public function withBrand($brand, $link = null)
     if (!isset($link)) {
         $link = $this->url->to('/');
     $this->brand = compact('brand', 'link');
     return $this;
Example #2
 protected function getHomeUrl()
     // wrap in value() to allow closures
     $enableHomeLink = value($this->config->get('c::enable-home-link', false));
     if ($enableHomeLink) {
         $url = $this->config->get('c::redirect-login', '/');
         return $this->url->to($url);
     return null;
  * Bootstrap any application services.
  * @return void
 public function boot(UrlGenerator $url)
     if (env('APP_ENV') !== 'local') {
 public function __construct(UrlGenerator $url)
     $this->prev = $url->previous();
     $this->module = 'admin';
Example #5
  * Return the URL for the file.
  * @param array $attributes
  * @param null  $secure
  * @return string
 public function url(array $attributes = [], $secure = null)
     if ($secure === null) {
         $secure = $this->request->isSecure();
     return $this->url->to($this->object->publicPath(), $attributes, $secure);
 public function testPutURL()
     $this->urlGenerator->expects($this->once())->method('current')->will($this->returnValue('http://' . uniqid() . '.com'));
     $this->testInstance->putURL(uniqid(), '');
  * Guess the HREF for a button.
  * @param TableBuilder $builder
 public function guess(TableBuilder $builder)
     $buttons = $builder->getButtons();
     if (!($section = $this->sections->active())) {
     if (!($module = $this->modules->active())) {
     $stream = $builder->getTableStream();
     foreach ($buttons as &$button) {
         // If we already have an HREF then skip it.
         if (isset($button['attributes']['href'])) {
         switch (array_get($button, 'button')) {
             case 'restore':
                 $button['attributes']['href'] = $this->url->to('entry/handle/restore/' . $module->getNamespace() . '/' . $stream->getNamespace() . '/' . $stream->getSlug() . '/{}');
                 // Determine the HREF based on the button type.
                 $type = array_get($button, 'segment', array_get($button, 'button'));
                 if ($type && !str_contains($type, '\\') && !class_exists($type)) {
                     $button['attributes']['href'] = $section->getHref($type . '/{}');
 function it_creates_image_links(UrlGenerator $url)
     $url->to('/', null)->shouldBeCalled()->willReturn('localhost');
     $html = '<a href="localhost"><img src="" /></a>';
     $this->linkImage('/', '<img src="" />')->shouldReturn($html);
Example #9
  * @param View $view
 public function compose(View $view)
     $view->cruddyData = $this->cruddy->data();
     $view->cruddyData += ['schemaUrl' => $this->url->route('cruddy.schema'), 'thumbUrl' => $this->url->route('cruddy.thumb'), 'baseUrl' => $this->url->route('cruddy.home'), 'root' => $this->request->root(), 'token' => csrf_token()];
     $view->scripts = $this->assets->scripts();
     $view->styles = $this->assets->styles();
     $view->menu = $this->menuBuilder;
 /** @test */
 public function the_default_config_can_be_overwritten_by_passing_arguments_to_get_login_url()
     $login_url = $this->laravel_facebook_sdk->getLoginUrl(['dance', 'totes'], 'https://poop.fart/callback');
     $this->assertContains('redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fpoop.fart%2Fcallback', $login_url);
     $this->assertContains('scope=dance%2Ctotes', $login_url);
Example #11
 public function filter(Route $route, Request $request)
     if ($this->auth->check()) {
         $config = $this->config->get('c::redirect-login');
         $url = $config ? $this->url->to($config) : '/';
         return $this->redirect->to($url);
Example #12
  * Generates a url for Sorter
  * @param string $field
  * @param null|string $path
  * @param boolean $appends
  * */
 public function url($field, $path = null, $appends = true)
     if ($path === null) {
         $path = $this->url->current();
     $queryString = [$this->getFieldIndex() => $field, $this->getDirectionIndex() => $this->getConditionallyDirection($field)];
     $appends && ($queryString += $this->request->query());
     $url = $path . '?' . http_build_query($queryString);
     return $this->url->to($url);
  * Guess the HREF for the views.
  * @param TableBuilder $builder
 public function guess(TableBuilder $builder)
     $views = $builder->getViews();
     foreach ($views as &$view) {
         // Only automate it if not set.
         if (!isset($view['attributes']['href'])) {
             $view['attributes']['href'] = $this->url->to($this->request->path() . '?' . array_get($view, 'prefix') . 'view=' . $view['slug']);
 public function getIndex($status = '')
     $threadCount = $this->request->get('take', $this->threadsPerPage);
     $tags = $this->tags->getAllTagsBySlug($this->request->get('tags'));
     $threads = $this->threads->getByTagsAndStatusPaginated($tags, $status, $threadCount);
     $collection = $threads->getCollection();
     $collection->each(function ($thread) {
         $thread->url = $this->url->action('ForumController@getViewThread', ['slug' => $thread->slug]);
     // We want the newest threads to come out in chronological order
     return $collection->reverse();
  * {@inheritdoc}
  * @throws \Plank\Mediable\Exceptions\MediaUrlException If media's disk is not publicly accessible
 public function getUrl()
     $path = $this->getPublicPath();
     $url = $this->getDiskConfig('url');
     if ($url) {
         if ($this->isInWebroot()) {
             $path = $this->media->getDiskPath();
         return rtrim($url, '/') . '/' . trim($path, '/');
     return $this->url->asset($path);
  * @param array        $value
  * @param string       $route
  * @param UrlGenerator $router
  * @return mixed|string
 protected function calculateFullPath(array &$value, $route, UrlGenerator $router)
     if (!empty($value['as_id'])) {
         preg_match_all('/{(.*?)}/', $route, $matches);
         $route = str_replace($matches[0], '{' . $value['as_id'] . '}', $route);
     $port = parse_url($router->current(), PHP_URL_PORT);
     $port = null == $port ? '' : ':' . $port;
     $scheme = parse_url($router->current(), PHP_URL_SCHEME);
     $host = parse_url($router->current(), PHP_URL_HOST) . $port;
     return sprintf('%s://%s/%s', $scheme, $host, $route);
Example #17
 protected function makeResponse(Request $request)
     $message = $this->translator->get('c::auth.login-required');
     if ($request->ajax() || $request->isJson() || $request->wantsJson()) {
         return Response::json(['error' => $message], 403);
     } else {
         $url = $this->url->action('anlutro\\Core\\Web\\AuthController@login');
         $intended = $request->getMethod() == 'GET' ? $request->fullUrl() : ($request->header('referer') ?: '/');
         $this->session->put('url.intended', $intended);
         return $this->redirect->to($url)->with('error', $message);
Example #18
 public function url($path = null, $parameters = [], $secure = null)
     if (!$path) {
         return $this->url;
     return $this->url->to($path, $parameters, $secure);
Example #19
  * Return true if current page is $page.
 public function isPage(string $page, array $parameters = []) : bool
     // Check if $page is a route name
     if ($this->route->has($page)) {
         if ($parameters) {
             return $this->url->current() == $this->url->route($page, $parameters);
         return $this->route->currentRouteName() == $page;
     return str_replace($this->request->root() . '/', '', $this->url->full()) == $page;
Example #20
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function renderHead()
     if (!$this->url) {
         return parent::renderHead();
     $jsModified = $this->getModifiedTime('js');
     $cssModified = $this->getModifiedTime('css');
     $html = '';
     $html .= sprintf('<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="%s?%s">' . "\n", $this->url->route('debugbar.assets.css'), $cssModified);
     $html .= sprintf('<script type="text/javascript" src="%s?%s"></script>' . "\n", $this->url->route('debugbar.assets.js'), $jsModified);
     if ($this->isJqueryNoConflictEnabled()) {
         $html .= '<script type="text/javascript">jQuery.noConflict(true);</script>' . "\n";
     return $html;
Example #21
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function renderHead()
     if (!$this->url) {
         return parent::renderHead();
     $cssRoute = $this->url->route('debugbar.assets.css', ['v' => $this->getModifiedTime('css')]);
     $jsRoute = $this->url->route('debugbar.assets.js', ['v' => $this->getModifiedTime('js')]);
     $html = '';
     $html .= "<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='{$cssRoute}'>";
     $html .= "<script type='text/javascript' src='{$jsRoute}'></script>";
     if ($this->isJqueryNoConflictEnabled()) {
         $html .= '<script type="text/javascript">jQuery.noConflict(true);</script>' . "\n";
     return $html;
 protected function newGetRootUrl($scheme, $root = null)
     if ($root == null) {
         $root = parent::getRootUrl($scheme) . (defined('LARAVEL_SHARED') ? '/public' : '');
     return parent::getRootUrl($scheme, $root);
  * @param $request
  * @param \Closure $next
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse
 public function handle($request, Closure $next)
     if ($this->auth->check()) {
         return new RedirectResponse(UrlGenerator::to('admin'));
     return $next($request);
  * Perform an API request to a controller action.
  * @param  string  $action
  * @param  string|array  $actionParameters
  * @param  string|array  $parameters
  * @return mixed
 public function action($action, $actionParameters = [], $parameters = [])
     $version = $this->version ?: $this->router->getDefaultVersion();
     $route = $this->router->getApiRouteCollection($version)->getByAction($action);
     $uri = ltrim($this->url->route($action, $actionParameters, false, $route), '/');
     return $this->queueRequest($route->methods()[0], $uri, $parameters);
Example #25
  * Get a URL for a given page number.
  * @param integer $page
  * @return string
 public function url($page)
     if (null === $this->routeConfig) {
         //return parent::url($page);
         if ($page <= 0) {
             $page = 1;
         // If we have any extra query string key / value pairs that need to be added
         // onto the URL, we will put them in query string form and then attach it
         // to the URL. This allows for extra information like sortings storage.
         $parameters = [$this->pageName => $page];
         if (count($this->query) > 0) {
             $parameters = array_merge($this->query, $parameters);
         return $this->getCurrentUrl() . '?' . http_build_query($parameters, null, '&') . $this->buildFragment();
     $parameters = $this->routeConfig['parameters'];
     //$parameters = [$this->pageName => $page];
     if (true === $this->withQuery) {
         $parameters = array_merge($parameters, $this->query);
     $parameters[$this->getPageName()] = $page;
     $absolute = null === $this->routeConfig['absolute'] ? true : $this->routeConfig['absolute'];
     // allow adding hash fragments to url
     $fragment = $this->buildFragment();
     $generated_route = $this->urlGenerator->route($this->routeConfig['name'], $parameters, $absolute, $this->routeConfig['instance']);
     return $generated_route . $fragment;
  * Get the action for an "action" option.
  * @param  array|string  $options
  * @return string
 protected function getControllerAction($options)
     if (is_array($options)) {
         return $this->url->action($options[0], array_slice($options, 1));
     return $this->url->action($options);
Example #27
  * Get the controller action for a "action" option.
  * @param  array|string  $action
  * @return string
 protected function getAction($action)
     if (is_array($action)) {
         return $this->url->action($action[0], array_slice($action, 1));
     return $this->url->action($action);
  * Create a new UrlGenerator instance.
  * @param RouteCollection $routes
  * @param Request $request
 public function __construct(RouteCollection $routes, Request $request)
     parent::__construct(app('router')->getRoutes(), $request);
     $this->parser = app(Engine::class);
     if (defined('LOCALE')) {
         $this->forceRootUrl($this->getRootUrl($this->getScheme(null)) . '/' . LOCALE);
Example #29
  * Generate an HTML image element.
  * @param  string $url
  * @param  string $alt
  * @param  array  $attributes
  * @return string
 public function image($url, $alt = null, $attributes = array())
     if (is_null($alt)) {
         $alt = $url;
     $attributes['alt'] = $alt;
     return '<img src="' . $this->url->to($url) . '"' . $this->attributes($attributes) . '>';
  * Guess the sections HREF attribute.
  * @param ControlPanelBuilder $builder
 public function guess(ControlPanelBuilder $builder)
     $sections = $builder->getSections();
     foreach ($sections as $index => &$section) {
         // If HREF is set then skip it.
         if (isset($section['attributes']['href'])) {
         $module = $this->modules->active();
         $href = $this->url->to('admin/' . $module->getSlug());
         if ($index !== 0 && $module->getSlug() !== $section['slug']) {
             $href .= '/' . $section['slug'];
         $section['attributes']['href'] = $href;