Example #1
  * Sends a Message over this transport
  * @param Message $message
  * @return int the number of TCP packets sent
 public function send(Message $message)
     $rawMessage = $this->getMessageEncoder()->encode($message) . "";
     // send message in one packet
     return 1;
 public function testWrite()
     $testData = "Hello World!";
     $numBytes = $this->socketClient->write($testData);
     $this->assertEquals(strlen($testData), $numBytes);
     // check that message is sent to server
     $readData = fread($this->serverSocket, $numBytes);
     $this->assertEquals($testData, $readData);
Example #3
  * Sends a Message over this transport
  * @param MessageInterface $message
  * @return int the number of bytes sent
 public function send(MessageInterface $message)
     $messageEncoder = $this->getMessageEncoder();
     $rawMessage = $messageEncoder->encode($message);
     $request = array(sprintf("POST %s HTTP/1.1", $this->path), sprintf("Host: %s:%d", $this->host, $this->port), sprintf("Content-Length: %d", strlen($rawMessage)), "Content-Type: application/json", "Connection: Keep-Alive", "Accept: */*");
     if (null !== $this->authentication) {
         $request[] = "Authorization: Basic " . base64_encode($this->authentication);
     if ($messageEncoder instanceof CompressedJsonEncoder) {
         $request[] = "Content-Encoding: gzip";
     $request[] = "";
     // blank line to separate headers from body
     $request[] = $rawMessage;
     $request = implode($request, "\r\n");
     $byteCount = $this->socketClient->write($request);
     $headers = $this->readResponseHeaders();
     // if we don't have a HTTP/1.1 connection, or the server decided to close the connection
     // we should do so as well. next read/write-attempt will open a new socket in this case.
     if (strpos($headers, "HTTP/1.1") !== 0 || preg_match("!Connection:\\s*Close!i", $headers)) {
     if (!preg_match("!^HTTP/1.\\d 202 Accepted!i", $headers)) {
         throw new RuntimeException(sprintf("Graylog-Server didn't answer properly, expected 'HTTP/1.x 202 Accepted', response is '%s'", trim($headers)));
     return $byteCount;
Example #4
 * Sends given string in multiple chunks
 * @param string $rawMessage
 * @return int
 * @throws RuntimeException on too large messages which would exceed the 
                            maximum number of possible chunks
 protected function sendMessageInChunks($rawMessage)
     // split to chunks
     $chunks = str_split($rawMessage, $this->chunkSize);
     $numChunks = count($chunks);
     if ($numChunks > self::CHUNK_MAX_COUNT) {
         throw new RuntimeException(sprintf("Message is to big. Chunk count exceeds %d", self::CHUNK_MAX_COUNT));
     // generate a random 8byte-message-id
     $messageId = substr(md5(uniqid(), true), 0, 8);
     // send chunks with a correct chunk-header
     // @link http://graylog2.org/gelf#specs
     foreach ($chunks as $idx => $chunk) {
         $data = self::CHUNK_GELF_ID . $messageId . pack('CC', $idx, $numChunks) . $chunk;
     return $numChunks;