Example #1
  * The code that needs to be called when the cron is running
  * If $this->enableUserAndGroupSupport() returns TRUE then the run function 
  * will be called for each $user. (The $user parameter will be given)
  * If $this->enableUserAndGroupSupport() returns FALSE then the 
  * $user parameter is null and the run function will be called only once.
  * @param CronJob $cronJob
  * @param User $user [OPTIONAL]
 public function run(CronJob $cronJob, User $user = null)
     $licenseFile = \GO::getLicenseFile();
     $temporaryLicenseFile = new \GO\Base\Fs\File(GO::config()->file_storage_path . 'license/' . $licenseFile->name());
     if ($temporaryLicenseFile->exists()) {
         if (!$temporaryLicenseFile->move($licenseFile)) {
             throw new \Exception("Could not move license file to Group-Office root!");
         } else {
             if (!GO::scriptCanBeDecoded()) {
                 GO\Base\Mail\AdminNotifier::sendMail("Group-Office license invalid", "You attempted to install a license but the license file you provided didn't work. Please contant Intermesh about this error.");
             } else {
                 //add all users to the modules they have access too
                 GO\Base\Mail\AdminNotifier::sendMail("Group-Office license installed successfully!", "Your license was installed and the new users were automatically added to the App permissions if necessary.\n\nThank you for using Group-Office!");
Example #2
 public function actionPasteUploadTemporary($filename, $filetype)
     $type = explode('/', $filetype);
     $extension = $type[1];
     $_FILES['pastedFile']['name'] = $filename . '.' . $extension;
     $file = new GO\Base\Fs\File($_FILES['pastedFile']['tmp_name']);
     $file->move(GO::config()->getTempFolder(), $filename . '.' . $extension, true);
     $response = new \GO\Base\Data\JsonResponse(array('success' => true, 'data' => array('tmp_file' => $file->stripTempPath(), 'name' => $file->name(), 'size' => $file->size(), 'type' => $file->mimeType(), 'extension' => $file->extension(), 'human_size' => $file->humanSize(), 'from_file_storage' => false)));
     echo $response;
Example #3
  * Replace filesystem file with given file.
  * @param \GO\Base\Fs\File $fsFile
 public function replace(\GO\Base\Fs\File $fsFile, $isUploadedFile = false)
     if ($this->isLocked()) {
         throw new \GO\Files\Exception\FileLocked();
     //		for safety allow replace action
     //		if(!File::checkQuota($fsFile->size()-$this->size))
     //			throw new \GO\Base\Exception\InsufficientDiskSpace();
     if (!$this->isNew) {
     if (!$fsFile->move($this->folder->fsFolder, $this->name, $isUploadedFile)) {
         return false;
     $this->mtime = $fsFile->mtime();
     $this->fireEvent('replace', array($this, $isUploadedFile));
     return true;
Example #4
  * Set new photo file. The file will be converted into JPEG and resized to fit
  * a 480x640 pixel box
  * @param \GO\Base\Fs\File $file
 public function seOLDPhoto(\GO\Base\Fs\File $file)
     if ($this->isNew) {
         throw new \Exception("Cannot save a photo on a new company that is not yet saved.");
     $photoPath = new \GO\Base\Fs\Folder(\GO::config()->file_storage_path . 'company_photos/' . $this->addressbook_id . '/');
     //		if(strtolower($file->extension())!='jpg'){
     //		$filename = $photoPath->path().'/'.$this->id.'.jpg';
     //		$img = new \GO\Base\Util\Image();
     //		if(!$img->load($file->path())){
     //			throw new \Exception(\GO::t('imageNotSupported','addressbook'));
     //		}
     //		//resize it to small image so we don't get in trouble with sync clients
     //		$img->fitBox(240,320);
     //		if(!$img->save($filename, IMAGETYPE_JPEG)){
     //			throw new \Exception("Could not save photo!");
     //		}
     //		$file = new \GO\Base\Fs\File($filename);
     //		}else
     //		{
     $file->move($photoPath, $this->id . '.' . strtolower($file->extension()));
     //		}
     $this->photo = $file->stripFileStoragePath();
Example #5
  * The savemailas module can send attachments along to be stored as files with
  * a note, task, event etc.
  * @param type $response
  * @param type $model
  * @param type $params
 public function processAttachments(&$response, &$model, &$params)
     //Does this belong in the controller?
     if (!empty($params['tmp_files'])) {
         $tmp_files = json_decode($params['tmp_files'], true);
         if (count($tmp_files)) {
             $folder_id = $this->checkModelFolder($model, true, true);
             $folder = \GO\Files\Model\Folder::model()->findByPk($folder_id);
             while ($tmp_file = array_shift($tmp_files)) {
                 if (!empty($tmp_file['tmp_file'])) {
                     $file = new \GO\Base\Fs\File(\GO::config()->tmpdir . $tmp_file['tmp_file']);
                     $file->move(new \GO\Base\Fs\Folder(\GO::config()->file_storage_path . $folder->path));
Example #6
  * Add an uploaded file
  * @param array $filesArrayItem Item from the $_FILES array
  * @return boolean
 public function addUploadedFile($filesArrayItem)
     $fsFile = new \GO\Base\Fs\File($filesArrayItem['tmp_name']);
     $fsFile->move($this->fsFolder, $filesArrayItem['name'], true, true);
     return $this->addFile($fsFile->name());