Example #1
  * Creates a provider configuration from a template
  * @param string                   $providerId
  * @param array|BaseProviderConfig $config       Additional configuration options or overrides
  * @param string                   $fromTemplate The template to use if different from $providerId
  * @throws \DreamFactory\Oasys\Exceptions\OasysConfigurationException
  * @return ProviderConfigLike
 public static function createFromTemplate($providerId, $config = null, $fromTemplate = null)
     /** @var array $_defaults */
     $_defaults = static::getTemplate($fromTemplate ?: $providerId);
     if (empty($_defaults)) {
         Log::notice('Auto-template for "' . $providerId . '" not found.');
         $_defaults = array();
     //	Merge in the template, stored stuff and user supplied stuff
     $_config = null !== $config ? array_merge($_defaults, Option::clean($config)) : $_defaults;
     Option::set($_config, 'provider_id', $providerId);
     if (null === ($_type = Option::get($_config, 'type'))) {
         throw new OasysConfigurationException('You must specify the "type" of provider when using auto-generated configurations.');
     $_typeName = ProviderConfigTypes::nameOf($_type);
     //	Build the class name for the type of authentication of this provider
     $_class = str_ireplace('oauth', 'OAuth', BaseProvider::DEFAULT_CONFIG_NAMESPACE . ucfirst(Inflector::deneutralize(strtolower($_typeName) . '_provider_config')));
     //		Log::debug( 'Determined class of service to be: ' . $_typeName . '::' . $_class );
     //	Instantiate!
     return new $_class($_config);
Example #2
  * Returns this user as a GenericUser
  * @param \stdClass|array $profile
  * @throws \DreamFactory\Oasys\Exceptions\ProviderException
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
  * @return UserLike
 public function getUserData($profile = null)
     /** @noinspection PhpUndefinedMethodInspection */
     if (null === ($_url = $this->getIdentityUrl())) {
         Log::notice('No salesforce identity url.');
         return new GenericUser();
     $_profile = $this->fetch($_url);
     //		Log::debug( 'Profile retrieved: ' . print_r( $_profile, true ) );
     if (empty($_profile)) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('No profile available to convert.');
     $_profileId = Option::get($_profile, 'user_id');
     $_login = Option::get($_profile, 'username');
     $_name = array('familyName' => Option::get($_profile, 'last_name', $_login), 'givenName' => Option::get($_profile, 'first_name', $_login), 'formatted' => Option::get($_profile, 'display_name', $_login));
     return new GenericUser(array('provider_id' => $this->getProviderId(), 'user_id' => $_profileId, 'published' => Option::get($_profile, 'last_modified_date'), 'display_name' => $_name['formatted'], 'name' => $_name, 'email_address' => Option::get($_profile, 'email'), 'preferred_username' => $_login, 'urls' => (array) Option::get($_profile, 'urls', array()), 'thumbnail_url' => Option::getDeep($_profile, 'photos', 'thumbnail'), 'updated' => Option::get($_profile, 'last_modified_date'), 'relationships' => array(), 'user_data' => $_profile));