  * Moves an uploaded file to a destination folder
  * @param   string   $src          The name of the php (temporary) uploaded file
  * @param   string   $dest         The path (including filename) to move the uploaded file to
  * @param   boolean  $use_streams  True to use streams
  * @return  boolean  True on success
  * @since   11.1
 public static function upload($src, $dest, $use_streams = false)
     // Ensure that the path is valid and clean
     $dest = Path::clean($dest);
     // Create the destination directory if it does not exist
     $baseDir = dirname($dest);
     if (!file_exists($baseDir)) {
     if ($use_streams) {
         $stream = Factory::getStream();
         if (!$stream->upload($src, $dest)) {
             Log::add(Text::sprintf('JLIB_FILESYSTEM_ERROR_UPLOAD', $stream->getError()), Log::WARNING, 'jerror');
             return false;
         return true;
     } else {
         $FTPOptions = ClientHelper::getCredentials('ftp');
         $ret = false;
         if ($FTPOptions['enabled'] == 1) {
             // Connect the FTP client
             $ftp = ClientFtp::getInstance($FTPOptions['host'], $FTPOptions['port'], array(), $FTPOptions['user'], $FTPOptions['pass']);
             // Translate path for the FTP account
             $dest = Path::clean(str_replace(JPATH_ROOT, $FTPOptions['root'], $dest), '/');
             // Copy the file to the destination directory
             if (is_uploaded_file($src) && $ftp->store($src, $dest)) {
                 $ret = true;
             } else {
                 Log::add(Text::_('JLIB_FILESYSTEM_ERROR_WARNFS_ERR02'), Log::WARNING, 'jerror');
         } else {
             if (is_writeable($baseDir) && move_uploaded_file($src, $dest)) {
                 // Short circuit to prevent file permission errors
                 if (Path::setPermissions($dest)) {
                     $ret = true;
                 } else {
                     Log::add(Text::_('JLIB_FILESYSTEM_ERROR_WARNFS_ERR01'), Log::WARNING, 'jerror');
             } else {
                 Log::add(Text::_('JLIB_FILESYSTEM_ERROR_WARNFS_ERR02'), Log::WARNING, 'jerror');
         return $ret;
  * Method to set client login credentials
  * @param   string  $client  Client name, currently only 'ftp' is supported
  * @param   string  $user    Username
  * @param   string  $pass    Password
  * @return  boolean  True if the given login credentials have been set and are valid
  * @since   11.1
 public static function setCredentials($client, $user, $pass)
     $return = false;
     $client = strtolower($client);
     // Test if the given credentials are valid
     switch ($client) {
         case 'ftp':
             $config = Factory::getConfig();
             $options = array('enabled' => $config->get('ftp_enable'), 'host' => $config->get('ftp_host'), 'port' => $config->get('ftp_port'));
             if ($options['enabled']) {
                 $ftp = Ftp::getInstance($options['host'], $options['port']);
                 // Test the connection and try to log in
                 if ($ftp->isConnected()) {
                     if ($ftp->login($user, $pass)) {
                         $return = true;
     if ($return) {
         // Save valid credentials to the session
         $session = Factory::getSession();
         $session->set($client . '.user', $user, 'JClientHelper');
         $session->set($client . '.pass', $pass, 'JClientHelper');
         // Force re-creation of the data saved within JClientHelper::getCredentials()
         self::getCredentials($client, true);
     return $return;
  * Moves a folder.
  * @param   string   $src          The path to the source folder.
  * @param   string   $dest         The path to the destination folder.
  * @param   string   $path         An optional base path to prefix to the file names.
  * @param   boolean  $use_streams  Optionally use streams.
  * @return  mixed  Error message on false or boolean true on success.
  * @since   11.1
 public static function move($src, $dest, $path = '', $use_streams = false)
     $FTPOptions = ClientHelper::getCredentials('ftp');
     if ($path) {
         $src = Path::clean($path . '/' . $src);
         $dest = Path::clean($path . '/' . $dest);
     if (!self::exists($src)) {
     if (self::exists($dest)) {
     if ($use_streams) {
         $stream = Factory::getStream();
         if (!$stream->move($src, $dest)) {
             return Text::sprintf('JLIB_FILESYSTEM_ERROR_FOLDER_RENAME', $stream->getError());
         $ret = true;
     } else {
         if ($FTPOptions['enabled'] == 1) {
             // Connect the FTP client
             $ftp = Ftp::getInstance($FTPOptions['host'], $FTPOptions['port'], array(), $FTPOptions['user'], $FTPOptions['pass']);
             // Translate path for the FTP account
             $src = Path::clean(str_replace(JPATH_ROOT, $FTPOptions['root'], $src), '/');
             $dest = Path::clean(str_replace(JPATH_ROOT, $FTPOptions['root'], $dest), '/');
             // Use FTP rename to simulate move
             if (!$ftp->rename($src, $dest)) {
                 return Text::_('Rename failed');
             $ret = true;
         } else {
             if (!@rename($src, $dest)) {
                 return Text::_('Rename failed');
             $ret = true;
     return $ret;