  * Display the specified resource.
  * @param $image_slug
  * @param int $width
  * @return Response
 public function show($image_slug, $width = 500)
     $currentUser = $this->getUser();
     //$size = (Input::get('size')? (is_numeric(Input::get('size'))? Input::get('size') : 500) : 500);//TODO: Extract this to global config
     $comicImage = ComicImage::where('image_slug', '=', $image_slug)->first();
     if (!$comicImage) {
         return $this->respondNotFound(['title' => 'Image Not Found', 'detail' => 'Image Not Found', 'status' => 404, 'code' => '']);
     $userCbaIds = $currentUser->comics()->lists('comic_book_archive_id')->all();
     $comicCbaIds = $comicImage->comicBookArchives()->lists('comic_book_archive_id')->all();
     foreach ($comicCbaIds as $comicCbaId) {
         if (!in_array($comicCbaId, $userCbaIds)) {
             return $this->respondNotFound(['title' => 'Image Not Found', 'detail' => 'Image Not Found', 'status' => 404, 'code' => '']);
     $img = Image::make($comicImage->image_url);
     $imgCache = Image::cache(function ($image) use($img, $width) {
         $image->make($img)->interlace()->resize(null, $width, function ($constraint) {
     }, 60, true);
     return $imgCache->response();
Example #2
 public function resize($width, $height)
     $imageCache = Image::cache(function ($image) use($width, $height) {
         $image->make($this->getFilePath())->resize($width, $height, function ($constraint) {
     return $imageCache;
Example #3
 public function resize($id, $size = null)
     $asset = Asset::find($id);
     if ($asset == null) {
         return '';
     $url = $asset->relativeURL();
     $w = null;
     $h = null;
     $s = null;
     if ($size != null) {
         preg_match('/w(\\d+)/', $size, $wMatch);
         preg_match('/h(\\d+)/', $size, $hMatch);
         preg_match('/s(\\d+)/', $size, $sMatch);
         if (count($wMatch) >= 2) {
             $w = $wMatch[1];
         if (count($hMatch) >= 2) {
             $h = $hMatch[1];
         if (count($sMatch) >= 2) {
             $s = $sMatch[1];
     $img = Image::cache(function ($image) use($url, $w, $h, $s) {
         if ($s != null) {
             $image->resize($s, null, function ($constraint) {
             })->crop($s, $s);
         } else {
             if ($w != null || $h != null) {
                 $image->resize($w, $h, function ($constraint) {
         return $image;
     $file = new \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\File($url);
     $mime = $file->getMimeType();
     return Response::make($img, 200, array('Content-Type' => $mime));
Example #4
 public function show(Request $request, $path)
     $path = public_path($path);
     $size = explode('x', $request->size);
     $options = $request->get('op', null);
     $img = Image::cache(function ($image) use($path, $size, $options) {
         switch ($options) {
             case 'c':
                 # code...
             case 'r':
                 $image->make($path)->resize($size[0], $size[1], function ($c) {
                 })->encode('png', 80);
                 $image->make($path)->fit($size[0], $size[1])->encode('png', 80);
     }, 43200, true);
     return $img->response('png');
  * Display the specified resource.
  * @param  int  $id
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
 public function show($id, $param1 = null, $param2 = null)
     //Get a specific item
     $entry = Contentful::entries()->limitByType('2wKn6yEnZewu2SCCkus4as')->includeLinks(10)->get();
      * get youtube video ID from URL
      * @param string $url
      * @return string Youtube video id or FALSE if none found. 
     function youtube_id_from_url($url)
         $pattern = '%^# Match any youtube URL
         (?:https?://)?  # Optional scheme. Either http or https
         (?:www\\.)?      # Optional www subdomain
         (?:             # Group host alternatives
           youtu\\.be/    # Either youtu.be,
         | youtube\\.com  # or youtube.com
           (?:           # Group path alternatives
             /embed/     # Either /embed/
           | /v/         # or /v/
           | /watch\\?v=  # or /watch\\?v=
           )             # End path alternatives.
         )               # End host alternatives.
         ([\\w-]{10,12})  # Allow 10-12 for 11 char youtube id.
         $result = preg_match($pattern, $url, $matches);
         if (false !== $result) {
             return $matches[1];
         return false;
     foreach ($entry['items'] as $key => $post) {
         if ($post['fields']['slug'] == $id) {
             //global $post;
             $blog['title'] = $post['fields']['title'];
             $blog['body'] = Markdown::parse($post['fields']['body']);
             $blog['slug'] = $post['fields']['slug'];
             $blog['imageId'] = $post['fields']['featuredImage']['sys']['id'];
             if (isset($post['fields']['gallery'])) {
                 //Prepare the gallery of images
                 foreach ($post['fields']['gallery'] as $keyId => $imgId) {
                     $id = $imgId['sys']['id'];
                     foreach ($entry['includes']['Asset'] as $key => $asset) {
                         if ($id == $asset['sys']['id']) {
                             $gallery[$key]['id'] = $asset['sys']['id'];
                             $gallery[$key]['imageUrl'] = $asset['fields']['file']['url'];
                 $blog['gallery'] = $gallery;
             if (isset($post['fields']['location'])) {
                 $blog['location'] = $post['fields']['location'];
             if (isset($post['fields']['video3'])) {
                 $blog['video'] = youtube_id_from_url($post['fields']['video3']);
             if (isset($post['fields']['image'])) {
                 $blog['image'] = Image::cache(function ($image) use($post) {
                 }, null, false);
             $blog['createdAt'] = $post['sys']['createdAt'];
     //get a specific asset
     $assets = Contentful::assets()->where('sys.id', '=', $blog['imageId'])->get();
     //setting the width of the image on the fly!
     $blog['imageUrl'] = Image::cache(function ($image) use($assets) {
         $image->make('http:' . $assets['items'][0]['fields']['file']['url'] . '?' . 'w=400&fm=jpg')->greyscale()->encode('data-url');
     }, null, false);
     $params = display($param1, $param2);
     $params['blog'] = $blog;
     return view('blog.item')->with($params);