Example #1
  * @param Task $task
  * @param boolean $uniq
 public function addTask(&$task, $uniq = false)
     if (get_class($task) == "eTools\\Task\\Task") {
         Logger::debug("Try adding task for " . get_class($task->getObjet()));
         $ok = true;
         if ($uniq) {
             $paramTask = $task->getParam();
             foreach ($this->tasklist as $v) {
                 if ($v->getObjet() == $task->getObjet()) {
                     if ($v->getStatus() == Task::NOT_RUNNING) {
                         if ($v->getFunctionName() == $task->getFunctionName()) {
                             $param = $v->getParam();
                             if (count($param) == count($paramTask)) {
                                 $ok = false;
                                 foreach ($param as $k => $v) {
                                     if ($paramTask[$k] != $param[$k]) {
                                         $ok = true;
         if ($ok) {
             Logger::debug("Added task " . get_class($task->getObjet()));
             array_push($this->tasklist, $task);
Example #2
 public function __construct($scoreData)
     Logger::debug("Creating score " . $scoreData["id"]);
Example #3
 public function __construct($url)
     $this->url = str_replace("ws://", "http://", $url);
     preg_match("!^http://(.*):(\\d+)/(.*)\$!", $this->url, $match);
     $this->ip = $match[1];
     $this->port = $match[2] + 1;
     $this->scope = $match[3];
     \eTools\Utils\Logger::log("Setting WebSocket fix to " . $this->ip . ":" . $this->port);
     if (self::$sock == null) {
         self::$sock = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, SOL_UDP);
Example #4
 public function __construct(&$obj, $functionName, $time)
     Logger::debug("Creating task for " . get_class($obj) . "::taskExecute({$functionName}) at {$time}");
     $this->obj = $obj;
     $this->functionName = $functionName;
     $this->time = $time;
     $this->status = self::NOT_RUNNING;
     if (func_num_args() > 3) {
         for ($i = 3; $i < func_num_args(); $i++) {
             $this->param[] = func_get_arg($i);
Example #5
 public function dispatchEvent(Event $event)
     Logger::debug("Dispatching event " . get_class($event));
     if (@$this->listeners[get_class($event)]) {
         foreach ($this->listeners[get_class($event)] as $plugin) {
             try {
             } catch (\Exception $ex) {
                 Logger::error("Error while executing " . get_class($event) . " on " . get_class($plugin));
Example #6
 public function send($cmd)
     if ($this->server != null) {
         if ($this->status) {
             try {
                 return $this->server->rconExec($cmd);
             } catch (\Exception $e) {
                 Logger::error("Error while doing {$cmd} " . $e->getMessage());
                 return false;
     return false;
Example #7
 public function __construct($bot_ip, $bot_port)
     Logger::debug("Creating {$bot_ip}:{$bot_port}");
     $this->socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, SOL_UDP);
     if ($this->socket) {
         if (socket_bind($this->socket, $bot_ip, $bot_port)) {
             if (!socket_set_nonblock($this->socket)) {
                 throw new SocketException("Can't set non-block mode !");
         } else {
             throw new SocketException("Can't bind the socket");
     } else {
         throw new SocketException("Can't create the socket");
Example #8
 public function setStatus($newStatus, $save = false)
     $this->status = $newStatus;
     if ($save) {
         Logger::debug("Updating status to " . $this->getStatusText() . " in database");
         mysql_query("UPDATE `maps` SET status='" . $newStatus . "' WHERE id='" . $this->map_id . "'");
 private function newMatch($match_id, $ip, $rcon, $authkey)
     if (@$this->busyServers[$ip]) {
         if (time() > $this->busyServers[$ip]) {
     if (!@$this->busyServers[$ip]) {
         if (!@$this->matchs[$ip]) {
             $this->authkeys[$ip] = $authkey;
             $this->matchs[$ip] = array("id" => $match_id, "i" => $this->chooseInstance());
             $socket = \eBot\Application\ApplicationServer::getInstance()->getSocket();
             $socket->sendTo("addMatch {$match_id}", \eBot\Config\Config::getInstance()->getBot_ip(), \eBot\Config\Config::getInstance()->getBot_port() + $this->matchs[$ip]['i']);
             Logger::log("Delegating match {$match_id} to instance #" . $this->matchs[$ip]['i']);
         } else {
             throw new \Exception("MATCH_ALREADY_PLAY_ON_THIS_SERVER");
     } else {
         throw new \Exception("SERVER_BUSY");
Example #10
 public function printConfig()
     Logger::log("MySQL: " . $this->mysql_ip . ":" . $this->mysql_port . " " . $this->mysql_user . ":" . \str_repeat("*", \strlen($this->mysql_pass)) . "@" . $this->mysql_base);
     Logger::log("Socket: " . $this->bot_ip . ":" . $this->bot_port);
     Logger::log("Advertising by Season:");
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->advertising['message']); $i++) {
         Logger::log("-> " . $this->advertising['season_name'][$i] . ": " . $this->advertising['message'][$i]);
     foreach ($this->maps as $map) {
         Logger::log("-> " . $map);
Example #11
 public function stopAll()
     foreach ($this->plugins as $plugin) {
         try {
             Logger::debug("Starting plugin " . get_class($plugin));
         } catch (\Exception $ex) {
             Logger::error("Error while starting " . get_class($plugin));
Example #12
 public function adminSkipMap()
     $backupMap = $this->currentMap;
     $this->currentMap = null;
     if ($backupMap->getMapsFor() == "team1") {
         $mapFor = "team2";
     } elseif ($backupMap->getMapsFor() == "team2") {
         $mapFor = "default";
     foreach ($this->maps as $map) {
         if ($map->getMapsFor() == $mapFor) {
             if ($map->getStatus() == Map::STATUS_NOT_STARTED) {
                 $this->currentMap = $map;
     foreach ($this->maps as $map) {
         if ($map->getStatus() == Map::STATUS_NOT_STARTED) {
             if ($map->getMapsFor() == $mapFor) {
                 $this->currentMap = $map;
     if ($this->currentMap != null) {
         $this->currentMap->setStatus(Map::STATUS_STARTING, true);
         $this->setStatus(self::STATUS_STARTING, true);
         \mysql_query("UPDATE `matchs` SET `current_map` = '" . $this->currentMap->getMapId() . "' WHERE `id` = '" . $this->match_id . "'");
         Logger::debug("Setting need knife round on map");
         $this->nbOT = 0;
         $this->score["team_a"] = 0;
         $this->score["team_b"] = 0;
         $this->addLog("Engaging next map " . $this->currentMap->getMapName());
         $this->addMatchLog("Engaging next map " . $this->currentMap->getMapName());
         $time = microtime(true);
         $this->timeEngageMap = $time;
         $this->addLog("Skipping Map");
         TaskManager::getInstance()->addTask(new Task($this, self::TASK_ENGAGE_MAP, $time));
     } else {
         $this->setStatus(self::STATUS_END_MATCH, true);
         Logger::error("Not map found");
         $this->addLog("Match is closed");
     return true;
Example #13
 public function delayServer($ip, $delay = null)
     if (!@$this->busyServers[$ip]) {
         if ($delay == null) {
             $delay = \eBot\Config\Config::getInstance()->getDelay_busy_server();
         $this->busyServers[$ip] = time() + $delay;
         Logger::log("Delay {$ip} for {$delay} seconds");
Example #14
 public function restoreSnapshot($round)
     $sql = \mysql_query("SELECT * FROM players_snapshot WHERE player_id ='" . $this->mysql_id . "' AND round_id='" . $round . "' ") or dir(mysql_error());
     $req = \mysql_fetch_array($sql);
     if ($req) {
         Logger::log("Restoring player " . $this->steamid . " from match " . $this->match_id . " for round " . $round);
         $this->kill = $req['nb_kill'];
         $this->assist = $req['assist'];
         $this->death = $req['death'];
         $this->point = $req['point'];
         $this->hs = $req['hs'];
         $this->defuse = $req['defuse'];
         $this->bombe = $req['bombe'];
         $this->tk = $req['tk'];
         $this->v1 = $req['nb1'];
         $this->v2 = $req['nb2'];
         $this->v3 = $req['nb3'];
         $this->v4 = $req['nb4'];
         $this->v5 = $req['nb5'];
         $this->k1 = $req['nb1kill'];
         $this->k2 = $req['nb2kill'];
         $this->k3 = $req['nb3kill'];
         $this->k4 = $req['nb4kill'];
         $this->k5 = $req['nb5kill'];
         $this->firstKill = $req['firstkill'];
     } else {
         Logger::log("Snapshot not found for " . $this->steamid . " from match " . $this->match_id . " for round " . $round);
Example #15
 public function addMessage(Message $message)
     Logger::log("Adding message " . get_class($message) . " to " . $this->name);
     $this->messages[] = $message;
 public function engageMatch($id)
     $sql = mysql_query("SELECT m.team_a_name as team_a_name, m.team_b_name as team_b_name, m.id as match_id, m.config_authkey as config_authkey, t_a.name as team_a, t_b.name as team_b, s.id as server_id, s.ip as server_ip, s.rcon as server_rcon FROM `matchs` m LEFT JOIN `servers` s ON s.id = m.server_id LEFT JOIN `teams` t_a ON t_a.id = m.team_a LEFT JOIN `teams` t_b ON t_b.id = m.team_b WHERE m.`status` >= " . Match::STATUS_STARTING . " AND m.`status` < " . Match::STATUS_END_MATCH . " AND m.`enable` = 1 AND m.id = " . $id) or die(mysql_error());
     while ($req = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql)) {
         if (!@$this->matchs[$req['server_ip']]) {
             try {
                 $teamA = $this->getTeamDetails($req['team_a'], 'a', $req);
                 $teamB = $this->getTeamDetails($req['team_a'], 'b', $req);
                 Logger::log("New match detected - " . $teamA['name'] . " vs " . $teamB['name'] . " on " . $req['server_ip']);
                 $this->newMatch($req["match_id"], $req['server_ip'], $req['server_rcon'], $req['config_authkey']);
             } catch (MatchException $ex) {
                 Logger::error("Error while creating the match");
                 mysql_query("UPDATE `matchs` SET enable=0 WHERE id = '" . $req['match_id'] . "'") or die(mysql_error());
             } catch (\Exception $ex) {
                 if ($ex->getMessage() == "SERVER_BUSY") {
                     Logger::error($req["server_ip"] . " is busy for " . (time() - $this->busyServers[$req['server_ip']]));
                 } elseif ($ex->getMessage() == "MATCH_ALREADY_PLAY_ON_THIS_SERVER") {
                     Logger::error("A match is already playing on " . $req["server_ip"]);
Example #17
 private function initDatabase()
     $conn = @\mysql_connect(Config::getInstance()->getMysql_ip(), Config::getInstance()->getMysql_user(), Config::getInstance()->getMysql_pass());
     if (!$conn) {
         Logger::error("Can't login into database " . Config::getInstance()->getMysql_user() . "@" . Config::getInstance()->getMysql_ip());
     if (!\mysql_select_db(Config::getInstance()->getMysql_base(), $conn)) {
         Logger::error("Can't select database " . Config::getInstance()->getMysql_base());
 public function onEnd()
     Logger::log("Ending " . get_class($this));