/** * Construct Method * * @param array $options */ public function __construct($options = []) { parent::__construct($options); $this->StyleSheets = []; $this->JavaScripts = []; $this->Positions = []; }
/** * @param array $URI */ public function __construct($URI) { parent::__construct([]); if (is_string($URI)) { $this->URI = $URI; $this->parse($URI); } }
/** * Load the active cookies of the current session * * @param array $Options */ public function __construct($Options = []) { parent::__construct($Options); if (!isset($this->Cookies)) { $this->Cookies =& $_COOKIE; } $this->newCookies = []; }
/** * @param array $Identities */ public function __construct($Identities) { parent::__construct([]); $this->Identities = []; if (is_string($Identities)) { $Identities = json_decode($Identities, true); } $this->mergeIdentities($Identities); }
/** * @param mixed $Rules */ public function __construct($Rules = null) { parent::__construct([]); $this->Actions = []; if (is_string($Rules)) { $this->merge(json_decode($Rules, true)); } elseif (is_object($Rules) || is_array($Rules)) { $this->mergeCollection((array) $Rules); } }
/** * @param string $TemplateDir * @param string $Template * @param string $Position * @param array $Variables * @param bool $Buffer */ public function __construct($TemplateDir, $Template, $Position, $Variables = [], $Buffer = true) { parent::__construct([]); $this->TemplateDir = $TemplateDir; $this->Template = $Template; $this->Position = $Position; $this->blBuffer = $Buffer; $this->Variables = []; $this->VariablesByRef = []; $this->assign($Variables); }
/** * return option passed through cli * * @param string $Key * @return string */ public function getCLIOption($Key) { return $this->CLIOptions->get($Key); }
/** * @return mixed */ public function getComponent() { if (!isset($this->Component)) { $dbh = Factory::getDBH(); $_Component = Factory::getRouter()->getRoute('Component'); $_Controller = Factory::getRouter()->getRoute('Controller'); $Action = Factory::getRouter()->getRoute('Action'); $ID = Factory::getRouter()->getRoute('ID'); try { $stmt = $dbh->prepare('SELECT * FROM Component WHERE ApplicationID = :AppID AND blStatus = 1 AND Component = :Component;'); try { $stmt->bindValue(':AppID', $this->ApplicationID, PDO::PARAM_STR); $stmt->bindValue(':Component', (string) ucfirst($_Component), PDO::PARAM_STR); $stmt->execute(); $Component = new Object($stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)); } catch (PDOException $e) { $dbh->catchException($e, $stmt->queryString); throw new Exception('EpsilonCMS cannot Load Component DB'); } if ($Component->get('ComponentID')) { $AccessLevels = Factory::getUser()->getAuthorizedLevels(); /** Verify if the current user has access to the component */ if (!in_array($Component->get('AccessLevelID'), $AccessLevels)) { if (Factory::getUser()->isGuest()) { if (Factory::getApplication()->isCLI()) { Factory::getLogger()->alert(Factory::getLanguage()->_('NOT_AUTHORIZED')); } else { Factory::getApplication()->redirectLogin(); } } else { Factory::getApplication()->redirectHome(); } } /** Creates the Class|Controller Namespace */ $Namespace = '\\Components\\' . $_Component . '\\Controllers\\'; /** * If the route contains a controller use that controller * else * use the component name as default controller */ if ($_Controller) { $Controller = $_Controller; } else { $Controller = $_Component; } $Class = $Namespace . $Controller; if (!class_exists($Class)) { throw new \Exception("Controller does not exist {$Controller}->{$Action}({$ID})"); } $Component = new $Class($dbh, $Component); /** Verify if the method (Action) exist */ if (is_callable([$Component, $Action])) { $Component->{$Action}($ID); } else { throw new \Exception("Controller method does not exist {$Controller}->{$Action}({$ID})"); } $this->Component = $Component; } else { throw new \Exception('Component {' . $_Component . '} does not exist in Database'); } } catch (\Exception $e) { Factory::getLogger()->alert('ComponentManagerException: {Message} {File} {Line}', ['Message' => $e->getMessage(), 'File' => $e->getFile(), 'Line' => $e->getLine()]); } } return $this->Component; }
/** * @param array $Options */ public function __construct($Options = []) { parent::__construct($Options); $this->arRouteMaps = $this->getRouteMaps(); $this->defaultRouteMap = $this->getDefaultRouteMap(); }
/** * @param $Results * @param $ElementID * @param null $MaxPageSize * @return \Epsilon\Object\Object */ public static function foundationListPaging($Results, $ElementID, $MaxPageSize = null) { $CurrentPage = Input::getVar("CurrentPage", "REQUEST"); if (is_integer($MaxPageSize)) { $PageSize = $MaxPageSize; } else { $PageSize = Config::MAX_PAGE_SIZE; } $Paging = new Object(['HTML' => null, 'Init' => 0, 'Max' => $PageSize, 'Results' => 0, 'PageInit' => 0, 'PageMax' => 0, 'TotalPages' => 0, 'TotalResults' => 0]); if (is_array($Results)) { $TotalResults = count($Results); } else { if (is_numeric($Results)) { $TotalResults = $Results; } else { $TotalResults = 0; } } if ($TotalResults > 0) { $TotalPages = self::getTotalPages($TotalResults, $PageSize); if ($CurrentPage > $TotalPages) { $CurrentPage = $TotalPages; } elseif (!is_numeric($CurrentPage) || !((int) $CurrentPage > 0) || (int) $CurrentPage == 0) { $CurrentPage = 1; } if ($CurrentPage > 1) { $Init = ($CurrentPage - 1) * $PageSize; $Max = $PageSize; $PageInit = ($CurrentPage - 1) * $PageSize + 1; $PageMax = $PageInit + $PageSize - 1; } else { $Init = 0; $Max = $PageSize; $PageInit = 1; $PageMax = $PageInit + $Max - 1; } if ($PageMax >= $TotalResults) { $PageMax = $TotalResults; } $Pages = self::getPages($CurrentPage, $TotalPages); $HTML = ""; $PreviousSet = false; if (is_string($ElementID)) { $ElementID = "\"{$ElementID}\""; } else { $ElementID = "null"; } $eLanguage = Factory::getLanguage(); $PagesCount = 0; foreach ($Pages as $p) { $PagesCount++; if (!$PreviousSet) { $Previus = $CurrentPage - 1; if ($CurrentPage != 1) { $HTML .= "<ul class=\"pagination text-center\" role=\"navigation\" aria-label=\"Pagination\">\n<li class=\"pagination-previous\"><a href='javascript:goToPage({$Previus}, {$ElementID})'><span class=\"show-for-sr\">page</span> " . $eLanguage->_("LIST-RESULT-PREVIOUS") . "</a></li>\n"; } else { $HTML .= "<ul class=\"pagination text-center\" role=\"navigation\" aria-label=\"Pagination\">\n<li class=\"pagination-previous disabled\"><span class=\"show-for-sr\">page</span> " . $eLanguage->_("LIST-RESULT-PREVIOUS") . "</li>\n"; } $PreviousSet = true; } if ($CurrentPage == $p) { $HTML .= "<li class='current'><span class=\"show-for-sr\">You're on page </span > {$p}</li > \n"; } else { $HTML .= " <li><a href = 'javascript:goToPage({$p},{$ElementID})' > {$p}</a ></li > \n"; } if ($PagesCount == count($Pages)) { $Next = $CurrentPage + 1; if ($CurrentPage != $p) { $HTML .= "<li class=\"pagination-next\"><a aria-label=\"Next page\" href='javascript:goToPage({$Next},{$ElementID})'>" . $eLanguage->_("LIST-RESULT-NEXT") . " <span class=\"show-for-sr\">page</span></a></li></ul>"; } else { $HTML .= "<li class=\"pagination-next disabled\"><span class=\"show-for-sr\">page</span>" . $eLanguage->_("LIST-RESULT-NEXT") . "</li>\n</ul>"; } } } $Paging->setProperties(['HTML' => $HTML, 'Init' => $Init, 'Max' => $Max, 'Results' => $PageMax - $PageInit + 1, 'PageInit' => $PageInit, 'PageMax' => $PageMax, 'TotalPages' => $TotalPages, 'TotalResults' => $TotalResults]); } return $Paging; }
/** * @param array $ApplicationID */ public function __construct($ApplicationID) { parent::__construct(['ApplicationID' => $ApplicationID]); $this->Modules; $this->AvailableMenuIDs = []; }
/** * @param array $Options */ public function __construct($Options = []) { parent::__construct($Options); $this->clearStatics(); }