  * @param string          $story
  * @param PosterInterface $poster
  * @param PosterInterface $parent
  * @param                 $origin
  * @param int             $privacyType
  * @param int             $privacyValue
  * @param array           $params
  * @return Feed
 public function add($story = '', PosterInterface $poster, PosterInterface $parent = null, $origin, $privacyType = 1, $privacyValue = 1, $params = [])
     $about = null;
     $content = null;
     $parentShareId = 0;
     $feedId = 0;
     if (null == $parent) {
         $parent = $poster;
     if ($origin instanceof Feed) {
         $content = $origin->getAbout();
         $feedId = $origin->getId();
     } else {
         $content = $origin;
     if (empty($about)) {
         $about = $content;
     if ($about instanceof Share) {
         $parentShareId = $content->getId();
         $about = $about->getAbout();
     $share = new Share(['user_id' => $poster->getUserId(), 'feed_id' => 0, 'story' => $story, 'poster_id' => $poster->getId(), 'parent_share_id' => (int) $parentShareId, 'poster_type' => $poster->getType(), 'parent_user_id' => $parent->getUserId(), 'parent_id' => $parent->getId(), 'parent_type' => $parent->getType(), 'about_id' => $about->getId(), 'about_type' => $about->getType(), 'params_text' => json_encode($params), 'privacy_type' => $privacyType, 'privacy_value' => $privacyValue, 'privacy_text' => json_encode(['view' => ['type' => $privacyType, 'value' => $privacyValue]])]);
     $feed = app()->feedService()->addItemFeed('share', $share);
     return $feed;
  * @param PosterInterface  $poster
  * @param ContentInterface $object
  * @return bool
 public function remove(PosterInterface $poster, ContentInterface $object)
     $review = $this->findReview($poster->getId(), $object->getId());
     if (null != $review) {
     return false;
  * @param PosterInterface $parent
  * @param array           $values
 private function saveValues(PosterInterface $parent, $values)
     if (empty($values)) {
         $values = [];
     $this->objects[$parent->getId()] = $values;
     $item = app()->table('core.value')->findById($parent->getId());
     if (!$item) {
         $item = new Value(['parent_id' => $parent->getId(), 'parent_type' => $parent->getType()]);
     $item->__set('values_text', json_encode($values));
  * @param PosterInterface $poster
  * @param PosterInterface $object
  * @return Block
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
 public function add(PosterInterface $poster, PosterInterface $object)
      * block the same content
     if ($object->getId() == $poster->getId() && $object->getType() == $poster->getType()) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Could not block your self");
     $block = $this->findBlock($poster, $object);
     if (null == $block) {
         $block = new Block(['object_id' => $object->getId(), 'poster_id' => $poster->getId(), 'object_type' => $object->getType(), 'poster_type' => $poster->getType(), 'created_at' => KENDO_DATE_TIME]);
     return $block;
  * @param PosterInterface $item
  * @return string
 public function __invoke($item)
     if (!$item instanceof PosterInterface) {
         return '';
     if (!app()->auth()->logged()) {
         return '';
     if (!app()->aclService()->authorizeFor(app()->auth()->getUser(), 'is_admin')) {
         return '';
     if (app()->auth()->getId() == $item->getId()) {
         return '';
     return app()->viewHelper()->partial('platform/user/button/login-as', ['item' => $item]);
  * @param \Kendo\Content\PosterInterface                                 $poster
  * @param \Kendo\Content\ContentInterface|\Kendo\Content\PosterInterface $about
  * @param array                                                          $data
  * @return Report
 public function addReport($poster, $about, $data = [])
     $data = array_merge(['poster_id' => $poster->getId(), 'poster_type' => $poster->getType(), 'about_type' => $about->getType(), 'about_id' => $about->getId(), 'created_at' => KENDO_DATE_TIME], $data);
     $item = new Report($data);
     return $item;
  * Remove all like entry match `poster_id`.
  * TODO: How to update `comment_count`
  * @param PosterInterface $poster
 public function removeAllByPoster(PosterInterface $poster)
     app()->table('platform_comment')->delete()->where('poster_id=?', $poster->getId())->orWhere('user_id=?', $poster->getId())->orWhere('parent_id=?', $poster->getId())->orWhere('parent_user_id=?', $poster->getId())->execute();
  * @param CatalogInterface|PosterInterface $item
  * @param                                  $data
 public function updateItemAttribute($item, $data = [])
     $catalogId = $item->getCatalogId();
     if (!$catalogId) {
     $form = $this->getInternalFormByCatalogId($catalogId);
     $atTable = $item->getAttributeValueTable();
     $atTable->delete()->where('item_id=?', $item->getId())->execute();
     $maps = [];
     foreach ($form->getElements() as $element) {
         if (!$element instanceof FormField) {
         $fieldId = $element->getFieldId();
         if (!$fieldId) {
         $maps[$fieldId] = $element->getValue();
     foreach ($maps as $fieldId => $value) {
         $entry = $atTable->fetchNew(['item_id' => $item->getId(), 'field_id' => $fieldId, 'value' => $value]);
  * @param PosterInterface $parent
  * @return \Kendo\Db\SqlSelect
 public function getSelectMembershipForParent(PosterInterface $parent)
     $relationId = $parent->getId();
     return app()->table('platform_relation_item')->select()->where('relation_id=?', $relationId);
  * @param PosterInterface $poster
  * @param PosterInterface $parent
  * @param array           $params
  * @return Group
 public function addGroup(PosterInterface $poster, PosterInterface $parent, $params = [])
     $group = new Group(['user_id' => $poster->getUserId(), 'poster_id' => $poster->getId(), 'poster_type' => $poster->getType(), 'parent_id' => $parent->getId(), 'parent_type' => $parent->getType(), 'parent_user_id' => $parent->getUserId(), 'created_at' => KENDO_DATE_TIME, 'modified_at' => KENDO_DATE_TIME]);
     return $group;
Example #11
  * @param PosterInterface $parent
  * @param                 $action
  * @param bool|true       $defaultValue
  * @return bool
 public function authorizeFor(PosterInterface $parent = null, $action, $defaultValue = true)
     if (!$this->_authorize($roleId = null != $parent ? $parent->getRoleId() : KENDO_GUEST_ROLE_ID, $action, $defaultValue)) {
         return false;
     return true;
  * @param PosterInterface $poster
  * @return \Kendo\Db\SqlSelect
 public function getConversationIdForPoster(PosterInterface $poster)
     return app()->table('platform_message_recipient')->select()->where('recipient_id=?', $poster->getId());
Example #13
  * @param Feed            $feed
  * @param PosterInterface $profile
  * @return FeedStream
 private function putFeedToProfile(Feed $feed, PosterInterface $profile)
     $stream = new FeedStream(['feed_id' => $feed->getId(), 'feed_type' => $feed->getFeedType(), 'poster_id' => $feed->getPosterId(), 'about_id' => $feed->getAboutId(), 'parent_id' => $feed->getParentId(), 'privacy_value' => $feed->getPrivacyValue(), 'privacy_type' => $feed->getPrivacyType(), 'profile_id' => $profile->getId(), 'profile_type' => $profile->getType()]);
     return $stream;
Example #14
  * @param                 $params
  * @param PosterInterface $poster
  * @param PosterInterface $parent
  * @param int             $privacyType
  * @param int             $privacyValue
  * @return \Platform\Link\Model\Link
 public function addLink($params, PosterInterface $poster, PosterInterface $parent, $privacyType, $privacyValue)
     if (null === $privacyType || null == $privacyValue) {
         $privacyType = RELATION_TYPE_ANYONE;
         $privacyValue = RELATION_TYPE_ANYONE;
     $data = array_merge(['poster_id' => $poster->getId(), 'parent_id' => $parent->getId(), 'poster_type' => $poster->getType(), 'parent_type' => $parent->getType(), 'user_id' => $poster->getUserId(), 'privacy_type' => $privacyType, 'privacy_value' => $privacyValue, 'created_at' => KENDO_DATE_TIME, 'modified_at' => KENDO_DATE_TIME, 'privacy_text' => json_encode(['view' => ['type' => $privacyType, 'value' => $privacyType]])], $params);
     $link = new Link($data);
     return $link;
Example #15
  * @param PosterInterface $poster
  * @param                 $objectId
  * @return int
 public function getLikeStatus(PosterInterface $poster = null, $objectId)
     if (null == $poster || empty($objectId)) {
         return self::NOT_LIKE;
     $result = app()->table('platform_like')->select()->where('poster_id=?', $poster->getId())->where('about_id = ?', $objectId)->fields('about_id');
     if ($result) {
         return self::IS_LIKED;
     return self::NOT_LIKE;
  * Send notify to members subscribed to about since item is created.
  * + How to store and broadcast a message to 1M members. ?
  * + A better way we design a schema like group chat?
  * + Push notification only ?
  * + How many notification we should send out each time?
  * @param string          $type
  * @param PosterInterface $poster
  * @param mixed           $about
  * @param array           $params
 public function notify($type, $poster, $about, $params = [])
     foreach ($this->getListSubscriber($about, 100, 0) as $subscribe) {
         if (!$subscribe instanceof NotificationSubscribe) {
         $receiver = $subscribe->getPoster();
         if (!$receiver instanceof PosterInterface) {
         // do not notify to poster
         if ($poster->getId() == $receiver->getId()) {
         $this->addNotification($type, $poster, $receiver, $about, $params);
  * @param PosterInterface $poster
 public function removeAllByPoster($poster)
     app()->table('platform_follow')->delete()->where('parent_id=?', $poster->getId())->orWhere('poster_id=?', $poster->getId())->execute();
  * @param array                            $fileId
  * @param PosterInterface                  $poster
  * @param PosterInterface                  $parent
  * @param \Platform\Photo\Model\PhotoAlbum $album
  * @param array                            $params
  * @return \Platform\Photo\Model\Photo
 public function addPhoto($fileId, PosterInterface $poster, PosterInterface $parent = null, PhotoAlbum $album = null, $params = [])
     if (null == $parent) {
         $parent = $poster;
     if (null == $album) {
         $album = $this->getSingletonAlbum($parent);
     $photo = new Photo(['album_id' => $album->getId(), 'collection_id' => 0, 'user_id' => $poster->getUserId(), 'poster_id' => $poster->getId(), 'poster_type' => $poster->getType(), 'parent_id' => $parent->getId(), 'parent_type' => $parent->getType(), 'parent_user_id' => $parent->getUserId(), 'photo_file_id' => (int) $fileId, 'title' => '', 'content' => '', 'created_at' => KENDO_DATE_TIME, 'modified_at' => KENDO_DATE_TIME]);
     $album->setPhotoCount($album->getPhotoCount() + 1);
     if ($album->getPhotoFileId() == 0) {
     return $photo;
  * @param PosterInterface $poster
  * @param PosterInterface $parent
  * @param array           $params
  * @param int             $privacyType
  * @param int             $privacyValue
  * @return Video
 public function addVideo(PosterInterface $poster, PosterInterface $parent, $params = [], $privacyType = null, $privacyValue = null)
     if (null === $privacyType || null === $privacyValue) {
         $privacyType = RELATION_TYPE_ANYONE;
         $privacyValue = RELATION_TYPE_ANYONE;
     $data = array_merge(['user_id' => $poster->getUserId(), 'poster_id' => $poster->getId(), 'poster_type' => $poster->getType(), 'parent_id' => $parent->getId(), 'parent_type' => $parent->getType(), 'parent_user_id' => $parent->getUserId(), 'module_id' => 'video', 'privacy_type' => $privacyType, 'privacy_value' => $privacyValue, 'created_at' => KENDO_DATE_TIME, 'modified_at' => KENDO_DATE_TIME], $params);
     $video = new Video($data);
     return $video;
Example #20
  * @param PosterInterface $poster
  * @param PosterInterface $parent
  * @param array           $data
  * @return \Platform\Blog\Model\BlogPost
 public function addPost(PosterInterface $poster, PosterInterface $parent, $data = [])
     if (empty($data['title']) or empty($data['content'])) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Missing parameters  [title, content]");
     // truncate description
     if (empty($data['description'])) {
         $data['description'] = mb_substr(strip_tags($data['content']), 0, 500);
     $data = array_merge(['user_id' => $poster->getUserId(), 'poster_id' => $poster->getId(), 'poster_type' => $poster->getType(), 'parent_id' => $parent->getId(), 'parent_type' => $parent->getType(), 'parent_user_id' => $parent->getUserId(), 'created_at' => KENDO_DATE_TIME, 'modified_at' => KENDO_DATE_TIME, 'module_id' => 'blog'], $data);
     $post = new BlogPost($data);
     return $post;
Example #21
  * @param \Kendo\Content\PosterInterface|\Kendo\Content\ContentInterface $item
  * @return string
 public function toLink($item)
     if (!$item) {
         return '';
     return '<a href="' . $item->toHref() . '">' . $item->getTitle() . '</a>';
Example #22
  * @param ContentInterface|PosterInterface $item
  * @return bool
 public function isParent($item)
     if (!$this->logged()) {
         return false;
     return (bool) array_intersect([$this->getId(), $this->getUserId()], [$item->getId(), $item->getParentId(), $item->getParentUserId()]);
  * @param PosterInterface $parent
  * @return string
 public function requestMembershipType($parent)
     return sprintf('request_membership_%s', $parent->getModuleName());
  * @param PosterInterface $profile
  * @param array           $names
  * @return array
 public function loadValuesForRender(PosterInterface $profile, $names = null)
     $fields = $this->getProfileFields($profile->getType());
      * reduce number of fields to limit how to access point to this values
     if (!empty($names)) {
     $storages = [];
      * load macheds contents
     foreach ($fields as $field) {
         $storages[$field['storage']][] = $field['field_name'];
     // has all name by profile type
     $response = [];
     foreach ($storages as $storage => $names) {
         $rows = app()->table($storage)->loadContentValues($profile->getId(), $names);
         foreach ($rows as $row) {
             $name = $row->__get('name');
             $field = $fields[$name];
             if ($field['is_multiple']) {
                 $response[$name][] = ['html' => $row->toHtml(), 'value' => $row->getValue()];
             } else {
                 $response[$name] = ['html' => $row->toHtml(), 'value' => $row->getValue()];
     return $response;