* MType: Description: Data provided as MData:
 Simple message, not important
 Text, if necessary with HTML formatting
 Simple message, important
 Text, if necessary with HTML formatting
 Simple question, to be answered Yes/No
 Text, if necessary with HTML formatting
 Single choice question, to be answered with one out of n alternatives
 Text, if necessary with HTML formatting; n different text pieces in structured writing
 Multiple choice question, to be answered with any number out of n alternatives
 Text, if necessary with HTML formatting; n different text pieces in structured writing
 LO recommendation
 List of LOs and priorities
 2000 + x
 Emulation of USE, with value x is any valid MType < 1000
 As required by the corresponding MType

 Text question, to be answered with a natural language text
 Text, if necessary with HTML formatting
 Audio message
 URI of the audio stream or audio file
 Video message
 URI of the video stream or video file
 <Learner mId="12345678-1234-abcd-ef12-123456789012" uId="jmb0001">
 <Lore uId="jmb0001" mId="12345678-1234-abcd-ef12-123456789013">
 <LorePrio loId="LO4711" value="42"/>
 <LorePrio loId="LO4712" value="50"/>
 <Tug uId="jmb0001" mId="12345678-1234-abcd-ef12-123456789014">
 <MData>Good Morning, dear Learner!</MData>
* @param SimpleXMLElement $doc
* @return string HTML
function block_intuitel_generateHtmlForTugAndLore(SimpleXMLElement $intuitel_elements, $courseid)
    global $OUTPUT, $CFG, $PAGE;
    $html = '';
    foreach ($intuitel_elements->Learner->Tug as $tug) {
        $mtype = (string) $tug->MType;
        $mid = IntuitelXMLSerializer::get_required_attribute($tug, 'mId');
        //escape dots from $mid for HTML
        $mid = str_replace('.', '_', $mid);
        $tug_mdata = (string) $tug->MData;
        // filter $tug_mdata to decorate loIds
        $tug_mdata = block_intuitel_add_loId_decorations($tug_mdata);
        if ($mtype == '1') {
            //Simple message, not important
            $html .= block_intuitel_write_form_start($mid, $courseid) . '<p>' . $tug_mdata . '</p>' . block_intuitel_write_form_end($mid, false);
            $html = block_intuitel_add_popup_notification($mid, $html);
            $html = block_intuitel_add_fadeIn_jscript($mid, $html);
        } else {
            if ($mtype == '2') {
                //Simple message, important
                $html .= block_intuitel_write_form_start($mid, $courseid) . '<p>' . $OUTPUT->pix_icon('warning', 'notice!', 'block_intuitel', array('width' => 32)) . $tug_mdata . '</p>';
                //TODO printing code.
                $html .= block_intuitel_write_form_end($mid, false);
                $html = block_intuitel_add_fadeIn_jscript($mid, $html);
                $html = block_intuitel_add_printing_code($mid, $html);
                $html = block_intuitel_add_popup_notification($mid, $html);
            } else {
                if ($mtype == '3') {
                    //Simple question, to be answered Yes/No
                    $html .= block_intuitel_write_form_start($mid, $courseid) . '<p>' . $tug_mdata . '</p>
			<input type="RADIO" NAME="YesNo" value="Yes" checked >' . get_string('yes', 'moodle') . '<br>
			<input type="RADIO" NAME="YesNo" value="No" >' . get_string('no', 'moodle') . '<br>' . block_intuitel_write_form_end($mid);
                    $html = block_intuitel_add_fadeIn_jscript($mid, $html);
                    $html = block_intuitel_add_popup_notification($mid, $html);
                } else {
                    if ($mtype == '4') {
                        //Single choice question, to be answered with one out of n alternatives
                        $tug_mdata = block_intuitel_change_select_into_radio($tug_mdata);
                        $tug_mdata = block_intuitel_filter_out_trailing_lang_mark($tug_mdata);
                        // TUG xml is supposed to be encoded as a W3C form
                        $html .= block_intuitel_write_form_start($mid, $courseid) . '<p>' . $tug_mdata . '</p>' . block_intuitel_write_form_end($mid);
                        $html = block_intuitel_add_fadeIn_jscript($mid, $html);
                        $html = block_intuitel_add_popup_notification($mid, $html);
                    } else {
                        if ($mtype == '5') {
                            // Multiple choice question, to be answered with any number out of n alternatives
                            // TUG xml is supposed to be encoded as a W3C form
                            $html .= block_intuitel_write_form_start($mid, $courseid) . '<p>' . $tug_mdata . '</p>' . block_intuitel_write_form_end($mid);
                            $html = block_intuitel_add_fadeIn_jscript($mid, $html);
                            $html = block_intuitel_add_popup_notification($mid, $html);
                        } else {
                            if ($mtype == '100') {
                                //Text question, to be answered with a natural language text
                                $html .= block_intuitel_write_form_start($mid, $courseid) . '<p>' . $tug_mdata . '</p>' . '<textarea name="text" rows="10" cols="30"></textarea>' . block_intuitel_write_form_end($mid);
                                $html = block_intuitel_add_fadeIn_jscript($mid, $html);
                                $html = block_intuitel_add_popup_notification($mid, $html);
                            } else {
                                if ($mtype == '200') {
                                    //Audio message URI of the audio stream or audio file
                                    $html .= block_intuitel_write_form_start($mid, $courseid);
                                    $html .= format_text('You have a recommendation in this Sound Message: <a href="' . $tug_mdata . '">Sound</a>');
                                    $html .= block_intuitel_write_form_end($mid, false);
                                } else {
                                    if ($mtype == '300') {
                                        //Video message URI of the video stream or video file
                                        $html .= block_intuitel_write_form_start($mid, $courseid);
                                        $html .= format_text('You have a recommendation in this Video Message: <a href="' . $tug_mdata . '">Video message</a>');
                                        $html .= block_intuitel_write_form_end($mid, false);
                                        $html = block_intuitel_add_popup_notification($mid, $html);
                                        $html = block_intuitel_add_fadeIn_jscript($mid, $html);
    // different Tugs
     * LORE Messages
    $idFactory = Intuitel::getIDFactory();
    $html .= '<div id="INTUITEL_LORE">';
    $header_shown = false;
    foreach ($intuitel_elements->Learner->Lore as $lore) {
        $html .= '<ul id="intuitel_lore_recommendations">';
        $ids = array();
        foreach ($lore->LorePrio as $lorePrio) {
            $atts = $lorePrio->attributes();
            $loId = (string) $atts['loId'];
            $value = (string) $atts['value'];
            if (!$header_shown) {
                $html .= get_string('personalized_recommendations', 'block_intuitel');
                $header_shown = true;
            $cmid = $idFactory->getIdfromLoId(new LOId($loId));
            $module_link = block_intuitel_generateHtmlModuleLink($cmid);
            $html .= "<li loid=\"{$loId}\" id=\"intuitel_lore_{$cmid}\" >";
            if ($module_link) {
                $html .= $module_link;
            } else {
                // TODO: labels are reported and can't be rendered nor hyper-linked
                //       labels are excluded from rendering, other unknown KO are reported form debugging
                $type = Intuitel::getIDFactory()->getType(new LOId($loId));
                if ($type != 'label') {
                    $html .= "Activity with loId= {$loId} of type {$type} not found in this course. (Please report to developers)";
            $html .= '  <span id="intuitel_lore_score_navigation">' . $value / 20 . '</span> ';
            $html .= '</li>';
        $html .= '</ul>';
    $html .= '</div>';
    return $html;
Example #2
use intuitel\IntuitelXMLSerializer;
use intuitel\ProtocolErrorException;
use intuitel\IntuitelController;
require_once dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . '/config.php';
require_once 'locallib.php';
require_once 'model/exceptions.php';
require_once 'model/intuitelController.php';
global $log;
if (!isset($_SESSION['user_validated'])) {
} else {
    $log->LogDebug("Mapping request authenticated as:" . join(',', $_SESSION['user_ids_validated']));
$params = array();
$serializer = new IntuitelXMLSerializer();
$xml = block_intuitel_get_input_message();
$log->LogDebug("loMapping Request: {$xml}");
$intuitel_elements = IntuitelController::getIntuitelXML($xml);
$loMappings = IntuitelXMLSerializer::get_required_element($intuitel_elements, 'LoMapping');
$loMappingResults = array();
foreach ($loMappings as $loMapping) {
    $mid = IntuitelXMLSerializer::get_required_attribute($loMapping, 'mId');
    if (isset($loMappingResults[$mid])) {
        throw new ProtocolErrorException("Duplicated message id: {$mid}");
    $params = $serializer->parse_mapping_request($loMapping);
    // support sending KVP for testing
    foreach ($_GET as $name => $value) {
        if ($name != 'xml' && $name != 'XDEBUG_SESSION_START') {
            $val = optional_param($name, null, PARAM_TEXT);
// along with INTUITEL for Moodle Adaptor.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 * REST interface.
 * @package    block_intuitel
 * @author Juan Pablo de Castro, Elena VerdĂș.
 * @copyright  2015 Intuitel Consortium
 * @license    http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
use intuitel\IntuitelXMLSerializer;
use intuitel\Intuitel;
use intuitel\ProtocolErrorException;
use intuitel\IntuitelController;
require_once dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . '/config.php';
require_once 'locallib.php';
require_once 'model/exceptions.php';
require_once 'model/intuitelController.php';
global $CFG;
$xml = block_intuitel_get_input_message();
$intuitel_msg = IntuitelController::getIntuitelXML($xml);
$lmsProfile = $intuitel_msg->LmsProfile;
$mid = IntuitelXMLSerializer::get_required_attribute($lmsProfile, 'mId');
if (!isset($mid)) {
    throw new ProtocolErrorException("Bad LmsProfile request.");
$serializer = new IntuitelXMLSerializer();
$properties = Intuitel::getAdaptorInstance()->getLMSProfile();
header('Content-type: text/xml');
echo $serializer->serializeLMSProfile($mid, $properties);
  * Parse xml response and generate proper html to be inserted in a DIV in the user interface
  * @throws ProtocolErrorException if userId is not current user
  * @param string $xml
  * @return array(string,SimpleXMLElement)
 public static function ProcessUpdateLearnerRequest($xml, $courseid)
     $intuitel_elements = IntuitelController::getIntuitelXML($xml);
     $learner = IntuitelXMLSerializer::get_required_element($intuitel_elements, 'Learner');
     $user_id = IntuitelXMLSerializer::get_required_attribute($learner, 'uId');
     $adaptor = Intuitel::getAdaptorInstanceForCourse();
     $user = $adaptor->getNativeUserFromUId(new UserId($user_id));
     global $USER;
     if ($USER->id != $user->id) {
         throw new AccessDeniedException("User {$user->id} is not current user");
     // Generate HTML for the TUG and LORE parts
     $html = $adaptor->generateHtmlForTugAndLore($intuitel_elements, $courseid);
     return array($html, $intuitel_elements);