<?php require_once dirname(__DIR__) . '/vendor/autoload.php'; use Fortifi\Sdk\Fortifi; use Packaged\Helpers\Strings; //Create a fortifi instance $fortifi = Fortifi::getInstance('ORG:DC:1448:6f535', 'ZGVmZWViNDI3-SDKT-MDNiOTc0OTVh', 'MjgyYjRmMzdhODM0Y2U2YmZhYTM5NTYyY2I1OWQ2'); $ref = Strings::randomString(3); var_dump(Strings::jsonPretty($fortifi->visitor('VIS:' . $ref)->triggerAction('FID:COMP:1427472077:4b37c88345e0', 'lead', 'LEAD-' . $ref))); //Create a new customer $customer = $fortifi->customer()->create('*****@*****.**', 'John', 'Smith', '036486346', 'TEST-' . $ref); //Customer FID applied to this customer object, for future requests do: $customer = $fortifi->customer('CustomerFid'); //Get any pixels required for this visitor $pixels = $fortifi->visitor()->getPixels(); if ($pixels) { foreach ($pixels as $pixel) { //Output $pixel to page var_dump(Strings::jsonPretty($pixel)); } } //Mark Customer Conversion to paid account $customer->purchase('ORDER-' . $ref, 12.98, ['product_id' => 'SUBSCRIP', 'product_name' => 'Account Subscription']); //Customer purchased an account addon (upsell) $customer->purchaseUpsell('UPS-' . $ref, 1.95, ['products' => ['PREMIUM_SUPPORT']]); //Mark Renewals $customer->renewed('RENEWAL-' . $ref, 15.98, ['renewal_count' => 1]); $customer->renewed('RENEWAL-' . $ref, 15.98, ['renewal_count' => 2]); //Customer cancelled their renewal $customer->cancel('RENEWAL-' . $ref); //Customer did a chargeback on their first renewal
protected function _getApi() { return $this->_fortifi->getApi(); }