Example #1
  * Transaction result
  * @param  string $transId
  * @param  string $clientIpAddr
  * RESULT        	   - OK              - successfully completed transaction,
  * 				 	     FAILED          - transaction has failed,
  * 				 	     CREATED         - transaction just registered in the system,
  * 				 	     PENDING         - transaction is not accomplished yet,
  * 				 	     DECLINED        - transaction declined by ECOMM,
  * 				 	     REVERSED        - transaction is reversed,
  * 				 	     AUTOREVERSED    - transaction is reversed by autoreversal,
  * 				 	     TIMEOUT         - transaction was timed out
  * RESULT_PS     	   - transaction result, Payment Server interpretation (shown only if configured to return ECOMM2 specific details
  * 				 	     FINISHED        - successfully completed payment,
  * 				 	     CANCELLED       - cancelled payment,
  * 				 	     RETURNED        - returned payment,
  * 				 	     ACTIVE          - registered and not yet completed payment.
  * RESULT_CODE   	   - transaction result code returned from Card Suite Processing RTPS (3 digits)
  * 3DSECURE      	   - AUTHENTICATED   - successful 3D Secure authorization
  * 				 	     DECLINED        - failed 3D Secure authorization
  * 				 	     NOTPARTICIPATED - cardholder is not a member of 3D Secure scheme
  * 				 	     NO_RANGE        - card is not in 3D secure card range defined by issuer
  * 				 	     ATTEMPTED       - cardholder 3D secure authorization using attempts ACS server
  * 				 	     UNAVAILABLE     - cardholder 3D secure authorization is unavailable
  * 				 	     ERROR           - error message received from ACS server
  * 				 	     SYSERROR        - 3D secure authorization ended with system error
  * 				 	     UNKNOWNSCHEME   - 3D secure authorization was attempted by wrong card scheme (Dinners club, American Express)
  * RRN           	   - retrieval reference number returned from Card Suite Processing RTPS
  * APPROVAL_CODE 	   - approval code returned from Card Suite Processing RTPS (max 6 characters)
  * CARD_NUMBER   	   - Masked card number
  * AAV           	   - FAILED the results of the verification of hash value in AAV merchant name (only if failed)
  * RECC_PMNT_ID            - Reoccurring payment (if available) identification in Payment Server.
  * RECC_PMNT_EXPIRY        - Reoccurring payment (if available) expiry date in Payment Server in form of YYMM
  * MRCH_TRANSACTION_ID     - Merchant Transaction Identifier (if available) for Payment - shown if it was sent as additional parameter  on Payment registration.
  * The RESULT_CODE and 3DSECURE fields are informative only and can be not shown. The fields RRN and APPROVAL_CODE appear for successful transactions only, for informative purposes, and they facilitate tracking the transactions in Card Suite Processing RTPS system.
  * error                   - In case of an error
  * warning                 - In case of warning (reserved for future use).
 public function getTransactionResult($transId, $clientIpAddr)
     $args = ['command' => 'c', 'trans_id' => $transId, 'client_ip_addr' => $clientIpAddr];
     return parent::getTransactionResult($args);