setAdapterOptions() public method

Sets the additional options for the adapter
public setAdapterOptions ( array $options )
$options array
Example #1
  * Upload the next fragment
  * @param   array  $config  FTP/SFTP connection details
  * @throws  Exception
  * @return  array
 public function uploadChunk(array $config)
     $ret = ['result' => true, 'done' => false, 'message' => '', 'totalSize' => 0, 'doneSize' => 0];
     // Get information from the session
     $session = $this->container->session;
     $fragSize = $session->get('transfer.fragSize', 5242880, 'akeeba');
     $backup = $session->get('transfer.lastBackup', [], 'akeeba');
     $totalSize = $session->get('transfer.totalSize', 0, 'akeeba');
     $doneSize = $session->get('transfer.doneSize', 0, 'akeeba');
     $part = $session->get('transfer.part', -1, 'akeeba');
     $frag = $session->get('transfer.frag', -1, 'akeeba');
     // Do I need to update the total size?
     if (!$totalSize) {
         $totalSize = $backup['total_size'];
         $session->set('transfer.totalSize', $totalSize, 'akeeba');
     $ret['totalSize'] = $totalSize;
     // First fragment of a new part
     if ($frag == -1) {
         $frag = 0;
     // If I'm past the last part I'm done
     if ($part >= $backup['multipart']) {
         // We are done
         $ret['done'] = true;
         return $ret;
     // Get the information for this part
     $fileName = $this->getPartFilename($backup['absolute_path'], $part);
     $fileSize = filesize($fileName);
     $intendedSeekPosition = $fragSize * $frag;
     // I am trying to seek past EOF. Oops. Upload the next part.
     if ($intendedSeekPosition >= $fileSize) {
         $session->set('transfer.frag', -1, 'akeeba');
         return $this->uploadChunk($config);
     // Open the part
     $fp = @fopen($fileName, 'rb');
     if ($fp === false) {
         $ret['result'] = false;
         $ret['message'] = JText::sprintf('COM_AKEEBA_TRANSFER_ERR_CANNOTREADLOCALFILE', $fileName);
         return $ret;
     // Seek to position
     if (fseek($fp, $intendedSeekPosition) == -1) {
         $ret['result'] = false;
         $ret['message'] = JText::sprintf('COM_AKEEBA_TRANSFER_ERR_CANNOTREADLOCALFILE', $fileName);
         return $ret;
     // Read the data
     $data = fread($fp, $fragSize);
     $doneSize += strlen($data);
     $ret['doneSize'] = $doneSize;
     $session->set('transfer.doneSize', $doneSize, 'akeeba');
     // Upload the data
     $session = $this->container->session;
     $url = $session->get('transfer.url', '', 'akeeba');
     $directory = $session->get('transfer.targetPath', '', 'akeeba');
     $url = rtrim($url, '/') . '/kickstart.php';
     $uri = JUri::getInstance($url);
     $uri->setVar('task', 'uploadFile');
     $uri->setVar('file', basename($fileName));
     $uri->setVar('directory', $directory);
     $uri->setVar('frag', $frag);
     $uri->setVar('fragSize', $fragSize);
     $downloader = new Download($this->container);
     $downloader->setAdapterOptions([CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST => 'POST', CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => ['data' => $data]]);
     $dataLength = strlen($data);
     $rawData = $downloader->getFromURL($uri->toString());
     // Close the part
     // Try to get the raw JSON data
     $pos = strpos($rawData, '###');
     if ($pos === false) {
         // Invalid AJAX data, no leading ###
         throw new RuntimeException(JText::sprintf('COM_AKEEBA_TRANSFER_ERR_CANNOTUPLOADARCHIVE', basename($fileName)));
     // Remove the leading ###
     $rawData = substr($rawData, $pos + 3);
     $pos = strpos($rawData, '###');
     if ($pos === false) {
         // Invalid AJAX data, no trailing ###
         throw new RuntimeException(JText::sprintf('COM_AKEEBA_TRANSFER_ERR_CANNOTUPLOADARCHIVE', basename($fileName)));
     // Remove the trailing ###
     $rawData = substr($rawData, 0, $pos);
     // Get the JSON response
     $data = @json_decode($rawData, true);
     if (empty($data)) {
         // Invalid AJAX data, can't decode this stuff
         throw new RuntimeException(JText::sprintf('COM_AKEEBA_TRANSFER_ERR_CANNOTUPLOADARCHIVE', basename($fileName)));
     if (!$data['status']) {
         throw new RuntimeException(JText::sprintf('COM_AKEEBA_TRANSFER_ERR_ERRORFROMREMOTE', $data['message']));
     // Update the session data
     $session->set('transfer.fragSize', $fragSize, 'akeeba');
     $session->set('transfer.totalSize', $totalSize, 'akeeba');
     $session->set('transfer.doneSize', $doneSize, 'akeeba');
     $session->set('transfer.part', $part, 'akeeba');
     $session->set('transfer.frag', ++$frag, 'akeeba');
     // Did I go past EOF? Then on to the next part
     $intendedSeekPosition += $dataLength;
     if ($intendedSeekPosition >= $fileSize) {
         $session->set('transfer.frag', -1, 'akeeba');
         $session->set('transfer.part', ++$part, 'akeeba');
     // Did I reach the last part? Then I'm done
     if ($part >= $backup['multipart']) {
         // We are done
         $ret['done'] = true;
     return $ret;