  * Returns the field map if given $sortClauses contain a Field sort clause.
  * Otherwise an empty array is returned.
  * @param null|\eZ\Publish\API\Repository\Values\Content\Query\SortClause[] $sortClauses
  * @return array
 protected function getFieldMap($sortClauses)
     foreach ((array) $sortClauses as $sortClause) {
         if ($sortClause instanceof Field || $sortClause instanceof MapLocationDistance) {
             return $this->contentTypeGateway->getFieldMap();
     return array();
Example #2
  * @see \eZ\Publish\SPI\Persistence\Content\Type\Handler::getSearchableFieldMap
 public function getSearchableFieldMap()
     $fieldMap = [];
     $rows = $this->contentTypeGateway->getSearchableFieldMapData();
     foreach ($rows as $row) {
         $fieldMap[$row['content_type_identifier']][$row['field_definition_identifier']] = ['field_type_identifier' => $row['field_type_identifier'], 'field_definition_id' => $row['field_definition_id']];
     return $fieldMap;
  * Returns searchable field mapping data.
  * @return array
 public function getSearchableFieldMapData()
     try {
         return $this->innerGateway->getSearchableFieldMapData();
     } catch (DBALException $e) {
         throw new RuntimeException('Database error', 0, $e);
     } catch (PDOException $e) {
         throw new RuntimeException('Database error', 0, $e);
  * Publishes the Type with $typeId from $sourceVersion to $targetVersion,
  * including its fields
  * @param int $typeId
  * @param int $sourceStatus
  * @param int $targetStatus
  * @return void
 public function publishTypeAndFields($typeId, $sourceStatus, $targetStatus)
     try {
         return $this->innerGateway->publishTypeAndFields($typeId, $sourceStatus, $targetStatus);
     } catch (DBALException $e) {
         throw new RuntimeException('Database error', 0, $e);
     } catch (PDOException $e) {
         throw new RuntimeException('Database error', 0, $e);
  * Publishes $toType to $newStatus.
  * @param \eZ\Publish\SPI\Persistence\Content\Type $toType
  * @param int $newStatus
 public function publishNewType(Type $toType, $newStatus)
     $this->contentTypeGateway->publishTypeAndFields($toType->id, $toType->status, Type::STATUS_MODIFIED);
     $script = \eZScheduledScript::create('syncobjectattributes.php', \eZINI::instance('ezscriptmonitor.ini')->variable('GeneralSettings', 'PhpCliCommand') . ' extension/ezscriptmonitor/bin/' . \eZScheduledScript::SCRIPT_NAME_STRING . ' -s ' . \eZScheduledScript::SITE_ACCESS_STRING . ' --classid=' . $toType->id);
  * Publishes $toType to $newStatus
  * @param \eZ\Publish\SPI\Persistence\Content\Type $toType
  * @param int $newStatus
  * @return void
 public function publishNewType(Type $toType, $newStatus)
     $this->contentTypeGateway->publishTypeAndFields($toType->id, $toType->status, $newStatus);
  * This method updates the given $fieldDefinition on a Type.
  * This method creates a new status of the Type with the updated
  * $fieldDefinition. It does not update existing content objects depending
  * on the
  * field (default) values.
  * @param mixed $contentTypeId
  * @param \eZ\Publish\SPI\Persistence\Content\Type\FieldDefinition $fieldDefinition
  * @return void
 public function updateFieldDefinition($contentTypeId, $status, FieldDefinition $fieldDefinition)
     $storageFieldDef = new StorageFieldDefinition();
     $this->mapper->toStorageFieldDefinition($fieldDefinition, $storageFieldDef);
     $this->contentTypeGateway->updateFieldDefinition($contentTypeId, $status, $fieldDefinition, $storageFieldDef);