Example #1
  * Given a PHP value and a GraphQL type, determine if the value will be
  * accepted for that type. This is primarily useful for validating the
  * runtime values of query variables.
  * @param $value
  * @param InputType $type
  * @return array
 private static function isValidPHPValue($value, InputType $type)
     // A value must be provided if the type is non-null.
     if ($type instanceof NonNull) {
         $ofType = $type->getWrappedType();
         if (null === $value) {
             if ($ofType->name) {
                 return ["Expected \"{$ofType->name}!\", found null."];
             return ['Expected non-null value, found null.'];
         return self::isValidPHPValue($value, $ofType);
     if (null === $value) {
         return [];
     // Lists accept a non-list value as a list of one.
     if ($type instanceof ListOfType) {
         $itemType = $type->getWrappedType();
         if (is_array($value)) {
             $tmp = [];
             foreach ($value as $index => $item) {
                 $errors = self::isValidPHPValue($item, $itemType);
                 $tmp = array_merge($tmp, Utils::map($errors, function ($error) use($index) {
                     return "In element #{$index}: {$error}";
             return $tmp;
         return self::isValidPHPValue($value, $itemType);
     // Input objects check each defined field.
     if ($type instanceof InputObjectType) {
         if (!is_object($value) && !is_array($value)) {
             return ["Expected \"{$type->name}\", found not an object."];
         $fields = $type->getFields();
         $errors = [];
         // Ensure every provided field is defined.
         $props = is_object($value) ? get_object_vars($value) : $value;
         foreach ($props as $providedField => $tmp) {
             if (!isset($fields[$providedField])) {
                 $errors[] = "In field \"{$providedField}\": Unknown field.";
         // Ensure every defined field is valid.
         foreach ($fields as $fieldName => $tmp) {
             $newErrors = self::isValidPHPValue(isset($value[$fieldName]) ? $value[$fieldName] : null, $fields[$fieldName]->getType());
             $errors = array_merge($errors, Utils::map($newErrors, function ($error) use($fieldName) {
                 return "In field \"{$fieldName}\": {$error}";
         return $errors;
     if ($type instanceof LeafType) {
         // Scalar/Enum input checks to ensure the type can parse the value to
         // a non-null value.
         $parseResult = $type->parseValue($value);
         if (null === $parseResult) {
             $v = json_encode($value);
             return ["Expected type \"{$type->name}\", found {$v}."];
         return [];
     throw new InvariantViolation('Must be input type');