Example #1
  * Send the comment and attached media to database
  * @param Media $media
  * @param array $data extra data
  * @throws CommentSendingDatabaseException
  * @throws CommentSendingBannedException
  * @throws CommentSendingThreadWithoutMediaException
  * @throws CommentSendingSpamException
  * @throws CommentSendingImageInGhostException
  * @throws CommentSendingNoDelPassException
  * @throws CommentSendingThreadClosedException
  * @throws CommentSendingRequestCaptchaException
  * @throws CommentSendingTimeLimitException
  * @throws CommentSendingException
  * @throws CommentSendingTooManyCharactersException
  * @throws \RuntimeException
  * @throws CommentSendingDisplaysEmptyException
  * @throws CommentSendingTooManyLinesException
  * @throws CommentSendingSameCommentException
  * @throws CommentSendingWrongCaptchaException
  * @throws CommentSendingUnallowedCapcodeException
  * @return array error key with explanation to show to user, or success and post row
 public function p_insert(Media $media = null, $data = [])
     if (isset($data['recaptcha_challenge'])) {
         $this->recaptcha_challenge = $data['recaptcha_challenge'];
         $this->recaptcha_response = $data['recaptcha_response'];
     $this->ghost = false;
     $this->ghost_exist = false;
     $this->allow_media = true;
     // some users don't need to be limited, in here go all the ban and posting limitators
     if (!$this->getAuth()->hasAccess('comment.limitless_comment')) {
         // check if the user is banned
         if ($ban = $this->ban_factory->isBanned($this->comment->poster_ip, $this->radix)) {
             if ($ban->board_id == 0) {
                 $banned_string = _i('It looks like you were banned on all boards.');
             } else {
                 $banned_string = _i('It looks like you were banned on /' . $this->radix->shortname . '/.');
             if ($ban->length) {
                 $banned_string .= ' ' . _i('This ban will last until:') . ' ' . date(DATE_COOKIE, $ban->start + $ban->length) . '.';
             } else {
                 $banned_string .= ' ' . _i('This ban will last forever.');
             if ($ban->reason) {
                 $banned_string .= ' ' . _i('The reason for this ban is:') . ' «' . $ban->reason . '».';
             if ($ban->appeal_status == Ban::APPEAL_NONE) {
                 $banned_string .= ' ' . _i('If you\'d like to appeal to your ban, go to the %s page.', '<a href="' . $this->uri->create($this->radix->shortname . '/appeal') . '">' . _i('Appeal') . '</a>');
             } elseif ($ban->appeal_status == Ban::APPEAL_PENDING) {
                 $banned_string .= ' ' . _i('Your appeal is pending.');
             throw new CommentSendingBannedException($banned_string);
     // check if it's a thread and its status
     if ($this->comment->thread_num > 0) {
         try {
             $thread = Board::forge($this->getContext())->getThread($this->comment->thread_num)->setRadix($this->radix);
             $status = $thread->getThreadStatus();
         } catch (BoardException $e) {
             throw new CommentSendingException($e->getMessage());
         if ($status['closed']) {
             throw new CommentSendingThreadClosedException(_i('The thread is closed.'));
         $this->ghost = $status['dead'];
         $this->ghost_exist = $status['ghost_exist'];
         $this->allow_media = !$status['disable_image_upload'];
     foreach (['name', 'email', 'title', 'comment', 'capcode'] as $key) {
         $this->comment->{$key} = trim((string) $this->comment->{$key});
     $this->comment->setDelpass(trim((string) $this->comment->getDelPass()));
     // some users don't need to be limited, in here go all the ban and posting limitators
     if (!$this->getAuth()->hasAccess('comment.limitless_comment')) {
         if ($this->comment->thread_num < 1) {
             // one can create a new thread only once every 5 minutes
             $check_op = $this->dc->qb()->select('*')->from($this->radix->getTable(), 'r')->where('r.poster_ip = :poster_ip')->andWhere('r.timestamp > :timestamp')->andWhere('r.op = :op')->setParameters([':poster_ip' => $this->comment->poster_ip, ':timestamp' => time() - $this->radix->getValue('cooldown_new_thread'), ':op' => true])->setMaxResults(1)->execute()->fetch();
             if ($check_op) {
                 throw new CommentSendingTimeLimitException(_i('You must wait up to %d minutes to make another new thread.', ceil($this->radix->getValue('cooldown_new_thread') / 60)));
         // check the latest posts by the user to see if he's posting the same message or if he's posting too fast
         $check = $this->dc->qb()->select('*')->from($this->radix->getTable(), 'r')->where('poster_ip = :poster_ip')->orderBy('timestamp', 'DESC')->setMaxResults(1)->setParameter(':poster_ip', $this->comment->poster_ip)->execute()->fetch();
         if ($check) {
             if ($this->comment->comment !== null && $check['comment'] === $this->comment->comment) {
                 throw new CommentSendingSameCommentException(_i('You\'re sending the same comment as the last time'));
             $check_time = $this->getRadixTime();
             if ($check_time - $check['timestamp'] < $this->radix->getValue('cooldown_new_comment') && $check_time - $check['timestamp'] > 0) {
                 throw new CommentSendingTimeLimitException(_i('You must wait up to %d seconds to post again.', $this->radix->getValue('cooldown_new_comment')));
         // we want to know if the comment will display empty, and in case we won't let it pass
         $comment_parsed = $this->processComment();
         if ($this->comment->comment !== '' && $comment_parsed === '') {
             throw new CommentSendingDisplaysEmptyException(_i('This comment would display empty.'));
         // clean up to reset eventual auto-built entries
         if ($this->recaptcha_challenge && $this->recaptcha_response && $this->preferences->get('foolframe.auth.recaptcha_public', false)) {
             $recaptcha = ReCaptcha::create($this->preferences->get('foolframe.auth.recaptcha_public'), $this->preferences->get('foolframe.auth.recaptcha_private'));
             $recaptcha_result = $recaptcha->checkAnswer(Inet::dtop($this->comment->poster_ip), $this->recaptcha_challenge, $this->recaptcha_response);
             if (!$recaptcha_result->isValid()) {
                 throw new CommentSendingWrongCaptchaException(_i('Incorrect CAPTCHA solution.'));
         } elseif ($this->preferences->get('foolframe.auth.recaptcha_public')) {
             // if there wasn't a recaptcha input, let's go with heavier checks
             if (substr_count($this->comment->comment, 'http') >= $this->radix->getValue('captcha_comment_link_limit')) {
                 throw new CommentSendingRequestCaptchaException();
             // bots usually fill all the fields
             if ($this->comment->comment && $this->comment->title && $this->comment->email) {
                 throw new CommentSendingRequestCaptchaException();
             // bots usually try various BBC, this checks if there's unparsed BBC after parsing it
             if ($comment_parsed !== '' && substr_count($comment_parsed, '[') + substr_count($comment_parsed, ']') > 4) {
                 throw new CommentSendingRequestCaptchaException();
         // load the spam list and check comment, name, title and email
         $spam = array_filter(preg_split('/\\r\\n|\\r|\\n/', file_get_contents(VENDPATH . '/foolz/foolfuuka/packages/anti-spam/databases/urls.dat')));
         foreach ($spam as $s) {
             if (strpos($this->comment->comment, $s) !== false || strpos($this->comment->name, $s) !== false || strpos($this->comment->title, $s) !== false || strpos($this->comment->email, $s) !== false) {
                 throw new CommentSendingSpamException(_i('Your post has undesidered content.'));
         // check entire length of comment
         if (mb_strlen($this->comment->comment, 'utf-8') > $this->radix->getValue('max_comment_characters_allowed')) {
             throw new CommentSendingTooManyCharactersException(_i('Your comment has too many characters'));
         // check total numbers of lines in comment
         if (count(explode("\n", $this->comment->comment)) > $this->radix->getValue('max_comment_lines_allowed')) {
             throw new CommentSendingTooManyLinesException(_i('Your comment has too many lines.'));
     // process comment name+trip
     if ($this->comment->name === '') {
         $this->comment->name = $this->radix->getValue('anonymous_default_name');
         $this->comment->trip = null;
     } else {
         if ($this->comment->trip === '') {
             $this->comment->trip = null;
     foreach (['email', 'title', 'comment'] as $key) {
         if ($this->comment->{$key} === '') {
             $this->comment->{$key} = null;
     // process comment password
     if ($this->comment->getDelpass() === '') {
         throw new CommentSendingNoDelPassException(_i('You must submit a deletion password.'));
     $pass = password_hash($this->comment->getDelpass(), PASSWORD_BCRYPT, ['cost' => 10]);
     if ($this->comment->getDelpass() === false) {
         throw new \RuntimeException('Password hashing failed');
     if ($this->comment->capcode != '') {
         $allowed_capcodes = ['N'];
         if ($this->getAuth()->hasAccess('comment.mod_capcode')) {
             $allowed_capcodes[] = 'M';
         if ($this->getAuth()->hasAccess('comment.admin_capcode')) {
             $allowed_capcodes[] = 'A';
         if ($this->getAuth()->hasAccess('comment.dev_capcode')) {
             $allowed_capcodes[] = 'D';
         if (!in_array($this->comment->capcode, $allowed_capcodes)) {
             throw new CommentSendingUnallowedCapcodeException(_i('You\'re not allowed to use this capcode.'));
     } else {
         $this->comment->capcode = 'N';
     $microtime = str_replace('.', '', (string) microtime(true));
     $this->comment->timestamp = substr($microtime, 0, 10);
     $this->comment->op = (bool) (!$this->comment->thread_num);
     if ($this->radix->getValue('enable_flags')) {
         $reader = new Reader($this->preferences->get('foolframe.maxmind.geoip2_db_path'));
         try {
             $record = $reader->country(Inet::dtop($this->comment->poster_ip));
             $this->comment->poster_country = strtolower($record->country->isoCode);
         } catch (AddressNotFoundException $e) {
             $this->comment->poster_country = 'xx';
     // process comment media
     if ($media !== null) {
         // if uploading an image with OP is prohibited
         if (!$this->comment->thread_num && $this->radix->getValue('op_image_upload_necessity') === 'never') {
             throw new CommentSendingException(_i('You can\'t start a new thread with an image.'));
         if (!$this->allow_media) {
             if ($this->ghost) {
                 throw new CommentSendingImageInGhostException(_i('You can\'t post images when the thread is in ghost mode.'));
             } else {
                 throw new CommentSendingException(_i('This thread has reached its image limit.'));
         try {
             $media->insert($microtime, $this->comment->op);
             $this->media = $media->media;
         } catch (MediaInsertException $e) {
             throw new CommentSendingException($e->getMessage());
     } else {
         // if the user is forced to upload an image when making a new thread
         if (!$this->comment->thread_num && $this->radix->getValue('op_image_upload_necessity') === 'always') {
             throw new CommentSendingThreadWithoutMediaException(_i('You can\'t start a new thread without an image.'));
         // in case of no media, check comment field again for null
         if ($this->comment->comment === null) {
             throw new CommentSendingDisplaysEmptyException(_i('This comment would display empty.'));
         $this->media = $this->bulk->media = new MediaData();
     // 2ch-style codes, only if enabled
     if ($this->comment->thread_num && $this->radix->getValue('enable_poster_hash')) {
         $this->comment->poster_hash = substr(substr(crypt(md5($this->comment->poster_ip . 'id' . $this->comment->thread_num), 'id'), +3), 0, 8);
     $this->comment->timestamp = $this->getRadixTime($this->comment->timestamp);
     // being processing insert...
     if ($this->ghost) {
         $num = '
             SELECT MAX(num) AS num
             FROM (
                     SELECT num
                     FROM ' . $this->radix->getTable() . ' xr
                     WHERE thread_num = ' . $this->dc->getConnection()->quote($this->comment->thread_num) . '
                     SELECT num
                     FROM ' . $this->radix->getTable('_deleted') . ' xrd
                     WHERE thread_num = ' . $this->dc->getConnection()->quote($this->comment->thread_num) . '
             ) x
         $subnum = '
             SELECT MAX(subnum) + 1 AS subnum
             FROM (
                     SELECT subnum
                     FROM ' . $this->radix->getTable() . ' xxr
                     WHERE num = (
                         SELECT MAX(num)
                         FROM (
                                 SELECT num
                                 FROM ' . $this->radix->getTable() . ' xxxr
                                 WHERE thread_num = ' . $this->dc->getConnection()->quote($this->comment->thread_num) . '
                                 SELECT num
                                 FROM ' . $this->radix->getTable('_deleted') . ' xxxrd
                                 WHERE thread_num = ' . $this->dc->getConnection()->quote($this->comment->thread_num) . '
                         ) xxx
                     SELECT subnum
                     FROM ' . $this->radix->getTable('_deleted') . ' xxdr
                     WHERE num = (
                         SELECT MAX(num)
                         FROM (
                                 SELECT num
                                 FROM ' . $this->radix->getTable() . ' xxxr
                                 WHERE thread_num = ' . $this->dc->getConnection()->quote($this->comment->thread_num) . '
                                 SELECT num
                                 FROM ' . $this->radix->getTable('_deleted') . ' xxxdrd
                                 WHERE thread_num = ' . $this->dc->getConnection()->quote($this->comment->thread_num) . '
                         ) xxxd
             ) xx
         $thread_num = $this->comment->thread_num;
     } else {
         $num = '
             SELECT MAX(num) + 1 AS num
             FROM (
                     SELECT COALESCE(MAX(num), 0) AS num
                     FROM ' . $this->radix->getTable() . ' xr
                     SELECT COALESCE(MAX(num), 0) AS num
                     FROM ' . $this->radix->getTable('_deleted') . ' xdr
             ) x
         $subnum = 0;
         if ($this->comment->thread_num > 0) {
             $thread_num = $this->dc->getConnection()->quote($this->comment->thread_num);
         } else {
             $thread_num = '
                 SELECT MAX(thread_num) + 1 AS thread_num
                 FROM (
                         SELECT COALESCE(MAX(num), 0) as thread_num
                         FROM ' . $this->radix->getTable() . ' xxr
                         SELECT COALESCE(MAX(num), 0) as thread_num
                         FROM ' . $this->radix->getTable('_deleted') . ' xxdr
                 ) xx
     try {
         $query_fields = ['num' => $num, 'subnum' => $subnum, 'thread_num' => $thread_num];
         $fields = ['media_id' => $this->media->media_id ? $this->media->media_id : 0, 'op' => (int) $this->op, 'timestamp' => $this->comment->timestamp, 'capcode' => $this->comment->capcode, 'email' => $this->comment->email, 'name' => $this->comment->name, 'trip' => $this->comment->trip, 'title' => $this->comment->title, 'comment' => $this->comment->comment, 'delpass' => $this->comment->getDelpass(), 'spoiler' => (int) $this->media->spoiler, 'poster_ip' => $this->comment->poster_ip, 'poster_hash' => $this->comment->poster_hash, 'poster_country' => $this->comment->poster_country, 'preview_orig' => $this->media->preview_orig, 'preview_w' => $this->media->preview_w, 'preview_h' => $this->media->preview_h, 'media_filename' => $this->media->media_filename, 'media_w' => $this->media->media_w, 'media_h' => $this->media->media_h, 'media_size' => $this->media->media_size, 'media_hash' => $this->media->media_hash, 'media_orig' => $this->media->media_orig, 'exif' => $this->media->exif !== null ? @json_encode($this->media->exif) : null, 'timestamp_expired' => 0];
         foreach ($fields as $key => $item) {
             if ($item === null) {
                 $fields[$key] = 'null';
             } else {
                 $fields[$key] = $this->dc->getConnection()->quote($item);
         $fields = $query_fields + $fields;
         $this->dc->getConnection()->executeUpdate('INSERT INTO ' . $this->radix->getTable() . ' (' . implode(', ', array_keys($fields)) . ') VALUES (' . implode(', ', array_values($fields)) . ')');
         $last_id = $this->dc->getConnection()->lastInsertId($this->radix->getTable('_doc_id_seq'));
         $comment = $this->dc->qb()->select('*')->from($this->radix->getTable(), 'r')->where('doc_id = :doc_id')->setParameter(':doc_id', $last_id)->execute()->fetchAll();
         $this->bulk->import($comment[0], $this->radix);
         if (!$this->radix->archive) {
         // update poster_hash for op posts
         if ($this->comment->op && $this->radix->getValue('enable_poster_hash')) {
             $this->comment->poster_hash = substr(substr(crypt(md5($this->comment->poster_ip . 'id' . $this->comment->thread_num), 'id'), 3), 0, 8);
             $this->dc->qb()->update($this->radix->getTable(), 'ph')->set('poster_hash', $this->dc->getConnection()->quote($this->comment->poster_hash))->where('doc_id = :doc_id')->setParameter(':doc_id', $this->comment->doc_id)->execute();
         // clean up some caches
         Cache::item('foolfuuka.model.board.getThreadComments.thread.' . md5(serialize([$this->radix->shortname, $this->comment->thread_num])))->delete();
         // clean up the 10 first pages of index and gallery that are cached
         for ($i = 1; $i <= 10; $i++) {
             Cache::item('foolfuuka.model.board.getLatestComments.query.' . $this->radix->shortname . '.by_post.' . $i)->delete();
             Cache::item('foolfuuka.model.board.getLatestComments.query.' . $this->radix->shortname . '.by_thread.' . $i)->delete();
             Cache::item('foolfuuka.model.board.getThreadsComments.query.' . $this->radix->shortname . '.' . $i)->delete();
     } catch (\Doctrine\DBAL\DBALException $e) {
         $this->logger->error('\\Foolz\\Foolfuuka\\Model\\CommentInsert: ' . $e->getMessage());
         throw new CommentSendingDatabaseException(_i('Something went wrong when inserting the post in the database. Try again.'));
     return $this;