require_once 'lib/DbUtils.php';
use IP\DbUtils as DB;
$db = new DB();
use IP\Request;
$request = new Request();
$keys = array('idvaluation' => 'id', 'name' => 'Name', 'institute' => 'Institute', 'createdDate' => 'Created On', 'userName' => 'User Created', 'developedBy' => 'Developed By', 'contactEmail' => 'Email', 'contactMobile' => 'Mobile', 'technology' => 'Technology', 'techType' => 'Type', 'ipCategory' => 'IP Category', 'ipState' => 'IP State', 'valuationMethod' => 'Method', 'valuation' => 'Valuation', 'fxa' => 'Fixed costs specific to R&D', 'ifc' => 'Incremental Fixed Costs', 'ppm' => 'Price/Unit of Compiting Product', 'pp' => 'Product Price/Unit', 'svm' => 'Units Sold Annualy of Compiting Product', 'sv' => 'Sales Volume of Developed Product', 'rm' => 'Expected Revenue of Compiting Product', 'r' => 'Expected Revenue', 'p' => 'Expected Profits (%)', 'yr' => 'Expected Life of Technology', 'dr' => 'Discount Rate (%)', 'adc' => 'Administration Cost (yearly %)', 'it' => 'Income Tax (Per year %)', 'expectedGrowth' => 'Expected Sales Growth', 'g' => 'Growth Rate (%)', 'pricingStratagy' => 'Pricing Strategy', 'pr' => 'Pricing Factor (%)', 'd' => 'Depreciation rate (%)', 'oc' => 'R&D Expenses/year', 's' => 'Salary', 't' => 'Time spent on R&D (in months)', 'op' => 'No. of Outputs from R&D', 'oh' => 'Overheads (if any)', 'ry' => 'Royalty Rate (%)', 'opx' => 'Operating Expenses(%)', 'ifx' => 'Incremental Fixed Costs(%)', 'Cost Method' => 'Cost Method', 'Royalty Method' => 'Royalty Method', 'Profit Split Method' => 'Profit Split Method', 'Market Method' => 'Market Method', 'All' => 'All');
if ($request->handleOptions()) {
    error_log('Option request. Exit...', 0);
$input = $request->getJSON();
$token = $input->id ? $input->id : $_GET['token'];
$userId = $input->userId ? $input->userId : $_GET['userId'];
$request->setHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer ' . $token);
if (!$request->validate()) {
    echo 'You do not have permision to download this file!!!';
    error_log('Validation failed. Not authorized!!');
$result = $db->getValuation($id, $userId);
$objPHPExcel = new PHPExcel();
// DEMO ONLY (potentially unsafe)
$activeSheet = $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet();
//$objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->SetCellValue('A1', 'Hello');
//$objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->SetCellValue('B2', 'world!');
//$objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->SetCellValue('C1', 'Hello');
//$objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->SetCellValue('D2', 'world!');
// Rename sheet