Example #1

 * Settings form.
return array('form' => array('method' => 'post', 'groups' => array('flags' => array('legend' => 'Site Content Display Flags', 'elements' => array('special_event_if_stream_active' => array('radio', array('label' => 'Automatically Enable Special Events when PVL Stream Live', 'description' => 'This will cause the special event code below to automatically preempt the homepage rotator if any stream is active on the PVL Special Events channel.', 'multiOptions' => array(0 => 'No', 1 => 'Yes'), 'default' => 1)), 'special_event' => array('radio', array('label' => 'Special Event - Manual Override', 'description' => 'Causes an advertisement to tune in to the stream to preempt any other rotating images on the homepage.', 'multiOptions' => array(0 => 'No', 1 => 'Yes'), 'default' => 0)), 'special_event_embed_code' => array('textarea', array('label' => 'Special Event - Left Panel Embed Code', 'class' => 'full-width full-height input-code', 'spellcheck' => 'false')), 'special_event_chat_code' => array('textarea', array('label' => 'Special Event - Right Panel Chat', 'class' => 'full-width double-height input-code', 'spellcheck' => 'false')), 'special_event_station_id' => array('select', array('label' => 'Special Event - Default Station', 'description' => 'Configure a station to autoplay on the homepage when loaded. This should only be used when a radio station should be shown instead of the video stream (uncommon).', 'multiOptions' => \Entity\Station::fetchSelect(TRUE))), 'footer_message' => array('textarea', array('label' => 'Footer Custom Message to Visitors', 'class' => 'full-width double-height input-code', 'spellcheck' => 'false')))), 'misc' => array('legend' => 'Miscellaneous Items', 'elements' => array('notes' => array('textarea', array('label' => 'Scratch Area', 'description' => 'The code and other items pasted here aren\'t displayed anywhere in the system, but are useful for storing notes related to this page, including other embed codes.', 'class' => 'full-width double-height input-code', 'spellcheck' => 'false')))), 'submit' => array('legend' => '', 'elements' => array('submit' => array('submit', array('type' => 'submit', 'label' => 'Save Changes', 'helper' => 'formButton', 'class' => 'ui-button')))))));
Example #2

return array('method' => 'post', 'enctype' => 'multipart/form-data', 'groups' => array('profile' => array('legend' => 'Basic Details', 'elements' => array('name' => array('text', array('label' => 'Name', 'class' => 'half-width', 'required' => true)), 'description' => array('textarea', array('label' => 'Podcast Description', 'description' => 'Tell us about what you do in the pony community, what projects you\'ve worked with, or how you want to contribute in the future.', 'class' => 'full-width half-height')), 'country' => array('select', array('label' => 'Country of Broadcast', 'multiOptions' => \PVL\Internationalization::getCountryLookup(), 'default' => '')), 'web_url' => array('text', array('label' => 'Web Site Address', 'class' => 'half-width', 'validators' => array('WebAddress'))), 'contact_email' => array('text', array('label' => 'Contact E-mail Address', 'description' => 'Include to show an e-mail link for the station on the "Contact Us" page.', 'validators' => array('EmailAddress'), 'class' => 'half-width')), 'image_url' => array('image', array('label' => 'Avatar (150x150 PNG)', 'description' => 'This is the small image that appears on your profile. Images should be under 150x150px in size. Larger images will automatically be scaled.')), 'banner_url' => array('image', array('label' => 'Promotional Banner (600x300 PNG)', 'description' => 'This image will be shown in the header rotator when new episodes are posted. Images should be 600x300.')), 'stations' => array('multiCheckbox', array('label' => 'Airs on Station(s)', 'description' => 'Select the station(s) that this podcast broadcasts on.', 'multiOptions' => \Entity\Station::fetchSelect())), 'is_adult' => array('radio', array('label' => 'Contains Adult (18+) Content', 'description' => 'If this podcast contains any content that may be considered "R-rated", or suitable only for adults 18 years or older, please select "Yes" below to indicate this on public pages.', 'multiOptions' => array(0 => 'No', 1 => 'Yes'), 'default' => 0)), 'always_use_banner_url' => array('radio', array('label' => 'Always Use Promotional Banner for New Episode Promotion', 'description' => 'When promoting an individual episode, if PVL is able to pull an individual thumbnail for the video, it will use this for promoting the episode instead of the one you supply above. To force the banner URL above to always be used, select "Yes" here.', 'multiOptions' => array(0 => 'No', 1 => 'Yes'), 'default' => 0)))), 'social' => array('legend' => 'Social Networking Links', 'description' => '
                <b>Note: Updating these links does not automatically update the source of your podcast episodes.</b> To do this, visit the "Syndication Sources" page in the Podcast Center.<br>
                All fields are optional. Most of the time, your web address for these services will match the format shown in the field.
            ', 'elements' => array('rss_url' => array('text', array('label' => 'RSS Feed Address', 'class' => 'half-width', 'validators' => array('WebAddress'))), 'twitter_url' => array('text', array('label' => 'Twitter Address', 'class' => 'half-width', 'validators' => array('WebAddress'), 'placeholder' => 'http://www.twitter.com/YourUsername')), 'tumblr_url' => array('text', array('label' => 'Tumblr Address', 'class' => 'half-width', 'validators' => array('WebAddress'), 'placeholder' => 'http://YourUsername.tumblr.com')), 'facebook_url' => array('text', array('label' => 'Facebook Address', 'class' => 'half-width', 'validators' => array('WebAddress'), 'placeholder' => 'http://www.facebook.com/YourUserName')), 'youtube_url' => array('text', array('label' => 'YouTube Address', 'class' => 'half-width', 'validators' => array('WebAddress'), 'placeholder' => 'http://www.youtube.com/YourUsername')), 'soundcloud_url' => array('text', array('label' => 'SoundCloud Address', 'class' => 'half-width', 'validators' => array('WebAddress'), 'placeholder' => 'http://www.soundcloud.com/YourUsername')), 'deviantart_url' => array('text', array('label' => 'DeviantArt Address', 'class' => 'half-width', 'validators' => array('WebAddress'), 'placeholder' => 'http://YourUsername.deviantart.com')), 'livestream_url' => array('text', array('label' => 'LiveStream Address', 'class' => 'half-width', 'validators' => array('WebAddress'), 'placeholder' => 'http://livestream.com/username')))), 'admin' => array('legend' => 'Administrator Details', 'elements' => array('is_approved' => array('radio', array('label' => 'Is Approved', 'multiOptions' => array(0 => 'No', 1 => 'Yes'), 'default' => 1)))), 'submit_grp' => array('elements' => array('submit' => array('submit', array('type' => 'submit', 'label' => 'Save Changes', 'helper' => 'formButton', 'class' => 'ui-button'))))));