private function set_boolean_option($parameter, $value) { if (strcmp($value, '0') === 0) { $this->chat->{$parameter} = false; return $this->chat->save($this->db); } elseif (strcmp($value, '1') === 0) { $this->chat->{$parameter} = true; return $this->chat->save($this->db); } return false; }
public static function constructFromTelegramUpdate($chat_update, \PDO $db) { $changed = false; $chatSQL = new \GroupBot\Database\Chat($db); if ($chat = $chatSQL->getChatById($chat_update['id'])) { if (isset($chat_update['title']) && strcmp($chat->title, $chat_update['title']) !== 0) { $chat->title = $chat_update['title']; $changed = true; } $chat->id = $chat->chat_id; unset($chat->chat_id); } else { $chat = new Chat(); $chat->construct($chat_update['id'], $chat->determineChatType($chat_update), isset($chat_update['title']) ? $chat_update['title'] : NULL, 0); $changed = true; } if ($changed) { $chat->save($db); } return $chat; }
public function __construct($message, \PDO $db) { $this->db = $db; $this->User = User::constructFromTelegramUpdate($message['from'], $this->db); $this->Chat = Chat::constructFromTelegramUpdate($message['chat'], $this->db); $this->message_id = $message['message_id']; if (isset($message['callback'])) { $this->callback = $message['callback']; } $this->determineMessageContent($message); $this->determineMessageType($message); $this->determineMessageEntities($message); if ($this->MessageContent == MessageContent::Text) { $this->parseMessage($message); } }
public function dealer_done(Game $Game, Player $Dealer) { if ($Game->getNumberOfPlayers() > 1) { $this->addMessage('All players have stood or are bust. The dealer draws cards:'); $this->addMessage($Dealer->Hand->getHandString() . " (" . $Dealer->Hand->Value . ")"); } else { $this->addMessage('The dealer draws cards ' . $Dealer->Hand->getHandString() . " (" . $Dealer->Hand->Value . ")"); } if ($Dealer->State == PlayerState::Bust) { $this->addMessage('The dealer is bust.'); } elseif ($Dealer->State == PlayerState::Stand) { $this->addMessage('The dealer stands.'); } if ($this->chat->isPrivate()) { $this->keyboard = [[['text' => emoji(0x1f4b5) . " Play again - default bet", 'callback_data' => '/bjstart'], ['text' => emoji(0x1f4b0) . " Play again - bet double", 'callback_data' => '/bjstart ' . 2 * $Game->getCurrentPlayer()->bet]], [['text' => emoji(0x1f4b0) . " Play again - bet half", 'callback_data' => '/bjstart all/2'], ['text' => emoji(0x1f4b0) . " Play again - bet all", 'callback_data' => '/bjstart all']], [['text' => emoji(0x1f3ae) . ' Back to games menu', 'callback_data' => '/help games'], ['text' => emoji(0x1f6aa) . ' Main menu', 'callback_data' => '/help']]]; } else { $this->keyboard = [[['text' => emoji(0x1f4b5) . " New game - default bet", 'callback_data' => '/blackjack'], ['text' => emoji(0x1f4b0) . " Play again - bet double", 'callback_data' => '/blackjack ' . 2 * $Game->getCurrentPlayer()->bet]], [['text' => emoji(0x1f4b0) . " New game - bet half", 'callback_data' => '/blackjack all/2'], ['text' => emoji(0x1f4b0) . " New game - bet all", 'callback_data' => '/blackjack all']]]; } }