/** * @param DomainListener $listener * @return mixed */ public function execute(DomainListener $listener) { $user = $this->auth->user(); $domains = $this->repository->listOfDomains($user->id); $this->log->info('Show Domains'); return $listener->view('domains.index', compact('domains')); }
/** * setting up listener * * @param Dispatcher $events * @param Writer $log */ private function setupListener(Dispatcher $events, Writer $log) { $environments = config('slow-query-logger.environments', []); if (!$this->app->environment($environments)) { return; } $events->listen(QueryExecuted::class, function (QueryExecuted $queryExecuted) use($log) { $sql = $queryExecuted->sql; $bindings = $queryExecuted->bindings; $time = $queryExecuted->time; $logSqlQueriesSlowerThan = config('slow-query-logger.time-to-log'); if ($logSqlQueriesSlowerThan < 0 || $time < $logSqlQueriesSlowerThan) { return; } $level = config('slow-query-logger.log-level', 'debug'); try { foreach ($bindings as $val) { $sql = preg_replace('/\\?/', "'{$val}'", $sql, 1); } $log->log($level, $time . ' ' . $sql); } catch (\Exception $e) { // be quiet on error } }); }
/** * @param $domainId * @param DomainListener $listener * @return mixed */ public function execute($domainId, DomainListener $listener) { $domain = $this->repository->getDomainById($domainId); $sshKey = $this->getPublicKey(); $this->log->info('Show Domain id ' . $domainId, $domain->toArray()); return $listener->view('domains.show', compact('domain', 'sshKey')); }
/** * Execute the required command against the command handler. * * @param Command $command * @return mixed */ public function execute(Command $command) { $handler = $this->commandTranslator->getCommandHandler($command); $commandName = $this->getCommandName($command); $this->log->info("New command [{$commandName}]", get_object_vars($command)); return $this->app->make($handler)->handle($command); }
/** * Stores The SupervisorD configuration * * @param $worker */ private function storeSupervisordConfig($worker) { $domain = Domain::findOrFail($worker->domain_id); $file = view('configuration.supervisord', compact('worker', 'domain'))->render(); File::put(Config::get('settings.supervisord_location') . '/worker-' . $worker->id . '.log', $file); $this->log->info('Supervisord Config created'); }
/** * @param array $events */ public function dispatch(array $events) { foreach ($events as $event) { $eventName = $this->getEventName($event); $this->event->fire($eventName, $event); $this->log->info("{$eventName} was fired."); } }
/** * Dispatches the array of events, firing off the appropriate event name for each and logging the event fired. * * @param array $events */ public function dispatch(array $events) { foreach ($events as $event) { $eventName = $this->getEventName($event); $this->log->info("New event [{$eventName}]", get_object_vars($event)); $this->event->fire($eventName, $event); } }
/** * @return mixed */ public function api() { $args = func_get_args(); if (self::$laravelDebug === true) { $this->laravelLog->info('Facebook Api Call: ' . print_r($args, 1)); } return call_user_func_array("parent::api", $args); }
/** * Custom Monolog handler that for Logentries. * * @param \Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation\Application $app * @param \Illuminate\Log\Writer $log * @return void */ protected function configureHandlers(Application $app, Writer $log) { $logger = $log->getMonolog(); $logfile_handler = new StreamHandler(storage_path() . '/logs/laravel.log'); $logger->pushHandler($logfile_handler); $logger->pushProcessor(new \Monolog\Processor\MemoryUsageProcessor()); $logger->pushProcessor(new \Monolog\Processor\MemoryPeakUsageProcessor()); $logger->pushProcessor(new \Monolog\Processor\WebProcessor()); }
public function execute($domainId, $envData, EnvironmentsListener $listener) { if (empty($envData['environment'])) { $envData['environment'] = 'production'; } $environment = $this->repository->addEnvironment($domainId, $envData); $this->log->info('Environment variable added', $environment->toArray()); return $listener->environmentRedirect($environment); }
/** * Configures log writer for logging to files separately from the application. * * @param Writer $writer */ protected function configureSeparateWriter(Writer $writer) { $path = 'logs/' . ltrim($this->getCore()->config('log.file', 'cms'), '/'); if ($this->getCore()->config('log.daily')) { $writer->useDailyFiles(storage_path($path), (int) $this->getCore()->config('log.max_files')); } foreach ($writer->getMonolog()->getHandlers() as $handler) { $handler->setLevel($this->getCore()->config('log.threshold')); } }
/** * Configure the Monolog handlers for the application. * * @param \Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation\Application $app * @param \Illuminate\Log\Writer $log * @return void */ protected function configureHandlers(Application $app, Writer $log) { // Stream handlers $logPath = $app->storagePath() . '/logs/app.log'; $logLevel = Monolog::INFO; $logStreamHandler = new StreamHandler($logPath, $logLevel); // push handlers $logger = $log->getMonolog(); $logger->pushHandler($logStreamHandler); }
/** * Release the events on the event stack. * * @param array $events */ public function dispatch(array $events) { // For every Event's on the event array // It will get the event name from the object Namespace the fire that event // Also will write that in the log file as an information log foreach ($events as $event) { $eventName = $this->getEventName($event); $this->event->fire($eventName, $event); $this->log->info("{$eventName} was fired"); } }
/** * Handle an incoming request. * * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request * @param \Closure $next * * @return mixed */ public function handle($request, Closure $next) { $correlationalId = $request->attributes->get(CorrelationalId::HEADER); $this->logger->getMonolog()->pushProcessor(function ($record) use($correlationalId) { $record['extra'][self::LOG_KEY] = $correlationalId; return $record; }); /** @var Response $response */ $response = $next($request); return $response; }
/** * Configure the Monolog handlers for the application. * * @param \Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation\Application $app * @param \Illuminate\Log\Writer $log * @return void */ protected function configureSingleHandler(Application $app, Writer $log) { $syslogHandler = new SyslogHandler(env('LOG_PREFIX', 'BasketLog'), LOG_USER, LOG_NOTICE); $logger = $log->getMonolog(); if (env('LOG_SYSLOG', false)) { $logger->pushHandler($syslogHandler); } if (env('LOG_FILE', false)) { $streamHandler = new StreamHandler(storage_path('logs/laravel.log'), LOG_NOTICE); $logger->pushHandler($streamHandler); } }
/** * Dispatch the events * * @param array $events * @param bool $log */ public function dispatch(array $events, $log = false) { foreach ($events as $event) { // Get the name of the event $eventName = $this->getEventName($event); // Fire the event $this->event->fire($eventName, [$event]); if ($log) { // Log that the event was fired $this->logger->info("Event [{$eventName}] was fired."); } } }
function loger($level, $file, $line, $string, $ar = NULL) { // если системный level ниже notice, то при включеном KINT_DUMP, ставим уровень notice if ($GLOBALS['KINT_DUMP'] && $this->agiconfig['verbosity_level'] < 2) { $this->agiconfig['verbosity_level'] = 2; } if ($this->agiconfig['verbosity_level'] < $level) { return; } if ($GLOBALS['KINT_DUMP']) { ~d("{$level} | {$file} | {$line}"); if (!is_null($string)) { d($string); } if (!is_null($ar)) { d($ar); } return; } if (!is_null($string)) { $this->agi->verbose($string); } if (!is_null($ar)) { $this->agi->verbose($ar); } if ((int) $this->agiconfig['logging_write_file'] === 1) { $logger = new Writer(new Logger('local')); $logger->useFiles($this->config['logs_patch']); if (!is_null($ar)) { $string .= "\n"; $string .= var_export($string, true); } switch ($level) { case 'error': $logger->error("[" . $this->uniqueid . "] [{$file}] [{$line}]: -- {$string}"); break; case 'warning': $logger->warning("[" . $this->uniqueid . "] [{$file}] [{$line}]: -- {$string}"); break; case 'notice': $logger->notice("[" . $this->uniqueid . "] [{$file}] [{$line}]: -- {$string}"); break; case 'info': $logger->info("[" . $this->uniqueid . "] [{$file}] [{$line}]: {$string}"); break; default: $logger->debug("[" . $this->uniqueid . "] [{$file}] [{$line}]: {$string}"); break; } } }
/** * Bootstrap the given application. * * @param \Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation\Application $app * @return void */ public function bootstrap(Application $app) { $logger = new Writer(new Monolog($app->environment()), $app['events']); // Daily files are better for production stuff $logger->useDailyFiles(storage_path('/logs/laravel.log')); $app->instance('log', $logger); // Next we will bind the a Closure to resolve the PSR logger implementation // as this will grant us the ability to be interoperable with many other // libraries which are able to utilize the PSR standardized interface. $app->bind('Psr\\Log\\LoggerInterface', function ($app) { return $app['log']->getMonolog(); }); $app->bind('Illuminate\\Contracts\\Logging\\Log', function ($app) { return $app['log']; }); }
/** * Attempt to instantiate the filter if it exists and has not been ignored. * * @return null|\Assetic\Filter\FilterInterface */ public function getInstance() { if (!($class = $this->getClassName())) { $this->log->error(sprintf('"%s" will not be applied to asset "%s" due to an invalid filter name.', $this->filter, $this->resource->getRelativePath())); } if ($this->ignored or is_null($class) or !$this->processRequirements()) { return; } // If the class returned is already implements Assetic\Filter\FilterInterface then // we can set the instance directly and not worry about using reflection. if ($class instanceof FilterInterface) { $instance = $class; } else { $reflection = new ReflectionClass($class); // If no constructor is available on the filters class then we'll instantiate // the filter without passing in any arguments. if (!$reflection->getConstructor()) { $instance = $reflection->newInstance(); } else { $instance = $reflection->newInstanceArgs($this->arguments); } } // Spin through each of the before filtering callbacks and fire each one. We'll // pass in an instance of the filter to the callback. foreach ($this->before as $callback) { if (is_callable($callback)) { call_user_func($callback, $instance); } } return $instance; }
/** * Handles authenticating that a user/character is still valid. * * @return \Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse */ public function postAuthorized() { // Get the neccessary headers from the request. $service = $this->request->header('service', false); $username = $this->request->header('username', ''); $character = $this->request->header('character', ''); $this->log->info('A service is attempting to validate a user.', ['username' => $username, 'character' => $character, 'service' => $service]); // Verify that the external service exists in the configuration. if (!$service || !$this->config->get("addon.auth.{$service}")) { $this->log->info(self::ERROR_INVALID_EXTERNAL_SERVICE, ['service' => $service]); return $this->failure(self::ERRNO_INVALID_EXTERNAL_SERVICE, self::ERROR_INVALID_EXTERNAL_SERVICE); } // Check the cache first so the api isn't hammered too badly. $key = 'auth:session:' . sha1("{$service}:{$username}"); if ($this->cache->has($key)) { $this->log->info('Returning the cached authorization result.'); return $this->cache->get($key); } // Attempt to find the requested user. $identifier = filter_var($username, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) ? 'email' : 'name'; $user = $this->users->where($identifier, $username)->first() ?: false; if (!$user) { $this->log->info(self::ERROR_USER_NOT_FOUND); return $this->failure(self::ERRNO_USER_NOT_FOUND, self::ERROR_USER_NOT_FOUND); } // Get and cache the response for 15 minutes. $response = $this->getLoginResult($user, $service, $character); $this->cache->put($key, $response, $this->carbon->now()->addMinutes(15)); return $response; }
public function useDailyFiles($path, $days = 0, $level = 'debug') { if (Config::get('app.sae')) { return $this->useSaeLog($level); } parent::useDailyFiles($path, $days, $level); }
/** * construct function * @param string $logfile filename */ public function __construct($logfile) { if (empty($logfile)) { throw new \Exception("you must set log file name!", 1); } parent::__construct(new MonologLogger('Slog')); $this->useDailyFiles(storage_path('logs') . '/' . $logfile); }
/** * Write a message to Monolog. * * @param string $level * @param string $message * @param array $context * @return void */ protected function writeLog($level, $message, $context) { if ($message instanceof Exception) { // Set context exception using exception $context = array_merge($context, ['exception' => $message]); $message = $message->getMessage(); } parent::writeLog($level, $message, $context); }
/** * Write a message to Monolog. * * @param string $level * @param string $message * @param array $context * @return void */ protected function writeLog($level, $message, $context) { if (is_a($message, 'Exception')) { // Set context exception using exception $context = array_merge($context, ['exception' => $message]); $message = $message->getMessage(); } $context = array_merge(['logger' => 'laravel-raven'], $context); parent::writeLog($level, $message, $context); }
public function sysmessage(Request $request, Crypt $crypt) { $logger = new Writer(new Logger("output")); $logger->useFiles('php://stdout'); $raw = $GLOBALS['HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA']; $logger->info('raw post:'); $logger->info(var_export($raw, true)); $data = $this->process($raw); $logger->info(var_export($data, true)); // $errCode = $crypt->decryptMsg($raw->ComponentVerifyTicket, $raw->CreateTime, $nonce, $from_xml, $msg); echo 'success'; return; /* if ($errCode == 0) { $logger->info('after decrypt:'); $logger->info(var_export($msg, true)); } else { $logger->info('Err: '.$errCode); } */ echo 'success'; }
/** * Logs that a message was sent. * * @param $message */ protected function logMessage($message) { $numbers = implode(" , ", $message->getTo()); $message = $message->getText(); //dump($message); $mode = "fake"; $delivered = $this->delivered(); if (!$this->isPretending()) { $mode = 'actual'; $delivered = $this->driver->delivered(); //dump($delivered); } $delivered = $delivered ? 'SUCCESS' : 'FAILED'; $this->logger->info("#MODE: {$mode} #DELIVERED: {$delivered} #MESSAGE: {$message} #NUMBER: {$numbers} "); }
/** * Set the event dispatcher instance. * * @param \Illuminate\Contracts\Events\Dispatcher $dispatcher * @return void * @static */ public static function setEventDispatcher($dispatcher) { \Illuminate\Log\Writer::setEventDispatcher($dispatcher); }
/** * Log that a message was sent. * * @param \Swift_Message $message * @return void */ protected function logMessage($message) { $emails = implode(', ', array_keys((array) $message->getTo())); $this->logger->info("Pretending to mail message to: {$emails}"); }
/** * Configure the Monolog handlers for the application. * * @param \Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation\Application $app * @param \Illuminate\Log\Writer $log * @return void */ protected function configureErrorlogHandler(Application $app, Writer $log) { $log->useErrorLog(); }
/** * Dynamically pass log calls into the writer. * * @param mixed (level, param, param) * @return mixed * @static */ public static function write() { return \Illuminate\Log\Writer::write(); }