function __construct($ser = NULL, $user = NULL) { parent::__construct(); //echo ( "<br>function LoadPrefs ( $ser=NULL, $user=NULL ) {" ); $this->prefs = new Preferences(); // Make sure that we have the correct server $server = $ser == NULL ? Cfg::get("server") : $ser; // Load up thi s domain information from // the user information If there is no information // in the user, check the alternate domain $sql = "SELECT * FROM tblUser WHERE "; if ($user != NULL) { $sql .= "fldUser='******'"; } else { if ($server != NULL) { $sql .= "'{$server}' LIKE fldDomain"; } } $sql .= " LIMIT 1"; if ($this->_loadUserTable($sql)) { $this->_loadGroupTable(); } else { $sql = "SELECT * FROM tblUser WHERE '{$server}' LIKE fldAltDomain LIMIT 1"; if ($this->_loadUserTable($sql)) { // If it is in the alternate domain the // use these preferences $server = $this->prefs->userPrefs["fldDomain"]; Cfg::set('server', $server); $this->_loadGroupTable(); } } }
public function __construct($classDirectory = null) { parent::__construct(); $this->classesDir = $classDirectory; $this->locatorFile = PHPExt::getTempDir() . '/ClassLocator' . md5(var_export($classDirectory, true)) . '.ser'; self::$log->trace("Locator File: {$this->locatorFile}"); }
public function __construct(&$dataSource, $type = self::STRING) { parent::__construct(); $this->dataSource = $dataSource; $this->type = $type; $this->log = Log4PHP::logFactory(__CLASS__); }
/** * * @param string $l_key Key to use for encryption */ public function __construct($l_key = null) { parent::__construct(); if (self::$encryptionOff) { return; } $plainTextKey = $l_key == null ? self::$randKey : $l_key; $keySize = mcrypt_get_key_size(self::$algortithm, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB); while (strlen($plainTextKey) < $keySize) { $plainTextKey .= $plainTextKey; } $plainTextKey = substr($plainTextKey, 0, $keySize); $this->blockLength = mcrypt_get_block_size(self::$algortithm, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB); $this->td = mcrypt_module_open(self::$algortithm, '', MCRYPT_MODE_ECB, ''); $iv = mcrypt_create_iv(mcrypt_enc_get_iv_size($this->td), MCRYPT_RAND); mcrypt_generic_init($this->td, $plainTextKey, $iv); }
/** * @return void */ public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); if (Cfg::get('jb_audit_tables', true)) { $this->auditTable(); } if (!isset($this->orm[0])) { $this->orm[0] = $this->primaryKey; } if (!isset($this->orm['id'])) { $this->orm['id'] = $this->primaryKey; } if (!isset($this->titles[$this->primaryKey])) { $this->titles[$this->primaryKey] = 'ID'; } // Could automatically populate the titles based on the column names // But at this stage it is "YAGNI" reference CRUD::jbCol2Title }
/** * Construct a table in memory. * * @param object $resultSet Pass n result set from PDO query. * * @since 1.0 */ public function __construct($dbh, $qry, $params = null, $fetch = DB::FETCH_BOTH) { parent::__construct(); $this->fetch = $fetch; if (is_object($dbh)) { $this->table = $dbh->fetchAll($fetch); } else { $cacheKey = $dbh . ' ' . $qry . ' ' . serialize($params); if (($cacheValue = self::$dataCache->get($cacheKey)) !== false) { $this->table = $cacheValue; } else { if (($resultSet = DB::query($dbh, $qry, $params)) === false) { return; } $this->table = $resultSet->fetchAll($fetch); self::$dataCache->set($cacheKey, $this->table); } } }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); }
public function __construct(DAO $dao, $data) { parent::__construct(); $this->dao = $dao; $this->data = $this->dao->objToRel($data); }
/** * Create the CRUD Object. * @param string $tableName The name of the table * @param array $extraArgs This is the properties that the CRUD will use to display/populate the database. * <pre> * $props = array ( 'primaryKey' => 'id', // Optional, if not supplied will be calculated. * // Need to supply if the primary key is not simple column name * 'db' => 'mydb', // Optional, Name of the database. If not supplied defaults to DB::DEF * // Database must be set up in the configuration * 'where' => array ( 'pid' => 5 ), * // Optional, List of conditions for the rows that we are looking for. * // This would be used when looking for foreign key. These values will * // be automatically inserted in new rows * 'userCols' => array ( 'Mapping' => array ( $this, 'managePrivilegesCallBack' ) ), * // This is a list of additional columns that will be added to the CRUD. These * // will display the column using the title that you have suggested and * // Then call the passed method. * // call_user_func_array ( $col, array ( $idx, $row[$this->primaryKey] ) ) * // Passes back the row number and the primary key for this row * // Then displays the html that the call back function generates * 'canDelete' => true, // Optional default: true. If you do not want user to delete rows set to false * 'canUpdate' => true, // Optional default: true. If you do not want user to update rows set to false * 'canInsert' => true, // Optional default: true. If you do not want user to insert rows set to false * 'topPager' => true, // Optional default: true. If you do not want pagination at top, set to false * 'bottomPager' => true,// Optional default: true. If you do not want pagination at bottom, set to false * 'suffix' => '_1', // Optional default: current CRUD invocation number. * // Useful if you have multiple CRUDs on one page. This is the suffix that * // is attached to the form variables * 'formAction' => 'view.php?ID=10', * // Optional default to ?. On submirt this will return to the current page * 'insDefaults' => array ( 'timestamp' => time() ), * // Optional. If there are dfefaults that you wat inserted when the CRUD * // inserts a row then you can list them here * 'displayRows' =>10, // Optional. Sets the number of rows that can be displayed * 'nullsEmpty' =>false, // Optional. If this is true then it will put in nulls if the variable is empty * 'dbType' =>'mysql',// Optional. Tels the system if this is oracle, sqlite or mysql database * * Sort column * 'colSort' =>'fldStartTime',// Optional. Sets an initial sort column * 'colSortOrder' =>'DESC',// Optional. Sets the direction of the sort column * ); * </pre> */ public function __construct($tableName, $extraArgs = []) { parent::__construct(); $this->log = Log4PHP::logFactory(__CLASS__); $this->tableName = $tableName; $this->primaryKey = isset($extraArgs['primaryKey']) ? $extraArgs['primaryKey'] : null; $this->db = isset($extraArgs['db']) ? $extraArgs['db'] : DB::DEF; $this->where = isset($extraArgs['where']) ? $extraArgs['where'] : []; $this->extraCols = isset($extraArgs['userCols']) ? $extraArgs['userCols'] : []; $this->canDelete = isset($extraArgs['canDelete']) ? $extraArgs['canDelete'] : true; $this->canUpdate = isset($extraArgs['canUpdate']) ? $extraArgs['canUpdate'] : true; $this->canInsert = isset($extraArgs['canInsert']) ? $extraArgs['canInsert'] : true; $this->topPage = isset($extraArgs['topPager']) ? $extraArgs['topPager'] : true; $this->bottomPage = isset($extraArgs['bottomPager']) ? $extraArgs['bottomPager'] : true; $this->suffix = isset($extraArgs['suffix']) ? $extraArgs['suffix'] : '_' . Invocation::next(); $this->formAction = isset($extraArgs['formAction']) ? $extraArgs['formAction'] : '?'; $this->insDefaults = isset($extraArgs['insDefaults']) ? $extraArgs['insDefaults'] : []; $this->nullsEmpty = isset($extraArgs['nullsEmpty']) ? $extraArgs['nullsEmpty'] : false; $this->dbType = isset($extraArgs['dbType']) ? $extraArgs['dbType'] : DB::driver($this->db); $this->action = self::ACTION . $this->suffix; $this->delTag = 'D' . $this->suffix; $this->updTag = 'U' . $this->suffix; $this->gridTag = 'G' . $this->suffix; $this->submitId = 'S' . $this->suffix; $pageProps = ['suffix' => self::SUFFIX]; $this->paginator = new Paginator($pageProps); $colProps = ['suffix' => self::SUFFIX]; if (isset($extraArgs['colSort'])) { $colProps['init_column'] = $extraArgs['colSort']; } if (isset($extraArgs['colSortOrder'])) { $colProps['init_order'] = $extraArgs['colSortOrder']; } $this->columnator = new Columnator($colProps); $this->resp = new Response(); if (isset($extraArgs['displayRows'])) { $this->paginator->setPageSize($extraArgs['displayRows']); } if (!$this->getTableMetaData()) { return; } $this->setupDefaultStyle(); if ($this->paginator->getRows() <= 0) { $this->paginator->setRows($this->getRowCount()); } $this->copyVarsFromRequest(Columnator::navVar(self::SUFFIX)); $this->copyVarsFromRequest(Paginator::navVar(self::SUFFIX)); $this->copyVarsFromRequest(WebPage::ACTION); $this->ok = true; }
/** * Pass in the class name to construct. * * If the class is not passed in the * constructor it will attempt to figure it out. It is not recommended to call the * constructor directly. You are better using Log4PHP::logFactory ( $className ) * This will cache the loggers so that there is only ever one per class. * * @param string $c Class name. * * @since 1.0 */ public function __construct($c = null) { parent::__construct(); if ($c == null) { $stack = debug_backtrace(); $pi = pathinfo($stack[1]['file']); $c = $pi['filename']; } $this->className = $c; $this->classErrorLevel = self::$logLevel; $this->classOutputDevice = self::$outputDevice; }
/** * Creates the Validation object. * * Requires the form name. * * @param string $formName The name of the form that will be validated. * @param string $suffix The suffix will give the unique identifier if there are a number of * validators on a page. The uniquie suffix is automatically generated based on number of * invokations of the form. This does not work on ajax late generated forms * so for ajax, supply a unique suffix * * @since 1.0 */ public function __construct($formName, $suffix = '') { parent::__construct(); if ($suffix == '') { $suffix = Invocation::next(); } $this->formName = $formName; $this->id = '_' . $suffix; $this->setUpJavaScriptFunctions(); }
public function __construct($msg, $displayStart = true) { parent::__construct(); $this->msg = $msg; $this->start($displayStart); }
public function __construct($name, $size = 0) { parent::__construct(); $this->maxSize = $size; $this->name = $name; }