getInstance(); if ($personID != '') { $this->_personID = floatval($personID); } else { $this->_personID = floatval(get_persondata('personID')); } $this->_userRoles = $this->getUserRoles('ids'); $this->buildACL(); }
function update_prog_crse_column($data) { $app = \Liten\Liten::getInstance(); if (count($data)) { $id = $data['rid']; unset($data['rid']); $sql = $app->db->query("UPDATE prog_crse SET " . key($data) . "='" . $data[key($data)] . "' WHERE ID = ? LIMIT 1", [$id]); if ($sql->update()) { return $id; } return 0; } }
public function __construct(\Liten\Liten $liten = null) { $this->app = !empty($liten) ? $liten : \Liten\Liten::getInstance(); if (!extension_loaded('apc') && !ini_get('apc.enabled') || !function_exists('apc_fetch')) { return new \app\src\Core\Exception\Exception(_t('APC requires PHP APC extension to be installed and loaded.'), 'php_apc_extension'); } /** * Filter sets whether caching is enabled or not. * * @since 6.2.0 * @var bool */ $this->enable = $this->app->hook->apply_filter('enable_caching', true); }
public function __construct($driver, \Liten\Liten $liten = null) { $this->app = !empty($liten) ? $liten : \Liten\Liten::getInstance(); if ($driver == 'file') { $this->_cache = new \app\src\Core\Cache\etsis_Cache_Filesystem(); } elseif ($driver == 'apc') { $this->_cache = new \app\src\Core\Cache\etsis_Cache_APC(); } elseif ($driver == 'memcache') { /** * Filter whether to use `\Memcache`|`\Memcached`. * * @since 6.2.0 * @param * bool false Use `\Memcache`|`\Memcached`. Default is false. */ $useMemcached = $this->app->hook->apply_filter('use_memcached', false); $this->_cache = new \app\src\Core\Cache\etsis_Cache_Memcache($useMemcached); $pool = [['host' => '', 'port' => 11211, 'weight' => 20]]; /** * Filter the `\Memcache`|`\Memcached` server pool. * * @since 6.2.0 * @param array $pool * Array of servers to add to the connection pool. */ $servers = $this->app->hook->apply_filter('memcache_server_pool', $pool); $this->_cache->addServer($servers); } elseif ($driver == 'external') { /** * Fires when being used to call another caching system not * native to eduTrac SIS. * * @since 6.2.0 */ $this->_cache = $this->app->hook->do_action('external_cache_driver'); } elseif ($driver == 'xcache') { $this->_cache = new \app\src\Core\Cache\etsis_Cache_XCache(); } elseif ($driver == 'cookie') { $this->_cache = new \app\src\Core\Cache\etsis_Cache_Cookie(); } elseif ($driver == 'json') { $this->_cache = new \app\src\Core\Cache\etsis_Cache_JSON(); } elseif ($driver == 'memory') { $this->_cache = new \app\src\Core\Cache\etsis_Cache_Memory(); } if (is_etsis_exception($this->_cache)) { return $this->_cache->getMessage(); } return $this->_cache; }
/** * * @since 4.4 */ function convertCourseSec($sect) { $app = \Liten\Liten::getInstance(); $section = $app->db->course_sec()->select('courseSecCode')->where('courseSecID = ?', $sect); $q = $section->find(function ($data) { $array = []; foreach ($data as $d) { $array[] = $d; } return $array; }); foreach ($q as $r) { $section = $r['courseSecCode']; } return $section; }
/** * Subject dropdown: shows general list of subjects and * if $subjectCode is not NULL, shows the subject attached * to a particular record. * * @deprecated since release 6.1.12 * @see table_dropdown * @since 1.0.0 * @param string $subjectCode * - optional * @return string Returns the record key if selected is true. */ function subject_code_dropdown($subjectCode = NULL) { _deprecated_function(__FUNCTION__, '6.1.12', 'table_dropdown'); $app = \Liten\Liten::getInstance(); $subj = $app->db->subject()->select('subjectCode,subjectName')->where('subjectCode <> "NULL"'); $q = $subj->find(function ($data) { $array = []; foreach ($data as $d) { $array[] = $d; } return $array; }); foreach ($q as $v) { echo '<option value="' . _h($v['subjectCode']) . '"' . selected($subjectCode, _h($v['subjectCode']), false) . '>' . _h($v['subjectCode']) . ' ' . _h($v['subjectName']) . '</option>' . "\n"; } }
/** * Prints a list of active courses. */ function courseList($id = '') { $app = \Liten\Liten::getInstance(); $crse = $app->db->course()->select('courseCode')->where('courseID <> ?', $id)->_and_()->where('currStatus = "A"')->_and_()->where('endDate <= "0000-00-00"'); $q = $crse->find(function ($data) { $array = []; foreach ($data as $d) { $array[] = $d; } return $array; }); $a = []; foreach ($q as $r) { $a[] = $r['courseCode']; } return $a; }
function degree_audit_tables() { $app = \Liten\Liten::getInstance(); $now = date('Y-m-d h:i:s'); $hd = $app->db->query('SHOW TABLES LIKE "da_group"'); $q = $hd->find(function ($data) { $array = []; foreach ($data as $d) { $array[] = $d; } return $array; }); if (count($q) <= 0) { $sql = []; $sql = ""; foreach ($sql as $query) { $app->db->query($query); } } }
public function __construct($useMemcached, \Liten\Liten $liten = null) { $this->app = !empty($liten) ? $liten : \Liten\Liten::getInstance(); $this->useMemcached = $useMemcached; $ext = $this->useMemcached ? 'memcached' : 'memcache'; if ($ext == 'memcached' && !class_exists('memcached')) { return new \app\src\Core\Exception\Exception(sprintf(_t('Memcached requires PHP <strong>%s</strong> extension to be loaded.'), $ext), 'php_memcache_extension'); } if ($ext == 'memcache' && !function_exists('memcache_connect')) { return new \app\src\Core\Exception\Exception(sprintf(_t('Memcached requires PHP <strong>%s</strong> extension to be loaded.'), $ext), 'php_memcache_extension'); } if ($ext == 'memcache') { $this->connection = new \Memcache(); } else { $this->connection = new \Memcached('etsis'); } /** * Filter sets whether caching is enabled or not. * * @since 6.2.0 * @var bool */ $this->enable = $this->app->hook->apply_filter('enable_caching', true); }
/** * Returns the url based on route. */ function url($route) { $app = \Liten\Liten::getInstance(); $url = $app->req->url_for($route); return $url; }
/** * Change of Address Email * * Function used to send change of address to * appropriate staff member. * * @since 6.2.11 */ function etsis_nodeq_change_address() { $app = \Liten\Liten::getInstance(); $email = _etsis_email(); $host = $app->req->server['HTTP_HOST']; $site = _t('myeduTrac :: ') . _h(get_option('institution_name')); // Creates node's schema if does not exist. Node::dispense('change_address'); try { $sql = Node::table('change_address')->where('sent', '=', 0)->findAll(); if ($sql->count() == 0) { Node::table('change_address')->delete(); } $numItems = $sql->count(); $i = 0; if ($sql->count() > 0) { foreach ($sql as $r) { $message = _escape(get_option('coa_form_text')); $message = str_replace('#uname#', _h($r->uname), $message); $message = str_replace('#fname#', _h($r->fname), $message); $message = str_replace('#lname#', _h($r->lname), $message); $message = str_replace('#name#', get_name(_h($r->personid)), $message); $message = str_replace('#id#', _h($r->personid), $message); $message = str_replace('#address1#', _h($r->address1), $message); $message = str_replace('#address2#', _h($r->address2), $message); $message = str_replace('#city#', _h($r->city), $message); $message = str_replace('#state#', _h($r->state), $message); $message = str_replace('#zip#', _h($r->zip), $message); $message = str_replace('#country#', _h($r->country), $message); $message = str_replace('#phone#', _h($r->phone), $message); $message = str_replace('#email#', _h($r->email), $message); $message = str_replace('#adminemail#', _h(get_option('system_email')), $message); $message = str_replace('#url#', get_base_url(), $message); $message = str_replace('#helpdesk#', _h(get_option('help_desk')), $message); $message = str_replace('#currentterm#', _h(get_option('current_term_code')), $message); $message = str_replace('#instname#', _h(get_option('institution_name')), $message); $message = str_replace('#mailaddr#', _h(get_option('mailing_address')), $message); $headers = "From: {$site} <auto-reply@{$host}>\r\n"; $headers .= "X-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion(); $headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0" . "\r\n"; $headers .= "Content-type:text/html;charset=UTF-8" . "\r\n"; $email->etsis_mail(_h(get_option('contact_email')), _t('Change of Address Request'), $message, $headers); $upd = Node::table('change_address')->find(_h($r->id)); $upd->sent = 1; $upd->save(); if (++$i === $numItems) { //If we reach the last item, send user a desktop notification. etsis_push_notify('Change of Address', 'Request has been submitted.'); } } } } catch (\Exception $e) { return new \app\src\Core\Exception\Exception($e->getMessage(), 'NodeQ'); } }
/** * Student router function. * * Includes student router filter (student_router). * * @since 6.2.7 */ function _etsis_student_router() { $app = \Liten\Liten::getInstance(); $router = $app->config('routers_dir') . 'student.router.php'; if (!$app->hook->has_filter('student_router')) { require $router; } return $app->hook->apply_filter('student_router', $router); }
public function __construct(\Liten\Liten $liten = null) { $this->app = !empty($liten) ? $liten : \Liten\Liten::getInstance(); if (ETSIS_FILE_CACHE_LOW_RAM && function_exists('memory_get_usage')) { $limit = _trim(ini_get('memory_limit')); $mod = strtolower($limit[strlen($limit) - 1]); switch ($mod) { case 'g': $limit *= 1073741824; break; case 'm': $limit *= 1048576; break; case 'k': $limit *= 1024; break; } if ($limit <= 0) { $limit = 0; } $this->_memory_limit = $limit; $limit = _trim(ETSIS_FILE_CACHE_LOW_RAM); $mod = strtolower($limit[strlen($limit) - 1]); switch ($mod) { case 'g': $limit *= 1073741824; break; case 'm': $limit *= 1048576; break; case 'k': $limit *= 1024; break; } $this->_memory_low = $limit; } else { $this->_memory_limit = 0; $this->_memory_low = 0; } /** * Filter sets whether caching is enabled or not. * * @since 6.2.0 * @var bool */ $this->enable = $this->app->hook->apply_filter('enable_caching', true); $this->persist = $this->enable && true; /** * File system cache directory. */ $dir = $this->app->config('file.savepath') . 'cache'; /** * Fiter the file cache directory in order to override it * in case some systems are having issues. * * @since 6.2.0 * @param string $dir * The directory where file system cache files are saved. */ $cacheDir = $this->app->hook->apply_filter('filesystem_cache_dir', $dir); /** * If the cache directory does not exist, the create it first * before trying to call it for use. */ if (!is_dir($cacheDir) || !file_exists($cacheDir)) { _mkdir($cacheDir); } /** * If the directory isn't writable, throw an exception. */ if (!etsis_is_writable($cacheDir)) { return new \app\src\Core\Exception\Exception(_t('Could not create the file cache directory.'), 'cookie_cache'); } /** * Cache directory is set. */ $this->_dir = $cacheDir . DS; }
/** * Sanitizes a string, or returns a fallback string. * * Specifically, HTML and PHP tags are stripped. Further actions can be added * via the plugin API. If $string is empty and $fallback_string is set, the latter * will be used. * * @since 6.2.10 * * @param string $string The string to be sanitized. * @param string $fallback_string Optional. A string to use if $string is empty. * @param string $context Optional. The operation for which the string is sanitized * @return string The sanitized string. */ function etsis_sanitize_string($string, $fallback_string = '', $context = 'save') { $app = \Liten\Liten::getInstance(); $raw_string = $string; if ('save' == $context) { $string = etsis_remove_accents($string); } /** * Filters a sanitized string. * * @since 6.2.10 * * @param string $string Sanitized string. * @param string $raw_string The string prior to sanitization. * @param string $context The context for which the string is being sanitized. */ $string = $app->hook->apply_filter('sanitize_string', $string, $raw_string, $context); if ('' === $string || false === $string) { $string = $fallback_string; } return $string; }
/** * Shows error messages on login form. * * @since 6.2.5 */ function etsis_login_form_show_message() { $app = \Liten\Liten::getInstance(); $flash = new \app\src\Core\etsis_Messages(); echo $app->hook->apply_filter('login_form_show_message', $flash->showMessage()); }
/** * Custom function to query any eduTrac SIS * database table. * * @since 6.0.00 * @param string $table * @param mixed $field * @param mixed $where * @return mixed */ function qt($table, $field, $where = null) { $app = \Liten\Liten::getInstance(); if ($where !== null) { $query = $app->db->query("SELECT * FROM {$table} WHERE {$where}"); } else { $query = $app->db->query("SELECT * FROM {$table}"); } $result = $query->find(function ($data) { $array = []; foreach ($data as $d) { $array[] = $d; } return $array; }); foreach ($result as $r) { return _h($r[$field]); } }
/** * Retrieves a list of roles from the roles table. * * @since 6.0.04 * @return mixed */ function get_perm_roles() { $app = \Liten\Liten::getInstance(); $query = $app->db->query('SELECT trim(leading "0" from ID) AS roleID, roleName FROM role'); $result = $query->find(function ($data) { $array = []; foreach ($data as $d) { $array[] = $d; } return $array; }); foreach ($result as $r) { echo '<option value="' . _h($r['roleID']) . '">' . _h($r['roleName']) . '</option>' . "\n"; } }
/** * Retrieve student's hiatus status. * * @since 6.2.10 * @return Student's hiatus status. */ function get_stu_shis($stu_id, $field) { $app = \Liten\Liten::getInstance(); $shis = $app->db->hiatus()->where('endDate <= "0000-00-00"')->_and_()->where('stuID = ?', $stu_id)->findOne(); return _h($shis->{$field}); }
/** * __construct class constructor * * @access public * @since 1.0.1 */ public function __construct(\Liten\Liten $liten = null) { $this->_app = !empty($liten) ? $liten : \Liten\Liten::getInstance(); }
/** * Constructor. * * @param etsis_Student|object $stu * Student object. */ public function __construct($stu, \Liten\Liten $liten = null) { foreach (get_object_vars($stu) as $key => $value) { $this->{$key} = $value; } $this->app = !empty($liten) ? $liten : \Liten\Liten::getInstance(); $this->stuHeader = $this->getStuHeader(); }
/** * Constructor is private so that another instance isn't created. * * @since 6.2.0 */ private function __construct(\Liten\Liten $liten = null) { // Make sure the script can handle large folders/files for zip and API calls. ini_set('max_execution_time', 600); ini_set('memory_limit', '1024M'); if (function_exists('enable_url_ssl')) { $protocol = 'https://'; } else { $protocol = 'http://'; } $this->url = $protocol . $this->_baseURL . '/'; $this->patch_url = $this->getReleaseJsonUrl(); $this->local_base_dir = BASE_PATH; $this->local_backup_dir = '/tmp/'; $this->app = !empty($liten) ? $liten : \Liten\Liten::getInstance(); $this->update = new \VisualAppeal\AutoUpdate(rtrim($this->app->config('file.savepath'), '/'), rtrim(BASE_PATH, '/'), 1800); $this->current_release = $this->getCurrentRelease(); $this->current_release_value = $this->current_release['current_release']['current_release_value']; }
public function __construct() { $this->mailer = _etsis_phpmailer(); $this->app = \Liten\Liten::getInstance(); }
/** * Wrapper function for Hooks::maybe_unserialize() method and * unserializes value if it is serialized. * * @see Hooks::maybe_unserialized() * * @since 6.0.03 * @param string $original * Maybe unserialized original, if is needed. * @return mixed Any type of serialized data. */ function maybe_unserialize($original) { $app = \Liten\Liten::getInstance(); return $app->hook->maybe_unserialize($original); }
public function __construct() { $this->_app = \Liten\Liten::getInstance(); $this->_cache = new \app\src\DBCache(); }
if (!defined('BASE_PATH')) { exit('No direct script access allowed'); } /** * Edit Course View * * This view renders the course record for the CRSE screen. * * @license GPLv3 * * @since 3.0.0 * @package eduTrac SIS * @author Joshua Parker <*****@*****.**> */ $app = \Liten\Liten::getInstance(); $app->view->extend('_layouts/dashboard'); $app->view->block('dashboard'); $flash = new \app\src\Core\etsis_Messages(); include 'ajax.php'; $screen = 'acrse'; ?> <script src="//cdn.tinymce.com/4/tinymce.min.js"></script> <script src="<?php echo get_base_url(); ?> static/assets/plugins/tinymce/plugin.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> tinymce.init({selector: "textarea",plugins: [ "placeholder" ]}); $(".panel").show();
public function __construct() { $this->app = \Liten\Liten::getInstance(); }