Example #1
  * @depends testWhetherConfigObjectsCanBeConvertedToArrays
 public function testWhetherItIsPossibleToMergeConfigObjects()
     $config = new ConfigObject(array('a' => 'b'));
     $config->merge(array('a' => 'bb', 'c' => 'd', 'e' => array('f' => 'g')));
     $this->assertEquals(array('a' => 'bb', 'c' => 'd', 'e' => array('f' => 'g')), $config->toArray(), 'ConfigObjects cannot be extended with arrays');
     $config->merge(new ConfigObject(array('c' => array('d' => 'ee'), 'e' => array('h' => 'i'))));
     $this->assertEquals(array('a' => 'bb', 'c' => array('d' => 'ee'), 'e' => array('f' => 'g', 'h' => 'i')), $config->toArray(), 'ConfigObjects cannot be extended with other ConfigObjects');
Example #2
  * Create a @see Dashlet instance from the given Zend config, using the provided title
  * @param $title                The title for this dashlet
  * @param ConfigObject $config  The configuration defining url, parameters, height, width, etc.
  * @param Pane $pane            The pane this dashlet belongs to
  * @return Dashlet        A newly created Dashlet for use in the Dashboard
 public static function fromIni($title, ConfigObject $config, Pane $pane)
     $height = null;
     $width = null;
     $url = $config->get('url');
     $parameters = $config->toArray();
     // otherwise there's an url = parameter in the Url
     $cmp = new Dashlet($title, Url::fromPath($url, $parameters), $pane);
     return $cmp;
Example #3
  * Return this config's data as associative array
  * @return  array
 public function toArray()
     return $this->config->toArray();
  * Before-update trigger (per row)
  * @param   ConfigObject    $old    The original data as currently stored
  * @param   ConfigObject    $new    The original data to update
  * @return  ConfigObject            The eventually modified data to update
 protected function onUpdateAnnouncement(ConfigObject $old, ConfigObject $new)
     if ($new->message !== $old->message) {
         $announcement = new Announcement($new->toArray());
         $new->hash = $announcement->getHash();
     return $new;