Example #1
 public function WriteVorbisComment()
     // Create file with new comments
     $tempcommentsfilename = tempnam(Utils::getTempDirectory(), 'getID3');
     if (is_writable($tempcommentsfilename) && is_file($tempcommentsfilename) && ($fpcomments = fopen($tempcommentsfilename, 'wb'))) {
         foreach ($this->tag_data as $key => $value) {
             foreach ($value as $commentdata) {
                 fwrite($fpcomments, $this->CleanVorbisCommentName($key) . '=' . $commentdata . "\n");
     } else {
         $this->errors[] = 'failed to open temporary tags file "' . $tempcommentsfilename . '", tags not written';
         return false;
     $oldignoreuserabort = ignore_user_abort(true);
     if (Utils::isWindows()) {
         if (file_exists(Utils::getHelperAppDirectory() . 'vorbiscomment.exe')) {
             //$commandline = '"'.Utils::getHelperAppDirectory().'vorbiscomment.exe" -w --raw -c "'.$tempcommentsfilename.'" "'.str_replace('/', '\\', $this->filename).'"';
             //  vorbiscomment works fine if you copy-paste the above commandline into a command prompt,
             //  but refuses to work with `backtick` if there are "doublequotes" present around BOTH
             //  the metaflac pathname and the target filename. For whatever reason...??
             //  The solution is simply ensure that the metaflac pathname has no spaces,
             //  and therefore does not need to be quoted
             // On top of that, if error messages are not always captured properly under Windows
             // To at least see if there was a problem, compare file modification timestamps before and after writing
             $timestampbeforewriting = filemtime($this->filename);
             $commandline = Utils::getHelperAppDirectory() . 'vorbiscomment.exe -w --raw -c "' . $tempcommentsfilename . '" "' . $this->filename . '" 2>&1';
             $VorbiscommentError = `{$commandline}`;
             if (empty($VorbiscommentError)) {
                 if ($timestampbeforewriting == filemtime($this->filename)) {
                     $VorbiscommentError = 'File modification timestamp has not changed - it looks like the tags were not written';
         } else {
             $VorbiscommentError = 'vorbiscomment.exe not found in ' . Utils::getHelperAppDirectory();
     } else {
         $commandline = 'vorbiscomment -w --raw -c "' . $tempcommentsfilename . '" "' . $this->filename . '" 2>&1';
         $VorbiscommentError = `{$commandline}`;
     // Remove temporary comments file
     if (!empty($VorbiscommentError)) {
         $this->errors[] = 'system call to vorbiscomment failed with message: ' . "\n\n" . $VorbiscommentError;
         return false;
     return true;
Example #2
 public function Analyze()
     $info =& $this->getid3->info;
     $ShortenHeader = $this->fread(8);
     $magic = 'ajkg';
     if (substr($ShortenHeader, 0, 4) != $magic) {
         $info['error'][] = 'Expecting "' . Utils::PrintHexBytes($magic) . '" at offset ' . $info['avdataoffset'] . ', found "' . Utils::PrintHexBytes(substr($ShortenHeader, 0, 4)) . '"';
         return false;
     $info['fileformat'] = 'shn';
     $info['audio']['dataformat'] = 'shn';
     $info['audio']['lossless'] = true;
     $info['audio']['bitrate_mode'] = 'vbr';
     $info['shn']['version'] = Utils::LittleEndian2Int(substr($ShortenHeader, 4, 1));
     $this->fseek($info['avdataend'] - 12);
     $SeekTableSignatureTest = $this->fread(12);
     $info['shn']['seektable']['present'] = (bool) (substr($SeekTableSignatureTest, 4, 8) == 'SHNAMPSK');
     if ($info['shn']['seektable']['present']) {
         $info['shn']['seektable']['length'] = Utils::LittleEndian2Int(substr($SeekTableSignatureTest, 0, 4));
         $info['shn']['seektable']['offset'] = $info['avdataend'] - $info['shn']['seektable']['length'];
         $SeekTableMagic = $this->fread(4);
         $magic = 'SEEK';
         if ($SeekTableMagic != $magic) {
             $info['error'][] = 'Expecting "' . Utils::PrintHexBytes($magic) . '" at offset ' . $info['shn']['seektable']['offset'] . ', found "' . Utils::PrintHexBytes($SeekTableMagic) . '"';
             return false;
         } else {
             // typedef struct tag_TSeekEntry
             // {
             //   unsigned long SampleNumber;
             //   unsigned long SHNFileByteOffset;
             //   unsigned long SHNLastBufferReadPosition;
             //   unsigned short SHNByteGet;
             //   unsigned short SHNBufferOffset;
             //   unsigned short SHNFileBitOffset;
             //   unsigned long SHNGBuffer;
             //   unsigned short SHNBitShift;
             //   long CBuf0[3];
             //   long CBuf1[3];
             //   long Offset0[4];
             //   long Offset1[4];
             // }TSeekEntry;
             $SeekTableData = $this->fread($info['shn']['seektable']['length'] - 16);
             $info['shn']['seektable']['entry_count'] = floor(strlen($SeekTableData) / 80);
             //$info['shn']['seektable']['entries'] = array();
             //$SeekTableOffset = 0;
             //for ($i = 0; $i < $info['shn']['seektable']['entry_count']; $i++) {
             //	$SeekTableEntry['sample_number'] = Utils::LittleEndian2Int(substr($SeekTableData, $SeekTableOffset, 4));
             //	$SeekTableOffset += 4;
             //	$SeekTableEntry['shn_file_byte_offset'] = Utils::LittleEndian2Int(substr($SeekTableData, $SeekTableOffset, 4));
             //	$SeekTableOffset += 4;
             //	$SeekTableEntry['shn_last_buffer_read_position'] = Utils::LittleEndian2Int(substr($SeekTableData, $SeekTableOffset, 4));
             //	$SeekTableOffset += 4;
             //	$SeekTableEntry['shn_byte_get'] = Utils::LittleEndian2Int(substr($SeekTableData, $SeekTableOffset, 2));
             //	$SeekTableOffset += 2;
             //	$SeekTableEntry['shn_buffer_offset'] = Utils::LittleEndian2Int(substr($SeekTableData, $SeekTableOffset, 2));
             //	$SeekTableOffset += 2;
             //	$SeekTableEntry['shn_file_bit_offset'] = Utils::LittleEndian2Int(substr($SeekTableData, $SeekTableOffset, 2));
             //	$SeekTableOffset += 2;
             //	$SeekTableEntry['shn_gbuffer'] = Utils::LittleEndian2Int(substr($SeekTableData, $SeekTableOffset, 4));
             //	$SeekTableOffset += 4;
             //	$SeekTableEntry['shn_bit_shift'] = Utils::LittleEndian2Int(substr($SeekTableData, $SeekTableOffset, 2));
             //	$SeekTableOffset += 2;
             //	for ($j = 0; $j < 3; $j++) {
             //		$SeekTableEntry['cbuf0'][$j] = Utils::LittleEndian2Int(substr($SeekTableData, $SeekTableOffset, 4));
             //		$SeekTableOffset += 4;
             //	}
             //	for ($j = 0; $j < 3; $j++) {
             //		$SeekTableEntry['cbuf1'][$j] = Utils::LittleEndian2Int(substr($SeekTableData, $SeekTableOffset, 4));
             //		$SeekTableOffset += 4;
             //	}
             //	for ($j = 0; $j < 4; $j++) {
             //		$SeekTableEntry['offset0'][$j] = Utils::LittleEndian2Int(substr($SeekTableData, $SeekTableOffset, 4));
             //		$SeekTableOffset += 4;
             //	}
             //	for ($j = 0; $j < 4; $j++) {
             //		$SeekTableEntry['offset1'][$j] = Utils::LittleEndian2Int(substr($SeekTableData, $SeekTableOffset, 4));
             //		$SeekTableOffset += 4;
             //	}
             //	$info['shn']['seektable']['entries'][] = $SeekTableEntry;
     if (Utils::isWindows()) {
         $RequiredFiles = array('shorten.exe', 'cygwin1.dll', 'head.exe');
         foreach ($RequiredFiles as $required_file) {
             if (!is_readable(Utils::getHelperAppDirectory() . $required_file)) {
                 $info['error'][] = Utils::getHelperAppDirectory() . $required_file . ' does not exist';
                 return false;
         $commandline = Utils::getHelperAppDirectory() . 'shorten.exe -x "' . $info['filenamepath'] . '" - | ' . Utils::getHelperAppDirectory() . 'head.exe -c 64';
         $commandline = str_replace('/', '\\', $commandline);
     } else {
         static $shorten_present;
         if (!isset($shorten_present)) {
             $shorten_present = file_exists('/usr/local/bin/shorten') || `which shorten`;
         if (!$shorten_present) {
             $info['error'][] = 'shorten binary was not found in path or /usr/local/bin';
             return false;
         $commandline = (file_exists('/usr/local/bin/shorten') ? '/usr/local/bin/' : '') . 'shorten -x ' . escapeshellarg($info['filenamepath']) . ' - | head -c 64';
     $output = `{$commandline}`;
     if (!empty($output) && substr($output, 12, 4) == 'fmt ') {
         $fmt_size = Utils::LittleEndian2Int(substr($output, 16, 4));
         $DecodedWAVFORMATEX = Riff::parseWAVEFORMATex(substr($output, 20, $fmt_size));
         $info['audio']['channels'] = $DecodedWAVFORMATEX['channels'];
         $info['audio']['bits_per_sample'] = $DecodedWAVFORMATEX['bits_per_sample'];
         $info['audio']['sample_rate'] = $DecodedWAVFORMATEX['sample_rate'];
         if (substr($output, 20 + $fmt_size, 4) == 'data') {
             $info['playtime_seconds'] = Utils::LittleEndian2Int(substr($output, 20 + 4 + $fmt_size, 4)) / $DecodedWAVFORMATEX['raw']['nAvgBytesPerSec'];
         } else {
             $info['error'][] = 'shorten failed to decode DATA chunk to expected location, cannot determine playtime';
             return false;
         $info['audio']['bitrate'] = ($info['avdataend'] - $info['avdataoffset']) / $info['playtime_seconds'] * 8;
     } else {
         $info['error'][] = 'shorten failed to decode file to WAV for parsing';
         return false;
     return true;
Example #3
 public function DeleteMetaFLAC()
     $oldignoreuserabort = ignore_user_abort(true);
     if (Utils::isWindows()) {
         if (file_exists(Utils::getHelperAppDirectory() . 'metaflac.exe')) {
             // To at least see if there was a problem, compare file modification timestamps before and after writing
             $timestampbeforewriting = filemtime($this->filename);
             $commandline = Utils::getHelperAppDirectory() . 'metaflac.exe --remove-all-tags "' . $this->filename . '" 2>&1';
             $metaflacError = `{$commandline}`;
             if (empty($metaflacError)) {
                 if ($timestampbeforewriting == filemtime($this->filename)) {
                     $metaflacError = 'File modification timestamp has not changed - it looks like the tags were not deleted';
         } else {
             $metaflacError = 'metaflac.exe not found in ' . Utils::getHelperAppDirectory();
     } else {
         // It's simpler on *nix
         $commandline = 'metaflac --remove-all-tags "' . $this->filename . '" 2>&1';
         $metaflacError = `{$commandline}`;
     if (!empty($metaflacError)) {
         $this->errors[] = 'System call to metaflac failed with this message returned: ' . "\n\n" . $metaflacError;
         return false;
     return true;