Example #1
 public function setAssignment($value)
     $options = $this->assignmentOptions();
     if (!isset($options[$value])) {
         throw new \RuntimeException('Invalid value for default assignment!', 400);
     $style = StyleHelper::getStyle($this->style_id);
     $style->home = $value;
     if (!$style->check() || !$style->store()) {
         throw new \RuntimeException($style->getError());
     // Clean the cache.
Example #2
 public function setMenu($data)
     $active = array_keys(array_filter($data, function ($value) {
         return $value == 1;
     // Detect disabled template.
     $extension = \JTable::getInstance('Extension');
     $template = static::gantry()['theme.name'];
     if ($extension->load(array('enabled' => 0, 'type' => 'template', 'element' => $template, 'client_id' => 0))) {
         throw new \RuntimeException(\JText::_('COM_TEMPLATES_ERROR_SAVE_DISABLED_TEMPLATE'));
     $style = \JTable::getInstance('Style', 'TemplatesTable');
     if (!$style->load($this->style_id) || $style->client_id != 0) {
         throw new \RuntimeException('Template style does not exist');
     $user = \JFactory::getUser();
     $n = 0;
     if ($user->authorise('core.edit', 'com_menus')) {
         $db = \JFactory::getDbo();
         $user = \JFactory::getUser();
         if (!empty($active) && is_array($active)) {
             // Update the mapping for menu items that this style IS assigned to.
             $query = $db->getQuery(true)->update('#__menu')->set('template_style_id = ' . (int) $style->id)->where('id IN (' . implode(',', $active) . ')')->where('template_style_id != ' . (int) $style->id)->where('checked_out IN (0,' . (int) $user->id . ')');
             $n += $db->getAffectedRows();
         // Remove style mappings for menu items this style is NOT assigned to.
         // If unassigned then all existing maps will be removed.
         $query = $db->getQuery(true)->update('#__menu')->set('template_style_id = 0');
         if (!empty($active)) {
             $query->where('id NOT IN (' . implode(',', $active) . ')');
         $query->where('template_style_id = ' . (int) $style->id)->where('checked_out IN (0,' . (int) $user->id . ')');
         $n += $db->getAffectedRows();
     // Clean the cache.
     return $n > 0;
Example #3
 public function onMenusSave(Event $event)
     $defaults = ['id' => 0, 'layout' => 'list', 'target' => '_self', 'dropdown' => '', 'icon' => '', 'image' => '', 'subtitle' => '', 'icon_only' => false, 'visible' => true, 'group' => 0, 'columns' => []];
     $menu = $event->menu;
     // Save global menu settings into Joomla.
     /** @var \JTableMenuType $table */
     $menuType = \JTable::getInstance('MenuType');
     if (!$menuType->load(['menutype' => $event->resource])) {
         throw new \RuntimeException("Saving menu failed: Menu type {$event->resource} not found.", 400);
     $options = ['title' => $menu['settings.title'], 'description' => $menu['settings.description']];
     if (!$menuType->save($options)) {
         throw new \RuntimeException('Saving menu failed: ' . $menuType->getError(), 400);
     /** @var \JTableMenu $table */
     $table = \JTable::getInstance('menu');
     foreach ($menu['items'] as $key => $item) {
         $id = !empty($item['id']) ? (int) $item['id'] : 0;
         if ($id && $table->load($item['id'])) {
             $params = new Registry($table->params);
             // Menu item exists in Joomla, let's update it instead.
             unset($item['type'], $item['link']);
             $item['id'] = $id;
             $title = $menu["items.{$key}.title"];
             $browserNav = intval($menu["items.{$key}.target"] === '_blank');
             $options = ['menu-anchor_title' => $menu["items.{$key}.subtitle"], 'menu-anchor_css' => $menu["items.{$key}.anchor_class"], 'menu_image' => $menu["items.{$key}.image"], 'menu_text' => intval(!$menu["items.{$key}.icon_only"])];
             $modified = false;
             if ($table->title != $title) {
                 $table->title = $title;
                 $modified = true;
             if ($table->browserNav != $browserNav) {
                 $table->browserNav = $browserNav;
                 $modified = true;
             foreach ($options as $var => $value) {
                 if ($params->get($var) !== $value) {
                     $params->set($var, $value);
                     $modified = true;
             if ($modified) {
                 $table->params = (string) $params;
                 if (!$table->check() || !$table->store()) {
                     throw new \RuntimeException("Failed to save /{$key}: {$table->getError()}", 400);
             // Avoid saving values which are also stored in Joomla.
             unset($item['title'], $item['subtitle'], $item['anchor_class'], $item['image'], $item['icon_only'], $item['target']);
         // Do not save default values.
         foreach ($defaults as $var => $value) {
             if (isset($item[$var]) && $item[$var] == $value) {
         // Do not save derived values.
         unset($item['path'], $item['alias'], $item['parent_id'], $item['level'], $item['group']);
         // Particles have no link.
         if (isset($item['type']) && $item['type'] === 'particle') {
         if (!isset($item['type']) && isset($item['id']) && count($item) === 1) {
             // Remove Joomla menu items which have no custom Gantry settings.
         } else {
             $event->menu["items.{$key}"] = $item;
     // Clean the cache.
Example #4
  * Save plugin parameters and trigger the save events.
  * @param array $data
  * @return bool
  * @see JModelAdmin::save()
 public function onGantry5SaveConfig(array $data)
     $name = 'plg_' . $this->_type . '_' . $this->_name;
     // Initialise variables;
     $dispatcher = JEventDispatcher::getInstance();
     $table = JTable::getInstance('Extension');
     // Include the content plugins for the on save events.
     // Load the row if saving an existing record.
     $table->load(array('type' => 'plugin', 'folder' => $this->_type, 'element' => $this->_name));
     $params = new Joomla\Registry\Registry($table->params);
     $table->params = $params->toString();
     // Check the data.
     if (!$table->check()) {
         throw new RuntimeException($table->getError());
     // Trigger the onContentBeforeSave event.
     $result = $dispatcher->trigger('onExtensionBeforeSave', array($name, &$table, false));
     if (in_array(false, $result, true)) {
         throw new RuntimeException($table->getError());
     // Store the data.
     if (!$table->store()) {
         throw new RuntimeException($table->getError());
     // Clean the cache.
     // Trigger the onExtensionAfterSave event.
     $dispatcher->trigger('onExtensionAfterSave', array($name, &$table, false));
     return true;