public function persistAction($params) { $counterRank = new CounterRankUtil(); $counterRank = $counterRank->getCounterRank('posts'); $post = new Post(); $count = 0; $tableName = $post->getSource(); foreach ($counterRank->getIterator(100, CounterIterator::PERSIST_WITH_DELETING) as $items) { $values = ''; $count += count($items); $ids = ''; foreach ($items as $post_id => $heat) { if ($ids != '') { $ids .= ','; } $ids .= $post_id; $values .= " WHEN id={$post_id} THEN `count`+{$heat} "; // $values .= "({$post_id}, {$heat}, '', 'private', '', 0)"; } $sql = <<<SQL UPDATE {$tableName} SET `count` = CASE {$values} ELSE `count` END WHERE `id` IN({$ids}) SQL; $post->getWriteConnection()->execute($sql); } $this->output->writelnComment('Done! Persist ' . $count . ' items;'); }
/** * * @param int $perSize 每次迭代的数据条数 * @param bool $withRelations 是否带上关联查询 * @param int $limit 总条数限制 */ public function __construct($perSize = 100, $withRelations = true, $limit = 0) { $this->post = new Post(); $this->perSize = $perSize; $this->total_items = $this->post->count(); if ($limit > 0) { $this->total_items = max($this->total_items, $limit); } $this->postsTableName = $this->post->getSource(); $this->dbConnection = $this->post->getReadConnection(); $this->textsTableName = with(new Texts())->getSource(); $this->votesTableName = with(new Votes())->getSource(); $this->tagsPostsTableName = with(new TagsPosts())->getSource(); $this->tagsTableName = with(new Tags())->getSource(); $this->categoriesTableName = with(new CategoriesPosts())->getSource(); $this->endPosition = floor($this->total_items / $this->perSize); if ($withRelations) { $this->sql = <<<SQL SELECT \tpost.*, \tvote.upVote, \tvote.downVote, \t(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(`categoryId`) FROM `{$this->categoriesTableName}` WHERE as categoryIds, \t(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(`tagName`) FROM `{$this->tagsTableName}` WHERE id IN (SELECT `tagId` FROM `{$this->tagsPostsTableName}` WHERE `postId` as tagNames, text.content FROM `{$this->postsTableName}` as post LEFT JOIN `{$this->textsTableName}` as text \tON LEFT JOIN `{$this->votesTableName}` as vote ON SQL; } else { $this->sql = "SELECT * FROM {$this->postsTableName}"; } }
public function indexAction() { $limit = $this->request->getQuery('limit', 'int', 25); $limit = $limit > 100 ?: $limit; $limit = $limit < 10 ?: $limit; $order = $this->request->getQuery('order', 'string', '-created_at'); $query = array('q' => $this->request->getQuery('q', 'string'), 'status' => 'published', 'tid' => $this->request->getQuery('tid', 'int'), 'uid' => $this->request->getQuery('uid', 'int'), 'cid' => $this->request->getQuery('cid', 'int'), 'username' => $this->request->getQuery('username', 'string'), 'order' => $order, 'limit' => $limit, 'page' => $this->request->getQuery('page', 'int', 1)); if ($query['cid']) { $this->view->setVar('category', Category::findFirst($query['cid'])); } if ($query['uid']) { $this->view->setVar('author', UserManager::findFirst($query['uid'])); } if ($query['tid']) { $this->view->setVar('tag', Tag::findFirst($query['tid'])); } $post = new Post(); $posts = $post->findPosts($query); $paginator = new \Eva\EvaEngine\Paginator(array("builder" => $posts, "limit" => $limit, "page" => $query['page'])); $paginator->setQuery($query); $pager = $paginator->getPaginate(); $this->view->setVar('pager', $pager); $this->view->setVar('query', $query); $tag = new Tag(); $tags = $tag->getPopularTags(6); $this->view->setVar('tags', $tags); }
public function getRelatedPosts($postId, $limit = 10) { $phql = <<<QUERY SELECT B.postId, B.tagId, SUM( LOG( 100 / C.count ) ) AS weight FROM Eva\\EvaBlog\\Entities\\TagsPosts AS A LEFT JOIN Eva\\EvaBlog\\Entities\\TagsPosts AS B ON A.tagId = B.tagId LEFT JOIN Eva\\EvaBlog\\Entities\\Tags AS C ON B.tagId = WHERE A.postId = {$postId} AND B.postId != {$postId} GROUP BY B.postId ORDER BY weight DESC LIMIT {$limit} QUERY; $manager = $this->getModelsManager(); $query = $manager->createQuery($phql); $results = $query->execute(); $posts = null; $idArray = array(); if ($results->count() > 0) { foreach ($results as $result) { $idArray[] = $result->postId; } $postModel = new Post(); $postsQueryBuilder = $postModel->findPosts(array('id' => implode(',', $idArray))); $posts = $postsQueryBuilder->getQuery()->execute(); } return $posts; }
public function listAction() { $limit = $this->dispatcher->getParam('limit'); $limit = $limit ? $limit : 25; /** @noinspection PhpDuplicateArrayKeysInspection */ $query = array('q' => $this->dispatcher->getParam('q'), 'status' => $this->dispatcher->getParam('status'), 'uid' => $this->dispatcher->getParam('uid'), 'cid' => $this->dispatcher->getParam('cid'), 'tid' => $this->dispatcher->getParam('tid'), 'has_image' => $this->dispatcher->getParam('has_image', 'int'), 'min_created_at' => $this->dispatcher->getParam('min_created_at', 'int'), 'username' => $this->dispatcher->getParam('username'), 'order' => $this->dispatcher->getParam('order'), 'limit' => $limit, 'page' => $this->dispatcher->getParam('page')); $post = new Models\Post(); $posts = $post->findPosts($query); $paginator = new \Eva\EvaEngine\Paginator(array("builder" => $posts, "limit" => $query['limit'], "page" => $query['page'])); $paginator->setQuery($query); $pager = $paginator->getPaginate(); return $pager; }
/** * @operationName("Edit Post") * @operationDescription("Edit Post") */ public function editAction() { $this->view->changeRender('admin/post/create'); $post = Models\Post::findFirst($this->dispatcher->getParam('id')); if (!$post) { throw new Exception\ResourceNotFoundException('ERR_BLOG_POST_NOT_FOUND'); } $form = new Forms\PostForm(); $form->setModel($post); $form->addForm('text', 'Eva\\EvaBlog\\Forms\\TextForm'); $this->view->setVar('form', $form); $this->view->setVar('item', $post); if (!$this->request->isPost()) { return false; } $data = $this->request->getPost(); if (!$form->isFullValid($data)) { return $this->showInvalidMessages($form); } try { $form->save('updatePost'); } catch (\Exception $e) { return $this->showException($e, $form->getModel()->getMessages()); } $this->flashSession->success('SUCCESS_POST_UPDATED'); return $this->redirectHandler('/admin/post/edit/' . $post->id); }
public function __invoke($post) { if ($post instanceof Posts) { return $post->getUrl(); } return Post::getUrlByPostArr($post); }
public function listAction() { $limit = $this->request->getQuery('limit', 'int', 25); $limit = $limit > 100 ? 100 : $limit; $limit = $limit < 10 ? 10 : $limit; $order = $this->request->getQuery('order', 'string', '-created_at'); $query = array('q' => $this->request->getQuery('q', 'string'), 'status' => $this->request->getQuery('status', 'string', 'published'), 'uid' => $this->request->getQuery('uid', 'int'), 'cid' => $this->request->getQuery('cid', 'int'), 'username' => $this->request->getQuery('username', 'string'), 'order' => $order, 'limit' => $limit, 'page' => $this->request->getQuery('page', 'int', 1)); if ($query['cid']) { $this->view->setVar('category', Category::findFirst($query['cid'])); } $post = new Post(); $posts = $post->findPosts($query); $paginator = new \Eva\EvaEngine\Paginator(array("builder" => $posts, "limit" => $limit, "page" => $query['page'])); $paginator->setQuery($query); $pager = $paginator->getPaginate(); $this->view->setVar('pager', $pager); return $paginator; }
public function tutorialAction() { $id = $this->dispatcher->getParam('id'); $id = $id ? $id : 'huangjingainian'; $post = Post::findFirst(array('conditions' => "slug = :slug:", 'bind' => array('slug' => $id))); if (!$post) { throw new Exception\ResourceNotFoundException('Request post not found'); } $this->view->setVar('post', $post); }
public function getTitle() { $postId = str_replace('post_', '', $this->uniqueKey); // p($postId); $post = Post::findFirst($postId); // p($post); if ($post) { return $post->title; } return $this->title; }
public function newsAction() { $id = $this->dispatcher->getParam('id'); if (is_numeric($id)) { $post = Post::findFirst($id); } else { $post = Post::findFirstBySlug($id); } if (!$post || $post->status != 'published') { throw new Exception\ResourceNotFoundException('Request post not found'); } $this->view->setVar('post', $post); }
public function afterSave($event, Post $post) { if (!$post->id) { return; } $postArr = $post->toArray(); $postArr['tagNames'] = $post->getTagString(); $categoryIds = ''; $postArr['content'] = strip_tags($post->text->content); $postArr['summary'] = strip_tags($post->summary); if ($post->categories) { foreach ($post->categories as $category) { if ($categoryIds != '') { $categoryIds .= ','; } $categoryIds .= $category->id; } } $postArr['categoryIds'] = $categoryIds; $postArr['upVote'] = $postArr['upVote'] ? $postArr['upVote'] : 0; $es = new ElasticsearchUtil(); $es->index('wallstreetcn', 'article', $postArr, $post->id); // (json_encode($post->categories)); }
/** * @operationName("Check post slug unique") * @operationDescription("Check post slug unique") */ public function slugAction() { $slug = $this->request->get('slug'); $exclude = $this->request->get('exclude'); if ($slug) { $conditions = array("columns" => array('id'), "conditions" => 'slug = :slug:', "bind" => array('slug' => $slug)); if ($exclude) { $conditions['conditions'] .= ' AND id != :id:'; $conditions['bind']['id'] = $exclude; } $post = Models\Post::findFirst($conditions); } else { $post = array(); } if ($post) { $this->response->setStatusCode('409', 'Post Already Exists'); } return $this->response->setJsonContent(array('exist' => $post ? true : false, 'id' => $post ? $post->id : 0)); }
public function initialize() { parent::initialize(); $this->es_config = $this->getDI()->getConfig()->EvaSearch->elasticsearch->toArray(); $this->es_client = new Client(array('hosts' => $this->es_config['servers'])); }
/** * * @SWG\Api( * path="/admin/posts/{postId}", * description="Post related api", * produces="['application/json']", * @SWG\Operations( * @SWG\Operation( * method="DELETE", * summary="Delete post by ID", * notes="Returns deleted post", * @SWG\Parameters( * @SWG\Parameter( * name="postId", * description="ID of post", * paramType="path", * required=true, * type="integer" * ) * ) * ) * ) * ) * @operationName("删除文章") * @operationDescription("删除文章") */ public function deleteAction() { $id = $this->dispatcher->getParam('id'); $post = Models\Post::findFirst($id); if (!$post) { throw new Exception\ResourceNotFoundException('Request post not exist'); } $postinfo = $post->dump(Models\Post::$defaultDump); try { $post->removePost($id); return $this->response->setJsonContent($postinfo); } catch (\Exception $e) { return $this->showExceptionAsJson($e, $post->getMessages()); } }
/** * * @SWG\Api( * path="/posts/{postId}", * description="Posts Manage api", * produces="['application/json']", * @SWG\Operations( * @SWG\Operation( * method="GET", * summary="Find post by ID", * notes="Returns a post based on ID", * @SWG\Parameters( * @SWG\Parameter( * name="postId", * description="ID of post", * paramType="path", * required=true, * type="integer" * ) * ) * ) * ) * ) */ public function getAction() { $id = $this->dispatcher->getParam('id'); $postModel = new Models\Post(); $post = $postModel->findFirst($id); if (!$post || $post->status != 'published') { throw new Exception\ResourceNotFoundException('Request post not exist'); } $post = $post->dump(Models\Post::$defaultDump); return $this->response->setJsonContent($post); }