Example #1
function entry(&$argv)
    if (is_file($argv[0])) {
        if (0 === substr_compare($argv[0], '.class.php', -10)) {
            $uri = realpath($argv[0]);
            if (null === ($cl = \lang\ClassLoader::getDefault()->findUri($uri))) {
                throw new \Exception('Cannot load ' . $uri . ' - not in class path');
            return $cl->loadUri($uri)->literal();
        } else {
            if (0 === substr_compare($argv[0], '.xar', -4)) {
                $cl = \lang\ClassLoader::registerPath($argv[0]);
                if (!$cl->providesResource('META-INF/manifest.ini')) {
                    throw new \Exception($cl->toString() . ' does not provide a manifest');
                $manifest = parse_ini_string($cl->getResource('META-INF/manifest.ini'));
                return strtr($manifest['main-class'], '.', '\\');
            } else {
                array_unshift($argv, 'eval');
                return 'xp\\runtime\\Evaluate';
    } else {
        return strtr($argv[0], '.', '\\');
  * Constructor
  * @param   lang.ClassLoader classLoader
 public function __construct($classLoader = null)
     if (null === $classLoader) {
         $this->classLoader = ClassLoader::getDefault();
     } else {
         $this->classLoader = $classLoader;
Example #3
  * Creates a new class source
  * @param  string $class Dotted fully qualified name
  * @throws lang.ClassFormatException
 public function __construct($class)
     $cl = ClassLoader::getDefault()->findClass($class);
     if ($cl instanceof IClassLoader) {
         $this->tokenize($cl->loadClassBytes($class), $class);
     } else {
         $this->tokens = null;
  * Get all test cases
  * @param   var[] arguments
  * @return  unittest.TestCase[]
 public function testCasesWith($arguments)
     $uri = $this->file->getURI();
     $cl = \lang\ClassLoader::getDefault()->findUri($uri);
     if (is(null, $cl)) {
         throw new IllegalArgumentException('Cannot load class from ' . $this->file->toString());
     return $this->testCasesInClass($cl->loadUri($uri), $arguments);
  * Creates a fixrture
  * @return  util.PropertyManager
 private function fixture()
     $class = ClassLoader::getDefault()->defineClass('NonSingletonPropertyManager', PropertyManager::class, [], '{
   public static function newInstance() {
     return new self();
     return $class->getMethod('newInstance')->invoke(null);
  * Constructor
  * @param   io.File file
  * @throws  lang.IllegalArgumentException if the given file does not exist
 public function __construct(File $file)
     $uri = $file->getURI();
     $cl = ClassLoader::getDefault()->findUri($uri);
     if ($cl === null) {
         throw new IllegalArgumentException('File "' . $uri . ($file->exists() ? '" is not in class path' : '" not found'));
     $this->loader = $cl;
     $this->uri = $uri;
  * Locate a class
  * @param   string[] packages
  * @param   string name
  * @return  string qualified
  * @throws  lang.ElementNotFoundException
 public function locateClass($packages, $local)
     $cl = ClassLoader::getDefault();
     foreach ($packages as $package) {
         $qualified = $package . '.' . $local;
         if (!$cl->providesClass($qualified) && !$this->manager->findClass($qualified)) {
         return $qualified;
     throw new ElementNotFoundException('Could not locate class ' . $local . ' in ' . \xp::stringOf($packages));
  * Setup method.
  * @param   string package
  * @param   string stateName
  * @param   string functionality
  * @param   [:var] params default array()
 public function __construct($package, $stateName, $functionality, $params = [])
     static $i = 0;
     // Generate unique classname and put it into the environment
     // That way, the classloader will already know this class in
     // WorkflowScriptletRequest::initialize() and be able to load
     // and instantiate it.
     $stateName = 'Mock__' . $i++ . $stateName;
     $this->state = \lang\ClassLoader::getDefault()->defineClass($package . '.mock.state.' . $stateName . 'State', 'scriptlet.xml.workflow.AbstractState', [], $functionality)->newInstance();
     $_SERVER['STATE'] = $stateName;
     // Set some defaults
     $_SERVER['PRODUCT'] = 'xp';
     $_SERVER['LANGUAGE'] = 'en_US';
Example #9
  * Accessor method for a type matcher.
  * @param   typeName string
 public static function anyOfType($typeName)
     $builder = new MockProxyBuilder();
     $interfaces = [XPClass::forName('unittest.mock.arguments.IArgumentMatcher')];
     $parentClass = null;
     $type = XPClass::forName($typeName);
     if ($type->isInterface()) {
         $interfaces[] = $type;
     } else {
         $parentClass = $type;
     $proxyClass = $builder->createProxyClass(ClassLoader::getDefault(), $interfaces, $parentClass);
     return $proxyClass->newInstance(new TypeMatcher($typeName));
Example #10
  * Builds a stub instance for the specified type.
  * @param   string typeName
  * @param   boolean overrideAll
  * @return  lang.Object
 public function createMock($typeName, $overrideAll = true)
     $type = Type::forName($typeName);
     if (!$type instanceof XPClass) {
         throw new IllegalArgumentException('Cannot mock other types than XPClass types.');
     $parentClass = null;
     $interfaces = [XPClass::forName('unittest.mock.IMock')];
     if ($type->isInterface()) {
         $interfaces[] = $type;
     } else {
         $parentClass = $type;
     $proxy = new MockProxyBuilder();
     $proxyClass = $proxy->createProxyClass(ClassLoader::getDefault(), $interfaces, $parentClass);
     $mock = $proxyClass->newInstance(new MockProxy());
     $this->mocks[] = $mock;
     return $mock;
  * Constructor
 public function __construct()
     $this->marshallers = create('new util.collections.HashTable<lang.Type, webservices.rest.TypeMarshaller>');
     // Deprecated!
     if (PHP_VERSION < 7 && ClassLoader::getDefault()->providesPackage('lang.types')) {
         $strings = newinstance('webservices.rest.TypeMarshaller', [], ['marshal' => function ($t) {
             return $t->toString();
         }, 'unmarshal' => function (Type $target, $in) {
             return $target->newInstance($in);
         $integers = newinstance('webservices.rest.TypeMarshaller', [], ['marshal' => function ($t) {
             return $t->intValue();
         }, 'unmarshal' => function (Type $target, $in) {
             return $target->newInstance($in);
         $decimals = newinstance('webservices.rest.TypeMarshaller', [], ['marshal' => function ($t) {
             return $t->doubleValue();
         }, 'unmarshal' => function (Type $target, $in) {
             return $target->newInstance($in);
         $booleans = newinstance('webservices.rest.TypeMarshaller', [], ['marshal' => function ($t) {
             return (bool) $t->value;
         }, 'unmarshal' => function (Type $target, $in) {
             return $target->newInstance($in);
         $this->marshallers[XPClass::forName('lang.types.String')] = $strings;
         $this->marshallers[XPClass::forName('lang.types.Character')] = $strings;
         $this->marshallers[XPClass::forName('lang.types.Long')] = $integers;
         $this->marshallers[XPClass::forName('lang.types.Integer')] = $integers;
         $this->marshallers[XPClass::forName('lang.types.Short')] = $integers;
         $this->marshallers[XPClass::forName('lang.types.Byte')] = $integers;
         $this->marshallers[XPClass::forName('lang.types.Float')] = $decimals;
         $this->marshallers[XPClass::forName('lang.types.Double')] = $decimals;
         $this->marshallers[XPClass::forName('lang.types.Boolean')] = $booleans;
     $this->marshallers[XPClass::forName('lang.Enum')] = newinstance('webservices.rest.TypeMarshaller', [], ['marshal' => function ($t) {
         return $t->name();
     }, 'unmarshal' => function (Type $target, $in) {
         return Enum::valueOf($target, (string) $in);
Example #12
  * Find a command by a given name
  * @param  string $name
  * @return lang.XPClass
  * @throws lang.ClassNotFoundException
  * @throws lang.IllegalArgumentException if class is not runnable
 public static function named($name)
     $cl = ClassLoader::getDefault();
     if (is_file($name)) {
         $class = $cl->loadUri($name);
     } else {
         if (strstr($name, '.')) {
             $class = $cl->loadClass($name);
         } else {
             if ($package = self::locateNamed($name)) {
                 $class = $package->loadClass($name);
             } else {
                 $class = $cl->loadClass($name);
     // Check whether class is runnable
     if (!$class->isSubclassOf('lang.Runnable')) {
         throw new IllegalArgumentException($class->getName() . ' is not runnable');
     return $class;
Example #13
  * Main
  * @param  string[] $args
  * @return int
 public static function main($args)
     $name = array_shift($args);
     if (null === $name) {
         Console::$err->writeLine('*** No class or package name given');
         return 1;
     // Check whether a file, class or a package directory or name is given
     $cl = ClassLoader::getDefault();
     try {
         if (strstr($name, \xp::CLASS_FILE_EXT)) {
             $info = new TypeInformation($cl->loadUri(realpath($name)));
         } else {
             if (is_dir($name)) {
                 $info = new DirectoryInformation($name);
             } else {
                 if ($cl->providesClass($name)) {
                     $info = new TypeInformation($cl->loadClass($name));
                 } else {
                     if ($cl->providesPackage($name)) {
                         $info = new PackageInformation($name);
                     } else {
                         Console::$err->writeLine('*** No classloader provides ' . $name);
                         return 2;
     } catch (IllegalArgumentException $e) {
         Console::$err->writeLine('*** ' . $e->getMessage());
         return 2;
     foreach ($info->sources() as $source) {
         Console::writeLine("@", $source, "");
     $info->display(new Highlighting(Console::$out, ['/(class|enum|trait|interface|package|directory) (.+)/' => "\$1 \$2", '/(extends|implements) (.+)/' => "\$1 \$2", '/(public|private|protected|abstract|final|static)/' => "\$1", '/(\\$[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/' => "\$1"]));
     return 0;
  * Main
  * @param   string[] args
 public static function main(array $args)
     if (sizeof($args) < 1 || '' == $args[0]) {
         Console::$err->writeLine('*** No class or package name given');
         return 2;
     // Check whether a file, class or a package directory or name is given
     $cl = \lang\ClassLoader::getDefault();
     if (strstr($args[0], \xp::CLASS_FILE_EXT)) {
         $class = $cl->loadUri(realpath($args[0]));
     } else {
         if ($cl->providesClass($args[0])) {
             $class = XPClass::forName($args[0], $cl);
         } else {
             if (strcspn($args[0], '\\/') < strlen($args[0])) {
                 $package = self::findPackageBy(new Folder($args[0]));
             } else {
                 $package = $args[0];
             $provided = false;
             foreach (\lang\ClassLoader::getLoaders() as $loader) {
                 if (!$loader->providesPackage($package)) {
                 Console::writeLine('@', $loader);
                 $provided = true;
             if ($provided) {
                 return 0;
             // Not found
             Console::$err->writeLine('*** Failed to locate either a class or a package named "', $args[0], '", tried all of {');
             foreach (\lang\ClassLoader::getLoaders() as $loader) {
                 Console::$err->writeLine('  ', $loader);
             return 1;
     Console::writeLine('@', $class->getClassLoader());
     if ($class->isInterface()) {
     } else {
         if ($class->isEnum()) {
         } else {
     return 0;
  * Open a database
  * @return info.keepass.KeePassDatabase
 protected function database()
     return KeePassDatabase::open(ClassLoader::getDefault()->getResourceAsStream('fixtures/' . $this->fixture . '.kdbx')->in(), new Key($this->fixture));
Example #16
  * Changes the value of the field represented by this Field, on the 
  * specified object.
  * @param   object instance
  * @param   var value
  * @throws  lang.IllegalArgumentException in case the passed object is not an instance of the declaring class
  * @throws  lang.IllegalAccessException in case this field is not public
 public function set($instance, $value)
     if (null !== $instance && !$instance instanceof $this->_class) {
         throw new IllegalArgumentException(sprintf('Passed argument is not a %s class (%s)', XPClass::nameOf($this->_class), \xp::typeOf($instance)));
     // Check modifiers. If scope is an instance of this class, allow
     // protected method invocation (which the PHP reflection API does
     // not).
     $m = $this->_reflect->getModifiers();
     $public = $m & MODIFIER_PUBLIC;
     if (!$public && !$this->accessible) {
         $t = debug_backtrace(DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS, 1);
         $scope = $t[1]['class'] ?? \lang\ClassLoader::getDefault()->loadUri($t[0]['file'])->literal();
         $decl = $this->_reflect->getDeclaringClass()->getName();
         if ($m & MODIFIER_PROTECTED) {
             $allow = $scope === $decl || is_subclass_of($scope, $decl);
         } else {
             $allow = $scope === $decl;
         if (!$allow) {
             throw new IllegalAccessException(sprintf('Cannot write %s %s::$%s from scope %s', Modifiers::stringOf($this->getModifiers()), XPClass::nameOf($this->_class), $this->_reflect->getName(), $scope));
     try {
         $public || $this->_reflect->setAccessible(true);
         $this->_reflect->setValue($instance, $value);
     } catch (\lang\Throwable $e) {
         throw $e;
     } catch (\Throwable $e) {
         throw new \lang\XPException($e->getMessage());
Example #17
  * Returns a class loader resource
  * @param  string $name
  * @return io.streams.InputStream
 private function resourceNamed($name)
     return ClassLoader::getDefault()->getResourceAsStream($name)->in();
 public function reserved_methods_should_not_be_overridden()
     $proxyBuilder = new MockProxyBuilder();
     $class = $proxyBuilder->createProxyClass(\lang\ClassLoader::getDefault(), [], \lang\XPClass::forName('net.xp_framework.unittest.tests.mock.AbstractDummy'));
     $proxy = $class->newInstance($this->handler);
     $proxy->equals(new \lang\Object());
Example #19
 public function nullInterfaces7()
     Proxy::getProxyClass(ClassLoader::getDefault(), null);
Example #20
  * Returns details for a given package. Note: Results from this method
  * are cached.
  * @param   string package
  * @return  [:var] details or NULL
 public static function detailsForPackage($package)
     if (!isset(\xp::$meta[$package])) {
         $cl = ClassLoader::getDefault();
         $info = strtr($package, '.', '/') . '/package-info.xp';
         if (!$cl->providesResource($info)) {
             return null;
         $tokens = token_get_all($cl->getResource($info));
         $details = [];
         $comment = null;
         for ($i = 0, $s = sizeof($tokens); $i < $s; $i++) {
             switch ($tokens[$i][0]) {
                 case T_DOC_COMMENT:
                     $comment = $tokens[$i][1];
                 case T_STRING:
                     if ('package' === $tokens[$i][1]) {
                         $details[DETAIL_COMMENT] = trim(preg_replace('/\\n \\* ?/', "\n", "\n" . substr($comment, 4, strpos($comment, '* @') - 2)));
         \xp::$meta[$package] = $details;
     return \xp::$meta[$package];
 public function nonExistantResourceStream()
 public function default_classloader_provides_packaged_of_defined_type()
 public function templates_in_package($package)
     $loader = new ResourcesIn(ClassLoader::getDefault());
     $this->assertEquals(['com/github/mustache/unittest/template'], $loader->listing()->package($package)->templates());
  * Sets up test
 public function setUp()
     $this->fixture = ClassLoader::getDefault()->getResourceAsStream(self::DATABASE)->in();
 public function withPositionalOptionListenerOption()
     $class = ClassLoader::getDefault()->defineClass('unittest.tests.WithPositionalOptionTestFixture', 'xp.unittest.DefaultListener', [], '{
   public static $options= [];
   #[@arg(position= 0)]
   public function setOption($value) { self::$options[__FUNCTION__]= $value; }
     $return = $this->runner->run(['-l', $class->getName(), '-', '-o', 'value']);
     $this->assertEquals(['setOption' => 'value'], $class->getField('options')->get(null));
Example #26

namespace xp;

if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.4.0', '<')) {
    trigger_error('This version of the XP Framework requires PHP 5.4.0+, have PHP ' . PHP_VERSION, E_USER_ERROR);
$p = max(strrpos(__FILE__, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR), strrpos(__FILE__, '?'));
require_once substr(__FILE__, 0, $p + 1) . 'lang.base.php';
 public function loadNonExistantUri()
Example #28
  * Main method
  * @param   util.cmd.ParamString params
  * @return  int
 public function run(ParamString $params)
     // No arguments given - show our own usage
     if ($params->count < 1) {
         return self::usage();
     // Configure properties
     $pm = PropertyManager::getInstance();
     // Separate runner options from class options
     for ($offset = 0, $i = 0; $i < $params->count; $i++) {
         switch ($params->list[$i]) {
             case '-c':
                 if (0 == strncmp('res://', $params->list[$i + 1], 6)) {
                     $pm->appendSource(new ResourcePropertySource(substr($params->list[$i + 1], 6)));
                 } else {
                     $pm->appendSource(new FilesystemPropertySource($params->list[$i + 1]));
                 $offset += 2;
             case '-cp':
                 \lang\ClassLoader::registerPath($params->list[$i + 1], null);
                 $offset += 2;
             case '-v':
                 $this->verbose = true;
                 $offset += 1;
             case '-?':
                 return self::usage();
                 break 2;
     // Sanity check
     if (!$params->exists($offset)) {
         self::$err->writeLine('*** Missing classname');
         return 1;
     // Use default path for PropertyManager if no sources set
     if (!$pm->getSources()) {
     $classname = $params->value($offset);
     $classparams = new ParamString(array_slice($params->list, $offset + 1));
     // Class file or class name
     if (strstr($classname, \xp::CLASS_FILE_EXT)) {
         $file = new \io\File($classname);
         if (!$file->exists()) {
             self::$err->writeLine('*** Cannot load class from non-existant file ', $classname);
             return 1;
         try {
             $class = \lang\ClassLoader::getDefault()->loadUri($file->getURI());
         } catch (\lang\ClassNotFoundException $e) {
             self::$err->writeLine('*** ', $this->verbose ? $e : $e->getMessage());
             return 1;
     } else {
         try {
             $class = \lang\XPClass::forName($classname);
         } catch (\lang\ClassNotFoundException $e) {
             self::$err->writeLine('*** ', $this->verbose ? $e : $e->getMessage());
             return 1;
     // Check whether class is runnable
     if (!$class->isSubclassOf('lang.Runnable')) {
         self::$err->writeLine('*** ', $class->getName(), ' is not runnable');
         return 1;
     // Usage
     if ($classparams->exists('help', '?')) {
         return 0;
     // Load, instantiate and initialize
     $l = Logger::getInstance();
     $pm->hasProperties('log') && $l->configure($pm->getProperties('log'));
     if (class_exists('rdbms\\DBConnection')) {
         // FIXME: Job of XPInjector?
         $cm = ConnectionManager::getInstance();
         $pm->hasProperties('database') && $cm->configure($pm->getProperties('database'));
     // Setup logger context for all registered log categories
     foreach (Logger::getInstance()->getCategories() as $category) {
         if (null === ($context = $category->getContext()) || !$context instanceof EnvironmentAware) {
     $instance = $class->newInstance();
     $instance->in = self::$in;
     $instance->out = self::$out;
     $instance->err = self::$err;
     $methods = $class->getMethods();
     // Injection
     foreach ($methods as $method) {
         if (!$method->hasAnnotation('inject')) {
         $inject = $method->getAnnotation('inject');
         if (isset($inject['type'])) {
             $type = $inject['type'];
         } else {
             if ($restriction = $method->getParameter(0)->getTypeRestriction()) {
                 $type = $restriction->getName();
             } else {
                 $type = $method->getParameter(0)->getType()->getName();
         try {
             switch ($type) {
                 case 'rdbms.DBConnection':
                     $args = [$cm->getByHost($inject['name'], 0)];
                 case 'util.Properties':
                     $p = $pm->getProperties($inject['name']);
                     // If a PropertyAccess is retrieved which is not a util.Properties,
                     // then, for BC sake, convert it into a util.Properties
                     if ($p instanceof \util\PropertyAccess && !$p instanceof \util\Properties) {
                         $convert = \util\Properties::fromString('');
                         $section = $p->getFirstSection();
                         while ($section) {
                             // HACK: Properties::writeSection() would first attempts to
                             // read the whole file, we cannot make use of it.
                             $convert->_data[$section] = $p->readSection($section);
                             $section = $p->getNextSection();
                         $args = [$convert];
                     } else {
                         $args = [$p];
                 case 'util.log.LogCategory':
                     $args = [$l->getCategory($inject['name'])];
                     self::$err->writeLine('*** Unknown injection type "' . $type . '" at method "' . $method->getName() . '"');
                     return 2;
             $method->invoke($instance, $args);
         } catch (\lang\reflect\TargetInvocationException $e) {
             self::$err->writeLine('*** Error injecting ' . $type . ' ' . $inject['name'] . ': ' . $e->getCause()->compoundMessage());
             return 2;
         } catch (\lang\Throwable $e) {
             self::$err->writeLine('*** Error injecting ' . $type . ' ' . $inject['name'] . ': ' . $e->compoundMessage());
             return 2;
     // Arguments
     foreach ($methods as $method) {
         if ($method->hasAnnotation('args')) {
             // Pass all arguments
             if (!$method->hasAnnotation('args', 'select')) {
                 $begin = 0;
                 $end = $classparams->count;
                 $pass = array_slice($classparams->list, 0, $end);
             } else {
                 $pass = [];
                 foreach (preg_split('/, ?/', $method->getAnnotation('args', 'select')) as $def) {
                     if (is_numeric($def) || '-' == $def[0]) {
                         $pass[] = $classparams->value((int) $def);
                     } else {
                         sscanf($def, '[%d..%d]', $begin, $end);
                         isset($begin) || ($begin = 0);
                         isset($end) || ($end = $classparams->count - 1);
                         while ($begin <= $end) {
                             $pass[] = $classparams->value($begin++);
             try {
                 $method->invoke($instance, [$pass]);
             } catch (\lang\Throwable $e) {
                 self::$err->writeLine('*** Error for arguments ' . $begin . '..' . $end . ': ', $this->verbose ? $e : $e->getMessage());
                 return 2;
         } else {
             if ($method->hasAnnotation('arg')) {
                 // Pass arguments
                 $arg = $method->getAnnotation('arg');
                 if (isset($arg['position'])) {
                     $name = '#' . ($arg['position'] + 1);
                     $select = intval($arg['position']);
                     $short = null;
                 } else {
                     if (isset($arg['name'])) {
                         $name = $select = $arg['name'];
                         $short = isset($arg['short']) ? $arg['short'] : null;
                     } else {
                         $name = $select = strtolower(preg_replace('/^set/', '', $method->getName()));
                         $short = isset($arg['short']) ? $arg['short'] : null;
                 if (0 == $method->numParameters()) {
                     if (!$classparams->exists($select, $short)) {
                     $args = [];
                 } else {
                     if (!$classparams->exists($select, $short)) {
                         list($first, ) = $method->getParameters();
                         if (!$first->isOptional()) {
                             self::$err->writeLine('*** Argument ' . $name . ' does not exist!');
                             return 2;
                         $args = [];
                     } else {
                         $args = [$classparams->value($select, $short)];
                 try {
                     $method->invoke($instance, $args);
                 } catch (\lang\reflect\TargetInvocationException $e) {
                     self::$err->writeLine('*** Error for argument ' . $name . ': ', $this->verbose ? $e->getCause() : $e->getCause()->compoundMessage());
                     return 2;
     try {
     } catch (\lang\Throwable $t) {
         self::$err->writeLine('*** ', $t->toString());
         return 70;
         // EX_SOFTWARE according to sysexits.h
     return 0;
Example #29
  * Finds a class by a given class name
  * @param   string classname
  * @return  lang.IClassLoader the classloader providing the class
 public function findClass($classname)
     foreach (\lang\ClassLoader::getDefault()->getLoaders() as $loader) {
         if ($loader->providesClass($classname)) {
             return $loader;
     return null;
  * Retrieve associated loader
  * @return  lang.IClassLoader
 protected function getLoader()
     return ClassLoader::getDefault();