/** * Post simple validation. * * @param bool $verdict Verdict. * @param bool &$value Value. * @param \Hoa\Xyl\Interpreter\Html\Concrete $element Element that * requires it. * @param bool $postVerification Whether we run post-verification or * not. * @return bool */ public static function postValidation($verdict, &$value, Concrete $element, $postVerification = true) { // Order is important. $validates = []; if (true === $element->abstract->attributeExists('validate')) { $validates['@'] = $element->abstract->readAttribute('validate'); } $validates = array_merge($validates, $element->abstract->readCustomAttributes('validate')); if (empty($validates)) { if (true === $postVerification) { static::postVerification($verdict, $element); } return $verdict; } // Order is not important. $errors = $element->abstract->readCustomAttributesAsList('error'); if (true === $element->abstract->attributeExists('error')) { $errors['@'] = $element->abstract->readAttributeAsList('error'); } if (ctype_digit($value)) { $value = (int) $value; } elseif (is_numeric($value)) { $value = (double) $value; } $decision = true; foreach ($validates as $name => $realdom) { $praspel = Praspel::interpret('@requires i: ' . $realdom . ';'); $clause = $praspel->getClause('requires'); $variable = $clause['i']; $decision = $variable->predicate($value); if ('@' === $name) { $decision = $verdict && $decision; } if (true === $decision) { unset($errors[$name]); continue; } if (!isset($errors[$name])) { continue; } $handle = $element->xpath('//__current_ns:error[@id="' . implode('" or @id="', $errors[$name]) . '"]'); foreach ($handle as $error) { $element->getConcreteElement($error)->setVisibility(true); } unset($errors[$name]); break; } $verdict = $decision; if (true === $postVerification) { static::postVerification($verdict, $element, isset($errors['@'])); } return $verdict; }
/** * Invoke the encapsulation shunter. * * @param \Hoa\Praspel\Preambler\Handler $preambler Preambler. * @return void * @throws \Hoa\Praspel\Exception\Preambler */ public function __invoke(Handler $preambler) { $callable = $preambler->__getCallable(); $reflection = $callable->getReflection(); $registry = Praspel::getRegistry(); if ($reflection instanceof \ReflectionClass) { $_object = $reflection->newInstance(); $preambler->__setCallable(xcallable($_object, '__construct')); } elseif (!$reflection instanceof \ReflectionMethod) { throw new Praspel\Exception\Preambler('The callable must be a class and a (dynamic) method name.', 0); } else { $callback = $callable->getValidCallback(); if (!is_object($callback[0])) { $reflectionClass = $reflection->getDeclaringClass(); $_reflectionClass = $reflectionClass; while (null === ($constructor = $_reflectionClass->getConstructor()) && false !== ($_reflectionClass = $_reflectionClass->getParentClass())) { } if (null === $constructor) { $_object = $reflectionClass->newInstance(); } else { $className = $_reflectionClass->getName(); $id = $className . '::__construct'; if (!isset($registry[$id])) { $registry[$id] = Praspel::interpret(Praspel::extractFromComment($constructor->getDocComment()), $className); } $assertionChecker = $this->getAssertionChecker(); if (null === $assertionChecker) { $assertionChecker = '\\Hoa\\Praspel\\AssertionChecker'; } $arguments = $assertionChecker::generateData($registry[$id]); $_object = $reflectionClass->newInstanceArgs($arguments); } $preambler->__setCallable(xcallable($_object, $callback[1])); } } $reflectionObject = $preambler->__getReflectionObject($object); $className = $reflectionObject->getName(); $properties = $reflectionObject->getProperties(); foreach ($properties as $property) { $propertyName = $property->getName(); $id = $className . '::$' . $propertyName; if (false === isset($registry[$id])) { $registry[$id] = Praspel::interpret(Praspel::extractFromComment($property->getDocComment()), $className); } $specification = $registry[$id]; if (false === $specification->clauseExists('invariant')) { throw new Praspel\Exception\Preambler('Cannot generate a value from %s because it has no ' . '@invariant clause.', 1, $id); } $preambler->{$propertyName} = $specification->getClause('invariant')->getVariable($propertyName)->sample(); } return; }
/** * Set a value to a specific offset of the current attribute. * * @access public * @param int $offset Offset. * @param mixed $value Value. * @return bool * @throw \Hoa\Model\Exception */ public function offsetSet($offset, $value) { if (false === $this->isValidationEnabled()) { $this->{$this->__currentAccess}[$offset] = $value; return null; } $oldOffset = false !== $this->_offsetExists($offset) ? $this->{$this->__currentAccess}[$offset] : null; $this->{$this->__currentAccess}[$offset] = $value; $name = substr($this->__currentAccess, 1); $attribute =& $this->getAttribute($name); if (false !== $attribute['comment']) { if (null === $attribute['contract']) { $attribute['contract'] = \Hoa\Praspel::interpret($attribute['comment']); } $verdict = $attribute['contract']->getClause('invariant')->getVariable($name)->predicate($this->{$this->__currentAccess}); } else { $verdict = true; } if (false === $verdict) { if (null !== $oldOffset) { $this->{$this->__currentAccess}[$offset] = $oldOffset; } else { unset($this->{$this->__currentAccess}[$offset]); } throw new Exception('Try to set the %s attribute with an invalid data.', 2, $name); } if (null !== ($validator = $attribute['validator']) && false === $this->{$validator}($value)) { if (null !== $oldOffset) { $this->{$this->__currentAccess}[$offset] = $oldOffset; } throw new Exception('Try to set the %s attribute with an invalid data.', 3, $name); } return $this->__currentAccess = null; }