<?php use Inphinit\App; use Inphinit\View; use Inphinit\Request; use Inphinit\Routing\Route; App::on('changestatus', function ($status, $msg) { if ($status === 503) { echo 'This site is currently down for maintenance and should be back soon!'; } elseif (in_array($status, array(401, 403, 404, 500, 501))) { View::forceRender(); View::render('httpview', array('title' => $msg ? $msg : 'Página inacessĂvel', 'method' => $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'], 'path' => Request::path(), 'route' => Request::path(true), 'status' => $status)); exit; } }); Route::set('ANY', '/', 'Home:index'); // Navitate to http://[server]/user/[YOUR NAME] like: http://[server]/user/mary Route::set('ANY', 're:#^/user/([a-z0-9_]+)$#', 'Users.Profile:view'); // Navitate to http://[server]/info Route::set('ANY', '/info', 'Examples:info'); // Navitate to http://[server]/closure Route::set('ANY', '/closure', 'Examples:arrayClosure');
protected function checkPath() { if ($this->path) { $path = Request::path(); if (strpos($path, $this->path) === 0) { $this->currentPrefixPath = $this->path; return array(); } elseif (self::checkRegEx($this->path, $path, $matches)) { $this->currentPrefixPath = $matches[0]; array_shift($matches); return $matches; } } return false; }
public static function renderError($type, $message, $file, $line) { if (empty(self::$views['error'])) { return null; } $data = self::details($message, $file, $line); if (!headers_sent() && Request::is('xhr')) { ob_start(); self::unregister(); Response::cache(0); Response::type('application/json'); echo json_encode($data); App::abort(500); } View::render(self::$views['error'], $data); }