  * Execute the console command.
  * @return mixed
 public function fire()
     $experiments = Experiment::active()->get();
     $goals = array_unique(Goal::active()->orderBy('name')->lists('name')->toArray());
     $columns = array_merge(['Experiment', 'Visitors', 'Engagement'], array_map('ucfirst', $goals));
     $writer = new Writer(new SplTempFileObject());
     foreach ($experiments as $experiment) {
         $engagement = $experiment->visitors ? $experiment->engagement / $experiment->visitors * 100 : 0;
         $row = [$experiment->name, $experiment->visitors, number_format($engagement, 2) . " % (" . $experiment->engagement . ")"];
         $results = $experiment->goals()->lists('count', 'name');
         foreach ($goals as $column) {
             $count = array_get($results, $column, 0);
             $percentage = $experiment->visitors ? $count / $experiment->visitors * 100 : 0;
             $row[] = number_format($percentage, 2) . " % ({$count})";
     $output = (string) $writer;
     if ($file = $this->argument('file')) {
         $this->info("Creating {$file}");
         File::put($file, $output);
     } else {
Example #2
  * Write the given item.
  * @param mixed $item
  * @throws LogicException if no valid handle exists.
 public function writeItem($item)
     if ($this->autoDetectHeader && !$this->header && is_array($item)) {
         $this->header = array_keys($item);
Example #3
  * Generate a spreadsheet by transforming 3D data into 2D data.
  * @param array $filters (optional)
  * @return League\Csv\Writer
 public function generate(array $filters = [])
     // Query the repository for filtered set of objects to export
     $objects = $this->query($filters);
     // Insert headers
     // Add objects as rows
     if ($objects) {
         // Transform a 3D object into a 2D row
         $objects->transform([$this, 'transform']);
         // Insert all the objects as rows
     return $this->data;
Example #4
 public function getIndex()
     $c = Input::get('collection', 'Entity');
     $collection = $this->repository->returnCollectionObjectFor($c);
     // Filter data for projects for which the authenticated user has permissions.
     if (Input::has('authkey')) {
         $user = \MongoDB\UserAgent::where('api_key', Input::get('authkey'))->first();
         if (is_null($user)) {
             return ['error' => 'Invalid auth key: ' . Input::get('authkey')];
     } elseif (Auth::check()) {
         $user = Auth::user();
     } else {
         return ['error' => 'Authentication required. Please supply authkey.'];
     $projects = ProjectHandler::getUserProjects($user, Permissions::PROJECT_READ);
     $projectNames = array_column($projects, 'name');
     $collection = $collection->whereIn('project', $projectNames);
     if (Input::has('match')) {
         $collection = $this->processFields($collection);
     $start = (int) Input::get('start', 0);
     $limit = (int) Input::get('limit', 100);
     $only = Input::get('only', array());
     if ($orderBy = Input::get('orderBy')) {
         foreach ($orderBy as $sortingColumnName => $sortingDirection) {
             $collection = $collection->orderBy($sortingColumnName, $sortingDirection);
     $collection = $collection->paginate($limit, $only);
     $pagination = $collection->links()->render();
     $count = $collection->toArray();
     $documents = $collection->toArray()['data'];
     if (array_key_exists('tocsv', Input::all())) {
         $writer = new Writer(new \SplTempFileObject());
         $headerDotted = array();
         foreach ($documents as $line_index => $row) {
             unset($row['metrics'], $row['platformJobId'], $row['results'], $row['cache']);
             if (isset($row['parents'])) {
                 $row['wasDerivedFrom'] = implode(",", $row['parents']);
             foreach (array_dot($row) as $k => $v) {
                 array_push($headerDotted, $k);
         $headerDotted = array_unique($headerDotted);
         $csvHeader = array_change_key_case(str_replace('.', '_', array_values($headerDotted)), CASE_LOWER);
         foreach ($documents as $line_index => $row) {
             if (isset($row['parents'])) {
                 $row['wasDerivedFrom'] = implode(",", $row['parents']);
             $row = array_dot($row);
             foreach ($headerDotted as $column) {
                 if (isset($row[$column])) {
                     $csvRow[str_replace('.', '_', $column)] = $row[$column];
                 } else {
                     $csvRow[str_replace('.', '_', $column)] = "";
         $writer->output(time() . '.csv');
     return Response::json(["count" => $count, "pagination" => $pagination, "searchQuery" => Input::except('page'), "documents" => $documents]);
Example #5
  * Display a listing of the resource.
  * @return Response
 public function getIndex()
     //return Input::all();
     $c = Input::get('collection', 'Entity');
     $collection = $this->repository->returnCollectionObjectFor($c);
     if (Input::has('createMetrics')) {
         exec('/usr/bin/python2.7 ' . base_path() . '/app/lib/generateMetrics.py \'' . Input::get('createMetrics') . '\' \'entity/text/medical/questiontemplate/1\'', $output, $error);
         return json_decode($output[0], true);
     if (Input::has('field')) {
         $collection = $this->processFields($collection);
     if (!array_key_exists('noCache', Input::all())) {
         $collection = $collection->remember(1, md5(serialize(array_values(Input::except('pretty')))));
     $start = (int) Input::get('start', 0);
     $limit = (int) Input::get('limit', 100);
     $only = Input::get('only', array());
     if (Input::has('datatables')) {
         $start = (int) Input::get('iDisplayStart', 0);
         $limit = (int) Input::get('iDisplayLength', 100);
         $sortingColumnIndex = (int) Input::get('iSortCol_0', 0);
         $sortingColumnName = Input::get('mDataProp_' . $sortingColumnIndex, '_id');
         $sortingDirection = Input::get('sSortDir_0', 'asc');
         $sortingColumnName = $sortingColumnName == "_id" ? "natural" : $sortingColumnName;
         $iTotalDisplayRecords = new Entity();
         $iTotalDisplayRecords = $this->processFields($iTotalDisplayRecords);
         $iTotalDisplayRecords = $iTotalDisplayRecords->count();
         $collection = $collection->skip($start)->orderBy($sortingColumnName, $sortingDirection)->take($limit)->get($only);
         if ($input = Input::get('field')) {
             $iTotalRecords = new Entity();
             if (isset($input['format'])) {
                 $iTotalRecords = $iTotalRecords->whereIn('format', array_flatten([$input['format']]));
             if (isset($input['domain'])) {
                 $iTotalRecords = $iTotalRecords->whereIn('domain', array_flatten([$input['domain']]));
             if (isset($input['documentType'])) {
                 $iTotalRecords = $iTotalRecords->whereIn('documentType', array_flatten([$input['documentType']]));
             $iTotalRecords = $iTotalRecords->count();
         return Response::json(["sEcho" => Input::get('sEcho', 10), "iTotalRecords" => $iTotalRecords, "iTotalDisplayRecords" => $iTotalDisplayRecords, "aaData" => $collection->toArray()]);
     $collection = $collection->skip($start)->take($limit)->get($only);
     if (array_key_exists('getQueryLog', Input::all())) {
         return Response::json(\DB::getQueryLog());
     if (array_key_exists('pretty', Input::all())) {
         echo "<pre>";
         return json_encode($collection->toArray(), JSON_PRETTY_PRINT | JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES);
     if (array_key_exists('tocsv', Input::all())) {
         $documents = $collection->toArray();
         $writer = new Writer(new \SplTempFileObject());
         foreach ($documents as $documentKey => $documentValue) {
             if (!isset($documentValue['content']['sentence']['formatted'])) {
                 $documentValue['content']['sentence']['formatted'] = " ";
             $row['_id'] = $documentValue['_id'];
             if (isset($documentValue['parents'])) {
                 $row['wasDerivedFrom'] = implode(",", $documentValue['parents']);
             $row['content'] = $documentValue['content'];
             $row = $documentValue;
             if ($documentKey == 0) {
                 $writer->insertOne(array_change_key_case(str_replace('.', '_', array_keys(array_dot($row))), CASE_LOWER));
             $row = array_dot($row);
             $csvRow = array();
             foreach ($row as $columnKey => $columnValue) {
                 $csvRow[str_replace('.', '_', $columnKey)] = $columnValue;
         // return array_dot($csv);
     // if(array_key_exists('tocsv', Input::all()))
     // {
     // 	$documents = $collection->toArray();
     // 	$writer = new Writer(new \SplTempFileObject);
     // 	foreach($documents as $documentKey => $documentValue)
     // 	{
     // 		if(!isset($documentValue['content']['sentence']['formatted']))
     // 		{
     // 			$documentValue['content']['sentence']['formatted'] = " ";
     // 		}
     // 		$this->recur_ksort($documentValue['content']);
     // 		$row['_id'] = $documentValue['_id'];
     // 		if(isset($documentValue['parents']))
     // 		{
     // 			$row['wasDerivedFrom'] = implode(",", $documentValue['parents']);
     // 		}
     // 		$row['content'] = $documentValue['content'];
     // 		if($documentKey == 0)
     // 		{
     // 			$writer->insertOne(array_change_key_case(str_replace('.', '_', array_keys(array_dot($row))), CASE_LOWER));
     // 		}
     // 		$writer->insertOne(array_flatten($row));
     // 	}
     // 	$writer->output('test.csv');
     // 	die;
     // 	// return array_dot($csv);
     // }
     return Response::json($collection);
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function writeItem(array $item)
     return $this->writer->insertOne($item);
  * renders content of the csv file
 protected function renderContent()
     foreach ($this->dates as $dates) {
         $this->csvWriter->insertOne([$dates['month']->format($this->currentMonthFormat), $dates['salaryDate']->format($this->salaryDateFormat), $dates['bonusDate']->format($this->bonusDateFormat)]);