/** * แสดงผล */ public function render(Request $request) { // แอดมิน if (Login::isAdmin()) { // โมดูลที่ต้องการติดตั้ง $module = $request->get('m')->filter('a-z'); $widget = $request->get('w')->filter('a-z'); $this->module = $module !== '' ? $module : $widget; // แสดงผล $section = Html::create('section'); // breadcrumbs $breadcrumbs = $section->add('div', array('class' => 'breadcrumbs')); $ul = $breadcrumbs->add('ul'); if ($module !== '') { $ul->appendChild('<li><span class="icon-modules">{LNG_Module}</span></li>'); $type = 'module'; } elseif ($widget !== '') { $ul->appendChild('<li><span class="icon-widgets">{LNG_Widgets}</span></li>'); $type = 'widget'; } else { // 404.html return \Index\Error\Controller::page404(); } $ul->appendChild('<li><span>{LNG_Install}</span></li>'); $section->add('header', array('innerHTML' => '<h1 class="icon-inbox">' . $this->title() . '</h1>')); // แสดงฟอร์ม $section->appendChild(createClass('Index\\Install\\View')->render($type, $this->module)); return $section->render(); } // 404.html return \Index\Error\Controller::page404(); }
/** * แสดงผล */ public function render(Request $request) { // แอดมิน if (Login::isAdmin()) { // รายการที่ต้องการ $index = \Index\Menuwrite\Model::getMenu(self::$request->get('id')->toInt()); if ($index) { // สร้างหรือแก้ไข // แสดงผล $section = Html::create('section'); // breadcrumbs $breadcrumbs = $section->add('div', array('class' => 'breadcrumbs')); $ul = $breadcrumbs->add('ul'); $ul->appendChild('<li><span class="icon-modules">{LNG_Menus} & {LNG_Web pages}</span></li>'); $ul->appendChild('<li><a href="{BACKURL?module=pages&id=0}">{LNG_Menus}</a></li>'); $ul->appendChild('<li><span>{LNG_' . (empty($index->id) ? 'Create' : 'Edit') . '}</span></li>'); $section->add('header', array('innerHTML' => '<h1 class="icon-write">' . $this->title() . '</h1>')); if ($index) { // แสดงฟอร์ม $section->appendChild(createClass('Index\\Menuwrite\\View')->render($index)); return $section->render(); } } } // 404.html return \Index\Error\Controller::page404(); }
/** * แสดงผล */ public function render() { // แอดมิน if (Login::isAdmin()) { // ภาษาที่ต้องการ $language = self::$request->get('language', Language::name())->toString(); if (preg_match('/^[a-z]{2,2}$/', $language)) { // intro detail $template = ROOT_PATH . DATA_FOLDER . 'intro.' . $language . '.php'; if (is_file($template)) { $template = trim(preg_replace('/<\\?php exit([\\(\\);])?\\?>/', '', file_get_contents($template))); } else { $template = '<p style="padding: 20px; text-align: center; font-weight: bold;"><a href="index.php">Welcome<br>ยินดีต้อนรับ</a></p>'; } // แสดงผล $section = Html::create('section'); // breadcrumbs $breadcrumbs = $section->add('div', array('class' => 'breadcrumbs')); $ul = $breadcrumbs->add('ul'); $ul->appendChild('<li><span class="icon-settings">{LNG_Site settings}</span></li>'); $ul->appendChild('<li><span>{LNG_Intro Page}</span></li>'); $section->add('header', array('innerHTML' => '<h1 class="icon-write">' . $this->title() . '</h1>')); // แสดงฟอร์ม $section->appendChild(createClass('Index\\Intro\\View')->render($language, $template)); return $section->render(); } } // 404.html return \Index\Error\Controller::page404(); }
/** * แสดงผล */ public function render() { // แอดมิน if (Login::isAdmin()) { // รายการที่ต้องการ $index = \Index\Mailwrite\Model::getIndex(self::$request->get('id')->toInt()); // สร้างหรือแก้ไข $title = Language::get(empty($index->id) ? 'Create' : 'Edit'); // แสดงผล $section = Html::create('section'); // breadcrumbs $breadcrumbs = $section->add('div', array('class' => 'breadcrumbs')); $ul = $breadcrumbs->add('ul'); $ul->appendChild('<li><span class="icon-settings">{LNG_Site settings}</span></li>'); $ul->appendChild('<li><a href="{BACKURL?module=mailtemplate&id=0}">{LNG_Email template}</a></li>'); $ul->appendChild('<li><span>' . $title . '</span></li>'); $section->add('header', array('innerHTML' => '<h1 class="icon-write">' . $title . ' ' . $index->name . '</h1>')); if ($index) { // แสดงฟอร์ม $section->appendChild(createClass('Index\\Mailwrite\\View')->render($index)); return $section->render(); } } // 404.html return \Index\Error\Controller::page404(); }
/** * แสดงผล */ public function render() { // แอดมิน if (Login::isAdmin()) { // แสดงผล $section = Html::create('section'); // breadcrumbs $breadcrumbs = $section->add('div', array('class' => 'breadcrumbs')); $ul = $breadcrumbs->add('ul'); $ul->appendChild('<li><span class="icon-modules">{LNG_Menus} & {LNG_Web pages}</span></li>'); $ul->appendChild('<li><a href="{BACKURL?module=mods&id=0}">{LNG_installed module}</a></li>'); $ul->appendChild('<li><span>{LNG_Create}</span></li>'); $section->add('header', array('innerHTML' => '<h1 class="icon-new">' . $this->title() . '</h1>')); // owner $modules = array(); foreach (Gcms::$install_owners as $owner => $item) { if (file_exists(ROOT_PATH . 'modules/' . $owner . '/controllers/admin/init.php')) { $class = ucfirst($owner) . '\\Admin\\Init\\Controller'; if (method_exists($class, 'description')) { // get module description $description = $class::description(); if (!empty($description)) { $modules[$owner] = $description . ' [' . $owner . ']'; } } } } // แสดงฟอร์ม $section->appendChild(createClass('Index\\Addmodule\\View')->render($modules)); return $section->render(); } // 404.html return \Index\Error\Controller::page404(); }
/** * แสดงผล */ public function render() { // แอดมิน if (Login::isAdmin()) { // ภาษาที่ต้องการ $language = self::$request->get('language', Language::name())->toString(); if (preg_match('/^[a-z]{2,2}$/', $language)) { // maintenance detail $template = ROOT_PATH . DATA_FOLDER . 'maintenance.' . $language . '.php'; if (is_file($template)) { $template = trim(preg_replace('/<\\?php exit([\\(\\);])?\\?>/', '', file_get_contents($template))); } else { $template = '<p style="padding: 20px; text-align: center; font-weight: bold;">Website Temporarily Closed for Maintenance, Please try again in a few minutes.<br>ปิดปรับปรุงเว็บไซต์ชั่วคราวเพื่อบำรุงรักษา กรุณาลองใหม่ในอีกสักครู่</p>'; } // แสดงผล $section = Html::create('section'); // breadcrumbs $breadcrumbs = $section->add('div', array('class' => 'breadcrumbs')); $ul = $breadcrumbs->add('ul'); $ul->appendChild('<li><span class="icon-settings">{LNG_Site settings}</span></li>'); $ul->appendChild('<li><span>{LNG_Maintenance Mode}</span></li>'); $section->add('header', array('innerHTML' => '<h1 class="icon-write">' . $this->title() . '</h1>')); // แสดงฟอร์ม $section->appendChild(createClass('Index\\Maintenance\\View')->render($language, $template)); return $section->render(); } } // 404.html return \Index\Error\Controller::page404(); }
/** * แสดงผล */ public function render() { // สมาชิก if ($login = Login::isMember()) { // id ที่ต้องการ ถ้าไม่มีใช้คนที่ login $id = self::$request->get('id', $login['id'])->toInt(); // อ่านข้อมูลสมาชิก $user = \Index\Editprofile\Model::getUser($id); if ($user && ($login['status'] == 1 || $login['id'] == $user->id)) { $template = Template::create('', '', 'editprofile'); $contents = array(); foreach ($user as $key => $value) { if ($key === 'provinceID' || $key === 'country' || $key === 'sex' || $key === 'status') { // select if ($key == 'provinceID') { $source = Province::all(); } elseif ($key == 'country') { $source = Country::all(); } elseif ($key == 'sex') { $source = Language::get('SEXES'); } elseif ($key == 'status') { $source = self::$cfg->member_status; } $datas = array(); foreach ($source as $k => $v) { $sel = $k == $value ? ' selected' : ''; $datas[] = '<option value="' . $k . '"' . $sel . '>' . $v . '</option>'; } $contents['/{' . strtoupper($key) . '}/'] = implode('', $datas); } elseif ($key === 'admin_access' || $key === 'subscrib') { $contents['/{' . strtoupper($key) . '}/'] = $value == 1 ? 'checked' : ''; } elseif ($key === 'icon') { if (is_file(ROOT_PATH . self::$cfg->usericon_folder . $value)) { $icon = WEB_URL . self::$cfg->usericon_folder . $value; } else { $icon = WEB_URL . 'skin/img/noicon.jpg'; } $contents['/{ICON}/'] = $icon; } else { $contents['/{' . strtoupper($key) . '}/'] = $value; } } $contents['/{ADMIN}/'] = Login::isAdmin() && $user->fb == 0 ? '' : 'readonly'; $contents['/{HIDDEN}/'] = implode("\n", Form::get2Input()); $contents['/{ACCEPT}/'] = Mime::getEccept(self::$cfg->user_icon_typies); $template->add($contents); Gcms::$view->setContents(array('/:type/' => implode(', ', self::$cfg->user_icon_typies)), false); return $template->render(); } else { // 404.html return \Index\Error\Controller::page404(); } } else { // 404.html return \Index\Error\Controller::page404(); } }
/** * แสดงผล */ public function render() { // แอดมิน if ($login = Login::isAdmin()) { $section = Html::create('section'); // breadcrumbs $breadcrumbs = $section->add('div', array('class' => 'breadcrumbs')); $ul = $breadcrumbs->add('ul'); $ul->appendChild('<li><span class="icon-email">{LNG_Mailbox}</span></li>'); $ul->appendChild('<li><span>{LNG_Email send}</span></li>'); $section->add('header', array('innerHTML' => '<h1 class="icon-email-sent">' . $this->title() . '</h1>')); // แสดงฟอร์ม $section->appendChild(createClass('Index\\Sendmail\\View')->render($login)); return $section->render(); } // 404.html return \Index\Error\Controller::page404(); }
/** * แสดงผล */ public function render() { // แอดมิน if (Login::isAdmin()) { // แสดงผล $section = Html::create('section'); // breadcrumbs $breadcrumbs = $section->add('div', array('class' => 'breadcrumbs')); $ul = $breadcrumbs->add('ul'); $ul->appendChild('<li><span class="icon-home">{LNG_Home}</span></li>'); $section->add('header', array('innerHTML' => '<h1 class="icon-dashboard">' . $this->title() . '</h1>')); // แสดงฟอร์ม $section->appendChild(createClass('Index\\Dashboard\\View')->render()); return $section->render(); } else { // 404.html return \Index\Error\Controller::page404(); } }
/** * แสดงผล */ public function render() { // แอดมิน if (Login::isAdmin()) { // แสดงผล $section = Html::create('section'); // breadcrumbs $breadcrumbs = $section->add('div', array('class' => 'breadcrumbs')); $ul = $breadcrumbs->add('ul'); $ul->appendChild('<li><a class="icon-user" href="index.php?module=member">{LNG_Users}</a></li>'); $ul->appendChild('<li><span>{LNG_Register}</span></li>'); $section->add('header', array('innerHTML' => '<h1 class="icon-register">' . $this->title() . '</h1>')); // แสดงฟอร์ม $section->appendChild(createClass('Index\\Register\\View')->render()); return $section->render(); } // 404.html return \Index\Error\Controller::page404(); }
/** * แสดงผล */ public function render() { // แอดมิน if (Login::isAdmin()) { // แสดงผล $section = Html::create('section'); // breadcrumbs $breadcrumbs = $section->add('div', array('class' => 'breadcrumbs')); $ul = $breadcrumbs->add('ul'); $ul->appendChild('<li><span class="icon-tools">{LNG_Tools}</span></li>'); $ul->appendChild('<li><span>{LNG_Language}</span></li>'); $section->add('header', array('innerHTML' => '<h1 class="icon-language">' . $this->title() . '</h1>')); // แสดงตาราง $section->appendChild(createClass('Index\\Language\\View')->render()); return $section->render(); } // 404.html return \Index\Error\Controller::page404(); }
/** * แสดงผล */ public function render(Request $request) { // แอดมิน if (Login::isAdmin()) { // แสดงผล $section = Html::create('section'); // breadcrumbs $breadcrumbs = $section->add('div', array('class' => 'breadcrumbs')); $ul = $breadcrumbs->add('ul'); $ul->appendChild('<li><span class="icon-modules">{LNG_Menus} & {LNG_Web pages}</span></li>'); $ul->appendChild('<li><span>{LNG_installed module}</span></li>'); $section->add('header', array('innerHTML' => '<h1 class="icon-modules">' . $this->title() . '</h1>')); // แสดงตาราง $section->appendChild(createClass('Index\\Mods\\View')->render()); return $section->render(); } else { // 404.html return \Index\Error\Controller::page404(); } }
/** * แสดงผล */ public function render() { // แอดมิน if (Login::isAdmin()) { // แสดงผล $section = Html::create('section'); // breadcrumbs $breadcrumbs = $section->add('div', array('class' => 'breadcrumbs')); $ul = $breadcrumbs->add('ul'); $ul->appendChild('<li><span class="icon-settings">{LNG_Site settings}</span></li>'); $ul->appendChild('<li><span>{LNG_Other}</span></li>'); $section->add('header', array('innerHTML' => '<h1 class="icon-config">' . $this->title() . '</h1>')); // โหลด config $config = Config::load(ROOT_PATH . 'settings/config.php'); // แสดงฟอร์ม $section->appendChild(createClass('Index\\Other\\View')->render($config)); return $section->render(); } // 404.html return \Index\Error\Controller::page404(); }
/** * แสดงผล */ public function render() { // แอดมิน if (Login::isAdmin()) { // แสดงผล $section = Html::create('section'); // breadcrumbs $breadcrumbs = $section->add('div', array('class' => 'breadcrumbs')); $ul = $breadcrumbs->add('ul'); $ul->appendChild('<li><span class="icon-tools">{LNG_Tools}</span></li>'); $ul->appendChild('<li><span>' . $this->title() . '</span></li>'); $section->add('header', array('innerHTML' => '<h1 class="icon-world">' . $this->title() . '</h1>')); $div = $section->add('div', array('class' => 'setup_frm')); $div = $div->add('div', array('class' => 'item')); $div->appendChild('<div id="debug_layer"></div>'); $div->appendChild('<div class="submit right"><a id="debug_clear" class="button large red">{LNG_Clear}</a></div>'); $section->script('showDebug();'); return $section->render(); } // 404.html return \Index\Error\Controller::page404(); }
/** * แสดงผล */ public function render() { // แอดมิน if (Login::isAdmin()) { // แสดงผล $section = Html::create('section'); // breadcrumbs $breadcrumbs = $section->add('div', array('class' => 'breadcrumbs')); $ul = $breadcrumbs->add('ul'); $ul->appendChild('<li><span class="icon-tools">{LNG_Tools}</span></li>'); $ul->appendChild('<li><span>{LNG_Database}</span></li>'); $section->add('header', array('innerHTML' => '<h1 class="icon-database">' . $this->title() . '</h1>')); $div = $section->add('div', array('class' => 'setup_frm')); // แสดงฟอร์ม $view = new \Index\Database\View(); $div->appendChild($view->export()); $div->appendChild($view->import()); return $section->render(); } // 404.html return \Index\Error\Controller::page404(); }
/** * แสดงผล */ public function render() { // แอดมิน if (Login::isAdmin()) { // รายการที่ต้องการ $id = self::$request->get('id')->toString(); $title = Language::get(empty($id) ? 'Create' : 'Edit'); // แสดงผล $section = Html::create('section'); // breadcrumbs $breadcrumbs = $section->add('div', array('class' => 'breadcrumbs')); $ul = $breadcrumbs->add('ul'); $ul->appendChild('<li><span class="icon-settings">{LNG_Site settings}</span></li>'); $ul->appendChild('<li><a href="{BACKURL?module=languages&id=0}">{LNG_Language}</a></li>'); $ul->appendChild('<li><span>' . $title . '</span></li>'); $section->add('header', array('innerHTML' => '<h1 class="icon-language">' . $title . ' {LNG_Language} ' . $id . '</h1>')); // แสดงฟอร์ม $section->appendChild(createClass('Index\\Languageadd\\View')->render($id)); return $section->render(); } else { // 404.html return \Index\Error\Controller::page404(); } }
/** * แสดงผล */ public function render() { // แอดมิน if (Login::isAdmin()) { // ชนิดของภาษาที่เลือก php,js $this->type = self::$request->get('type')->toString(); $this->type = $this->type == 'js' ? 'js' : 'php'; // รายการที่แก้ไข (id) $this->id = self::$request->get('id', -1)->toInt(); // โหลดไฟล์ภาษา ที่ติดตั้ง $languages = Language::installed($this->type); $installed_languages = Language::installedLanguage(); $this->languages = array(); if ($this->id > -1) { $this->language = $languages[$this->id]; foreach ($installed_languages as $item) { if (isset($this->language['array'])) { if (isset($this->language[$item])) { foreach ($this->language[$item] as $k => $v) { if (!isset($this->languages[$k]['key'])) { $this->languages[$k]['key'] = $k; foreach ($installed_languages as $a) { $this->languages[$k][$a] = ''; } } $this->languages[$k][$item] = $v; } } } else { if (!isset($this->languages[0]['key'])) { $this->languages[0]['key'] = ''; foreach ($installed_languages as $a) { $this->languages[0][$a] = ''; } } if (isset($this->language[$item])) { $this->languages[0][$item] = $this->language[$item]; } } } } else { // ใหม่ $this->language = array('key' => ''); $this->languages[0]['key'] = ''; foreach ($installed_languages as $item) { $this->languages[0][$item] = ''; } } // แสดงผล $section = Html::create('section'); // breadcrumbs $breadcrumbs = $section->add('div', array('class' => 'breadcrumbs')); $ul = $breadcrumbs->add('ul'); $ul->appendChild('<li><span class="icon-tools">{LNG_Tools}</span></li>'); $ul->appendChild('<li><a href="{BACKURL?module=language}">{LNG_Language}</a></li>'); $ul->appendChild('<li><span>{LNG_' . ($this->id > -1 ? 'Edit' : 'Create') . '}</span></li>'); $section->add('header', array('innerHTML' => '<h1 class="icon-language">' . $this->title() . '</h1>')); // แสดงฟอร์ม $section->appendChild(createClass('Index\\Languageedit\\View')->render($this)); return $section->render(); } else { // 404.html return \Index\Error\Controller::page404(); } }
/** * แสดงผล */ public function render() { // แอดมิน if ($login = Login::isAdmin()) { // โหลด config $config = Config::load(ROOT_PATH . 'settings/config.php'); // path ของ skin $dir = ROOT_PATH . 'skin'; // action $action = self::$request->get('action')->toString(); if (!empty($action)) { if ($login['email'] == 'demo' || !empty($login['fb'])) { $message = '<aside class=error>{LNG_Unable to complete the transaction}</aside>'; } else { $theme = preg_replace('/[\\/\\\\]/ui', '', self::$request->get('theme')->text()); if (is_dir($dir . "/{$theme}")) { if ($action == 'use') { // skin ที่กำหนด $config->skin = $theme; unset($_SESSION['skin']); // บันทึก config.php if (Config::save($config, ROOT_PATH . 'settings/config.php')) { self::$request->setSession('my_skin', $config->skin); $message = '<aside class=message>{LNG_Select a new template successfully}</aside>'; } else { $message = '<aside class=error>' . sprintf(Language::get('File %s cannot be created or is read-only.'), 'settings/config.php') . '</aside>'; } } elseif ($action == 'delete') { // ลบ skin File::removeDirectory($dir . '/' . $theme . '/'); $message = '<aside class=message>{LNG_Successfully remove template files}</aside>'; } } } } // แสดงผล $section = Html::create('section'); // breadcrumbs $breadcrumbs = $section->add('div', array('class' => 'breadcrumbs')); $ul = $breadcrumbs->add('ul'); $ul->appendChild('<li><span class="icon-settings">{LNG_Site settings}</span></li>'); $ul->appendChild('<li><span>{LNG_Template}</span></li>'); $section->add('header', array('innerHTML' => '<h1 class="icon-template">' . $this->title() . '</h1>')); if (!empty($message)) { $section->appendChild($message); } // อ่าน theme ทั้งหมด $themes = array(); $f = opendir($dir); while (false !== ($text = readdir($f))) { if ($text !== $config->skin && $text !== "." && $text !== "..") { if (is_dir($dir . "/{$text}") && is_file($dir . "/{$text}/style.css")) { $themes[] = $text; } } } closedir($f); // แสดงฟอร์ม $section->appendChild(createClass('Index\\Template\\View')->render($dir, $config, $themes)); return $section->render(); } // 404.html return \Index\Error\Controller::page404(); }