Example #1
 /** Creates a Dual Select windows
  * @param string $lName Left Column name
  * @param array $lList Left Column name
  * @param string $rName Right Column name
  * @param array $rList Right Column name
  * @param int $ht Height
  * @returns String The Html pf a dual select
 public static function dualSelect($lName, $lList, $rName, $rList, $ht = 8)
     $title = array("title" => "Select items is the left list to move to the selected list. " . "Move items in the right list to remove from the selected list. " . "Select buttons in the moddle to move all the items in the list");
     $msg = "";
     $msg .= Tag::table($title);
     $msg .= Tag::tr();
     $msg .= Tag::td("align=center");
     $msg .= "Out of List<br>";
     $msg .= Lists::select($lName, $lList, "onChange=\"selMove ( '{$lName}','{$rName}',false );\" Size={$ht} Multiple");
     $msg .= Tag::_td();
     $msg .= Tag::td("valign=middle");
     $msg .= "<br>" . Tag::button(">>", "onClick=\"selMove ( '{$lName}','{$rName}',true );\"");
     $msg .= "<br>" . Tag::button("<<", "onClick=\"selMove ( '{$rName}','{$lName}',true );\"");
     $msg .= Tag::_td();
     $msg .= Tag::td("align=center");
     $msg .= "In the List<br>";
     $msg .= Lists::select($rName, $rList, "onChange=\"selMove ( '{$rName}','{$lName}',false );\" Size={$ht} Multiple");
     $msg .= Tag::hidden($rName . "Result");
     $msg .= Tag::_td();
     $msg .= Tag::_tr();
     $msg .= Tag::_table();
     return $msg;
Example #2
    public function editJSONEditForm($currentConfigKey)
        $json = json_encode(Config::get($currentConfigKey));
        $js = <<<JS
            var json = {$json};
            var pageDirty = false;
            \$().ready(function() {
                window.onbeforeunload = function () {
                    if ( ! pageDirty ) return;
                    return 'Changes have been made on this page and will be discarded.'
                \$('textarea.jsonformatter-textarea').change( function() {
                    pageDirty = true;
                \$('div.jsoneditor-value').change( function() {
                    pageDirty = true;
                \$('#fldCfgValue').val( editor.get() );

            function submitClicked () {
                var button = \$('#editJSONEditFormButton').attr('disabled',true);

                var orig = \$('#fldCfgValue').val();
                var ed   = editor.get();    // JSON Editor, RHS fields labels
                var form = formatter.get(); // Formatted Text Editor LHS

                if ( orig == ed && orig == form ) {
                    pageDirty = false;
                    alert( 'No changes, nothing to save' );
                    button.attr('disabled',false );
                    return false;
                else if ( orig != ed && orig == form ) {
                    if ( confirm( 'Looks like you have made changes in the JSON Editor on right pane and not copied to Formatted Text Editor on left pane. Ok to save changes?' ) ) {
                        pageDirty = false;
                        \$('#fldCfgValue').val( ed );
                        return true;
                    else {
                        button.attr('disabled',false );
                        return false;
                else if ( orig == ed && orig != form ) {
                    if ( confirm( 'Looks like you have made changes in the Formatted Text Editor on left pane and not copied to the JSON Editor on right pane. Ok to save?' ) ) {
                        pageDirty = false;
                        \$('#fldCfgValue').val( form );
                        return true;
                    else {
                        button.attr('disabled',false );
                        return false;
                else if ( orig != ed && orig != form ) {
                    if ( ed == form ) {
                        pageDirty = false;
                        \$('#fldCfgValue').val( ed );
                        return true;
                    else {
                        alert( 'You have changed both the JSON Editor on right pane and the Formatted Text Editor on left pane and they are inconsistent. ' +
                               'Please press one of the arrow buttons to fix and re-submit' );
                        button.attr('disabled',false );
                        return false;

                .on( 'focus', '[contenteditable]', function() {
                    var t = \$(this);
                    t.data('before', t.html());
                    return t;
                .on( 'blur keyup paste input', '[contenteditable]', function() {
                    var t = \$(this);
                    if (t.data('before') !== t.html() ) {
                        t.data('before', t.html());
                    return t;
        return JS::library(JS::JQUERY) . JS::library('jsoneditor.css') . JS::library('interface.css') . JS::library('jsoneditor.js') . JS::library('interface.js') . Tag::div(['id' => 'auto']) . Tag::div(['id' => 'contents', 'height' => '100%']) . Tag::table(['border' => '0', 'height' => '100%', 'width' => '100%']) . Tag::tr() . Tag::td(['valign' => 'top', 'width' => '45%', 'height' => '100%']) . Tag::hTag('b') . '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Formatted Text Editor' . Tag::_hTag('b') . Tag::div(['id' => 'jsonformatter']) . Tag::_div() . Tag::_td() . Tag::td(['valign' => 'top', 'width' => '10%', 'align' => 'center']) . Tag::div(['id' => 'splitter']) . Tag::_div() . Tag::_td() . Tag::td(['valign' => 'top', 'width' => '45%', 'height' => '100%']) . Tag::hTag('b') . '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;JSON Editor' . Tag::_hTag('b') . Tag::div(['id' => 'jsoneditor']) . Tag::_div() . Tag::_td() . Tag::_tr() . Tag::_table() . Tag::_div() . Tag::_div() . Tag::form(['id' => 'editJSONEditForm'], false) . MenuUtils::responseObject()->set('fldCfgKey', $currentConfigKey)->action(__CLASS__ . '->saveConfig()')->toHidden() . Tag::textArea('fldCfgValue', '', ['id' => 'fldCfgValue', 'style' => 'display: none;']) . '<b>Currently editing : <i>' . $currentConfigKey . '</i></b> ' . Tag::button('Save', ['onClick' => 'submitClicked();', 'id' => 'editJSONEditFormButton']) . Tag::_form() . JS::javaScript($js);
Example #3
  * @return string
 public function toHtml()
     $rowsPerPage = intval($this->getPageSize());
     $startingRow = intval($this->getStart());
     $startingPage = intval($this->get(self::STARTING_PAGE));
     $totalRows = intval($this->getRows());
     $saveStartingRow = intval($this->getStart());
     if ($rowsPerPage <= 0) {
         $rowsPerPage = self::$pagination[self::ROWS_PER_PAGE];
     // Not enough rows for pagination
     if ($totalRows <= $rowsPerPage) {
         if ($this->dispPageSize && $totalRows > 10) {
             return Tag::div($this->attribs) . Tag::form(['method' => 'get']) . $this->toHidden([self::ROWS_PER_PAGE]) . '&nbsp;Max Rows:&nbsp;' . Lists::select($this->toFormName(self::ROWS_PER_PAGE), self::$itemsPerPageList, ['default' => $rowsPerPage, 'onChange' => 'submit();']) . Tag::_form() . Tag::_div();
         } else {
             return '';
     if ($startingPage > 0) {
         $startingRow = ($startingPage - 1) * $rowsPerPage;
         $this->set(self::STARTING_PAGE, 0);
     if ($startingRow >= $totalRows) {
         $startingRow = $totalRows - 1;
     $pageContainingStartRow = intval($startingRow / $rowsPerPage);
     $this->set(self::SQL_START, $rowsPerPage * $pageContainingStartRow);
     // Get number of pages
     $numberOfPages = intval($totalRows / $rowsPerPage);
     if ($totalRows % $rowsPerPage != 0) {
     $previousPage = '';
     $nextPage = '';
     $firstPage = '';
     $lastPage = '';
     $pageSizeHtml = '';
     $html = [[], []];
     // This is the navigation from the current page forward
     for ($currentPage = $pageContainingStartRow + 1, $incr = 1; $currentPage < $numberOfPages - 1; $currentPage += $incr) {
         $startingRowForThisPage = $currentPage * $rowsPerPage;
         $currentPageDisplay = $currentPage + 1;
         $this->set(self::STARTING_ROW, $startingRowForThisPage);
         $html[1][] = Tag::hRef($this->toUrl(), number_format($currentPageDisplay), ['title' => 'Go to Page ' . $currentPageDisplay, 'class' => $this->styles[self::PAGE_LINK_CLASS]]);
         $incr *= count($html[1]);
     // This is the navigation for next and last page
     if ($pageContainingStartRow + 1 < $numberOfPages) {
         $this->setStart($rowsPerPage * ($numberOfPages - 1));
         $lastPage = Tag::button('>> ' . number_format($numberOfPages), ['onclick' => "location.href='" . $this->toUrl() . "';return true;", 'title' => 'Go to Last Page - ' . $numberOfPages, 'class' => $this->styles[self::PAGE_BUTTON_CLASS]]);
         $this->setStart($rowsPerPage * ($pageContainingStartRow + 1));
         $nextPage = Tag::button('>', ['onclick' => "location.href='" . $this->toUrl() . "';return true;", 'title' => 'Go to Next Page - ' . ($pageContainingStartRow + 2), 'class' => $this->styles[self::PAGE_BUTTON_CLASS]]);
     // Navigation for the current page nackwards
     for ($currentPage = $pageContainingStartRow - 1, $incr = 1; $currentPage > 0; $currentPage -= $incr) {
         $startingRowForThisPage = $currentPage * $rowsPerPage;
         $currentPageDisplay = $currentPage + 1;
         $html[0][] = Tag::hRef($this->toUrl(), number_format($currentPageDisplay), ['title' => 'Go to Page ' . $currentPageDisplay, 'class' => $this->styles[self::PAGE_LINK_CLASS]]);
         $incr *= count($html[0]);
     // Reverse the array so that it appears in correct order for pagination
     $html[0] = array_reverse($html[0]);
     // Navigation for previous and first pages
     if ($pageContainingStartRow != 0) {
         // Calculate navigation for first page
         $firstPage = Tag::button('<< 1', ['onclick' => "location.href='" . $this->toUrl() . "';return true;", 'title' => 'Go to First Page - 1', 'class' => $this->styles[self::PAGE_BUTTON_CLASS]]);
         // Calculate navigation for previous page
         $this->setStart($rowsPerPage * ($pageContainingStartRow - 1));
         $previousPage = Tag::button('< ', ['onclick' => "location.href='" . $this->toUrl() . "';return true;", 'title' => 'Go to Previous Page - ' . ($pageContainingStartRow - 1), 'class' => $this->styles[self::PAGE_BUTTON_CLASS]]);
     $curPage = (string) ($pageContainingStartRow + 1);
     $exemptVars = [self::STARTING_PAGE];
     // Create the drop down to set the number of rows displayed per page
     if ($this->dispPageSize) {
         $exemptVars[] = self::ROWS_PER_PAGE;
         $pageSizeHtml = '&nbsp;Rows:&nbsp;' . Lists::select($this->toFormName(self::ROWS_PER_PAGE), self::$itemsPerPageList, ['default' => $rowsPerPage, 'title' => 'This changes the number of rows to display', 'onChange' => 'submit();']);
     return Tag::div($this->attribs) . Tag::form(['method' => 'get']) . $this->toHidden($exemptVars) . $firstPage . $previousPage . '&nbsp;' . join('&nbsp;&#183;&nbsp;', $html[0]) . '&nbsp;' . Tag::text($this->toFormName(self::STARTING_PAGE), ['value' => $curPage, 'align' => 'middle', 'size' => 1 + max(1, strlen($curPage) - 1), 'title' => 'Manually enter the page number that you want and press enter', 'style' => 'font-weight:bold;']) . '&nbsp;' . join('&nbsp;&#183;&nbsp;', $html[1]) . '&nbsp;' . $nextPage . $lastPage . $pageSizeHtml . Tag::_form() . Tag::_div();