private function getElementSignups($status) { $el = new ElementSelect('signups', 'Signups', $status); $el->addOption('off'); $el->addOption('punters'); $el->addOption('waitinglist'); $el->addOption('staff'); return $el; }
private function getStatusElement($currentValue) { $el = new ElementSelect('status', 'Status', $currentValue); $el->addOption('ATTENDED'); $el->addOption('CANCELLED'); $el->addOption('SIGNEDUP'); $el->addOption('STAFF'); $el->addOption('CASH_IN_POST'); $el->addOption('BACS_WAITING'); $el->addOption('PAID'); $el->addOption('WAITING_LIST - Used for when the event has run out of seats.', 'WAITING_LIST'); $el->addOption('CONFIRMED - Can select seat even if not paid', 'CONFIRMED'); $el->addOption('DELETE - Only delete testing singups. Dont delete cancellations!', 'DELETE'); return $el; }
private function getEventListElement() { $el = new ElementSelect('eventList', 'Event'); foreach (Events::getAllUpcommingEvents() as $event) { $el->addOption($event['name'], $event['id']); } return $el; }
private function getGroupSelection() { $el = new ElementSelect('selectedGroup', 'Group'); foreach ($this->getAvailableGroups() as $group) { $el->addOption($group['title'], $group['id']); } return $el; }
private function getElementImageDirectories() { $el = new ElementSelect('dir', 'Directory'); if (Session::getUser()->hasPriv('UPLOAD_GALLERY_IMAGE')) { $sql = 'SELECT,, g.folderName, g.title FROM events e JOIN galleries g ON = ORDER BY'; $stmt = DatabaseFactory::getInstance()->prepare($sql); $stmt->execute(); foreach ($stmt->fetchAll() as $gallery) { $this->directoryAliases['gallery' . $gallery['id']] = array('path' => 'resources/images/galleries/' . $gallery['folderName'], 'settings' => 'gallery'); $el->addOption('Event: ' . $gallery['title'], 'gallery' . $gallery['id']); } } if (Session::getUser()->hasPriv('UPLOAD_SCHEDULE_ICON')) { $this->directoryAliases['schedule'] = array('path' => 'resources/icons/games/', 'settings' => 'schedule'); $el->addOption('Schedule Icons', 'schedule'); } return $el; }
private function getElementSiteTheme($settingTheme) { $el = new ElementSelect('theme', 'Theme', $settingTheme); foreach (scandir('resources/themes/') as $theme) { if ($theme[0] == '.') { continue; } $el->addOption($theme); } return $el; }
private function getElementUsername() { $el = new ElementSelect('username', 'Who did you give the money to?'); $sql = 'SELECT, u.username FROM finance_account_allocations al JOIN finance_accounts a ON al.account = JOIN users u ON a.assigned_to = '; $stmt = DatabaseFactory::getInstance()->prepare($sql); $stmt->execute(); foreach ($stmt->fetchAll() as $account) { $el->addOption($account['username'], $account['id']); } return $el; }
private function getVenueElement() { global $db; $el = new ElementSelect('venue', 'Venue', null, 'Where is it? '); $sql = 'SELECT id, name FROM venues'; $result = $db->query($sql); foreach ($result->fetchAll() as $venue) { $el->addOption($venue['name'], $venue['id']); } return $el; }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct('editGallery', 'Edit Gallery'); $gallery = Galleries::getById(Sanitizer::getInstance()->filterUint('id')); $this->addElement(new ElementHidden('mode', null, 'edit')); $this->addElement(new ElementHidden('id', null, $gallery['id'])); $this->addElement(new ElementInput('title', 'Title', $gallery['title'])); $this->addElement(new ElementInput('folderName', 'Folder Name', $gallery['folderName'])); $this->addElement(new ElementInput('coverImage', 'Cover Image', $gallery['coverImage'], 'The filename of the THUMBNAIL already in the gallery that will be the cover image.')); $this->addElement(new ElementNumeric('ordinal', 'Ordinal', $gallery['ordinal'], 'Used for organizing the gallery.')); $this->addElement(new ElementAlphaNumeric('description', 'Description', $gallery['description'], 'A description that is shown when people view the gallery.')); $this->getElement('description')->setPunctuationAllowed(true); $this->getElement('description')->setMinMaxLengths(0, 64); $elStatus = new ElementSelect('status', 'Status', $gallery['status']); $elStatus->addOption('Open'); $elStatus->addOption('Closed'); $elStatus->addOption('Staff'); $this->addElement($elStatus); $this->addDefaultButtons(); }
public function getIconElement() { $el = new ElementSelect('icon', 'Icon'); $contents = scandir('resources/images/icons/games/'); foreach ($contents as $icon) { if ($icon[0] == '.') { continue; } $el->addOption($icon); } return $el; }
public function __construct($events) { parent::__construct('payForFriend', 'Pay for friend'); $eventsSel = new ElementSelect('event', 'Event'); foreach ($events as $event) { $eventsSel->addOption($event['name'], $event['id']); } $this->addElement($eventsSel); $this->addElement(new ElementInput('username', 'Your friends username')); $this->addElement(new ElementHidden('action', null, 'add')); $this->addDefaultButtons('Add friends ticket to basket'); }
private function getPermissionElement() { global $db; $el = new ElementSelect('privileges', 'Privileges', null, 'The permission to grant to the group. If the group already has the permission it will not appear in the list.'); $sql = 'SELECT `key`, id, description FROM permissions WHERE id NOT IN (SELECT gp.permission FROM privileges_g gp WHERE `group` = :groupId)'; $stmt = $db->prepare($sql); $stmt->bindValue(':groupId', $this->getElementValue('id')); $stmt->execute(); foreach ($stmt->fetchAll() as $priv) { $el->addOption($priv['key'] . (empty($priv['description']) ? null : ' - ' . $priv['description']), $priv['id']); } return $el; }
private function addAccountAllocation($paymentType, $title) { $el = new ElementSelect($paymentType, $title); foreach ($this->availableAccounts as $account) { $el->addOption($account['title'], $account['id']); } if (isset($this->availableAccounts[$paymentType])) { $el->setValue($this->availableAccounts[$paymentType]['id']); } else { $el->setvalue(1); } $this->allocatedPaymentTypes[] = array('paymentType' => $paymentType); $this->addElement($el); }