realpath() public static method

Custom replacement for realpath() and stream_resolve_include_path()
public static realpath ( string | array $somePath, boolean $shouldCheckExistence = false ) : array | boolean | string
$somePath string | array Path without normalization or array of paths
$shouldCheckExistence boolean Flag for checking existence of resolved filename
return array | boolean | string
  * Replace source path with correct one
  * This operation can check for cache, can rewrite paths, add additional filters and much more
  * @param string $originalResource Initial resource to include
  * @param string $originalDir Path to the directory from where include was called for resolving relative resources
  * @return string Transformed path to the resource
 public static function rewrite($originalResource, $originalDir = '')
     static $appDir, $cacheDir, $debug, $usePrebuiltCache;
     if (!$appDir) {
         extract(self::$options, EXTR_IF_EXISTS);
         $usePrebuiltCache = self::$options['features'] & Features::PREBUILT_CACHE;
     $resource = (string) $originalResource;
     if ($resource['0'] !== '/') {
         $resource = PathResolver::realpath($resource, $checkExistence = true) ?: PathResolver::realpath("{$originalDir}/{$resource}", $checkExistence = true) ?: $originalResource;
     // If the cache is disabled, then use on-fly method
     if (!$cacheDir || $debug) {
         return self::PHP_FILTER_READ . self::$filterName . "/resource=" . $resource;
     $newResource = str_replace($appDir, $cacheDir, $resource);
     // Trigger creation of cache, this will create a cache file with $newResource name
     if (!$usePrebuiltCache && !file_exists($newResource)) {
         // Workaround for
         $file = fopen($resource, 'r');
         stream_filter_append($file, self::$filterName);
     return $newResource;
Example #2
  * Creates metadata object from stream
  * @param resource $stream Instance of stream
  * @param string $source Source code or null
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException for invalid stream
 public function __construct($stream, $source = null)
     if (!is_resource($stream)) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException("Stream should be valid resource");
     $metadata = stream_get_meta_data($stream);
     if ($source) {
         $metadata['source'] = $source;
     if (preg_match('/resource=(.+)$/', $metadata['uri'], $matches)) {
         $metadata['uri'] = PathResolver::realpath($matches[1]);
     parent::__construct($metadata, ArrayObject::ARRAY_AS_PROPS);
Example #3
  * Normalizes options for the kernel
  * @param array $options List of options
  * @return array
 protected function normalizeOptions(array $options)
     $options = array_replace($this->getDefaultOptions(), $options);
     $options['appDir'] = PathResolver::realpath($options['appDir']);
     $options['cacheDir'] = PathResolver::realpath($options['cacheDir']);
     $options['includePaths'] = PathResolver::realpath($options['includePaths']);
     $options['excludePaths'] = PathResolver::realpath($options['excludePaths']);
     return $options;
  * Replace source path with correct one
  * This operation can check for cache, can rewrite paths, add additional filters and much more
  * @param string $originalResource Initial resource to include
  * @param string $originalDir Path to the directory from where include was called for resolving relative resources
  * @return string Transformed path to the resource
 public static function rewrite($originalResource, $originalDir = '')
     static $appDir, $cacheDir, $debug;
     if (!$appDir) {
         extract(self::$options, EXTR_IF_EXISTS);
     $resource = (string) $originalResource;
     if ($resource['0'] !== '/') {
         $shouldCheckExistence = true;
         $resource = PathResolver::realpath($resource, $shouldCheckExistence) ?: PathResolver::realpath("{$originalDir}/{$resource}", $shouldCheckExistence) ?: $originalResource;
     $cachedResource = self::$cachePathManager->getCachePathForResource($resource);
     // If the cache is disabled or no cache yet, then use on-fly method
     if (!$cacheDir || $debug || !file_exists($cachedResource)) {
         return self::PHP_FILTER_READ . self::$filterName . "/resource=" . $resource;
     return $cachedResource;
Example #5
  * Normalizes options for the kernel
  * @param array $options List of options
  * @return array
 protected function normalizeOptions(array $options)
     $options = array_replace($this->getDefaultOptions(), $options);
     if ($options['cacheDir']) {
         $options['excludePaths'][] = $options['cacheDir'];
     $options['excludePaths'][] = __DIR__ . '/../';
     $options['appDir'] = PathResolver::realpath($options['appDir']);
     $options['cacheDir'] = PathResolver::realpath($options['cacheDir']);
     $options['cacheFileMode'] = (int) $options['cacheFileMode'];
     $options['includePaths'] = PathResolver::realpath($options['includePaths']);
     $options['excludePaths'] = PathResolver::realpath($options['excludePaths']);
     return $options;