  * Creates a test scenario in which 2 users send each other e-mails
  * to create a conversation. It does the following steps:
  * 1 - User 1 logs in and sends an e-mail;
  * 2 - User 2 logs in and replies the e-mail back to user 1;
  * 3 - User 1 logs in again and re-replies the e-mail back to user 2.
  * At the end of this procedures, there will be the following situation:
  * a) System will be at the login screen and
  * b) User 2 will have a 2 message conversation in his Inbox folder.
  * @param ExpressoLiteTest $test The test case that will create the scenario
  * @param stdObj $params A object containing all the necessary parameters for this scenario.
  * This object must have the following fields.
  * "user1" => login for first user,
  * "password1" => password for first user,
  * "user2" => login for second user,
  * "password1" => password for second user,
  * "mail2" => e-mail address for the second user,
  * "subject" => subject of the e-mails of the conversation
  * "content" => content of the e-mails of the conversation
 public static function create2MessageConversation(ExpressoLiteTest $test, $params)
     //testStart - part one
     $test->doLogin($params->user1, $params->password1);
     $mailPage = new MailPage($test);
     $mailPage->sendMail(array($params->mail2), $params->subject, $params->content);
     // Second user
     $test->doLogin($params->user2, $params->password2);
     $widgetMessages = $mailPage->getWidgetMessages();
     $messageUnit = $widgetMessages->getSingleMessageUnitInConversation();
     $widgetCompose = $mailPage->getWidgetCompose();
     $widgetCompose->typeMessageBodyBeforeSignature('Reply Content: ' . $params->content);
     // Re-login of sender
     $test->doLogin($params->user1, $params->password1);
     $reSubject = 'Re: ' . $params->subject;
     $widgetMessages = $mailPage->getWidgetMessages();
     $messageUnit = $widgetMessages->getSingleMessageUnitInConversation();
     $widgetCompose = $mailPage->getWidgetCompose();
     $widgetCompose->typeMessageBodyBeforeSignature('Reply of Reply Content: ' . $params->content);
  * Overview:
  * - This opens a message and then clicks the "Marcar como não lida" options
  *   of the message menu. After that, checks if the message was really marked
  *   as unread and then checks if the system shows the correct message if
  *   the user tries mark them as unread for a second time
  * - CTV3-754
  *   http://comunidadeexpresso.serpro.gov.br/testlink/linkto.php?tprojectPrefix=CTV3&item=testcase&id=CTV3-754
 public function test_CTV3_754_MarkUnreadMail()
     $mailPage = new MailPage($this);
     //load test data
     $MAIL_RECIPENT = $this->getGlobalValue('user.1.email');
     $MAIL_SUBJECT = $this->getTestValue('mail.subject');
     $mailPage->sendMail(array($MAIL_RECIPENT), $MAIL_SUBJECT, 'Marcando como não lido');
     $widgetMessages = $mailPage->getWidgetMessages();
     $headlinesEntry = $mailPage->getHeadlinesEntryBySubject($MAIL_SUBJECT);
     $headlinesEntry = $mailPage->getHeadlinesEntryBySubject($MAIL_SUBJECT);
     $this->assertEquals(HeadlinesEntry::UNREAD_STATUS, $headlinesEntry->getReadStatus(), 'The message was marked as "Unread", but it was not changed');
     $this->assertAlertTextEquals('Nenhuma mensagem a ser marcada como não lida.', 'System did not show message indicating no message tobe marked as unread');
  * Checks the forward e-mail feature. In this test, user 1 sends an e-mail
  * to user 2, who forward to user 3
  * CTV3-758
  * http://comunidadeexpresso.serpro.gov.br/testlink/linkto.php?tprojectPrefix=CTV3&item=testcase&id=CTV3-758
 public function test_CTV3_758_SendReceiveFowardOpenMail()
     //load test data
     $USER_1_LOGIN = $this->getGlobalValue('user.1.login');
     $USER_1_PASSWORD = $this->getGlobalValue('user.1.password');
     $USER_2_LOGIN = $this->getGlobalValue('user.2.login');
     $USER_2_PASSWORD = $this->getGlobalValue('user.2.password');
     $USER_2_MAIL = $this->getGlobalValue('user.2.email');
     $USER_3_LOGIN = $this->getGlobalValue('user.3.login');
     $USER_3_PASSWORD = $this->getGlobalValue('user.3.password');
     $USER_3_MAIL = $this->getGlobalValue('user.3.email');
     $USER_3_BADGE = $this->getGlobalValue('user.3.badge');
     $MAIL_SUBJECT = $this->getTestValue('mail.subject');
     $ORIGINAL_MAIL_CONTENT = $this->getTestValue('original.mail.content');
     $FORWARD_MAIL_CONTENT = $this->getTestValue('forward.mail.content');
     $loginPage = new LoginPage($this);
     $loginPage->doLogin($USER_1_LOGIN, $USER_1_PASSWORD);
     $mailPage = new MailPage($this);
     $mailPage->sendMail(array($USER_2_MAIL), $MAIL_SUBJECT, $ORIGINAL_MAIL_CONTENT);
     $loginPage->doLogin($USER_2_LOGIN, $USER_2_PASSWORD);
     $widgetMessages = $mailPage->getWidgetMessages();
     $messageUnit = $widgetMessages->getSingleMessageUnitInConversation();
     $widgetCompose = $mailPage->getWidgetCompose();
     $this->assertEquals(array($USER_3_BADGE), $widgetCompose->getArrayOfCurrentBadges(), 'Forward window did not show the expected recipient');
     $this->assertEquals($FORWARD_SUBJECT, $widgetCompose->getSubject(), 'Forward window did not the expected subject');
     $this->assertContains($ORIGINAL_MAIL_CONTENT, $widgetCompose->getMessageBodyText());
     $loginPage->doLogin($USER_3_LOGIN, $USER_3_PASSWORD);
     $mailPage = new MailPage($this);
     $widgetMessages = $mailPage->getWidgetMessages();
     $messageUnit = $widgetMessages->getSingleMessageUnitInConversation();
     $this->assertContains($FORWARD_MAIL_CONTENT, $messageUnit->getContent(), 'The forwarded message content was not found in the forward body');
     $this->assertTrue($messageUnit->hasShowQuoteButton(), 'The forwarded message did not show the Show Quote button');
     $this->assertContains($ORIGINAL_MAIL_CONTENT, $messageUnit->getQuoteText(), 'The original message content was not found in the mail quote section');
  * Description:
  * - This test checks the reading of an e-mail with a citation in its body.
  *   It performs the following verifications: 1) checks if the message content
  *   matches the original reply from the other user; 2) Checks if there is a
  *   "Show Quote" button; 3) Checks if the citation content matches the content
  *   of the original e-mail
  * - CTV3-1047
  *   http://comunidadeexpresso.serpro.gov.br/testlink/linkto.php?tprojectPrefix=CTV3&item=testcase&id=CTV3-1047
 public function test_CTV3_1047_ReadCitationMail()
     //load test data
     $USER_1_LOGIN = $this->getGlobalValue('user.1.login');
     $USER_1_PASSWORD = $this->getGlobalValue('user.1.password');
     $USER_2_LOGIN = $this->getGlobalValue('user.2.login');
     $USER_2_PASSWORD = $this->getGlobalValue('user.2.password');
     $USER_2_MAIL = $this->getGlobalValue('user.2.email');
     $MAIL_SUBJECT = $this->getTestValue('mail.subject');
     $ORIGINAL_MAIL_CONTENT = $this->getTestValue('original.mail.content');
     $REPLY_MAIL_CONTENT = $this->getTestValue('reply.mail.content');
     //testStart - part one
     $this->doLogin($USER_1_LOGIN, $USER_1_PASSWORD);
     $mailPage = new MailPage($this);
     $mailPage->sendMail(array($USER_2_MAIL), $MAIL_SUBJECT, $ORIGINAL_MAIL_CONTENT);
     // Second user
     $this->doLogin($USER_2_LOGIN, $USER_2_PASSWORD);
     $widgetMessages = $mailPage->getWidgetMessages();
     $messageUnit = $widgetMessages->getSingleMessageUnitInConversation();
     $widgetCompose = $mailPage->getWidgetCompose();
     $this->doLogin($USER_1_LOGIN, $USER_1_PASSWORD);
     $widgetMessages = $mailPage->getWidgetMessages();
     $messageUnit = $widgetMessages->getSingleMessageUnitInConversation();
     $this->assertContains($REPLY_MAIL_CONTENT, $messageUnit->getContent(), 'The replied message content was not found in the reply body');
     $this->assertTrue($messageUnit->hasShowQuoteButton(), 'The replied message did not show the Show Quote button');
     $this->assertContains($ORIGINAL_MAIL_CONTENT, $messageUnit->getQuoteText(), 'The original message content was not found in the mail quote section');
  * Tests sending a simple e-mail,with cc and checking if the e-mail composition
  * screen opens and close as expected. Also checks if the recipients copy receives
  * the e-mail.
  *   CTV3-1052
  *   http://comunidadeexpresso.serpro.gov.br/testlink/linkto.php?tprojectPrefix=CTV3&item=testcase&id=CTV3-1052
 public function test_CTV3_1052_Send_Bcc_Mail()
     $mailPage = new MailPage($this);
     //load test data
     $MAIL_BCC_RECIPIENT = $this->getGlobalValue('user.2.email');
     $MAIL_SENDER = $this->getGlobalValue('user.2.email');
     $MAIL_SUBJECT = $this->getTestValue('mail.subject');
     $MAIL_CONTENT = $this->getTestValue('mail.content');
     $widgetCompose = $mailPage->getWidgetCompose();
     $this->assertTrue($widgetCompose->isDisplayed(), 'Compose Window should be displayed, but it is not');
     $this->assertFalse($widgetCompose->isDisplayed(), 'Compose Window should have been closed, but it is still visible');
     $headlinesEntry = $mailPage->clickOnHeadlineBySubject($MAIL_SUBJECT);
     $widgetMessages = $mailPage->getWidgetMessages();
     $messageUnit = $widgetMessages->getSingleMessageUnitInConversation();
     $this->assertContains('(ninguém)', $messageUnit->getToAddresses(), 'The to address content differs from the expected');
     $this->assertFalse($messageUnit->isBccAddressesDisplayed(), 'Bcc tag should not have been displayed, but it was');
     $headlinesEntry = $mailPage->getHeadlinesEntryBySubject($MAIL_SUBJECT);
     $this->assertNotNull($headlinesEntry, "A mail with subject {$MAIL_SUBJECT} was sent, but it could not be found on Sent folder");
     $widgetMessages = $mailPage->getWidgetMessages();
     $messageUnit = $widgetMessages->getSingleMessageUnitInConversation();
     $this->assertContains('(ninguém)', $messageUnit->getToAddresses(), 'The to address content differs from the expected');
     $this->assertEquals("({$MAIL_SENDER})", $messageUnit->getFromMail(), 'Message sender mail does not match');
     $this->assertContains("{$MAIL_SENDER}", $messageUnit->getBccAddresses(), 'Message bcc recipient mail does not match');