Example #1
  * @param $îd
  * @param Request $request
  * @return mixed
 public function update($id, Request $request)
     // we get the news
     try {
         $news = $this->repository->find($id);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // we flash the request
         // we notify the current user
         Modal::alert([trans('news.message.find.failure', ['id' => $id]), trans('global.message.global.failure.contact.support', ['email' => config('settings.support_email')])], 'error');
         return redirect()->back();
     // we check the current user permission
     if (!Permission::hasPermission('news.update')) {
         // we redirect the current user to the permissions list if he has the required permission
         if (Sentinel::getUser()->hasAccess('news.view')) {
             return redirect()->route('news.edit', ['id' => $id]);
         } else {
             // or we redirect the current user to the home page
             return redirect()->route('dashboard.index');
     // if the active field is not given, we set it to false
     $request->merge(['active' => $request->get('active', false)]);
     // we sanitize the entries
     // we check if the current user has the permission to activate the news
     if ($request->get('active') && !Permission::hasPermission('news.activate')) {
         // we flash the request
         return redirect()->back();
     // we convert the title into a slug
     $request->merge(['key' => str_slug($request->get('title'))]);
     // we convert the fr date to database format
     if ($request->get('released_at')) {
         $request->merge(['released_at' => Carbon::createFromFormat('d/m/Y H:i', $request->get('released_at'))->format('Y-m-d H:i:s')]);
     // we check inputs validity
     $rules = ['author_id' => 'numeric|exists:users,id', 'category_id' => 'required|in:' . implode(',', array_keys(config('news.category'))), 'photo_album_id' => 'numeric|exists:photos,id', 'video_id' => 'numeric|exists:videos,id', 'image' => 'image|mimes:jpg,jpeg,png|image_size:>=2560,>=1440', 'key' => 'required|alpha_dash|unique:news,key,' . $request->get('_id'), 'title' => 'required|string', 'meta_title' => 'string', 'meta_description' => 'string', 'meta_keywords' => 'string', 'content' => 'string', 'released_at' => 'required|date_format:Y-m-d H:i:s', 'active' => 'required|boolean'];
     // we check the inputs validity
     if (!Validation::check($request->all(), $rules)) {
         // we flash the request
         return redirect()->back();
     try {
         // we update the news
         $news->update($request->except('_token', 'image', 'author_id'));
         // we set the author
         if (Sentinel::getUser()->hasAccess('news.author') && ($author_id = $request->get('author_id'))) {
             $news->author_id = $author_id;
         // we store the image
         if ($img = $request->file('image')) {
             // if we find a previous recorded image, we remove it
             if (isset($news->image)) {
                 ImageManager::remove($news->image, $news->storagePath(), $news->availableSizes('image'));
             // we optimize, resize and save the image
             $file_name = ImageManager::optimizeAndResize($img->getRealPath(), $news->imageName('image'), $img->getClientOriginalExtension(), $news->storagePath(), $news->availableSizes('image'));
             // we add the image name to the inputs for saving
             $news->image = $file_name;
         // we notify the current user
         Modal::alert([trans('news.message.update.success', ['news' => $news->title])], 'success');
         return redirect()->back();
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // we flash the request
         // we log the error
         // we notify the current user
         Modal::alert([trans('news.message.update.failure', ['news' => $news->title]), trans('global.message.global.failure.contact.support', ['email' => config('settings.support_email')])], 'error');
         return redirect()->back();
Example #2
 public function update(Request $request, $id = 0)
     if ($id) {
         try {
             $user = User::findOrFail($id);
         } catch (ModelNotFoundException $e) {
             return redirect('admin/user', ['act' => $id, 'errors' => $e]);
     } else {
         return redirect('admin/user');
     $data = ['email' => $request->input('email'), 'name' => $request->input('name'), 'slug' => $request->input('slug')];
     $validator = Validator::make($data, ['name' => 'required', 'email' => "required|email|unique:users,email,{$id}", 'slug' => 'required|exists:roles,id']);
     if ($validator->fails()) {
         return view('admin.user.show', ['act' => $id, 'user' => [], 'errors' => $validator->messages(), 'roles' => Role::all()]);
     } else {
         $user->email = $data['email'];
         $user->name = $data['name'];
         if ($request->input('password')) {
             $user->password = bcrypt($request->input('password'));
         return redirect('admin/user');
 public function register(Request $request)
     $validator = $this->validator($request->all());
     if ($validator->fails()) {
         $messages = $validator->messages()->toArray();
         return view('registration', ['errors' => $messages]);
     $user = $this->create($request->all());
     return redirect($this->redirectTo);
Example #4
  * Flash only some of the input to the session.
  * @param array|mixed $keys
  * @return void 
  * @static 
 public static function flashExcept($keys)
Example #5
  * User login
  * @param Request $request
  * @return \Illuminate\Contracts\View\Factory|\Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse|\Illuminate\View\View
 public function login(Request $request)
     if ($request->isMethod('post')) {
         $email = $request->input('email');
         $password = $request->input('pass');
         $remember = $request->has('remember');
         if (Auth::attempt(['email' => $email, 'password' => $password, 'role_id' => 2, 'approve' => 1], $remember)) {
             $user = User::getUserById(Auth::user()->id);
             $user->online = 1;
             return redirect()->route('posts');
         } else {
             $request->session()->flash('error', 'error');
             return redirect()->back();
     } else {
         if (Auth::check() && Auth::user()->role_id == 2) {
             return redirect()->route('posts');
         } else {
             return view('site.auth.login');
Example #6
 public function update($id, Request $request)
     // we get the slide
     try {
         $slide = $this->repository->find($id);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // we log the error
         // we notify the current user
         Modal::alert([trans('home.message.slide.find.failure', ['id' => $id]), trans('global.message.global.failure.contact.support', ['email' => config('settings.support_email')])], 'error');
         // we redirect the current user to the home edit page if he has the required permission
         if (Sentinel::getUser()->hasAccess('home.view')) {
             return redirect()->route('home.edit');
         } else {
             // or we redirect the current user to the dashboard page
             return redirect()->route('dashboard.index');
     // we check the current user permission
     if (!Permission::hasPermission('home.slides.update')) {
         // we redirect the current user to the user list if he has the required permission
         if (Sentinel::getUser()->hasAccess('home.slides.view')) {
             return redirect()->route('home.slides.edit', ['id' => $id]);
         } else {
             // or we redirect the current user to the home page
             return redirect()->route('dashboard.index');
     // if the active field is not given, we set it to false
     $request->merge(['active' => $request->get('active', false)]);
     // we sanitize the entries
     // we set the verification rules
     $rules = ['_id' => 'numeric|exists:slides,id', 'title' => 'required|string', 'url' => 'active_url', 'quote' => 'required|string|min:50|max:150', 'picto' => 'image|mimes:png|image_size:>=300,>=300', 'background_image' => 'image|mimes:jpg,jpeg|image_size:>=2560,>=1440', 'active' => 'required|boolean'];
     if ($request->get('previous_slide_id') === 0) {
         $rules['previous_slide_id'] = 'numeric';
     } else {
         $rules['previous_slide_id'] = 'required|numeric|exists:slides,id';
     if (!Validation::check($request->all(), $rules)) {
         // we flash the request
         $request->flashExcept('picto', 'background_image');
         return redirect()->back();
     try {
         // we update the roles hierarchy
         $new_position = $this->repository->updatePositions($request->get('previous_slide_id'));
         // we update the slide
         $slide->update(['title' => $request->get('title'), 'url' => $request->get('url'), 'quote' => $request->get('quote'), 'position' => $new_position, 'active' => $request->get('active')]);
         // we store the picto file
         if ($picto = $request->file('picto')) {
             // we optimize, resize and save the image
             $file_name = ImageManager::optimizeAndResize($picto->getRealPath(), $slide->imageName('picto'), $picto->getClientOriginalExtension(), $slide->storagePath(), $slide->availableSizes('picto'));
             // we save the picto name
             $slide->picto = $file_name;
         // we store the background image file
         if ($background_image = $request->file('background_image')) {
             // we optimize, resize and save the image
             $file_name = ImageManager::optimizeAndResize($background_image->getRealPath(), $slide->imageName('background_image'), $background_image->getClientOriginalExtension(), $slide->storagePath(), $slide->availableSizes('background_image'));
             // we save the background image name
             $slide->background_image = $file_name;
         // we sanitize the roles ranks
         Modal::alert([trans('home.message.slide.update.success', ['slide' => $slide->name])], 'success');
         return redirect()->back();
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // we flash the request
         $request->flashExcept('picto', 'background_image');
         // we log the error
         // we notify the current user
         Modal::alert([trans('home.message.slide.update.failure', ['slide' => $request->get('name')]), trans('global.message.global.failure.contact.support', ['email' => config('settings.support_email')])], 'error');
         return redirect()->back();
Example #7
  * @param $id
  * @param Request $request
  * @return mixed
 public function update($id, Request $request)
     // we get the partner
     try {
         $partner = $this->repository->find($id);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // we notify the current user
         Modal::alert([trans('partners.message.find.failure', ['id' => $id]), trans('global.message.global.failure.contact.support', ['email' => config('settings.support_email')])], 'error');
         return redirect()->back();
     // we check the current user permission
     if (!Permission::hasPermission('partners.update')) {
         // we redirect the current user to the permissions list if he has the required permission
         if (Sentinel::getUser()->hasAccess('partners.view')) {
             return redirect()->route('partners.edit', ['id' => $id]);
         } else {
             // or we redirect the current user to the home page
             return redirect()->route('dashboard.index');
     // if the active field is not given, we set it to false
     $request->merge(['active' => $request->get('active', false)]);
     // we sanitize the entries
     // we set the validation rules
     $rules = ['logo' => 'image|mimes:png|image_size:*,>=100', 'name' => 'required|string', 'url' => 'url', 'active' => 'required|boolean'];
     if ($request->get('previous_partner_id') === 0) {
         $rules['previous_partner_id'] = 'numeric';
     } else {
         $rules['previous_partner_id'] = 'required|numeric|exists:slides,id';
     // we check the inputs validity
     if (!Validation::check($request->all(), $rules)) {
         // we flash the request
         return redirect()->back();
     try {
         // we update the schedule
         $partner->update($request->except('_token', 'logo'));
         // we store the logo
         if ($logo = $request->file('logo')) {
             // we optimize, resize and save the image
             $file_name = ImageManager::optimizeAndResize($logo->getRealPath(), $partner->imageName('logo'), $logo->getClientOriginalExtension(), $partner->storagePath(), $partner->availableSizes('logo'));
             // we add the image name to the inputs for saving
             $partner->logo = $file_name;
         // we notify the current user
         Modal::alert([trans('partners.message.update.success', ['partner' => $partner->name])], 'success');
         return redirect()->back();
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // we flash the request
         // we log the error
         // we notify the current user
         Modal::alert([trans('partners.message.update.failure'), trans('global.message.global.failure.contact.support', ['email' => config('settings.support_email')])], 'error');
         return redirect()->back();
Example #8
  * @param $id
  * @param Request $request
  * @return mixed
 public function update($id, Request $request)
     // we get the user
     if (!($user = Sentinel::findById($id))) {
         Modal::alert([trans('users.message.find.failure', ['id' => $id]), trans('global.message.global.failure.contact.support', ['email' => config('settings.support_email')])], 'error');
         // we redirect the current user to the users list if he has the required permission
         if (Sentinel::getUser()->hasAccess('users.list')) {
             return redirect()->route('users.index');
         } else {
             // or we redirect the current user to the home page
             return redirect()->route('dashboard.index');
     // if the updated user is not the current user
     if ($user->id !== Sentinel::getUser()->id) {
         // we check the current user permission
         if (!Permission::hasPermission('users.update')) {
             // we redirect the current user to the user list if he has the required permission
             if (Sentinel::getUser()->hasAccess('users.view')) {
                 return redirect()->route('users.edit', ['id' => $id]);
             } else {
                 // or we redirect the current user to the home page
                 return redirect()->route('dashboard.index');
     // we check if the current user has a role position high enough to edit the user
     $edited_user_role = $user->roles->first();
     $current_user_role = Sentinel::getUser()->roles->first();
     if ($edited_user_role && $current_user_role && $edited_user_role->position < $current_user_role->position) {
         Modal::alert([trans('users.message.permission.denied', ['action' => trans('users.message.permission.action.edit')])], 'error');
         return redirect()->back();
     // we check if the chosen role is not higher than the role of the current user
     $new_user_role = Sentinel::findRoleById($request->get('role'));
     $current_user_role = Sentinel::getUser()->roles->first();
     if ($new_user_role && $current_user_role && $new_user_role->position < $current_user_role->position) {
         // we flash the request
         // we notify the user
         Modal::alert([trans('users.message.permission.denied', ['action' => trans('users.message.permission.action.edit')])], 'error');
         return redirect()->back();
     // if the remove_photo field is not given, we set it to false
     $request->merge(['remove_photo' => $request->get('remove_photo', false)]);
     // we sanitize the entries
     try {
         // we convert the en/fr date to the database format
         if ($birth_date = $request->get('birth_date')) {
             $request->merge(['birth_date' => Carbon::createFromFormat('d/m/Y', $birth_date)->format('Y-m-d')]);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // we log the error
     // we set the validation rules
     $rules = ['photo' => 'image|mimes:jpg,jpeg,png|image_size:>=145,>=160', 'remove_photo' => 'required|boolean', 'gender' => 'in:' . implode(',', array_keys(config('user.gender'))), 'last_name' => 'required|string', 'first_name' => 'required|string', 'birth_date' => 'date_format:Y-m-d', 'phone_number' => 'phone:FR', 'email' => 'required|email|unique:users,email,' . $id, 'address' => 'string', 'zip_code' => 'digits:5', 'city' => 'string', 'country' => 'string', 'password' => 'min:' . config('password.min.length') . '|confirmed'];
     // according if we update the current profile account or a user profile
     if ($user->id !== Sentinel::getUser()->id) {
         $rules['role'] = 'required|numeric|exists:roles,id';
         $rules['active'] = 'boolean';
         $rules['status_id'] = 'required|numeric|in:' . implode(',', array_keys(config('user.status')));
         $rules['board_id'] = 'numeric|in:' . implode(',', array_keys(config('user.board')));
     // we sort the rules by keys
     // we check the inputs validity
     if (!Validation::check($request->all(), $rules)) {
         // we flash the request
         return redirect()->back();
     try {
         // we update the user
         Sentinel::update($user, $request->except('password', 'photo'));
         // we format the number into its international equivalent
         if ($phone_number = $request->get('phone_number')) {
             Sentinel::update($user, ['phone_number' => phone_format($phone_number, 'FR', PhoneNumberFormat::INTERNATIONAL)]);
         // we store the photo
         if ($photo = $request->file('photo')) {
             // we optimize, resize and save the image
             $file_name = ImageManager::optimizeAndResize($photo->getRealPath(), $user->imageName('photo'), $photo->getClientOriginalExtension(), $user->storagePath(), $user->availableSizes('photo'));
             // we update the user
             Sentinel::update($user, ['photo' => $file_name]);
         } elseif (!$request->get('photo') && !$user->photo || $request->get('remove_photo')) {
             // we set the una logo as the user image
             $file_name = ImageManager::optimizeAndResize(database_path('seeds/files/users/users-default-avatar.png'), $user->imageName('photo'), 'png', $user->storagePath(), $user->availableSizes('photo'), false);
             // we update the user
             Sentinel::update($user, ['photo' => $file_name]);
         // we update the user password
         if ($password = $request->get('password')) {
             Sentinel::update($user, ['password' => $password]);
         // if we're updating the profile of another user
         if ($user->id !== Sentinel::getUser()->id) {
             // we check is the user is attached to roles
             $current_roles = $user->roles;
             // we detach each roles found
             foreach ($current_roles as $role) {
             // we attach the new role
             $role = Sentinel::findRoleById($request->get('role'));
             // if the order is to activate the user
             if ($request->get('active')) {
                 // we activate the user
                 if (!($activation = Activation::completed($user))) {
                     $activation = Activation::create($user);
                 Activation::complete($user, $activation->code);
             } else {
                 // or we deactivate him
             // we notify the current user
             Modal::alert([trans('users.message.update.success', ['name' => $user->first_name . ' ' . $user->last_name])], 'success');
             return redirect()->back();
         // we notify the current user
         Modal::alert([trans('users.message.account.success')], 'success');
         return redirect()->back();
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // we flash the request
         // we log the error
         // we notify the current user
         Modal::alert([trans('users.message.update.failure', ['name' => $user->first_name . ' ' . $user->last_name]), trans('global.message.global.failure.contact.support', ['email' => config('settings.support_email')])], 'error');
         return redirect()->back();
Example #9
  * @param Request $request
  * @return mixed
 public function pageUpdate(Request $request)
     // we check the current user permission
     if (!Permission::hasPermission('registration.page.update')) {
         // we redirect the current user to the registration page view if he has the required permission
         if (Sentinel::getUser()->hasAccess('registration.page.view')) {
             return redirect()->route('registration.page.edit');
         } else {
             // or we redirect the current user to the home page
             return redirect()->route('dashboard.index');
     // we get the json registration content
     $registration = null;
     if (is_file(storage_path('app/registration/content.json'))) {
         $registration = json_decode(file_get_contents(storage_path('app/registration/content.json')));
     // if the active field is not given, we set it to false
     $request->merge(['remove_background_image' => $request->get('remove_background_image', false)]);
     // we sanitize the entries
     // we check inputs validity
     $rules = ['title' => 'required|string', 'description' => 'string', 'background_image' => 'image|mimes:jpg,jpeg|image_size:>=2560,>=1440', 'remove_background_image' => 'required|boolean', 'registration_form_file' => 'mimes:pdf'];
     // we check the inputs validity
     if (!Validation::check($request->all(), $rules)) {
         // we flash the request
         $request->flashExcept('background_image', 'registration_form_file');
         return redirect()->back();
     //        try {
     $inputs = $request->except('_token', '_method', 'background_image', 'remove_background_image');
     // we store the background image file
     if ($background_image = $request->file('background_image')) {
         // we remove the background image
         if ($registration->background_image) {
             ImageManager::remove($registration->background_image, config('image.registration.storage_path'), config('image.registration.background_image.sizes'));
         // we optimize, resize and save the image
         $file_name = ImageManager::optimizeAndResize($background_image->getRealPath(), config('image.registration.background_image.name'), $background_image->getClientOriginalExtension(), config('image.registration.storage_path'), config('image.registration.background_image.sizes'));
         // we set the file name
         $inputs['background_image'] = $file_name;
     } elseif ($request->get('remove_background_image')) {
         // we remove the background image
         if (isset($registration->background_image)) {
             ImageManager::remove($registration->background_image, config('image.registration.storage_path'), config('image.registration.background_image.sizes'));
         $inputs['background_image'] = null;
     } else {
         $inputs['background_image'] = isset($registration->background_image) ? $registration->background_image : null;
     // we store the registration form file
     if ($registration_form_file = $request->file('registration_form_file')) {
         // we remove the registration form file
         if ($registration->registration_form_file) {
             FileManager::remove($registration->registration_form_file, config('file.registration.storage_path'));
         // we save the registration form file
         $file_name = FileManager::storeAndRename($registration_form_file->getRealPath(), config('file.registration.registration_form_file.name'), $registration_form_file->getClientOriginalExtension(), config('file.registration.storage_path'));
         // we set the file name
         $inputs['registration_form_file'] = $file_name;
     } else {
         $inputs['registration_form_file'] = isset($registration->registration_form_file) ? $registration->registration_form_file : null;
     // we store the content into a json file
     file_put_contents(storage_path('app/registration/content.json'), json_encode($inputs));
     Modal::alert([trans('registration.message.content.update.success', ['title' => $request->get('title')])], 'success');
     return redirect()->back();
     //        } catch (Exception $e) {
     //            // we flash the request
     //            $request->flashExcept('background_image', 'registration_form_file');
     //            // we log the error
     //            CustomLog::error($e);
     //            // we notify the current user
     //            Modal::alert([
     //                trans('registration.message.content.update.failure', ['title' => isset($registration->title) ? $registration->title : null]),
     //                trans('global.message.global.failure.contact.support', ['email' => config('settings.support_email')]),
     //            ], 'error');
     //            return redirect()->back();
     //        }
Example #10
  * @param $îd
  * @param Request $request
  * @return mixed
 public function update($id, Request $request)
     // we get the photo
     try {
         $photo = $this->repository->find($id);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // we flash the request
         // we notify the current user
         Modal::alert([trans('photos.message.find.failure', ['id' => $id]), trans('global.message.global.failure.contact.support', ['email' => config('settings.support_email')])], 'error');
         return redirect()->back();
     // we check the current user permission
     if (!Permission::hasPermission('photos.update')) {
         // we redirect the current user to the permissions list if he has the required permission
         if (Sentinel::getUser()->hasAccess('photos.view')) {
             return redirect()->route('photos.edit', ['id' => $id]);
         } else {
             // or we redirect the current user to the home page
             return redirect()->route('dashboard.index');
     // if the active field is not given, we set it to false
     $request->merge(['active' => $request->get('active', false)]);
     // we sanitize the entries
     // we convert the fr date to database format
     if ($request->get('date')) {
         $request->merge(['date' => Carbon::createFromFormat('d/m/Y', $request->get('date'))->format('Y-m-d')]);
     // we check inputs validity
     $rules = ['cover' => 'image|mimes:jpg,jpeg,png|image_size:>=220,>=220', 'title' => 'required|string', 'link' => 'required|url', 'date' => 'required|date_format:Y-m-d', 'active' => 'required|boolean'];
     // we check the inputs validity
     if (!Validation::check($request->all(), $rules)) {
         // we flash the request
         return redirect()->back();
     try {
         // we update the photo
         $photo->update($request->except('_token', 'cover'));
         // we store the image
         if ($img = $request->file('cover')) {
             // we optimize, resize and save the image
             $file_name = ImageManager::optimizeAndResize($img->getRealPath(), $photo->imageName('cover'), $img->getClientOriginalExtension(), $photo->storagePath(), $photo->availableSizes('cover'));
             // we add the image name to the inputs for saving
             $photo->cover = $file_name;
         // we notify the current user
         Modal::alert([trans('photos.message.update.success', ['album' => $photo->title])], 'success');
         return redirect()->back();
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // we flash the request
         // we log the error
         // we notify the current user
         Modal::alert([trans('$photo.message.update.failure', ['album' => $photo->title]), trans('global.message.global.failure.contact.support', ['email' => config('settings.support_email')])], 'error');
         return redirect()->back();
Example #11
  * @param $id
  * @param Request $request
  * @return mixed
 public function update($id, Request $request)
     // we get the page
     try {
         $page = $this->repository->find($id);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // we flash the request
         // we notify the current user
         Modal::alert([trans('pages.message.find.failure', ['id' => $id]), trans('global.message.global.failure.contact.support', ['email' => config('settings.support_email')])], 'error');
         return redirect()->back();
     // we check the current user permission
     if (!Permission::hasPermission('pages.update')) {
         // we redirect the current user to the permissions list if he has the required permission
         if (Sentinel::getUser()->hasAccess('pages.view')) {
             return redirect()->route('pages.edit', ['id' => $id]);
         } else {
             // or we redirect the current user to the home page
             return redirect()->route('backoffice.index');
     // if the active field is not given, we set it to false
     $request->merge(['active' => $request->get('active', false)]);
     // we sanitize the entries
     // we slugify the slug
     $request->merge(['slug' => str_slug(strip_tags($request->slug))]);
     // we set the validity rules
     $rules = ['image' => 'image|mimes:jpg,jpeg,png|image_size:>=2560,>=1440', 'active' => 'required|boolean', 'slug' => 'required_with:title|alpha_dash|unique:pages,slug,' . $page->id, 'title' => 'required|string', 'content' => 'string', 'meta_title' => 'string', 'meta_description' => 'string', 'meta_keywords' => 'string'];
     // we check inputs validity
     if (!Validation::check($request->all(), $rules)) {
         // we flash the request
         return redirect()->back();
     try {
         // we update the fields
         if (Sentinel::getUser()->hasAccess('pages.slug')) {
             $page->slug = $request->slug;
         $page->title = $request->title;
         $page->content = $request->content;
         $page->meta_title = $request->meta_title;
         $page->meta_description = $request->meta_description;
         $page->meta_keywords = $request->meta_keywords;
         $page->active = $request->active;
         // we store the image
         if ($img = $request->file('image')) {
             // if we find a previous recorded image, we remove it
             if ($page->image) {
                 ImageManager::remove($page->image, $page->storagePath(), $page->availableSizes('image'));
             // we optimize, resize and save the image
             $file_name = ImageManager::optimizeAndResize($img->getRealPath(), $page->imageName('image'), $img->getClientOriginalExtension(), $page->storagePath(), $page->availableSizes('image'));
             // we add the image name to the inputs for saving
             $page->image = $file_name;
         // we save the changes
         // we notify the current user
         Modal::alert([trans('pages.message.update.success', ['page' => $page->title])], 'success');
         return redirect()->back();
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // we flash the request
         // we log the error
         // we notify the current user
         Modal::alert([trans('pages.message.update.failure', ['page' => $page->title]), trans('global.message.global.failure.contact.support', ['email' => config('settings.support_email')])], 'error');
         return redirect()->back();