/** * Creates the HTML for the permissions widget * * @param array $actions Array of action objects * @param integer $assetId Id of a specific asset to create a widget for. * @param integer $parent Id of the parent of the asset * @param string $control The form control * @param string $idPrefix Prefix for the ids assigned to specific action-group pairs * * @return string HTML for the permissions widget * * @since 11.1 * * @see JAccess * @see JFormFieldRules */ public static function assetFormWidget($actions, $assetId = null, $parent = null, $control = 'jform[rules]', $idPrefix = 'jform_rules') { $images = self::_getImagesArray(); // Get the user groups. $groups = self::_getUserGroups(); // Get the incoming inherited rules as well as the asset specific rules. $inheriting = Access::getAssetRules($parent ? $parent : self::_getParentAssetId($assetId), true); $inherited = Access::getAssetRules($assetId, true); $rules = Access::getAssetRules($assetId); $html = array(); $html[] = '<div class="acl-options">'; $html[] = Html::_('tabs.start', 'acl-rules-' . $assetId, array('useCookie' => 1)); $html[] = Html::_('tabs.panel', Text::_('JLIB_HTML_ACCESS_SUMMARY'), 'summary'); $html[] = ' <p>' . Text::_('JLIB_HTML_ACCESS_SUMMARY_DESC') . '</p>'; $html[] = ' <table class="aclsummary-table" summary="' . Text::_('JLIB_HTML_ACCESS_SUMMARY_DESC') . '">'; $html[] = ' <caption>' . Text::_('JLIB_HTML_ACCESS_SUMMARY_DESC_CAPTION') . '</caption>'; $html[] = ' <tr>'; $html[] = ' <th class="col1 hidelabeltxt">' . Text::_('JLIB_RULES_GROUPS') . '</th>'; foreach ($actions as $i => $action) { $html[] = ' <th class="col' . ($i + 2) . '">' . Text::_($action->title) . '</th>'; } $html[] = ' </tr>'; foreach ($groups as $i => $group) { $html[] = ' <tr class="row' . $i % 2 . '">'; $html[] = ' <td class="col1">' . $group->text . '</td>'; foreach ($actions as $j => $action) { $html[] = ' <td class="col' . ($j + 2) . '">' . ($assetId ? $inherited->allow($action->name, $group->identities) ? $images['allow'] : $images['deny'] : ($inheriting->allow($action->name, $group->identities) ? $images['allow'] : $images['deny'])) . '</td>'; } $html[] = ' </tr>'; } $html[] = ' </table>'; foreach ($actions as $action) { $actionTitle = Text::_($action->title); $actionDesc = Text::_($action->description); $html[] = Html::_('tabs.panel', $actionTitle, $action->name); $html[] = ' <p>' . $actionDesc . '</p>'; $html[] = ' <table class="aclmodify-table" summary="' . strip_tags($actionDesc) . '">'; $html[] = ' <caption>' . Text::_('JLIB_HTML_ACCESS_MODIFY_DESC_CAPTION_ACL') . ' ' . $actionTitle . ' ' . Text::_('JLIB_HTML_ACCESS_MODIFY_DESC_CAPTION_TABLE') . '</caption>'; $html[] = ' <tr>'; $html[] = ' <th class="col1 hidelabeltxt">' . Text::_('JLIB_RULES_GROUP') . '</th>'; $html[] = ' <th class="col2">' . Text::_('JLIB_RULES_INHERIT') . '</th>'; $html[] = ' <th class="col3 hidelabeltxt">' . Text::_('JMODIFY') . '</th>'; $html[] = ' <th class="col4">' . Text::_('JCURRENT') . '</th>'; $html[] = ' </tr>'; foreach ($groups as $i => $group) { $selected = $rules->allow($action->name, $group->value); $html[] = ' <tr class="row' . $i % 2 . '">'; $html[] = ' <td class="col1">' . $group->text . '</td>'; $html[] = ' <td class="col2">' . ($inheriting->allow($action->name, $group->identities) ? $images['allow-i'] : $images['deny-i']) . '</td>'; $html[] = ' <td class="col3">'; $html[] = ' <select id="' . $idPrefix . '_' . $action->name . '_' . $group->value . '" class="inputbox" size="1" name="' . $control . '[' . $action->name . '][' . $group->value . ']" title="' . Text::sprintf('JLIB_RULES_SELECT_ALLOW_DENY_GROUP', $actionTitle, $group->text) . '">'; $html[] = ' <option value=""' . ($selected === null ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . Text::_('JLIB_RULES_INHERIT') . '</option>'; $html[] = ' <option value="1"' . ($selected === true ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . Text::_('JLIB_RULES_ALLOWED') . '</option>'; $html[] = ' <option value="0"' . ($selected === false ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . Text::_('JLIB_RULES_DENIED') . '</option>'; $html[] = ' </select>'; $html[] = ' </td>'; $html[] = ' <td class="col4">' . ($assetId ? $inherited->allow($action->name, $group->identities) ? $images['allow'] : $images['deny'] : ($inheriting->allow($action->name, $group->identities) ? $images['allow'] : $images['deny'])) . '</td>'; $html[] = ' </tr>'; } $html[] = ' </table>'; } $html[] = Html::_('tabs.end'); // Build the footer with legend and special purpose buttons. $html[] = ' <div class="clr"></div>'; $html[] = ' <ul class="acllegend fltlft">'; $html[] = ' <li class="acl-allowed">' . Text::_('JLIB_RULES_ALLOWED') . '</li>'; $html[] = ' <li class="acl-denied">' . Text::_('JLIB_RULES_DENIED') . '</li>'; $html[] = ' </ul>'; $html[] = '</div>'; return implode("\n", $html); }
/** * Method to get the field input markup for Access Control Lists. * Optionally can be associated with a specific component and section. * * TODO: Add access check. * * @return string The field input markup. * * @since 11.1 */ protected function getInput() { Html::_('behavior.tooltip'); // Initialise some field attributes. $section = $this->element['section'] ? (string) $this->element['section'] : ''; $component = $this->element['component'] ? (string) $this->element['component'] : ''; $assetField = $this->element['asset_field'] ? (string) $this->element['asset_field'] : 'asset_id'; // Get the actions for the asset. $actions = Access::getActionsFromFile(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/' . $component . '/access.xml', "/access/section[@name='" . $section . "']/"); // Iterate over the children and add to the actions. foreach ($this->element->children() as $el) { if ($el->getName() == 'action') { $actions[] = (object) array('name' => (string) $el['name'], 'title' => (string) $el['title'], 'description' => (string) $el['description']); } } // Get the explicit rules for this asset. if ($section == 'component') { // Need to find the asset id by the name of the component. $db = Factory::getDbo(); $query = $db->getQuery(true); $query->select($db->quoteName('id')); $query->from($db->quoteName('#__assets')); $query->where($db->quoteName('name') . ' = ' . $db->quote($component)); $db->setQuery($query); $assetId = (int) $db->loadResult(); } else { // Find the asset id of the content. // Note that for global configuration, com_config injects asset_id = 1 into the form. $assetId = $this->form->getValue($assetField); } // Use the compact form for the content rules (deprecated). /* @todo remove code: if (!empty($component) && $section != 'component') { return Html::_('rules.assetFormWidget', $actions, $assetId, $assetId ? null : $component, $this->name, $this->id); } */ // Full width format. // Get the rules for just this asset (non-recursive). $assetRules = Access::getAssetRules($assetId); // Get the available user groups. $groups = $this->getUserGroups(); // Build the form control. $curLevel = 0; // Prepare output $html = array(); $html[] = '<div id="permissions-sliders" class="pane-sliders">'; $html[] = '<p class="rule-desc">' . Text::_('JLIB_RULES_SETTINGS_DESC') . '</p>'; $html[] = '<ul id="rules">'; // Start a row for each user group. foreach ($groups as $group) { $difLevel = $group->level - $curLevel; if ($difLevel > 0) { $html[] = '<li><ul>'; } elseif ($difLevel < 0) { $html[] = str_repeat('</ul></li>', -$difLevel); } $html[] = '<li>'; $html[] = '<div class="panel">'; $html[] = '<h3 class="pane-toggler title"><a href="javascript:void(0);"><span>'; $html[] = str_repeat('<span class="level">|–</span> ', $curLevel = $group->level) . $group->text; $html[] = '</span></a></h3>'; $html[] = '<div class="pane-slider content pane-hide">'; $html[] = '<div class="mypanel">'; $html[] = '<table class="group-rules">'; $html[] = '<thead>'; $html[] = '<tr>'; $html[] = '<th class="actions" id="actions-th' . $group->value . '">'; $html[] = '<span class="acl-action">' . Text::_('JLIB_RULES_ACTION') . '</span>'; $html[] = '</th>'; $html[] = '<th class="settings" id="settings-th' . $group->value . '">'; $html[] = '<span class="acl-action">' . Text::_('JLIB_RULES_SELECT_SETTING') . '</span>'; $html[] = '</th>'; // The calculated setting is not shown for the root group of global configuration. $canCalculateSettings = $group->parent_id || !empty($component); if ($canCalculateSettings) { $html[] = '<th id="aclactionth' . $group->value . '">'; $html[] = '<span class="acl-action">' . Text::_('JLIB_RULES_CALCULATED_SETTING') . '</span>'; $html[] = '</th>'; } $html[] = '</tr>'; $html[] = '</thead>'; $html[] = '<tbody>'; foreach ($actions as $action) { $html[] = '<tr>'; $html[] = '<td headers="actions-th' . $group->value . '">'; $html[] = '<label class="hasTip" for="' . $this->id . '_' . $action->name . '_' . $group->value . '" title="' . htmlspecialchars(Text::_($action->title) . '::' . Text::_($action->description), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '">'; $html[] = Text::_($action->title); $html[] = '</label>'; $html[] = '</td>'; $html[] = '<td headers="settings-th' . $group->value . '">'; $html[] = '<select name="' . $this->name . '[' . $action->name . '][' . $group->value . ']" id="' . $this->id . '_' . $action->name . '_' . $group->value . '" title="' . Text::sprintf('JLIB_RULES_SELECT_ALLOW_DENY_GROUP', Text::_($action->title), trim($group->text)) . '">'; $inheritedRule = Access::checkGroup($group->value, $action->name, $assetId); // Get the actual setting for the action for this group. $assetRule = $assetRules->allow($action->name, $group->value); // Build the dropdowns for the permissions sliders // The parent group has "Not Set", all children can rightly "Inherit" from that. $html[] = '<option value=""' . ($assetRule === null ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . Text::_(empty($group->parent_id) && empty($component) ? 'JLIB_RULES_NOT_SET' : 'JLIB_RULES_INHERITED') . '</option>'; $html[] = '<option value="1"' . ($assetRule === true ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . Text::_('JLIB_RULES_ALLOWED') . '</option>'; $html[] = '<option value="0"' . ($assetRule === false ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . Text::_('JLIB_RULES_DENIED') . '</option>'; $html[] = '</select>  '; // If this asset's rule is allowed, but the inherited rule is deny, we have a conflict. if ($assetRule === true && $inheritedRule === false) { $html[] = Text::_('JLIB_RULES_CONFLICT'); } $html[] = '</td>'; // Build the Calculated Settings column. // The inherited settings column is not displayed for the root group in global configuration. if ($canCalculateSettings) { $html[] = '<td headers="aclactionth' . $group->value . '">'; // This is where we show the current effective settings considering currrent group, path and cascade. // Check whether this is a component or global. Change the text slightly. if (Access::checkGroup($group->value, 'core.admin') !== true) { if ($inheritedRule === null) { $html[] = '<span class="icon-16-unset">' . Text::_('JLIB_RULES_NOT_ALLOWED') . '</span>'; } elseif ($inheritedRule === true) { $html[] = '<span class="icon-16-allowed">' . Text::_('JLIB_RULES_ALLOWED') . '</span>'; } elseif ($inheritedRule === false) { if ($assetRule === false) { $html[] = '<span class="icon-16-denied">' . Text::_('JLIB_RULES_NOT_ALLOWED') . '</span>'; } else { $html[] = '<span class="icon-16-denied"><span class="icon-16-locked">' . Text::_('JLIB_RULES_NOT_ALLOWED_LOCKED') . '</span></span>'; } } } elseif (!empty($component)) { $html[] = '<span class="icon-16-allowed"><span class="icon-16-locked">' . Text::_('JLIB_RULES_ALLOWED_ADMIN') . '</span></span>'; } else { // Special handling for groups that have global admin because they can't be denied. // The admin rights can be changed. if ($action->name === 'core.admin') { $html[] = '<span class="icon-16-allowed">' . Text::_('JLIB_RULES_ALLOWED') . '</span>'; } elseif ($inheritedRule === false) { // Other actions cannot be changed. $html[] = '<span class="icon-16-denied"><span class="icon-16-locked">' . Text::_('JLIB_RULES_NOT_ALLOWED_ADMIN_CONFLICT') . '</span></span>'; } else { $html[] = '<span class="icon-16-allowed"><span class="icon-16-locked">' . Text::_('JLIB_RULES_ALLOWED_ADMIN') . '</span></span>'; } } $html[] = '</td>'; } $html[] = '</tr>'; } $html[] = '</tbody>'; $html[] = '</table></div>'; $html[] = '</div></div>'; $html[] = '</li>'; } $html[] = str_repeat('</ul></li>', $curLevel); $html[] = '</ul><div class="rule-notes">'; if ($section == 'component' || $section == null) { $html[] = Text::_('JLIB_RULES_SETTING_NOTES'); } else { $html[] = Text::_('JLIB_RULES_SETTING_NOTES_ITEM'); } $html[] = '</div></div>'; // Get the JInput object $input = Factory::getApplication()->input; $js = "window.addEvent('domready', function(){ new Fx.Accordion(\$\$('div#permissions-sliders.pane-sliders .panel h3.pane-toggler')," . "\$\$('div#permissions-sliders.pane-sliders .panel div.pane-slider'), {onActive: function(toggler, i) {toggler.addClass('pane-toggler-down');" . "toggler.removeClass('pane-toggler');i.addClass('pane-down');i.removeClass('pane-hide');Cookie.write('jpanesliders_permissions-sliders" . $component . "',\$\$('div#permissions-sliders.pane-sliders .panel h3').indexOf(toggler));}," . "onBackground: function(toggler, i) {toggler.addClass('pane-toggler');toggler.removeClass('pane-toggler-down');i.addClass('pane-hide');" . "i.removeClass('pane-down');}, duration: 300, display: " . $input->cookie->get('jpanesliders_permissions-sliders' . $component, 0, 'integer') . ", show: " . $input->cookie->get('jpanesliders_permissions-sliders' . $component, 0, 'integer') . ", alwaysHide:true, opacity: false}); });"; Factory::getDocument()->addScriptDeclaration($js); return implode("\n", $html); }
/** * Method to check JUser object authorisation against an access control * object and optionally an access extension object * * @param string $action The name of the action to check for permission. * @param string $assetname The name of the asset on which to perform the action. * * @return boolean True if authorised * * @since 11.1 */ public function authorise($action, $assetname = null) { // Make sure we only check for core.admin once during the run. if ($this->isRoot === null) { $this->isRoot = false; // Check for the configuration file failsafe. $config = Factory::getConfig(); $rootUser = $config->get('root_user'); // The root_user variable can be a numeric user ID or a username. if (is_numeric($rootUser) && $this->id > 0 && $this->id == $rootUser) { $this->isRoot = true; } elseif ($this->username && $this->username == $rootUser) { $this->isRoot = true; } else { // Get all groups against which the user is mapped. $identities = $this->getAuthorisedGroups(); array_unshift($identities, $this->id * -1); if (Access::getAssetRules(1)->allow('core.admin', $identities)) { $this->isRoot = true; return true; } } } return $this->isRoot ? true : Access::check($this->id, $action, $assetname); }