public static function run() { $data['feedurl'][] = file_get_contents(''); $data['feedurl'][] = file_get_contents(''); $data['feedurl'][] = file_get_contents(''); $data['feedurl'][] = file_get_contents(''); $data['feedurl'][] = file_get_contents(''); $data['feedurl'][] = file_get_contents(''); $data['feedurl'][] = file_get_contents(''); $data['feedurl'][] = file_get_contents(''); $data['feedurl'][] = file_get_contents(''); $data['feedurl'][] = file_get_contents(''); $kaisya = array('GOAL - スポーツ - Yahoo!ニュース', 'ゲキサカ - スポーツ - Yahoo!ニュース', 'Soccer Magazine ZONE web - 雑誌 - Yahoo!ニュース', 'フットボールチャンネル - 雑誌 - Yahoo!ニュース', 'footballista - 雑誌 - Yahoo!ニュース', '海外サッカー -', 'サッカー日本代表 - Number Web', '海外サッカー - Number Web', 'サッカーキング - ニュース', '村山義光ライブスケジュール・ブログ'); $count = count($data['feedurl']); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $rss['feed'][] = Format::forge($data['feedurl'][$i], 'xml')->to_array(); } for ($i = 0; $i < count($rss['feed']); $i++) { if (isset($rss['feed'][$i]['channel']['item'])) { $data['company'] = $rss['feed'][$i]['channel']['title']; for ($y = 0; $y < 5; $y++) { $data['title'][] = $rss['feed'][$i]['channel']['item'][$y]['title']; $data['date'][] = date("Y年 n月 j日", strtotime($rss['feed'][$i]['channel']['item'][$y]['pubDate'])); $data['link'][] = $rss['feed'][$i]['channel']['item'][$y]['link']; if (strstr($kaisya[$i], $data['company'])) { $data['company_id'][] = $i; } } } elseif (isset($rss['feed'][$i]['entry'])) { $data['company'] = $rss['feed'][$i]['title']; for ($y = 0; $y < 5; $y++) { $data['title'][] = $rss['feed'][$i]['entry'][$y]['title']; $data['date'][] = date("Y年 n月 j日", strtotime($rss['feed'][$i]['entry'][$y]['published'])); $data['link'][] = $rss['feed'][$i]['entry'][$y]['id']; if (strstr($kaisya[$i], $data['company'])) { $data['company_id'][] = $i; } } } else { $data['company'] = $rss['feed'][$i]['channel']['title']; for ($y = 0; $y < 5; $y++) { $data['title'][] = $rss['feed'][$i]['item'][$y]['title']; $data['date'][] = date("Y年 n月 j日"); $data['link'][] = $rss['feed'][$i]['item'][$y]['link']; if (strstr($kaisya[$i], $data['company'])) { $data['company_id'][] = $i; } } } } for ($i = 0; $i < count($data['title']); $i += 5) { for ($y = 0; $y < 5; $y++) { $dbdata = array('title' => $data['title'][$y + $i], 'company_id' => $data['company_id'][$i + $y], 'link' => $data['link'][$y + $i]); $dbdata['title'] = str_replace("'", "\\'", $dbdata['title']); $sql = "INSERT IGNORE INTO soccer (title,company_id,link) values('" . $dbdata['title'] . "','" . $dbdata['company_id'] . "','" . $dbdata['link'] . "')"; $query = DB::query($sql); $result = $query->execute(); } } }
public function run() { $FoursquareClient = new \Foursquare\Client(); $file_content = File::read(DOCROOT . 'data/NY.csv', true); $data = Format::forge($file_content, 'csv')->to_array(); $valid_counties = array(); $valid_counties[] = 'BRONX'; $valid_counties[] = 'QUEENS'; $valid_counties[] = 'KINGS'; $valid_counties[] = 'NEW YORK'; $valid_counties[] = 'RICHMOND'; $i = 0; $j = 0; foreach ($data as $key => $value) { if (!in_array($value['County'], $valid_counties)) { continue; } $i++; if ($i > 300) { break; } $match = $FoursquareClient->getVenueMapping($value['Latitude'], $value['Longitude'], $value['Store_Name']); if ($this->hasMatches($match, &$j)) { $this->logMatches($value, $match, $matches, $j, $i); continue; } $this->CliOutput('write', 'Stripping chars from Store_Name: ' . $value['Store_Name']); // remove numbers from store name $value['Store_Name'] = trim(preg_replace("/[0-9]/", "", $value['Store_Name'])); $match = $FoursquareClient->getVenueMapping($value['Latitude'], $value['Longitude'], $value['Store_Name']); if ($this->hasMatches($match, &$j)) { $this->logMatches($value, $match, $matches, $j, $i); continue; } $this->CliOutput('error', 'No match for ' . $value['Store_Name'] . ' ' . $value['Address'] . ' ' . $value['City'] . ' ' . $value['Zip5']); } $this->CliOutput('write', 'Matches: ' . $j . '/' . $i); }
/** * @param $module string * @return mixed * @throws Exception */ public function action_ajax($module) { $result = array('error' => false, 'message' => ''); $params = Input::all(); try { if (array_intersect_key(Input::get(), Input::post())) { throw new Exception('Get and post mustn\'t have the same keys'); } $class_name = 'Model_' . $module; if (!class_exists($class_name) or $class_name::ajax() !== true) { return Response::forge(\View::forge('errors/404.twig', array('msg' => "That page couldn't be found!")), 404); } //TODO: check for crsf token $class = new $class_name(); // NOTE: it is possible to process each kind of request by using // GET, POST, DELETE, PUT // But not all of the browsers supports this methods for using in forms $method = Input::get('method', 'GET'); switch ($method) { case 'INSERT': if (!($message = $class::validation($params))) { $result['error'] = true; $result['message'] = $class::get_message('insert_failed'); } else { $class::insert($params); $result['message'] = $class::get_message('insert_success'); } break; case 'UPDATE': $action = Input::get('action', 'update'); if (!method_exists($class, $action)) { throw new Exception("Method {$action} doesn't exists"); } $message = $class::$action($params); $result['message'] = $class::get_message($message); break; case 'DELETE': $id = Input::get('id', false); if (!$id) { throw new Exception('On delete method \'id\' is required'); } if (method_exists($class, 'delete')) { $class::delete($id); $result['message'] = $class::get_message('delete_message'); } break; case 'GET': $action = Input::get('action', false); if (!$action) { throw new Exception('For get method parameter \'action\' is required'); } if (method_exists($class, $action)) { $result['data'] = $class::$action($params); $result['message'] = $class::get_message($action); } break; } } catch (Exception $e) { $result = array('error' => true, 'message' => $e->getMessage()); } if (Input::is_ajax()) { $result = Format::forge()->to_json($result); return Response::forge($result); } else { if (isset($params['redirect_url'])) { Response::forge()->redirect($params['redirect_url']); } else { Response::forge()->redirect_back('/'); } } }
public function manifest($files) { $shas = array(); foreach ($files as $name => $path) { $shas[$name] = sha1(file_get_contents($path)); } return \Fuel\Core\Format::forge($shas)->to_json(); }
public static function setToYaml($dir, $data, $table) { $file = $dir . '/' . $table . '_fixt.yml'; $data = Format::forge($data)->to_yaml(); if (file_exists($file)) { rename($file, $file . '.old'); echo 'Backed-up: ' . $file . PHP_EOL; } file_put_contents($file, $data); echo ' Created: ' . $file . PHP_EOL; }