Example #1
 public function get_contents_read_returns_less_than_size()
     $f = new File(Streams::readableFd(newinstance(MemoryInputStream::class, ['Test'], ['read' => function ($size = 4096) {
         return parent::read(min(1, $size));
     $this->assertEquals('Test', FileUtil::getContents($f));
 public function appending()
     with($stream = new FileOutputStream($this->file, true));
     $this->assertEquals('Created by FileOutputStreamTest!', FileUtil::getContents($this->file));
 public function setUp()
     $tempDir = realpath(System::tempDir());
     $this->fixture = new FilesystemPropertySource($tempDir);
     // Create a temporary ini file
     $this->tempFile = new File($tempDir, 'temp.ini');
     FileUtil::setContents($this->tempFile, "[section]\nkey=value\n");
 public function fetchWsdl()
     if (0 == strncmp('https://', $this->uri, 8) || 0 == strncmp('http://', $this->uri, 7)) {
         return HttpUtil::get(new HttpConnection(new \peer\URL($this->uri)));
     } else {
         return \io\FileUtil::getContents(new File($this->uri));
Example #5
 public static function createFiles()
     self::$temp = new Folder(System::tempDir(), uniqid(microtime(true)));
     $partials = new Folder(self::$temp, 'partials');
     FileUtil::setContents(new File(self::$temp, 'test.mustache'), 'Mustache template {{id}}');
     FileUtil::setContents(new File($partials, 'navigation.mustache'), '{{#if nav}}nav{{/if}}');
  * Sets up test case - creates temporary file
 public function setUp()
     try {
         $this->file = new TempFile();
         FileUtil::setContents($this->file, 'Created by FileInputStreamTest');
     } catch (\io\IOException $e) {
         throw new \unittest\PrerequisitesNotMetError('Cannot write temporary file', $e, array($this->file));
  * Retrieve contents of errordocument
  * @return  string content
 public function getContent()
     try {
         $contents = FileUtil::getContents(new File($this->filename));
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $this->message .= $e->toString();
         $contents = '<xp:value-of select="reason"/>';
     return str_replace('<xp:value-of select="reason"/>', $this->message, $contents);
 public function get_contents_read_returns_less_than_size()
     $data = 'Test';
     $f = newinstance('io.Stream', array(), '{
   public function read($size= 4096) { return parent::read(min(1, $size)); }
     $this->assertEquals($data, FileUtil::getContents($f));
  * Execute action
  * @return  int
 public function perform()
     $args = $this->getArguments();
     while ($entry = $this->archive->getEntry()) {
         if (!$this->_filter($entry, $args)) {
         $f = new File($entry);
         $data = $this->archive->extract($entry);
         if (!($this->options & Options::SIMULATE)) {
             // Create folder on demand. Note that inside a XAR, the directory
             // separator is *ALWAYS* a forward slash, so we need to change
             // it to whatever the OS we're currently running on uses.
             $dir = new Folder(str_replace('/', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, dirname($entry)));
             if (!$dir->exists()) {
             FileUtil::setContents($f, $data);
         $this->options & Options::VERBOSE && $this->out->writeLinef('%10s %s', number_format(strlen($data), 0, false, '.'), $entry);
  * Store data
  * @param   string name
  * @param   string data
 protected function store($name, $data)
     FileUtil::setContents(new File($this->path, $name), $data);
 public function read_bc()
     $s = new Stream();
     Image::loadFrom(new \img\io\StreamReader(ref($s)));
Example #12
  * Create a new checksum from a file object
  * @param   io.File file
  * @param   string key default NULL
  * @return  self
 public static function fromFile($file, $key = null)
     return new self(self::hash(FileUtil::getContents($file), $key));
 public function readMalformedDataBC()
     $s = new Stream();
     FileUtil::setContents($s, '@@MALFORMED@@');
     Image::loadFrom(new \img\io\StreamReader(ref($s)));
 public function write_bc()
     $s = new \io\Stream();
     $this->image->saveTo(new JpegStreamWriter(ref($s)));
  * Called when a test run finishes.
  * @param   unittest.TestSuite suite
  * @param   unittest.TestResult result
 public function testRunFinished(\unittest\TestSuite $suite, TestResult $result)
     $coverage = xdebug_get_code_coverage();
     $results = array();
     foreach ($coverage as $fileName => $data) {
         foreach ($this->paths as $path) {
             if (substr($fileName, 0, strlen($path)) !== $path) {
             $results[dirname($fileName)][basename($fileName)] = $data;
     $pathsNode = new Node('paths');
     foreach ($results as $pathName => $files) {
         $pathNode = new Node('path');
         $pathNode->setAttribute('name', $pathName);
         foreach ($files as $fileName => $data) {
             $fileNode = new Node('file');
             $fileNode->setAttribute('name', $fileName);
             $num = 1;
             $reader = new TextReader(new FileInputStream($pathName . '/' . $fileName));
             while (($line = $reader->readLine()) !== null) {
                 $lineNode = new Node('line', new CData($line));
                 if (isset($data[$num])) {
                     if (1 === $data[$num]) {
                         $lineNode->setAttribute('checked', 'checked');
                     } elseif (-1 === $data[$num]) {
                         $lineNode->setAttribute('unchecked', 'unchecked');
     $pathsNode->setAttribute('time', date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
     FileUtil::setContents(new File($this->reportFile), $this->processor->output());
 public function read_bc()
     $s = new Stream();
     FileUtil::setContents($s, base64_decode('iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAAEAAAABAQMAAAAl21bKAAAAA1BMVEX///+nxBvIAAAACklEQVQImWNgAAAAAgAB9HFkpgAAAABJRU5ErkJggg=='));
     Image::loadFrom(new \img\io\StreamReader(ref($s)));
 public function loadingNonexistantFile()
     $this->assertEquals('Foobar', trim(FileUtil::getContents(new File('res://one/Dummy.txt'))));
 public function read_bc()
     $s = new Stream();
     FileUtil::setContents($s, base64_decode('R0lGODdhAQABAIAAAP///wAAACwAAAAAAQABAAACAkQBADs='));
     Image::loadFrom(new \img\io\StreamReader(ref($s)));
Example #19
  * Create a new checksum from a file object
  * @param   io.File file
  * @return  security.checksum.CRC32
 public static function fromFile($file)
     return self::fromString(FileUtil::getContents($file));
 public function load_existing_resource_stream_from_archive()
     $contents = FileUtil::getContents($this->fixture->getResourceAsStream('test/package-info.xp'));
     $this->assertEquals('<?php', substr($contents, 0, strpos($contents, "\n")));
Example #21
  * Construct an XML tree from a file.
  * <code>
  *   $tree= Tree::fromFile(new File('foo.xml'));
  * </code>
  * @param   io.File file
  * @param   string c default __CLASS__ class name
  * @return  xml.Tree
  * @throws  xml.XMLFormatException in case of a parser error
  * @throws  io.IOException in case reading the file fails
 public static function fromFile($file, $c = __CLASS__)
     $parser = new XMLParser();
     $tree = new $c();
     // Fetch actual encoding from parser
     return $tree;
  * Fetch data
  * @param   string name
  * @return  string data
 protected function fetch($name)
     return FileUtil::getContents(new File($this->path, $name));
Example #23
  * Add a file
  * @param   string id the id under which this entry will be located
  * @param   io.File file
 public function addFile($id, $file)
     $bytes = FileUtil::getContents($file);
     $this->_index[$id] = [strlen($bytes), -1, $bytes];
  * Load an image
  * @param   peer.URL source
  * @return  string[2] data and contenttype
 public function load($source)
     return [FileUtil::getContents(new File($source->getURL())), MimeType::getByFilename($source->getURL())];