Example #1
#!/usr/bin/env php
use Everyman\Neo4j\Client, Everyman\Neo4j\Index\NodeIndex, Everyman\Neo4j\Index\RelationshipIndex, Everyman\Neo4j\Index\NodeFulltextIndex, Everyman\Neo4j\Node, Everyman\Neo4j\Batch;
require_once 'example_bootstrap.php';
$client = new Client();
$actorIndex = new NodeIndex($client, 'actors');
$roleIndex = new RelationshipIndex($client, 'roles');
$plotIndex = new NodeFulltextIndex($client, 'plots');
$leslie = $client->makeNode()->setProperty('name', 'Leslie Nielsen')->save();
$airplane = $client->makeNode()->setProperty('title', 'Airplane')->save();
$rumack = $leslie->relateTo($airplane, 'PLAYED')->setProperty('character', 'Dr. Rumack')->save();
$actorIndex->add($leslie, 'name', $leslie->getProperty('name'));
$roleIndex->add($rumack, 'character', $rumack->getProperty('character'));
$plotIndex->add($airplane, 'synopsis', 'An airplane crew takes ill. Surely the only person capable of landing the plane is an ex-pilot afraid to fly. But don\'t call him Shirley.');
echo $actorIndex->queryOne('name:Leslie*')->getProperty('name') . "\n";
echo $roleIndex->queryOne('character:*u*')->getProperty('character') . "\n";
echo $plotIndex->queryOne('synopsis:lend~0.2')->getProperty('title') . "\n";
Example #2
 public function index()
     $index = new Neo4j\Index\NodeFulltextIndex($this->client, 'full_text');
     $full_text = implode(' ', array_filter(array_map(function ($property) {
         // Some properties might be flagged for leaving out of the index (passwords, for example).
         if ($property->getSchema()->getOption('index.ignore')) {
             return false;
         $value = $property->getSerializedValue();
         if (is_array($value)) {
             $value = implode(' ', $value);
         return $value;
     }, $this->getProperties())));
     // Strip punctuation. This is needed because given "John, Mary and Jane", Lucene will match "Mary" but not "John" (though it will match "John,").
     $full_text = preg_replace('/\\pP\\s?/u', ' ', $full_text);
     // Needs to be saved before anything is ever added, otherwise config errors will be thrown.
     // See: https://github.com/jadell/neo4jphp/issues/77
     $index->add($this->client_object, 'full_text', $full_text);