Example #1
    protected function _prepareLayout()
        $this->appendHelpBlock(['no_collapse' => true, 'no_hide' => true, 'content' => $this->__(<<<HTML
                <p>We strongly recommend you to review the detailed documentation, specially created for
                the M2E Pro Clients, to find answers to your questions as many solutions have already been 
                described. You can use the following resources:</p>
                <li><p><a href="%url_1%" target="_blank">Documentation</a> - structured documents containing detailed 
                instructions on how to use M2E Pro Extension;</p></li>
                <li><p><a href="%url_2%" target="_blank">Knowledge Base</a> - a collection of articles
                describing the causes of the common errors as well as the solutions to the frequently 
                asked questions;</p></li>
                <li><p><a href="%url_3%" target="_blank">Ideas Workshop</a> - a base of notices where you 
                can find other Users’ suggestions as well as offer your idea about a new feature which
                could be useful in M2E Pro;</p></li>
                <li><p><a href="%url_4%" target="_blank">Community Forum</a> - an open M2E Pro discussion forum 
                where our Users discuss and search for solutions together.</p></li>
                <p>Yet, if you still cannot find the answer to the issue you have faced, you can contact our 
                Customer Support Team using the <strong>Contact Support</strong> form. In case your Subscription
                Plan does not include a ticket technical support, an automatic email notification about the plan 
                terms and conditions will be sent to your request.</p>
, $this->getHelper('Module\\Support')->getDocumentationUrl(NULL, NULL, 'x/u4AVAQ'), $this->getHelper('Module\\Support')->getKnowledgeBaseUrl(), $this->getHelper('Module\\Support')->getIdeasBaseUrl(), $this->getHelper('Module\\Support')->getCommunityBaseUrl())]);
Example #2
    protected function _prepareLayout()
On this step, you should link your Amazon Account with your M2E Pro.<br/><br/>
Please, select the Marketplace you are going to sell on and click on Continue button.
Example #3
    protected function _prepareLayout()
On this step, you should link your eBay Account with your M2E Pro.<br/><br/>
You can proceed with both Live and Sandbox eBay Environments. Live environment is set by default.
Example #4
    protected function _prepareLayout()
M2E Pro requires activation for further work. To activate your installation,
you should obtain a <strong>License Key</strong>. For more details, please read our
<a href="%1%" target="_blank">Privacy Policy</a>.<br/><br/>
Fill out the form below with the necessary data. The information will be used to create your
<strong>Account</strong> on <a href="%2%" target="_blank">M2E Pro Clients Portal</a> and a new
License Key will be generated automatically.<br/><br/>
Having access to your Account on clients.m2epro.com will let you manage your Subscription,
monitor Trial and Paid Period terms, control License Key(s) data, etc.
, $this->getHelper('Module\\Support')->getMainWebsiteUrl() . 'privacy', $this->getHelper('Module\\Support')->getClientsPortalBaseUrl()));
Example #5
    protected function _prepareLayout()
        $form = $this->_formFactory->create();
        $moduleConfig = $this->getHelper('Module')->getConfig();
        $form->addField('cron_job_details', self::HELP_BLOCK, ['no_collapse' => true, 'no_hide' => true, 'content' => $this->__(<<<HTML
                     <p>M2E Pro is an automatic tool for inventory data management on eBay, Amazon, etc.
                     The concept of the Module implies initial configurations which then become the basis 
                     of an automatic operation. Continuous data synchronization is required to ensure the automatic
                     execution of tasks. Frequency of data synchronization is determined by the Cron Job.
                     M2E Pro Synchronization can be run using 2 types of Cron Jobs:</p>
                     <li><p><strong>M2E Pro Cron Service</strong></p>
                        <p>It is the Cron Job which is used in M2E Pro by default. 
                        This Service was created by M2E Pro Developers specially for Module Clients. 
                        It provides an automatic initialization of M2E Pro Extension via HTTP GET request.</p>
                        <p>This solution has a lot of advantages: users do not need to configure
                        the Magento Cron Job, M2E Pro Synchronization is performed in the same environment 
                        where the Magento admin panel or front-end are working, it prevents the risk of the
                        double synchronization problem (which could be a real issue in the earlier Magento versions)
                        along with other major advantages. Which explains why M2E Pro Cron Service is of a higher 
                        priority as compared to other available options.</p>
                        <p><strong>Considering the fact that M2E Pro Cron Service works over HTTP,
                        it is necessary to ensure that the IP of M2E Pro Cron Service is not blocked
                        by the Firewall or whitelisted on your server. </strong></p>
                        <p>The list of M2E Pro Cron Service IPs is,</p>
                     <li><p><strong>Magento Cron</strong></p>
                     <p>Magento Cron can be automatically enabled only in case when automatic synchronization
                     cannot be executed via M2E Pro Cron Service (e.g. if M2E Pro Cron Service IP is 
                     blocked by the Firewall of the web-server).</p>
                     <p>This type of Cron Jobs is based on the Magento Cron which can cause various problems,
                     e.g. double synchronization (which is inherent into the earlier Magento versions).</p>
                     <p><strong>To provide proper work of Magento Cron Job,
                     primary correct settings are required.</strong></p>
                     <p>In the list below you can find which Cron Job type is used in your system, 
                     the date of the last synchronization run and notices about the Magento Cron settings 
                     which might be helpful if you need to configure Magento Cron.</p>
        $fieldSet = $form->addFieldset('field_current_status', ['legend' => $this->__('Current Status'), 'collapsable' => false]);
        $fieldSet->addField('current_status_type', 'note', ['label' => $this->__('Type'), 'text' => ucfirst($this->getHelper('Module\\Cron')->getRunner())]);
        if ($this->getHelper('Module\\Cron')->isRunnerService() && !$this->getData('is_support_mode')) {
            $fieldSet->addField('current_status_service_auth_key', 'note', ['label' => $this->__('Service Auth Key'), 'text' => $moduleConfig->getGroupValue('/cron/service/', 'auth_key')]);
        $cronLastRunTime = $this->getHelper('Module\\Cron')->getLastRun();
        if (!is_null($cronLastRunTime)) {
            $this->cronIsNotWorking = $this->getHelper('Module\\Cron')->isLastRunMoreThan(12, true);
        } else {
            $cronLastRunTime = 'N/A';
        $fieldSet->addField('current_status_last_run', 'note', ['label' => $this->__('Last Run'), 'text' => "<span>{$cronLastRunTime}</span>" . ($this->cronIsNotWorking ? '' : ' (' . $this->__('not working') . ')'), 'style' => !$this->cronIsNotWorking ?: 'color: red']);
        if (!$this->getData('is_support_mode') && (bool) (int) $moduleConfig->getGroupValue('/cron/service/', 'disabled')) {
            $fieldSet->addField('current_status_service_cron_state', 'note', ['label' => $this->__('Service Cron State'), 'text' => $this->__('Disabled by Developer'), 'style' => 'color: red']);
        if (!$this->getData('is_support_mode') && (bool) (int) $moduleConfig->getGroupValue('/cron/magento/', 'disabled')) {
            $fieldSet->addField('current_status_magento_cron_state', 'note', ['label' => $this->__('Magento Cron State'), 'text' => $this->__('Disabled by Developer'), 'style' => 'color: red']);
        if ($this->isShownRecommendationsMessage()) {
            $fieldSet = $form->addFieldset('field_setup_instruction', ['legend' => $this->__('Additional'), 'collapsable' => false]);
            $baseDir = $this->getHelper('Client')->getBaseDirectory();
            $fieldSet->addField('setup_instruction_php', 'note', ['label' => $this->__('PHP Command'), 'text' => 'php -q ' . $baseDir . 'cron.php -mdefault 1']);
            $baseUrl = $this->getHelper('Magento')->getBaseUrl();
            $fieldSet->addField('setup_instruction_get', 'note', ['label' => $this->__('GET Command'), 'text' => 'GET ' . $baseUrl . 'cron.php']);
        $fieldSet = $form->addFieldset('field_additional', ['legend' => $this->__('Additional'), 'collapsable' => false]);
        if ($this->isShownServiceDescriptionMessage()) {
            $fieldSet->addField('setup_instruction_service', 'note', ['label' => $this->__('What is the Cron Type Service?'), 'text' => $this->__('It is M2E Pro Cron System where you were registered automatically during the
                        Extension Installation.
                        No additional Settings are required. Our Service does HTTP calls to your Magento from
                        IP address: <b>%server_ip%</b>.', gethostbyname($moduleConfig->getGroupValue('/cron/service/', 'hostname')))]);
        if (!$this->getData('is_support_mode')) {
            $fieldSet->addField('setup_instruction_schedule', 'note', ['label' => $this->__('Cron Schedule Table'), 'text' => "<a href=\"\n                                {$this->getUrl('*/adminhtml_development_inspection/cronScheduleTable')}\n                                \" target=\"_blank\">\n                                {$this->__('Show')}\n                                </a>"]);
        $fieldSet->addField('recommendation_message', 'note', ['text' => '<strong>' . $this->__('We recommend to set up your Magento Cron Job to be run every 1 minute (e.g. * * * * *).') . '</strong>', 'style' => 'text-align: center;']);
        return parent::_prepareLayout();
Example #6
    protected function _prepareLayout()
        $this->appendHelpBlock(['content' => $this->__('
                Selling Format Policy contains Price and Quantity related data for the Items,
                which will be Listed on Amazon.<br/><br/>

                While Listing on Amazon, the Magento Price can be modified by providing a Price Change Value.
                There is a Price
                Change box next to each Price Options Dropdown.<br/><br/>


                <ul class="list">
                    <li>If you want the Price on Amazon to be greater by 15% than the Price in Magento,
                    you should set +15% in the Price Change field.<br/>
                    <i>Amazon Price = Magento Price + Magento Price * 0.15</i></li>
                    <li>If you want the Price on Amazon to be less by 10 Currency units than the Price in Magento,
                    you should set -10 in the Price Change field.<br/>
                    <i>Amazon Price = Magento Price - 10</i></li>
                    <li>If you want the Price on Amazon to be multiplied by coefficient 1.2,
                    you should set 1.2 in the Price Change field.<br/>
                    <i>Amazon Price = Magento Price * 1.2</i></li>

                <strong>Note:</strong> If the Special Price is chosen in the <strong>Price</strong> Option,
                but it is not set in Magento
                Product Settings or has already expired, the Product Price will be used instead.<br/>
                If the Special Price is chosen in the <strong>Sale Price</strong> Option,
                its Magento <strong>From</strong>, <strong>To</strong> dates will be taken into
                consideration. Once the Sale Price has expired, the Price will be used.<br/>
                If those dates are not specified, the <strong>Sale Price</strong>
                will be set <strong>From</strong> this moment <strong>To</strong>
                the year ahead.<br/><br/>

                <strong>Note:</strong> Attributes must contain only Numeric Values.')]);