Example #1
  * Create resources for the colors theme.
 public function hookAfterInit()
     $this->palettes = array('aquamarine' => I18N::translate('Aqua Marine'), 'ash' => I18N::translate('Ash'), 'belgianchocolate' => I18N::translate('Belgian Chocolate'), 'bluelagoon' => I18N::translate('Blue Lagoon'), 'bluemarine' => I18N::translate('Blue Marine'), 'coffeeandcream' => I18N::translate('Coffee and Cream'), 'coldday' => I18N::translate('Cold Day'), 'greenbeam' => I18N::translate('Green Beam'), 'mediterranio' => I18N::translate('Mediterranio'), 'mercury' => I18N::translate('Mercury'), 'nocturnal' => I18N::translate('Nocturnal'), 'olivia' => I18N::translate('Olivia'), 'pinkplastic' => I18N::translate('Pink Plastic'), 'sage' => I18N::translate('Sage'), 'shinytomato' => I18N::translate('Shiny Tomato'), 'tealtop' => I18N::translate('Teal Top'));
     uasort($this->palettes, '\\Fisharebest\\Webtrees\\I18N::strcasecmp');
     // If we've selected a new palette, and we are logged in, set this value as a default.
     if (isset($_GET['themecolor']) && array_key_exists($_GET['themecolor'], $this->palettes)) {
         // Request to change color
         $this->palette = $_GET['themecolor'];
         Auth::user()->setPreference('themecolor', $this->palette);
         if (Auth::isAdmin()) {
             Site::setPreference('DEFAULT_COLOR_PALETTE', $this->palette);
         // Rember that we have selected a value
         Session::put('subColor', $this->palette);
     // If we are logged in, use our preference
     $this->palette = Auth::user()->getPreference('themecolor');
     // If not logged in or no preference, use one we selected earlier in the session?
     if (!$this->palette) {
         $this->palette = Session::get('subColor');
     // We haven't selected one this session? Use the site default
     if (!$this->palette) {
         $this->palette = Site::getPreference('DEFAULT_COLOR_PALETTE');
     // Make sure our selected palette actually exists
     if (!array_key_exists($this->palette, $this->palettes)) {
         $this->palette = 'ash';
Example #2
define('WT_DATA_DIR', 'data/');
define('WT_DEBUG_SQL', false);
define('WT_REQUIRED_MYSQL_VERSION', '5.0.13');
define('WT_REQUIRED_PHP_VERSION', '5.3.2');
define('WT_MODULES_DIR', 'modules_v3/');
define('WT_ROOT', '');
if (file_exists(WT_DATA_DIR . WT_CONFIG_FILE)) {
    header('Location: index.php');
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, WT_REQUIRED_PHP_VERSION) < 0) {
    echo '<h1>Sorry, the setup wizard cannot start.</h1>', '<p>This server is running PHP version ', PHP_VERSION, '</p>', '<p>PHP ', WT_REQUIRED_PHP_VERSION, ' (or any later version) is required</p>';
define('WT_LOCALE', I18N::init(Filter::post('lang', '[a-zA-Z-]+', Filter::get('lang', '[a-zA-Z-]+'))));
header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8');
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html <?php 
echo I18N::htmlAttributes();
	<meta charset="UTF-8">
		webtrees setup wizard
	<style type="text/css">
		body {color: black; background-color: white; font: 14px tahoma, arial, helvetica, sans-serif; padding:10px; }
Example #3
  * Print a new fact box on details pages
  * @param string $id the id of the person, family, source etc the fact will be added to
  * @param array $usedfacts an array of facts already used in this record
  * @param string $type the type of record INDI, FAM, SOUR etc
 public static function printAddNewFact($id, $usedfacts, $type)
     global $WT_TREE;
     // -- Add from clipboard
     if (is_array(Session::get('clipboard'))) {
         $newRow = true;
         foreach (array_reverse(Session::get('clipboard'), true) as $fact_id => $fact) {
             if ($fact["type"] == $type || $fact["type"] == 'all') {
                 if ($newRow) {
                     $newRow = false;
                     echo '<tr><td class="descriptionbox">';
                     echo I18N::translate('Add from clipboard'), '</td>';
                     echo '<td class="optionbox wrap"><form method="get" name="newFromClipboard" action="?" onsubmit="return false;">';
                     echo '<select id="newClipboardFact">';
                 echo '<option value="', Filter::escapeHtml($fact_id), '">', GedcomTag::getLabel($fact['fact']);
                 // TODO use the event class to store/parse the clipboard events
                 if (preg_match('/^2 DATE (.+)/m', $fact['factrec'], $match)) {
                     $tmp = new Date($match[1]);
                     echo '; ', $tmp->minimumDate()->format('%Y');
                 if (preg_match('/^2 PLAC ([^,\\n]+)/m', $fact['factrec'], $match)) {
                     echo '; ', $match[1];
                 echo '</option>';
         if (!$newRow) {
             echo '</select>';
             echo '&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="button" value="', I18N::translate('Add'), "\" onclick=\"return paste_fact('{$id}', '#newClipboardFact');\"> ";
             echo '</form></td></tr>', "\n";
     // -- Add from pick list
     switch ($type) {
         case "INDI":
             $addfacts = preg_split("/[, ;:]+/", $WT_TREE->getPreference('INDI_FACTS_ADD'), -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
             $uniquefacts = preg_split("/[, ;:]+/", $WT_TREE->getPreference('INDI_FACTS_UNIQUE'), -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
             $quickfacts = preg_split("/[, ;:]+/", $WT_TREE->getPreference('INDI_FACTS_QUICK'), -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
         case "FAM":
             $addfacts = preg_split("/[, ;:]+/", $WT_TREE->getPreference('FAM_FACTS_ADD'), -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
             $uniquefacts = preg_split("/[, ;:]+/", $WT_TREE->getPreference('FAM_FACTS_UNIQUE'), -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
             $quickfacts = preg_split("/[, ;:]+/", $WT_TREE->getPreference('FAM_FACTS_QUICK'), -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
         case "SOUR":
             $addfacts = preg_split("/[, ;:]+/", $WT_TREE->getPreference('SOUR_FACTS_ADD'), -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
             $uniquefacts = preg_split("/[, ;:]+/", $WT_TREE->getPreference('SOUR_FACTS_UNIQUE'), -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
             $quickfacts = preg_split("/[, ;:]+/", $WT_TREE->getPreference('SOUR_FACTS_QUICK'), -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
         case "NOTE":
             $addfacts = preg_split("/[, ;:]+/", $WT_TREE->getPreference('NOTE_FACTS_ADD'), -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
             $uniquefacts = preg_split("/[, ;:]+/", $WT_TREE->getPreference('NOTE_FACTS_UNIQUE'), -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
             $quickfacts = preg_split("/[, ;:]+/", $WT_TREE->getPreference('NOTE_FACTS_QUICK'), -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
         case "REPO":
             $addfacts = preg_split("/[, ;:]+/", $WT_TREE->getPreference('REPO_FACTS_ADD'), -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
             $uniquefacts = preg_split("/[, ;:]+/", $WT_TREE->getPreference('REPO_FACTS_UNIQUE'), -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
             $quickfacts = preg_split("/[, ;:]+/", $WT_TREE->getPreference('REPO_FACTS_QUICK'), -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
     $addfacts = array_merge(self::checkFactUnique($uniquefacts, $usedfacts, $type), $addfacts);
     $quickfacts = array_intersect($quickfacts, $addfacts);
     $translated_addfacts = array();
     foreach ($addfacts as $addfact) {
         $translated_addfacts[$addfact] = GedcomTag::getLabel($addfact);
     uasort($translated_addfacts, function ($x, $y) {
         return I18N::strcasecmp(I18N::translate($x), I18N::translate($y));
     echo '<tr><td class="descriptionbox">';
     echo I18N::translate('Fact or event');
     echo '</td>';
     echo '<td class="optionbox wrap">';
     echo '<form method="get" name="newfactform" action="?" onsubmit="return false;">';
     echo '<select id="newfact" name="newfact">';
     echo '<option value="" disabled selected>' . I18N::translate('&lt;select&gt;') . '</option>';
     foreach ($translated_addfacts as $fact => $fact_name) {
         echo '<option value="', $fact, '">', $fact_name, '</option>';
     if ($type == 'INDI' || $type == 'FAM') {
         echo '<option value="FACT">', I18N::translate('Custom fact'), '</option>';
         echo '<option value="EVEN">', I18N::translate('Custom event'), '</option>';
     echo '</select>';
     echo '<input type="button" value="', I18N::translate('Add'), '" onclick="add_record(\'' . $id . '\', \'newfact\');">';
     echo '<span class="quickfacts">';
     foreach ($quickfacts as $fact) {
         echo '<a href="#" onclick="add_new_record(\'' . $id . '\', \'' . $fact . '\');return false;">', GedcomTag::getLabel($fact), '</a>';
     echo '</span></form>';
     echo '</td></tr>';
Example #4
  * Startup activity
 public function __construct()
     global $WT_TREE;
     $this->facts = explode('|', WT_EVENTS_BIRT . '|' . WT_EVENTS_DEAT . '|' . WT_EVENTS_MARR . '|' . WT_EVENTS_DIV);
     $tmp = explode('\\', get_class(I18N::defaultCalendar()));
     $cal = strtolower(array_pop($tmp));
     $this->defaultCalendar = str_replace('calendar', '', $cal);
     $filterPids = false;
     // Request parameters
     $clear = Filter::getBool('clear');
     $newpid = Filter::get('newpid', WT_REGEX_XREF);
     $addfam = Filter::getBool('addFamily');
     $this->place = Filter::get('place');
     $this->beginYear = Filter::getInteger('beginYear', 0, PHP_INT_MAX, null);
     $this->endYear = Filter::getInteger('endYear', 0, PHP_INT_MAX, null);
     $this->calendar = Filter::get('calendar', null, $this->defaultCalendar);
     $this->strictDate = Filter::getBool('strictDate');
     // Set up base color parameters
     $this->colors['M'] = new ColorGenerator(240, self::SATURATION, self::LIGHTNESS, self::ALPHA, self::RANGE * -1);
     $this->colors['F'] = new ColorGenerator(00, self::SATURATION, self::LIGHTNESS, self::ALPHA, self::RANGE);
     // Build a list of people based on the input parameters
     if ($clear) {
         // Empty list & reset form
         $xrefs = array();
         $this->place = null;
         $this->beginYear = null;
         $this->endYear = null;
         $this->calendar = $this->defaultCalendar;
     } elseif ($this->place) {
         // Get all individual & family records found for a place
         $this->place_obj = new Place($this->place, $WT_TREE);
         $xrefs = Database::prepare("SELECT DISTINCT `i_id` FROM `##placelinks`" . " JOIN `##individuals` ON `pl_gid`=`i_id` AND `pl_file`=`i_file`" . " WHERE `i_file`=:tree_id" . " AND `pl_p_id`=:place_id" . " UNION" . " SELECT DISTINCT `f_id` FROM `##placelinks`" . " JOIN `##families` ON `pl_gid`=`f_id` AND `pl_file`=`f_file`" . " WHERE `f_file`=:tree_id" . " AND `pl_p_id`=:place_id")->execute(array('tree_id' => $WT_TREE->getTreeId(), 'place_id' => $this->place_obj->getPlaceId()))->fetchOneColumn();
     } else {
         // Modify an existing list of records
         $xrefs = Session::get(self::SESSION_DATA, array());
         if ($newpid) {
             $xrefs = array_merge($xrefs, $this->addFamily(Individual::getInstance($newpid, $WT_TREE), $addfam));
             $xrefs = array_unique($xrefs);
         } elseif (!$xrefs) {
             $xrefs = $this->addFamily($this->getSignificantIndividual(), false);
     $tmp = $this->getCalendarDate(unixtojd());
     $this->currentYear = $tmp->today()->y;
     $tmp = strtoupper(strtr($this->calendar, array('jewish' => 'hebrew', 'french' => 'french r')));
     $this->calendarEscape = sprintf('@#D%s@', $tmp);
     if ($xrefs) {
         // ensure date ranges are valid in preparation for filtering list
         if ($this->beginYear || $this->endYear) {
             $filterPids = true;
             if (!$this->beginYear) {
                 $tmp = new Date($this->calendarEscape . ' 1');
                 $this->beginYear = $tmp->minimumDate()->y;
             if (!$this->endYear) {
                 $this->endYear = $this->currentYear;
             $this->startDate = new Date($this->calendarEscape . $this->beginYear);
             $this->endDate = new Date($this->calendarEscape . $this->endYear);
         // Test each xref to see if the search criteria are met
         foreach ($xrefs as $key => $xref) {
             $valid = false;
             $person = Individual::getInstance($xref, $WT_TREE);
             if ($person) {
                 if ($person->canShow()) {
                     foreach ($person->getFacts() as $fact) {
                         if ($this->checkFact($fact)) {
                             $this->people[] = $person;
                             $valid = true;
             } else {
                 $family = Family::getInstance($xref, $WT_TREE);
                 if ($family && $family->canShow() && $this->checkFact($family->getMarriage())) {
                     $valid = true;
                     $this->people[] = $family->getHusband();
                     $this->people[] = $family->getWife();
             if (!$valid) {
                 // no point in storing a xref if we can't use it
         Session::put(self::SESSION_DATA, $xrefs);
     } else {
     $this->people = array_filter(array_unique($this->people));
     $count = count($this->people);
     if ($count) {
         // Build the subtitle
         if ($this->place && $filterPids) {
             $this->subtitle = I18N::plural('%s individual with events in %s between %s and %s', '%s individuals with events in %s between %s and %s', $count, I18N::number($count), $this->place, $this->startDate->display(false, '%Y'), $this->endDate->display(false, '%Y'));
         } elseif ($this->place) {
             $this->subtitle = I18N::plural('%s individual with events in %s', '%s individuals with events in %s', $count, I18N::number($count), $this->place);
         } elseif ($filterPids) {
             $this->subtitle = I18N::plural('%s individual with events between %s and %s', '%s individuals with events between %s and %s', $count, I18N::number($count), $this->startDate->display(false, '%Y'), $this->endDate->display(false, '%Y'));
         } else {
             $this->subtitle = I18N::plural('%s individual', '%s individuals', $count, I18N::number($count));
         // Sort the array in order of birth year
         usort($this->people, function (Individual $a, Individual $b) {
             return Date::compare($a->getEstimatedBirthDate(), $b->getEstimatedBirthDate());
         //Find the mimimum birth year and maximum death year from the individuals in the array.
         $bdate = $this->getCalendarDate($this->people[0]->getEstimatedBirthDate()->minimumJulianDay());
         $minyear = $bdate->y;
         $that = $this;
         // PHP5.3 cannot access $this inside a closure
         $maxyear = array_reduce($this->people, function ($carry, Individual $item) use($that) {
             $date = $that->getCalendarDate($item->getEstimatedDeathDate()->maximumJulianDay());
             return max($carry, $date->y);
         }, 0);
     } elseif ($filterPids) {
         $minyear = $this->endYear;
         $maxyear = $this->endYear;
     } else {
         $minyear = $this->currentYear;
         $maxyear = $this->currentYear;
     $maxyear = min($maxyear, $this->currentYear);
     // Limit maximum year to current year as we can't forecast the future
     $minyear = min($minyear, $maxyear - $WT_TREE->getPreference('MAX_ALIVE_AGE'));
     // Set default minimum chart length
     $this->timelineMinYear = (int) floor($minyear / 10) * 10;
     // round down to start of the decade
     $this->timelineMaxYear = (int) ceil($maxyear / 10) * 10;
     // round up to start of next decade
Example #5
        } else {
    case 'reject-changes':
        // Reject all the pending changes for a record
        $record = GedcomRecord::getInstance(Filter::post('xref', WT_REGEX_XREF), $WT_TREE);
        if ($record && $record->canEdit() && Auth::isModerator($record->getTree())) {
            FlashMessages::addMessage(I18N::translate('The changes to “%s” have been rejected.', $record->getFullName()));
        } else {
    case 'theme':
        // Change the current theme
        $theme = Filter::post('theme');
        if (Site::getPreference('ALLOW_USER_THEMES') && array_key_exists($theme, Theme::themeNames())) {
            Session::put('theme_id', $theme);
            // Remember our selection
            Auth::user()->setPreference('theme', $theme);
        } else {
            // Request for a non-existant theme.
  * A list for the side bar.
  * @return string
 public function getCartList()
     global $WT_TREE;
     $cart = Session::get('cart', array());
     if (!array_key_exists($WT_TREE->getTreeId(), $cart)) {
         $cart[$WT_TREE->getTreeId()] = array();
     $pid = Filter::get('pid', WT_REGEX_XREF);
     if (!$cart[$WT_TREE->getTreeId()]) {
         $out = I18N::translate('Your clippings cart is empty.');
     } else {
         $out = '<ul>';
         foreach (array_keys($cart[$WT_TREE->getTreeId()]) as $xref) {
             $record = GedcomRecord::getInstance($xref, $WT_TREE);
             if ($record instanceof Individual || $record instanceof Family) {
                 switch ($record::RECORD_TYPE) {
                     case 'INDI':
                         $icon = 'icon-indis';
                     case 'FAM':
                         $icon = 'icon-sfamily';
                 $out .= '<li>';
                 if (!empty($icon)) {
                     $out .= '<i class="' . $icon . '"></i>';
                 $out .= '<a href="' . $record->getHtmlUrl() . '">';
                 if ($record instanceof Individual) {
                     $out .= $record->getSexImage();
                 $out .= ' ' . $record->getFullName() . ' ';
                 if ($record instanceof Individual && $record->canShow()) {
                     $out .= ' (' . $record->getLifeSpan() . ')';
                 $out .= '</a>';
                 $out .= '<a class="icon-remove remove_cart" href="module.php?mod=' . $this->getName() . '&amp;mod_action=ajax&amp;sb_action=clippings&amp;remove=' . $xref . '&amp;pid=' . $pid . '" title="' . I18N::translate('Remove') . '"></a>';
                 $out .= '</li>';
         $out .= '</ul>';
     if ($cart[$WT_TREE->getTreeId()]) {
         $out .= '<br><a href="module.php?mod=' . $this->getName() . '&amp;mod_action=ajax&amp;sb_action=clippings&amp;empty=true&amp;pid=' . $pid . '" class="remove_cart">' . I18N::translate('Empty the clippings cart') . '</a>' . '<br>' . '<a href="module.php?mod=' . $this->getName() . '&amp;mod_action=ajax&amp;sb_action=clippings&amp;download=true&amp;pid=' . $pid . '" class="add_cart">' . I18N::translate('Download') . '</a>';
     $record = Individual::getInstance($pid, $WT_TREE);
     if ($record && !array_key_exists($record->getXref(), $cart[$WT_TREE->getTreeId()])) {
         $out .= '<br><a href="module.php?mod=' . $this->getName() . '&amp;mod_action=ajax&amp;sb_action=clippings&amp;add=' . $pid . '&amp;pid=' . $pid . '" class="add_cart"><i class="icon-clippings"></i> ' . I18N::translate('Add %s to the clippings cart', $record->getFullName()) . '</a>';
     return $out;
Example #7
                // Send user message by email only
                Mail::send($WT_TREE, $mail2_to, $mail2_to, $mail2_from, $mail2_from, $mail2_subject, $mail2_body);
                // Send admin message by email and/or internal messaging
                Mail::send($WT_TREE, $webmaster->getEmail(), $webmaster->getRealName(), $user->getEmail(), $user->getRealName(), $mail1_subject, $mail1_body);
                $mail1_method = $webmaster->getPreference('contact_method');
                if ($mail1_method != 'messaging3' && $mail1_method != 'mailto' && $mail1_method != 'none') {
                    Database::prepare("INSERT INTO `##message` (sender, ip_address, user_id, subject, body) VALUES (? ,? ,? ,? ,?)")->execute(array($user->getEmail(), WT_CLIENT_IP, $webmaster->getUserId(), $mail1_subject, Filter::unescapeHtml($mail1_body)));
                echo '<div class="confirm"><p>', I18N::translate('Hello %s…<br>Thank you for your registration.', $user->getRealNameHtml()), '</p>';
                echo '<p>', I18N::translate('We will now send a confirmation email to the address <b>%s</b>. You must verify your account request by following instructions in the confirmation email. If you do not confirm your account request within seven days, your application will be rejected automatically. You will have to apply again.<br><br>After you have followed the instructions in the confirmation email, the administrator still has to approve your request before your account can be used.<br><br>To login to this website, you will need to know your user name and password.', $user->getEmail()), '</p>';
                echo '</div>';
                echo '</div>';
        Session::put('good_to_send', true);
        $controller->pageHeader()->addInlineJavascript('function regex_quote(str) {return str.replace(/[\\\\.?+*()[\\](){}|]/g, "\\\\$&");}');
	<div id="login-register-page">
        echo $controller->getPageTitle();

        if (Site::getPreference('SHOW_REGISTER_CAUTION')) {
		<div id="register-text">
            echo I18N::translate('<div class="largeError">Notice:</div><div class="error">By completing and submitting this form, you agree:<ul><li>to protect the privacy of living individuals listed on our site;</li><li>and in the text box below, to explain to whom you are related, or to provide us with information on someone who should be listed on our website.</li></ul></div>');
Example #8
// Ensure the user always visits this page twice - once to compose it and again to send it.
// This makes it harder for spammers.
switch ($action) {
    case 'compose':
        Session::put('good_to_send', true);
    case 'send':
        // Only send messages if we've come straight from the compose page.
        if (!Session::get('good_to_send')) {
            Log::addAuthenticationLog('Attempt to send a message without visiting the compose page. Spam attack?');
            $action = 'compose';
        if (!Filter::checkCsrf()) {
            $action = 'compose';
switch ($action) {
    case 'compose':
		function checkForm(frm) {
			if (frm.subject.value === "") {
				alert("' . I18N::translate('Please enter a message subject.') . '");
				return false;
			if (frm.body.value === "") {
				alert("' . I18N::translate('Please enter some message text before sending.') . '");
				return false;
Example #9
                    FlashMessages::addMessage(I18N::translate('The version of %s is too old.', 'PhpGedView'), 'danger');
                    $PGV_PATH = null;
                } elseif ($PGV_SCHEMA_VERSION > 14) {
                    FlashMessages::addMessage(I18N::translate('The version of %s is too new.', 'PhpGedView'), 'danger');
                    $PGV_PATH = null;
            } catch (PDOException $ex) {
                FlashMessages::addMessage(I18N::translate('webtrees cannot connect to the PhpGedView database: %s.', $DBNAME . '@' . $DBHOST) . '<br>' . I18N::translate('MySQL gave the error: %s', $ex->getMessage()), 'danger');
                $PGV_PATH = null;
if ($PGV_PATH) {
    // The account we are using is about to be deleted.
<ol class="breadcrumb small">
	<li><a href="admin.php"><?php 
echo I18N::translate('Control panel');
	<li><a href="admin_trees_manage.php"><?php 
echo I18N::translate('Manage family trees');
	<li class="active"><?php 
echo $controller->getPageTitle();
Example #10
  * Initialise the translation adapter with a locale setting.
  * @param string|null $code Use this locale/language code, or choose one automatically
  * @return string $string
 public static function init($code = null)
     global $WT_TREE;
     if ($code !== null) {
         // Create the specified locale
         self::$locale = Locale::create($code);
     } else {
         // Negotiate a locale, but if we can't then use a failsafe
         self::$locale = new LocaleEnUs();
         if (Session::has('locale')) {
             // Previously used
             self::$locale = Locale::create(Session::get('locale'));
         } else {
             // Browser negotiation
             $default_locale = new LocaleEnUs();
             try {
                 if ($WT_TREE) {
                     $default_locale = Locale::create($WT_TREE->getPreference('LANGUAGE'));
             } catch (\Exception $ex) {
             self::$locale = Locale::httpAcceptLanguage($_SERVER, self::installedLocales(), $default_locale);
     $cache_dir_exists = File::mkdir(WT_DATA_DIR . 'cache');
     $cache_file = WT_DATA_DIR . 'cache/language-' . self::$locale->languageTag() . '-cache.php';
     if (file_exists($cache_file)) {
         $filemtime = filemtime($cache_file);
     } else {
         $filemtime = 0;
     // Load the translation file(s)
     // Note that glob() returns false instead of an empty array when open_basedir_restriction
     // is in force and no files are found.  See PHP bug #47358.
     if (defined('GLOB_BRACE')) {
         $translation_files = array_merge(array(WT_ROOT . 'language/' . self::$locale->languageTag() . '.mo'), glob(WT_MODULES_DIR . '*/language/' . self::$locale->languageTag() . '.{csv,php,mo}', GLOB_BRACE) ?: array(), glob(WT_DATA_DIR . 'language/' . self::$locale->languageTag() . '.{csv,php,mo}', GLOB_BRACE) ?: array());
     } else {
         // Some servers do not have GLOB_BRACE - see http://php.net/manual/en/function.glob.php
         $translation_files = array_merge(array(WT_ROOT . 'language/' . self::$locale->languageTag() . '.mo'), glob(WT_MODULES_DIR . '*/language/' . self::$locale->languageTag() . '.csv') ?: array(), glob(WT_MODULES_DIR . '*/language/' . self::$locale->languageTag() . '.php') ?: array(), glob(WT_MODULES_DIR . '*/language/' . self::$locale->languageTag() . '.mo') ?: array(), glob(WT_DATA_DIR . 'language/' . self::$locale->languageTag() . '.csv') ?: array(), glob(WT_DATA_DIR . 'language/' . self::$locale->languageTag() . '.php') ?: array(), glob(WT_DATA_DIR . 'language/' . self::$locale->languageTag() . '.mo') ?: array());
     // Rebuild files after one hour
     $rebuild_cache = time() > $filemtime + 3600;
     // Rebuild files if any translation file has been updated
     foreach ($translation_files as $translation_file) {
         if (filemtime($translation_file) > $filemtime) {
             $rebuild_cache = true;
     if ($rebuild_cache) {
         $translations = array();
         foreach ($translation_files as $translation_file) {
             $translation = new Translation($translation_file);
             $translations = array_merge($translations, $translation->asArray());
         if ($cache_dir_exists) {
             // During setup, we may not have been able to create it.
             file_put_contents($cache_file, '<' . '?php return ' . var_export($translations, true) . ';');
     } else {
         $translations = (include $cache_file);
     // Create a translator
     self::$translator = new Translator($translations, self::$locale->pluralRule());
     // Alphabetic sorting sequence (upper-case letters), used by webtrees to sort strings
     list(, self::$alphabet_upper) = explode('=', self::$translator->translate('ALPHABET_upper=ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'));
     // Alphabetic sorting sequence (lower-case letters), used by webtrees to sort strings
     list(, self::$alphabet_lower) = explode('=', self::$translator->translate('ALPHABET_lower=abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'));
     self::$list_separator = self::translate(', ');
     return self::$locale->languageTag();
Example #11
  * Cross-Site Request Forgery tokens - ensure that the user is submitting
  * a form that was generated by the current session.
  * @return string
 public static function getCsrfToken()
     if (!Session::has('CSRF_TOKEN')) {
         $charset = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcedfghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789';
         $csrf_token = '';
         for ($n = 0; $n < 32; ++$n) {
             $csrf_token .= substr($charset, mt_rand(0, 61), 1);
         Session::put('CSRF_TOKEN', $csrf_token);
     return Session::get('CSRF_TOKEN');
  * Create the clippings controller
 public function __construct()
     global $WT_TREE;
     // Our cart is an array of items in the session
     $this->cart = Session::get('cart', array());
     if (!array_key_exists($WT_TREE->getTreeId(), $this->cart)) {
         $this->cart[$WT_TREE->getTreeId()] = array();
     $this->action = Filter::get('action');
     $this->id = Filter::get('id');
     $convert = Filter::get('convert', 'yes|no', 'no');
     $this->Zip = Filter::get('Zip');
     $this->IncludeMedia = Filter::get('IncludeMedia');
     $this->conv_path = Filter::get('conv_path');
     $this->privatize_export = Filter::get('privatize_export', 'none|visitor|user|gedadmin', 'visitor');
     $this->level1 = Filter::getInteger('level1');
     $this->level2 = Filter::getInteger('level2');
     $this->level3 = Filter::getInteger('level3');
     $others = Filter::get('others');
     $this->type = Filter::get('type');
     if (($this->privatize_export === 'none' || $this->privatize_export === 'none') && !Auth::isManager($WT_TREE)) {
         $this->privatize_export = 'visitor';
     if ($this->privatize_export === 'user' && !Auth::isMember($WT_TREE)) {
         $this->privatize_export = 'visitor';
     if ($this->action === 'add') {
         if (empty($this->type) && !empty($this->id)) {
             $obj = GedcomRecord::getInstance($this->id, $WT_TREE);
             if ($obj) {
                 $this->type = $obj::RECORD_TYPE;
             } else {
                 $this->type = '';
                 $this->id = '';
                 $this->action = '';
         } elseif (empty($this->id)) {
             $this->action = '';
         if (!empty($this->id) && $this->type !== 'FAM' && $this->type !== 'INDI' && $this->type !== 'SOUR') {
             $this->action = 'add1';
     if ($this->action === 'add1') {
         $obj = GedcomRecord::getInstance($this->id, $WT_TREE);
         if ($this->type === 'SOUR') {
             if ($others === 'linked') {
                 foreach ($obj->linkedIndividuals('SOUR') as $indi) {
                 foreach ($obj->linkedFamilies('SOUR') as $fam) {
         if ($this->type === 'FAM') {
             if ($others === 'parents') {
             } elseif ($others === "members") {
                 $this->addFamilyMembers(Family::getInstance($this->id, $WT_TREE));
             } elseif ($others === "descendants") {
                 $this->addFamilyDescendancy(Family::getInstance($this->id, $WT_TREE));
         } elseif ($this->type === 'INDI') {
             if ($others === 'parents') {
                 foreach (Individual::getInstance($this->id, $WT_TREE)->getChildFamilies() as $family) {
             } elseif ($others === 'ancestors') {
                 $this->addAncestorsToCart(Individual::getInstance($this->id, $WT_TREE), $this->level1);
             } elseif ($others === 'ancestorsfamilies') {
                 $this->addAncestorsToCartFamilies(Individual::getInstance($this->id, $WT_TREE), $this->level2);
             } elseif ($others === 'members') {
                 foreach (Individual::getInstance($this->id, $WT_TREE)->getSpouseFamilies() as $family) {
             } elseif ($others === 'descendants') {
                 foreach (Individual::getInstance($this->id, $WT_TREE)->getSpouseFamilies() as $family) {
                     $this->addFamilyDescendancy($family, $this->level3);
             uksort($this->cart[$WT_TREE->getTreeId()], array($this, 'compareClippings'));
     } elseif ($this->action === 'remove') {
     } elseif ($this->action === 'empty') {
         $this->cart[$WT_TREE->getTreeId()] = array();
     } elseif ($this->action === 'download') {
         $media = array();
         $mediacount = 0;
         $filetext = FunctionsExport::gedcomHeader($WT_TREE);
         // Include SUBM/SUBN records, if they exist
         $subn = Database::prepare("SELECT o_gedcom FROM `##other` WHERE o_type=? AND o_file=?")->execute(array('SUBN', $WT_TREE->getTreeId()))->fetchOne();
         if ($subn) {
             $filetext .= $subn . "\n";
         $subm = Database::prepare("SELECT o_gedcom FROM `##other` WHERE o_type=? AND o_file=?")->execute(array('SUBM', $WT_TREE->getTreeId()))->fetchOne();
         if ($subm) {
             $filetext .= $subm . "\n";
         if ($convert === "yes") {
             $filetext = str_replace("UTF-8", "ANSI", $filetext);
             $filetext = utf8_decode($filetext);
         switch ($this->privatize_export) {
             case 'gedadmin':
                 $access_level = Auth::PRIV_NONE;
             case 'user':
                 $access_level = Auth::PRIV_USER;
             case 'visitor':
                 $access_level = Auth::PRIV_PRIVATE;
             case 'none':
                 $access_level = Auth::PRIV_HIDE;
         foreach (array_keys($this->cart[$WT_TREE->getTreeId()]) as $xref) {
             $object = GedcomRecord::getInstance($xref, $WT_TREE);
             // The object may have been deleted since we added it to the cart....
             if ($object) {
                 $record = $object->privatizeGedcom($access_level);
                 // Remove links to objects that aren't in the cart
                 preg_match_all('/\\n1 ' . WT_REGEX_TAG . ' @(' . WT_REGEX_XREF . ')@(\\n[2-9].*)*/', $record, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
                 foreach ($matches as $match) {
                     if (!array_key_exists($match[1], $this->cart[$WT_TREE->getTreeId()])) {
                         $record = str_replace($match[0], '', $record);
                 preg_match_all('/\\n2 ' . WT_REGEX_TAG . ' @(' . WT_REGEX_XREF . ')@(\\n[3-9].*)*/', $record, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
                 foreach ($matches as $match) {
                     if (!array_key_exists($match[1], $this->cart[$WT_TREE->getTreeId()])) {
                         $record = str_replace($match[0], '', $record);
                 preg_match_all('/\\n3 ' . WT_REGEX_TAG . ' @(' . WT_REGEX_XREF . ')@(\\n[4-9].*)*/', $record, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
                 foreach ($matches as $match) {
                     if (!array_key_exists($match[1], $this->cart[$WT_TREE->getTreeId()])) {
                         $record = str_replace($match[0], '', $record);
                 $record = FunctionsExport::convertMediaPath($record, $this->conv_path);
                 $savedRecord = $record;
                 // Save this for the "does this file exist" check
                 if ($convert === 'yes') {
                     $record = utf8_decode($record);
                 switch ($object::RECORD_TYPE) {
                     case 'INDI':
                         $filetext .= $record . "\n";
                         $filetext .= "1 SOUR @WEBTREES@\n";
                         $filetext .= "2 PAGE " . WT_BASE_URL . $object->getRawUrl() . "\n";
                     case 'FAM':
                         $filetext .= $record . "\n";
                         $filetext .= "1 SOUR @WEBTREES@\n";
                         $filetext .= "2 PAGE " . WT_BASE_URL . $object->getRawUrl() . "\n";
                     case 'SOUR':
                         $filetext .= $record . "\n";
                         $filetext .= "1 NOTE " . WT_BASE_URL . $object->getRawUrl() . "\n";
                         // This autoloads the PclZip library, so we can use its constants.
                         new PclZip('');
                         $ft = preg_match_all("/\n\\d FILE (.+)/", $savedRecord, $match, PREG_SET_ORDER);
                         $MEDIA_DIRECTORY = $WT_TREE->getPreference('MEDIA_DIRECTORY');
                         for ($k = 0; $k < $ft; $k++) {
                             // Skip external files and non-existant files
                             if (file_exists(WT_DATA_DIR . $MEDIA_DIRECTORY . $match[$k][1])) {
                                 $media[$mediacount] = array(\PCLZIP_ATT_FILE_NAME => WT_DATA_DIR . $MEDIA_DIRECTORY . $match[$k][1], \PCLZIP_ATT_FILE_NEW_FULL_NAME => $match[$k][1]);
                         $filetext .= trim($record) . "\n";
         if ($this->IncludeMedia === "yes") {
             $this->media_list = $media;
         } else {
             $this->media_list = array();
         $filetext .= "0 @WEBTREES@ SOUR\n1 TITL " . WT_BASE_URL . "\n";
         if ($user_id = $WT_TREE->getPreference('CONTACT_EMAIL')) {
             $user = User::find($user_id);
             $filetext .= "1 AUTH " . $user->getRealName() . "\n";
         $filetext .= "0 TRLR\n";
         //-- make sure the preferred line endings are used
         $filetext = preg_replace("/[\r\n]+/", WT_EOL, $filetext);
         $this->download_data = $filetext;
     Session::put('cart', $this->cart);