public function map(EntityContract $entity, array $data) { $id = $data['post_parent']; $entity->setParent(function () use($id) { $parent = null; if ($id) { $parent = $this->postRepository->postOfId($id); } return $parent; }); $id = $data['ID']; $entity->setCategories(function () use($id) { $categories = new Collection(); foreach (wp_get_post_categories($id) as $termId) { $categories->push($this->categoryRepository->categoryOfId($termId)); } return $categories; }); $entity->setTags(function () use($id) { $tags = new Collection(); foreach (wp_get_post_tags($id) as $termId) { $tags->push($this->tagRepository->tagOfId($termId)); } return $tags; }); }
public function find($args = null) { if (is_null($args) or is_array($args)) { $defaults = $this->newParams(); $defaults = $defaults instanceof Arrayable ? $defaults->toArray() : $defaults; $args = is_array($args) ? array_replace_recursive($defaults, $args) : $defaults; } $args = $args instanceof Arrayable ? $args->toArray() : $args; $users = new Collection(); foreach (get_users($args) as $user) { $users->push($this->userOfId($user->ID)); } return $users; }
/** * Return a collection of terms * * @param Fire\Contracts\Foundation\Arrayable|array|null $args * @return Fire\Foundation\Collection */ public function find($args = null) { if (is_null($args) or is_array($args)) { $defaults = $this->newParams(); $defaults = $defaults instanceof Arrayable ? $defaults->toArray() : $defaults; $args = is_array($args) ? array_replace_recursive($defaults, $args) : $defaults; } $args = $args instanceof Arrayable ? $args->toArray() : $args; $terms = new Collection(); foreach (get_terms($this->taxonomy, $args) as $term) { $terms->push($this->termOfId($term->term_id)); } return $terms; }
public function find($args = null) { if (is_null($args) or is_array($args)) { $defaults = $this->newParams(); $defaults = $defaults instanceof Arrayable ? $defaults->toArray() : $defaults; $args = is_array($args) ? array_replace_recursive($defaults, $args) : $defaults; } $args = $args instanceof Arrayable ? $args->toArray() : $args; $comments = new Collection(); foreach (get_comments($args) as $comment) { $comments->push($this->commentOfId($comment->comment_ID)); } return $comments; }
/** * Set the current entities for use in templates */ protected function setCurrentEntities() { global $wp_query; if ($post = $wp_query->post) { if ($post->post_type === PagePostType::TYPE) { $this->pageRepository->setCurrentPage($this->pageRepository->pageOfId($post->ID)); } elseif ($post->post_type === PostPostType::TYPE) { $this->postRepository->setCurrentPost($this->postRepository->postOfId($post->ID)); } } $collection = new Collection(); if ($posts = $wp_query->posts) { foreach ($posts as $post) { $collection->push($this->postRepository->postOfId($post->ID)); } } $this->postRepository->setCurrentPosts($collection); }