function testExceptionIsThrownInHashIterator() { $this->setExpectedException('DomainException', 'Callback exception'); F\sort($this->hashIterator, array($this, 'exception')); }
public function handle() { $this->info('Initializing Leader Selection...'); // Only do cron setup if environment is configured to use it (This way we don't accidentally run on workers) if (getenv('USE_CRON') == 'true') { //check to see if we are in an instance $ch = curl_init(''); //magic ip from AWS curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); if ($result = curl_exec($ch)) { $this->info('Instance ID: ' . $result); // Get this instance metadata so we can find the environment it's running in $tags = $info = $this->ecClient->describeInstances(['Filters' => [['Name' => 'instance-id', 'Values' => [$result]]]])->get('Reservations')[0]['Instances'][0]['Tags']; // Get environment name $environmentName = F\first($tags, function ($tagArray) { return $tagArray['Key'] == 'elasticbeanstalk:environment-name'; })['Value']; $this->info('Environment: ' . $environmentName); $this->info('Getting Instances with Environment: ' . $environmentName); // Get instances that have this environment tagged $info = $this->ecClient->describeInstances(['Filters' => [['Name' => 'tag-value', 'Values' => [$environmentName]]]]); $instances = F\map($info->get('Reservations'), function ($i) { return current($i['Instances']); }); $this->info('Getting potential instances...'); // Only want instances that are running $candidateInstances = F\select($instances, function ($instanceMeta) { return $instanceMeta['State']['Code'] == 16; }); $leader = false; if (!empty($candidateInstances)) { //there are instances running if (count($candidateInstances) > 1) { // if there is more than one we sort by launch time and get the oldest $this->info('More than one instance running, finding the oldest...'); $oldestInstance = F\sort($candidateInstances, function ($left, $right) { return $left['LaunchTime'] > $right['LaunchTime']; })[0]; } else { $this->info('Only one instance running...'); $oldestInstance = reset($candidateInstances); } if ($oldestInstance['InstanceId'] == $result) { // if this instance is the oldest instance it's the leader $leader = true; } } else { $this->info('No candidate instances found. \'O Brave New World!'); $leader = true; } // No leader is running so we'll setup this one as the leader // and create a cron entry to run the scheduler if ($leader) { $this->info('We are the Leader! Initiating Cron Setup'); $this->call('system:start:cron'); } else { // Instance was found, don't do any cron stuff $this->info('We are not a leader instance :( Maybe next time...'); $this->info('Leader should be running on Instance ' . $leader['InstanceId']); } $this->info('Leader Selection Done!'); } else { // Probably be run from your local machine $this->error('Did not detect an ec2 environment. Exiting.'); } } else { $this->info('USE_CRON env var not set. Exiting.'); } }