Example #1
File: Pdf.php Project: lucagtc/pdf
  * Set Container Defaults
  * This is where we set all our defaults. If you need to customise this
  * container this is a good place to look to see what can be configured
  * and how to configure it.
 protected function setDefaults()
     $this->file = $this->protect(function ($filePath) {
         return new SplFileInfo($filePath);
     $this->tempFile = $this->protect(function ($contents, $ext) {
         $file = new TempFile('GearsPdf', $ext);
         return $file;
Example #2
  * Method: convertDoc
  * =========================================================================
  * This is where we actually do some converting of docx to pdf.
  * We use the command line utility unoconv. Which is basically a slightly
  * fancier way of using OpenOffice/LibreOffice Headless.
  * See: http://dag.wiee.rs/home-made/unoconv/
  * Parameters:
  * -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  *  - $docx: This must be an instance of ```SplFileInfo```
  *           pointing to the document to convert.
  * Returns:
  * -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  * void
 public function convertDoc(TempFile $docx)
     if (!is_executable($this->binary)) {
         throw new RuntimeException('The unoconv command ("' . $this->binary . '") ' . 'was not found or is not executable by the current user! ');
     // Check to see if the profile dir exists and is writeable
     if (is_dir($this->profile) && !is_writable($this->profile)) {
         throw new RuntimeException('If unoconv does not have permissions to the User ' . 'Profile directory ("' . $this->profile . '") the conversion ' . 'will fail!');
     // Build the unoconv cmd
     $cmd = 'export HOME=' . $this->profile . ' && ' . $this->binary . ' ' . '--stdout ' . '-f pdf ' . '"' . $docx->getPathname() . '"';
     // Run the command
     $process = $this->process($cmd);
     // Check for errors
     $error = null;
     if (!$process->isSuccessful()) {
         $error = $process->getErrorOutput();
         // NOTE: For some really odd reason the first time the command runs
         // it does not complete successfully. The second time around it
         // works fine. It has something to do with the homedir setup...
         if (Str::contains($error, 'Error: Unable to connect')) {
             if (!$process->isSuccessful()) {
                 $error = $process->getErrorOutput();
             } else {
                 $error = null;
         if (!is_null($error)) {
             throw new RuntimeException($error);
     // Clean up after ourselves
     exec('rm -rf ' . $this->profile);
     // Return the pdf data
     return $process->getOutput();
Example #3
  * Method: convertDoc
  * =========================================================================
  * This is where we actually do some converting of docx to pdf.
  * This converter uses the OpenOffice/LibreOffice Headless capabilities.
  * Parameters:
  * -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  *  - $docx: This must be an instance of ```SplFileInfo```
  *           pointing to the document to convert.
  * Returns:
  * -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  * void
 public function convertDoc(TempFile $docx)
     if (!is_executable($this->binary)) {
         throw new RuntimeException('The libreoffice command ("' . $this->binary . '") ' . 'was not found or is not executable by the current user! ');
     // Check to see if the profile dir exists and is writeable
     if (is_dir($this->profile) && !is_writable($this->profile)) {
         throw new RuntimeException('If libreoffice does not have permissions to the User ' . 'Profile directory ("' . $this->profile . '") the conversion ' . 'will fail!');
     // Build the cmd to run
     $cmd = $this->binary . ' ' . '--headless ' . '-env:UserInstallation=file://' . $this->profile . ' ' . '--convert-to pdf:writer_pdf_Export ' . '--outdir "' . $this->output . '" ' . '"' . $docx->getPathname() . '"';
     // Run the command
     $process = $this->process($cmd);
     // Check for errors
     if (!$process->isSuccessful()) {
         throw new RuntimeException($process->getErrorOutput());
     // Grab the generated pdf
     $pdf = file_get_contents($this->output . '/' . $docx->getBasename('.docx') . '.pdf');
     // Clean up after ourselves
     exec('rm -rf ' . $this->profile);
     // Finally return the generated pdf
     return $pdf;
Example #4
  * Method: convertDoc
  * =========================================================================
  * This is where we actually do some converting of docx to pdf.
  * We use the command line utility unoconv. Which is basically a slightly
  * fancier way of using OpenOffice/LibreOffice Headless.
  * See: http://dag.wiee.rs/home-made/unoconv/
  * Parameters:
  * -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  *  - $docx: This must be an instance of ```SplFileInfo```
  *           pointing to the document to convert.
  * Returns:
  * -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  * void
 public function convertDoc(TempFile $docx)
     // Upload the document to google
     $gdoc = $this->service->files->insert($this->file, ['convert' => true, 'data' => $docx->getContents(), 'mimeType' => $this->mime, 'uploadType' => 'multipart']);
     // Now download the pdf
     $request = $this->request($gdoc->getExportLinks()['application/pdf']);
     $response = $this->client->getIo()->makeRequest($request);
     // Delete the uploaded file
     // Check for errors
     if ($response->getResponseHttpCode() != 200) {
         throw new RuntimeException($response->getResponseBody());
     // Return the pdf data
     return $response->getResponseBody();